Chapter 2

365Year~ [BOYBAND ; Closed !]


            “AND YOU DIDN’T BUY ME ANYTHING?” Hyojun complained,    “Are you my wife?” Minsung stuck out his tongue.                     “I was going to get your ice cream Hyung! BUT, IF I DID AS SOON AS I GOT THERE BY THE TIME I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN HOME IT WOULD HAVE BEEN MELTED! SO SHUT THE FU—”

            “LEE MINSUNG DON’T YELL AT ME!” Hyojun bit the collar of his shirt—Minsung, who knew Hyojun like they’ve grown up since birth, knew why he was doing that.         “Hyung… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell… I don’t like yelling…  Hyung, next time we can get ice cream together, I’ll buy and everything. When we went into a market to get some soda, I saw the Kiwi’s and thought of Jin Hyung… and they were going to be easy to hold around since they don’t need to be put in a fridge or anything. Just, no crying Hyung…”

            “…” Minsung tried to hug Hyojun, but…:        “DON’T TALK ABOUT ME CRYING! The cameras are right there, you’re making me look like wimp in front of the Noona’s!” Minsung just chuckled,             “Sorry Hyung~” Jin watched them from his seat—they were the only three members in the room.

            “Haven’t you thought that maybe Minsung likes me more?” Hyojun let out a whimper,             “I’m just kidding.” Jin his lips.     “Don’t get to jealous, Hyojun-yah.” Hyojun scoffed, putting his hands on his hips.     “I’m not jealous! I’m angry!”

            “Yah, Lee Minsung, Chansik is finally ready to talk to you.” Minsung pouted,             “What about Elly? He ran away too!” Kyuhyuk shook his head, glancing back towards the living room before back at Minsung. “Just… just get in here.” Minsung stomped his way in—like a child.

            “Hyung can only think of one way to forgive you!” Chansik started, facing the window. Minsung rolled his eyes.   “What Hyung?” He asked, monotone.            “Why, you have to give me a kiss of course~” Chansik turned and sat down in ‘his’ chair in the corner of the room. “Come and give me a ‘PLEASE FORGIVE ME HYUNG, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU’ kiss!”

            “Did you make Elly give you a kiss?” Minsung took small, slow steps.

            “He hasn’t come in yet—“

            “I’M HERE YOU PEDO! Here, I’ll just say it, I’m sorry for using you!” Elly waved his arms around before attaching to Minsung, “Did he do anything to you Hyung?” Minsung shook his head.             “No! But the Pedo wants me to kiss him! And, I’m going to guess, he want YOU to kiss HIM too!” Elly paled.

            “HURRY UP AND KISS YOUR HYUNG!” Minsung pushed Elly in front of him.

            Elly pouted and tried to make Minsung go first but Chansik got hold of his wrist.     “Just a peck~ like I’m family, Elly!” He grabbed Elly’s cheeks, and Elly tried to push him away while putting his hands on Chansik’s chest.     “Yah, seriously old man, theirs cameras right there…”

            “Keke~” Minsung was busy laughing in the back.

            “This is stupid…” Kyuhyuk sighed while leaning against the wall.

After a couple minutes, Elly finally gave Chansik a quick peck before running over to Minsung and making him give Chansik a kiss too.    “Okay! I forgive you little punks..!” Chansik pinched Minsung’s cheeks.         “You’re annoying.” Elly grabbed Minsung’s hand and they ran away from Chansik.

            “I’m bored, Elly!” Minsung whined.     “No more problems today I already got my laptop taken away…” Elly complained, bring Minsung to the kitchen where he poured himself some Coca-Cola and Minsung some milk as Minsung got up to sit on the counter.

            “…at least we got matching sweaters!” Minsung winked towards the Maknae.         “Keke~ I guess you right Hyung! As long as we had fun,” Elly grinned, passing over Minsung his milk.             “Next time, we’ll plan for everyone to escape. At least that way we won’t have to kiss Chansik again… EWWW..!”



            “DeLin Hyung,” Jaemin called,   “What is it Jaemin?”

            “It’s nothing really; I just wanted to ask you if you could help me in this part of the video game…” Jaemin blushed in embarrassment.             “Okay, what part are you stuck on?” He was so oblivious.      “Um, you know… the part that Minsung was telling you about…”

            DeLin blinked, “How to beat the mission, the one about killing the guy who you have to chase down first? That one is easy… Minsung was just teasing me because I didn’t know what to do at first… what’s the real reason?” Jaemin gave off a nervous laugh.

            “I just wanted to hang out with Hyung… you know, since your favorite member is Elly.” DeLin fumbled with his controller (yes, he won over the managers when he asked for an Xbox 360). “I don’t really have a favorite member, Jaemin. I hardly know anyone, really.”

            “Right, sorry Hyung…” DeLin eyed the taller member from the corner of his eyes.   “Are you going to play or stand there all day?” Jaemin pouted before taking a seat next to DeLin on his Hyung’s bed.           “Uh… what are we playing anyway..?” Jaemin asked, totally clueless.

            “Portal 2,” DeLin said, looking over Jaemin before staring at the screen.

            Jaemin blushed. “Aren’t you going to tell me how to play—“

            “You’ll figure it out.”



            Chansik started to spin around in his chair, “Make sure you send me that clip,” He winked at the camera when he stopped.   “Wasn’t that cute~?” The Noona’s agreed. Minsung suddenly ran through the room into the front where the stairs were.    “Oh man, what am I missing—“


            “No swearing Lee DoHoon~” Hoon shoot the elder a glare before continuing to chase down Minsung—Chansik skipped as he followed.   “What are you guys fighting over noooow?” The camera’s followed right behind Chansik, first wondering if they would be safe or not.

            “That brat stole my strawberries,” Hoon sighed. “That’s what he’s best at~”

            Chansik’s phone vibrated:

            From: Evil Maknae #1 [Minsung]

            YAH HYUNG DON’T YOU TELL HIM WHERE I WENT IF YOU WANT YOUR ICE TEA BACK! Keke! BTW, I’m with Jin Hyung in the pool~ he likes me; he really, really likes me. ;D

            To: Old Man Chan—.—Sik

            Chansik waved his hands, “Well, it’s a lost cause now. By now he probably ate them all…” Hoon’s eyes glared daggers into Chansik, but the oldest member wasn’t fazed and continued to smile.             “I’ll buy you some strawberries later, okay? Don’t get to upset! And now, when you chase him down like that, many HoSung shippers get many, many fan-fiction ideas.” Chansik winked before meeting the Leader and Lead Vocal at the indoor pool.

            “MINSUNG GIVE ME MY ICE TEA~” Chansik whined, grabbing the drink from Minsung’s hands.           “Good job Hyung! Jinnie Hyung and I can eat the strawberries in peace and quiet now.” Jin nodded his head, before Chansik spoke up: “So, you’re meddling in the ‘Tom &Jerry’ fighting? It’s a love-triangle now~?”

            “Whatever Hyung, you’ll never guess what I did to Jaemin Hyung~”



            “HE KISSED ME!” Jaemin pouted his lips—telling a story to Donggyu, Mingyu, and Elly.        Elly blinked, “Wait, so he asked if you wanted to play the ‘Pocky Game’… you said ‘no’ and then when you were eating your Pocky… he snuck over and kissed you on the lips. Yeah, that sounds like Minsung.”

            Donggyu rolled his eyes, leaning against the bed (they all were sitting on the floor—other than DeLin who was playing video games).   “Minsung and Chansik Hyung are too much to handle… really…” Mingyu shook his head and smiled.        “Shouldn’t we be thankful for all the random things that happen around here?”

            “Do you like erted things? I see Hyung that must be a of yours.” Elly smirked as Mingyu became flustered—getting pushed by Donggyu moments later.         “Like your any better, run-away.” Elly sat back up and stuck out his tongue at Donggyu. “Please, you know you want spare time too! No work. That’s why I made another plan with Minsung. But, you have to go with it. All of you, even you DeLin Hyung! No tattle-tailing, because WE all want to run around and be free right?” One way or another they all agreed.

            DeLin paused his game to pay attention as Elly gave them the details.



            [Shower Time..!]

            …Couple 1…

            “Tomorrow, after the photo-shoot for his show, we’re running away,” Minsung gave an evil laugh—he was taking a shower (yes they put cameras in the shower, like they do with every other boy band) with Elly (and yes, the boys showered together).

            “I want to go back to Hongdae!” Elly pouted, running his fingers through his wet hair.      “I mean, we hardly did anything… I wanted to go bowling, and play karaoke, and go to the Starbucks!” Minsung snapped his fingers,      “I LOVE STARBUCKS!” Elly covered his Hyung’s mouth with a chuckle.

            “Shush, Hyung, they might hear us~”

            …Couple 2…

            Someone wiped the camera lens to make it clear again—Mingyu. Behind him was Junghee who was busy washing his hair. “Jacky, come and say hi with me…” Mingyu tapped on Junghee’s shoulder before he pulled the other older twin by holding his hand.

            “Annyeonghasyeo~ Junghee iminda~ Mingyu-yah calls me Jacky thought.” He smiled. Mingyu pouted,      “I only called you that once!” Junghee pulled away to continue washing up. “Sorry… we’re a boring couple.” Mingyu smiled before covering the camera with his hand.

            …Couple 3…

            “Yah, pass over the conditioner.” Hoon barked, Donggyu grunted—practically throwing the bottle over to the third Maknae.           “Be respectful won’t you?” Hoon rolled his eyes, turning to see the camera when he was going to wash his hair.

            “What a bunch of erts…” Hoon mumbled.        “What are you talking about?” Donggyu found the camera.             “Yah, seriously…” Donggyu went over to get a towel to cover the camera, Hoon glared at it before shrugging his shoulders and washing his hair anyway—he could care less.

            “This people… aish,” Donggyu covered the camera with a towel.


            The other members didn’t notice the towel (camera) when they took their showers… we’re sorry. —M!Net Staff.

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weba <3 ^^
iaohsdioahsd I've been obsessed with BtoB lately,
but EXO's cool too~
Awww poor MinSung </3
destruction #2
Homaigaad. Chapter 29, aka 6, is so ing kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

youre baaack ;u; *throw confetti*
i dont knw should i stick with sunggu or change into D.O dasdfg ;u;
Omg!! Jaemin is my bias!! :D HAHA he so innocent!! >< Update soon!
destruction #5
Chansik will be my bias! He's way too cute X3
Woot update! They should really stop escaping~ they have to prepare their debut...<br />
My bias? Maybe hyojun n chansik! Wahahaha i love dumbjun n chansik is hilarious! He is cool lol~ maybe chanjun? Wahaha~
Wooo an update! And I dunno who my bias would be<br />
But I think ChanSik because he would be HILARIOUS on variety shows lmao
Finally u updated !! ^^ <br />
Seriously , they read fanfics ? Haha .. <br />
And for ur random question ...<br />
I would pick Jae Min myself !! ^^ Wohooo !!! I luv u for making him soo innocent !!!!!! <br />
Anyways . Update soon ! ^^