Chapter 3

365Year~ [BOYBAND ; Closed !]


            We are proud to present Shower Time [part 2], and just like the rest of you… we anticipate Jin’s body. —M!Net Staff {Female}



            [Shower Time..! Part 2]

            …Couple 1…

            Hyojun the shower as Junghwa got all the face wash and shampoo and conditioner.             “Hyung I heard that they put a camera in here!” Hyojun said, puffing out his cheeks.          “Minsung said it was fun, but how much fun could it be when you’re trying to take a shower…”

            “Why don’t you ask them?” Junghwa put his hands on Hyojun’s shoulders from behind and pushed into towards the camera. Hyojun blushed.             “Don’t let them see my face, I’m dirty!” Junghwa let the younger boy before getting to cleaning up.

            Hyojun, though, slightly distracted by the fact that he was being watched—eyed the camera from the corner of his eyes.        “AISH HYUNG I GOT SOAP IN MY EYES!” He complained; when he was too busy staring at the camera he got the shampoo to fall into his eyes.

            “Pabo-yah, then don’t pay attention to the camera!”

            “BUT I’M —“


            …Couple 2…

            Elly jumped up and down in front of the camera—now with a different Hyung, DeLin.             “Yah, let’s hurry up Elly. Come here.” DeLin proceeded to run his fingers through Elly’s hairs as he washed the soap out. He, personally, didn’t care about the camera being there.

            “Our couple name is HyukLin.” Elly winked, though DeLin tugged at the strands of his hair and he cringed.       “Hyung~” He whined, smiling over at his shorter Hyung. DeLin ignored the Maknae, sighed, and continued to wash the youngest member’s hair.

            “Just shut up, kid.”


            …Couple 3…

            The awkward tension in the bathroom was obvious. Minsung and Hoon were forced to shower together—not like it was the first time anyway.    “Yah, you have to share the conditioner!” Minsung clicked his tongue.        “Whatever…” Hoon just passed the bottle without starting a fight.

            Minsung was suspicious, but he figured he would ask about it when the cameras were gone. The shower was quiet, but Minsung would occasionally make faces and do Aegyo towards the camera.         “Lee Minsung, pass the face wash,” Minsung pouted his lips and tossed over the bar.

            “…are you like, I don’t know, depressed or something? How come you’re not fighting with me? I… I yelled at you and you didn’t yell back!” Minsung’s cheeks flushed. “Maybe I’m not in the mood for a fight, pabo.” Hoon rolled his eyes.         “Not in the mood to fight with me..? I’ve never heard of such a thing and from you out of ALL people?! Are you dying or something?”

            “What are you? Worried about me?” Minsung’s face turned bright red.

            “OF COURSE NOT..!”


            …Couple 4…

            “Jinnie~” Chansik called, waving over the leader when he found the camera.           “LOOK! Their as erted as I am! Keke..!” Jin rolled his eyes,      “I’m sure if you put cameras in here you would make the lower.” Chansik pouted his lips at the burn.

            “As bad as this might sound, yes that is more than likely true! But hey, why do that in the first place? I’ve already showered with all the members!” He winked,             “What are you talking about; I’m the only person that shared a shower with you…”

            “Well you, and GuReum and Minsung and Hyojun!” Jin blinked.

            “Wait, so you’re telling me that Minsung, my Minsung, got into a shower with you?” Chansik gave the second oldest member a smirk.    “You’re Minsung?” Jin shoved the eldest.             “Shut up, you know what I mean.” Jin turned his back on the camera and Chansik.

            “…nope! Explain to me, Leader!” Jin looked over his shoulder.

            “Minsung’s one of my good friends here. That’s what I meant, okay?”




            Unfortunately, the rest of the boys already took a shower before so we couldn’t catch them. Although, you must admit, these boys (conversations… bodies…) were interesting enough. [Dear Donggyu, Mingyu, Jaemin, GuReum, and Junghee—we’ll get you next time…] We’ll move on, for now. —M!Net Staff.



            The PD slipped inside the 365Year home, getting a greeting Chinhoo as she—and other members of the staff—made their way inside. They went into Jaemin’s room (that he shared with Mingyu and Junghee) and woke him up so that he would wake up the rest of the group.

            “Huh?” He sat up and rubbed his eyes before giving the PD a smile.

            “You want me to wake them all up?” He blinked, PD nodded her head.          “Well, we have a system; it takes a certain member to wake another member up.” Jaemin mumbled.       “I can wake up these two members up, and they have to wake up their twins. Donggyu can wake up Hoon. Hoon can wake up Jin. Jin can wake up Minsung. Minsung can wake up Elly and Hyojun. Elly can wake up DeLin, and Hyojun can wake up Chansik. And finally, Chansik can wake up GuReum.”

            “…why is it so complicated?” PD asked.

            “Bonds, friendships, members trust one more than the other. You know.” He ran his fingers through his hair sheepishly with a big smile. “Okay then start.” Jaemin made his way to Junghee’s bed first.       “Park Junghee Hyung, wake up.” Junghee hugged his tiger pillow tighter.

            “Junghee Hyung, you’re the last one to wake up—“

            “WHAT..? I’M UP, I’M UP!” Jaemin smiled and patted his Hyung’s head—he knew that Junghee didn’t like being last at waking up. Junghee looked at the pillow, and with droopy eyes proceeded to say his saying anyway:   “Twinkle, twinkle.”

            “Hyung, go wake up Junghwa and then go into the living room, okay?” Junghee nodded, yawning before exiting the room, one hand holding his pillow and the other dangling his special Stitch doll. Jaemin dragged his feet over to Mingyu’s bed.            “Mingyu Hyung, the M!Net staff is here we need you to wake up.” Mingyu’s eyes fluttered opened and he smiled once his eyes met Jaemin’s—which Jaemin did the same.

            “Can you wake up Donggyu Hyung?” Mingyu sat up and nodded.

            “Neh~ Hyung will do his best.” He ruffled Jaemin’s, already messy, bed head and left the room.            “What do I do now?” Jaemin blinked.             “Hang out in the living room, we didn’t expect it to end up this way… the whole, complicated… work… waking up thing.”

            “We’re very organized~”



            The whole group sat in the living room, Minsung clinging onto Jin as he tried to keep his eyes awake.          “Yah~ why are we up?” He stuck his tongue out.    “You’ll be having guest come over. No, no females. It’s another male group. One of your members has a sibling from the group.”

            “Hoya~~” Minsung was awake now.

            “I-Infinite is coming?” Hyojun asked.

            “You’ll figure it out. You guys need to clean the dorm, first.” GuReum yawned.        “This doesn’t interest me…” He tried to leave the room by Chansik held him back.             “There will be three groups of three and one group of four. Leaders will be Jin, Hoon, GuReum, and Junghee. Junghee you get the four person group.”

            Jin’s Group [Kitchen]: Jin, Hyojun, Minsung

            Hoon’s Group [Upstairs Bedrooms]: Hoon, Elly, Jaemin

            GuReum’s Group [Downstairs Bedrooms]: GuReum, Mingyu, and Donggyu

            Junghee’s Group [Living Room]: Junghee, Junghwa, Chansik, and DeLin


Jin’s Group—Kitchen

            “Jin Hyung do you have any brothers?” Hyojun asked, washing the dishes while Minsung dried them. Jin was mopping up the floor.     “Yeah, but he isn’t an idol like your brothers. My cousin is Kan from F.Cuz, though. We’re pretty close.”

            “I guess that counts. GuReum Hyung’s sister is Hyorin from Sistar.” Minsung snapped his fingers as he thought.       “Yeah… that’s pretty much it!” He giggled; Jin smiled as he continued to clean.             “WE ARE SO AWKWARD TOGETHER! The ‘JinSungJun’ obviously isn’t very good!” Minsung started to pout.

            “Minsunggie you are so bi-polar!” Hyojun laughed.

            To: Eternal Wang Ja [Prince, keke]

            HYUNG CLEANING TO BORING…! Get the boys rounded up so we can escape~ you’ll be escaping & staying with your group ONLY unless you see someone else. Forget about the guest, we don’t want to be tortured! Hoon’s (my) group is leaving now. Junghee Hyung’s is next. Then your group—leaving GuReum’s last. HAVE FUN!

            From: Maknae Yah.

            “Who are you talking to~?” Minsung tippy-toed to see over his Hyung’s shoulders,             “Oh~ we’re escaping? When do we know when Junghee left?” Hyojun perked up.             “ESCAPING? I want to go to the ice cream parlor that we went to last time, Bunny!”

            “Neh Hyung~” Minsung cooed, eying Jin.      “So Hyung..? Text Junghee to see if he’s leaving yet! I want to get some street food—wait. Where are we going?” Jin looked up.      “I’m guessing, Hongdae.” Minsung nodded his head,            “Best street food~”

            To: Park Junghee

            Junghee-yah, have you left yet? Minsung keeps on asking.

            From: Leadja. <3

            He ordered:             “Might as well clean until we get an answer.”

            The younger boys listening, Minsung whining at first—he just wanted to get out. Even if Infinite was coming, he would rather collapse from running from his managers and having fun then playing the games M!Net was storing from them. He knew these people could make up the wildest things.

            To: Leadja. <3

            We just left! (: YOU’RE TURN HYUNG! Fighting~ see you later~

            From: Park Junghee

            “Alright boys, our turn to leave,” Jin said, putting the mop and bucket in the corner and taking off his apron. Minsung and Hyojun followed in suit, turning off the sink water.             “FINALLLLLY~” Minsung sang. He was wondering—would they leave him (and Elly), but it seemed like the group forgot so he shrugged it off. They wouldn’t ditch him.

            Or at least he hoped.



Hoon’s Group—[at Hongdae]

             They walked down the street, people recognized them. Jaemin was the most into fan-service as Hoon and Elly were trying to figure out where to go. “You think that we should have left… we have guest coming over…” Jaemin pouted.

             “It will be fine, Hyung! If anything, then they’ll get that group to catch us! If you see an Infinite member, or possibly Block B since those are our only two male group choices, then dash!” Elly gave Jaemin, probably the most innocent member from 365Year, a smirk. “Do I really have to run…?” Jaemin whined.

             “Of course, it’s survival of the fittest Hyung!” Elly said, matter-of-factly.

             “…well, I’m mentally fit. Does that count?” Elly stayed silent for a moment, almost as if he was thinking for an answer. Then he just burst, and started to laugh. “Nope..! You have to be physically fit, a good runner Hyung!” Jaemin pouted as the Maknae began to lecture him.

             “What should we do first?” Hoon asked, breaking the argument—which was really Elly nagging Jaemin and telling him what to do. “EAT! Elly wants meat~” Elly grinned. “Yeah okay, I’m hungry too.” Jaemin smiled. “Then meat it is… let’s go over there.” He pointed to a restaurant that Elly remembered from his last escape with Minsung.  Then he thought: They wouldn’t ditch me like I did to them… would they?!



football game .. or haunted isle ?

anyway .. ENJOY .


um , yeah . (:

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weba <3 ^^
iaohsdioahsd I've been obsessed with BtoB lately,
but EXO's cool too~
Awww poor MinSung </3
destruction #2
Homaigaad. Chapter 29, aka 6, is so ing kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

youre baaack ;u; *throw confetti*
i dont knw should i stick with sunggu or change into D.O dasdfg ;u;
Omg!! Jaemin is my bias!! :D HAHA he so innocent!! >< Update soon!
destruction #5
Chansik will be my bias! He's way too cute X3
Woot update! They should really stop escaping~ they have to prepare their debut...<br />
My bias? Maybe hyojun n chansik! Wahahaha i love dumbjun n chansik is hilarious! He is cool lol~ maybe chanjun? Wahaha~
Wooo an update! And I dunno who my bias would be<br />
But I think ChanSik because he would be HILARIOUS on variety shows lmao
Finally u updated !! ^^ <br />
Seriously , they read fanfics ? Haha .. <br />
And for ur random question ...<br />
I would pick Jae Min myself !! ^^ Wohooo !!! I luv u for making him soo innocent !!!!!! <br />
Anyways . Update soon ! ^^