Chapter 5

365Year~ [BOYBAND ; Closed !]

[Idol Cam: Minsung & Junghee Ver. (Cameo: Junghwa)]


“Annyeong, Minsung iminda…!” Minsung smiled, trying to find a spot for the camera with Junghee in the background, sitting on the couch while reading a paper. Minsung finally found a spot and set the camera correctly.      “Junghee Hyung and I will be singing ‘I Sing for You’ by Gilgu Bonggu.”

“I’m ready!” Junghee grinned and set the paper down, Minsung sat next to him Hyung and scanned over the paper before turning on the rhythm of the song from his laptop on the coffee table.   “You ready?” Junghee asked, in a whisper.   “I’m always ready when it comes to singing~” Minsung winked back.




I really miss you

I'm in front of your house, can you come out?

There's something I want you to listen to, will you listen up?

Will you listen for just 4 minutes?

For you, only for you

This song that I made with my sincerity

My heart that wants to sing for you

The words that I want to whisper to you

The smile that always gives me strength

I put all of these in and make a song

I will sing for you, with this fluttering heart

I will sing for you, that I love you



The heartbeat that I feel through your two hands

There are still things that I haven't told you yet

I will tell you through this song

For you, for only you

This song that I made with my sincerity



My heart that wants to sing for you



The words that I want to whisper to you

The smile that always gives me strength

I would sing everything I have for you



Only for you, only for you

Day after day, I will sing for you



My heart that wants to sing to you

The words that I want to whisper to you

The smile that always gives me strength



I put all of these in and make a song

I will sing for you, with this fluttering heart

I will sing for you, that I love you



I want us to be together forever, like we are now

Oh, I sing for you

([Junghee] Oh, I sing for you)



“Thank you and goodbye~~” Minsung blew the camera a kiss, and Junghee did Aegyo. Junghwa came in the room, eyed the two other members who were still trying to be cute before he sighed, went over to the camera, and turned it off. Minsung and Junghee complained loudly.



[Idol Cam: Jaemin, Elly, Chansik, & De Lin (Cameo: Chinhoo)]



{Elly > Donghae , Chansik > Teacher in blue , Jaemin > Eunhyuk , De Lin > Teacher with gray hat , Manager > Chinhoo}


"Yay,” The others cheered for the members. Chansik was bowing and waving like he was in front of a crowd, everyone just ignored him anyway and talked about how much cooler everyone else was compared to him. Even Chinhoo, who was known to be “horrible”—this made the eldest pout and try to gain back everyone’s attention.

Gu Reum was the only one who smiled his way and patted his friends head.    “I think Hyung was the coolest.”



[Back to the escape..!]


So far those caught were: Junghwa, Gu Reum, Elly, Jaemin, Mingyu, and Hyojun. Leaving: Minsung, Hoon, Chansik, Jin, Junghee, Donggyu, and De Lin still being chased—De Lin has a close call. He was by himself, walking in the crowded street. He figured that the managers wouldn’t be able to spot him out so easily.

Minsung, Hoon, and Jin were eating it up. It was near ten and it was either—the managers getting super angry and going to be aggressive and get everyone down (or mostly everyone) or they already gave up. Either way, they were only going to trust each other. If they saw another member, they couldn’t trust that person (to bad all of those out were locked in the vans so the other members they would see are innocent).

Chansik, like De Lin, was by himself. His hands behind his head as he walked casually down the street. Even as the oldest, he was probably the quickest.     “Aish… this is so boring…” He stomach growled and went into a café. He saw Junghee and Donggyu and walked over.

“Hiya kids,” He smiled and sat down eating their food. Junghee pouted.   “Hyung that was mine…” Donggyu ignored the new presence and continued playing with his phone.      “Who’s out?” Donggyu looked up, finally, and eyed his Hyung.

“I don’t know, actually. Knowing Kyuhyuk Hyung he probably took everyone’s cell phones.” Chansik sat straight up.         “Ani he can’t take my cell phone!” Junghee chuckled,   “Do you even use your cell phone? Last time I saw your phone it was on the floor of your room.”

“Yah,” Chansik pouted. “I have all my fanfictions saved in there!”

“…tch, you idiot,” Donggyu rolled his eyes.

Chansik just smiled proudly, “Excuse me, that’s how Hoon and I bond~” The other two blinked.       “Hoon..?” Donggyu questioned, not actually believing Chansik.         “So, you’re telling me Hoon reads fanfictions?” Chansik shrugged his shoulders with a sly grin.


“Kekeke~ relax Donggyu~” Chansik took a sip of Junghee’s coffee.



De Lin pulled his jacket closer and shivered. It was getting damn cold. He wanted to find someone and stick with them. He was thinking of Elly and pouted, why did the Maknae have to be so easy?!       “Yah…” He was deep in his thoughts to realize that someone was walking beside him until the mystery person casually put their arm over De Lin’s shoulder.

“De Lin~ I expected better from you,” Chinhoo smiled and pressed his nose against De Lin’s cheek.        “Aigo, my quiet baby is cold! Let’s get you warmed up~” He gestured towards the van. De Lin scowled and with a sign, entered the van with a welcoming from Mingyu, Jaemin, and Hyojun.

Although he was disappointed, he felt really lucky that he was caught by Chinhoo instead of Kyuhyuk. He noticed how those members still had their phones and relaxed in his seat with the heater hitting him. The other members chatted away in the car and played around.



“Okay, I’ll give you back your phones if you catch the other members.” Kyuhyuk said, looking back at the boys in his car. Elly shook his head. “Never..!” The others, though, wanted their cell phones back and agreed.

“Okay, you need to catch Minsung, Hoon, Chansik, Jin, Junghee, and Donggyu. De Lin just got caught. Now go!” Elly stayed in his place. He wouldn’t throw Minsung under the bus. Gu Reum and Junghwa were all for it, though. They knew they might as well go after Hoon, Junghee, and Donggyu because those members were going to be easier.

“Who first..?” Gu Reum asked.     “Junghee and whoever’s he’s with. I’m sure he’s with Donggyu, though.”



“Only thoughts of you occupy my mind~” Minsung sang, Hoon rolled his eyes and one of Jin’s arms wound around Minsung.     “Even when I yearn for something else~ even when we’re far apart for a moment~ in the end it’s you, in the end it’s you~ it’s so mysterious~”

Just as Minsung was about to sing another song, he spotted out Kyuhyuk and sprinted away from the other members. Hoon was caught, he knew it. Jin was probably right behind him. Minsung hid in an ally, and before Jin could pass he grabbed the leader by his arm and pulled him into the ally with him.

“Shush,” They stayed quiet as they could hear Kyuhyuk scold Hoon. They peeked and watched they walk away.      “That was a close call Hyung!” Minsung gave his Hyung a cheeky smile,        “I’m tired~ piggy-back ride?” He blinked and looked up.         “Yeah, yeah,” Jin gave Minsung a piggy-back ride as they continued walking around.



“Bwoh?! I can’t believe you! You’re supposed to be my brother~” Junghee pouted, Junghwa holding him while Gu Reum held onto Donggyu. They went back to the van, being ignored by Elly who only shook his head.“Bad members…”

Kyuhyuk came back with Hoon and their van was stuffed.      “We’re going home.” Kyuhyuk mumbled, running his fingers through his hair, angry. The boy’s only had a week until debut.       “Hyung~ we’re sorry~” Kyuhyuk ignored them and drove them back home.



Chinhoo, one the other hand, was still on the hunt. But, he was growing tired. He saw Chansik, but Chansik ran away like a cheetah (in Chinhoo’s words). So the older manager walked back to the van and hopped in. “We’re going home boys, Hyung is tired~”

“Who’s still out?” Jaemin asked, innocent as ever.

“The normal, Minnie..! Chansik, Minsung, and Jin,” Chinhoo pouted.



Chansik caught up with Hoon and Minsung while walking down the street.         “Yo, kids. Should we head home now? It’s eleven and I’m sure the managers gave up.” Minsung rubbed his eyes, tired, but shook his head anyway.   “I want a massage~” Chansik patted the younger boys head,       “Aigo~ okay let’s go!”

“Aish… you shouldn’t spoil,” Jin muttered.

“Don’t be like Kyuhyuk Hyung, you know a party-pooper!” Minsung shook his head at Chansik. “Ani, that role is already taken by Hoon Hyung.”



Finally, the trio came home. It was twelve. The massage ended at 11:30, but then they got Starbucks and had to find a cab and then had to walk most of the way back because the taxi mans “shift” was over. He would regret that one day, Chansik scowled.

Quietly, they tip-toed into the house—the managers, hopefully, would be sleeping. “Goodnight guys,” Chansik smiled and waved as he entered his room. Minsung and Jin went upstairs. Hoon was already sleeping. Minsung was too tired and ended up just falling on his bed and falling asleep.

Jin sighed and before he even thought of getting ready for bed himself he helped out Minsung first. “Kids…”



i want a massage. ;____:


anywho , updated. :DD wooooooooot, woooooot.

comment peoples. <3


Random Question:

If 365Year was a real boyband , who would be your bias ? (;

[me ? probably Jin. xD (yes, not even my own character .. ><) and that's only because he's the leader . >3]

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weba <3 ^^
iaohsdioahsd I've been obsessed with BtoB lately,
but EXO's cool too~
Awww poor MinSung </3
destruction #2
Homaigaad. Chapter 29, aka 6, is so ing kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

youre baaack ;u; *throw confetti*
i dont knw should i stick with sunggu or change into D.O dasdfg ;u;
Omg!! Jaemin is my bias!! :D HAHA he so innocent!! >< Update soon!
destruction #5
Chansik will be my bias! He's way too cute X3
Woot update! They should really stop escaping~ they have to prepare their debut...<br />
My bias? Maybe hyojun n chansik! Wahahaha i love dumbjun n chansik is hilarious! He is cool lol~ maybe chanjun? Wahaha~
Wooo an update! And I dunno who my bias would be<br />
But I think ChanSik because he would be HILARIOUS on variety shows lmao
Finally u updated !! ^^ <br />
Seriously , they read fanfics ? Haha .. <br />
And for ur random question ...<br />
I would pick Jae Min myself !! ^^ Wohooo !!! I luv u for making him soo innocent !!!!!! <br />
Anyways . Update soon ! ^^