Voting & Results

365Year~ [BOYBAND ; Closed !]


Q: Who do you vote to be the leader of 365Year?


Minsung: BWHAHAHA! Out of those choices? Hyojun Hyung~ keke~

Hyojun: ANYONE BUT MEEEEEE—*cut out* (Noona: Hyojun, pick someone already!) Jin…

Jin: I don’t think it would be right to vote for myself… so, I’ll vote for Chansik since he’s the oldest.

Hoon: …Jin. No doubt.

Elly: Jin Hyung! (Noona: Why?) Eh… because he’s the most reliable! A father figure in 365Year!

Jaemin: I think Jin would make a good leader.

GuReum: MWHAHAHA! Well me of course! (Noona: What about someone other than yourself?) Yeah, no, I’m only voting for myself.

Mingyu: I’ll vote for… although I think they’d all make a good leader in their best way— *cut out* even with their own special— *cut out* I’ll go with Chansik Hyung because he’s the oldest!

Donggyu: Jin.

Junghee: GuReum would be a cute leader!

Junghwa: Of course, Jin.

Chansik: ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I PICK MEEEEE~ (Noona: …you’re just like GuReum-ah.) We are roommates~ (Noona: Would you pick him if you couldn’t choose yourself?) HELL NO! If I couldn’t vote I wouldn’t vote at all! HAHAHA!

DeLin: Without a doubt, Jin.


The boys sat around the living room, waiting for the results. Minsung held a ‘Hyojun is going to win—&if he doesn’t than I’ll beat up Chansik!’ poster. Chansik, later, took the poster, ran away with it, threw it out, and then wrestled with Minsung in a different room before Jin came in to save Minsung.

“Alright, boys, we have the results!” Chinhoo winked.

“I feel like I’m on an award show or something. Or, no, voting for president!” Elly commented, acting cute until Donggyu smacked him and kept an arm around Elly to make sure he would be quiet for the rest of the time.

“Kyuhyuk~ tell them who’s the leader!” Chinhoo waved his arms

“…I’m not playing.” Kyuhyuk mumbled.

Chinhoo pouted his lips, “Just tell them, punk! Respect your Hyung!”

“Whatever. Anyway, the leader is…” He glanced at Jin. “Choi Jinhee.”

Everyone clapped—but GuReum. “CHOI JINHEE IS THE LEADER?!” He kicked his feet, “I wanted to be the leader!” Minsung chuckled and rubbed his back, “But you’re in the Maknae line..!” He smiled at GuReum as he spoke. Mingyu was also currently comforting Chansik. Hyojun was happy, though, bouncing around the room.

Jin eyed the group, “Alright, well its late now, so it’s time for bed, kids… and Chansik.” Elly shook his head, “Correction, kids and Pedo(-Hyung).” Jin patted the Maknae’s head. “Anyway—“

“WE GOT IT, LEEEEEADEEEEEEEEEEEER, WE’RE GOING TO BED!” GuReum stormed off. “What a sore-loser,” Junghwa mumbled—being tugged out of the room seconds later by GuReum (because their roommates), and then coming back to get Chansik.

“Goodnight boys, you have a schedule tomorrow so listen to Jin and go to bed! NIGHT..!” Chinhoo skipped off. “Please listen, kids.” Kyuhyuk followed. “Shouldn’t we celebrate?” Minsung asked one arm around Junghee’s shoulders. Jin shook his head.

“Lee Minsung, go to bed. Everyone else, you know what to do.” With some hesitation, everyone went to bed.




Pretty much *cut off* means that they were talking to much so they had to cut their speechs short on the M!Net Show .


ALRIGHTY . sooooo .. I see I'm not the only one who likes Hoon & Minsung. (;

Fighting Couples. <3

mwhahaha ; /shot.


&&for you guys that like it when I update & it's the same for me when you comment ~ *GREEDY*



see ya later alligator . (;

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weba <3 ^^
iaohsdioahsd I've been obsessed with BtoB lately,
but EXO's cool too~
Awww poor MinSung </3
destruction #2
Homaigaad. Chapter 29, aka 6, is so ing kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

youre baaack ;u; *throw confetti*
i dont knw should i stick with sunggu or change into D.O dasdfg ;u;
Omg!! Jaemin is my bias!! :D HAHA he so innocent!! >< Update soon!
destruction #5
Chansik will be my bias! He's way too cute X3
Woot update! They should really stop escaping~ they have to prepare their debut...<br />
My bias? Maybe hyojun n chansik! Wahahaha i love dumbjun n chansik is hilarious! He is cool lol~ maybe chanjun? Wahaha~
Wooo an update! And I dunno who my bias would be<br />
But I think ChanSik because he would be HILARIOUS on variety shows lmao
Finally u updated !! ^^ <br />
Seriously , they read fanfics ? Haha .. <br />
And for ur random question ...<br />
I would pick Jae Min myself !! ^^ Wohooo !!! I luv u for making him soo innocent !!!!!! <br />
Anyways . Update soon ! ^^