The Diva Joker

365Year~ [BOYBAND ; Closed !]

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Character Profile:


Name: No Gu Reum
Nickname:Little Miss Diva
Birthday & Age: 08/20/93 (17)
Blood Type:AB
 Zodiac: Leo
Orreantation: bi

Personality:Gu Reum is not exactly an ‘ordinary boy’. Instead of being shy at first impressions, he is the type of person to just go up to someone and start a conversation with them. Gu Reum is a total diva; he loves fashion and how he looks. He’s the type of guy who takes an hour in the bathroom just to do his hair. Gu Reum loves to eat; he doesn’t care if he gains weight tremendously. Gu Reum overreacts like girls do; like when there’s a spider in the room, he’ll scream like a little girl. Gu Reum is the type to have many friends; if one of his friends isn’t at school, he has plenty to hang out with. He has more face products than an average girl has, and he always carries them around with him during school, so he can fix his face if it gets ruined. Gu Reum is known for his sense of humor and his fashion. Gu Reum is the type to make corny jokes like it’s in his nature. He loves taking pictures, whenever he sees a camera, he jumps in, even though he doesn’t know the people with a camera.

Background: Gu Reum was raised with all girls, which got his personality to what it is today. His sisters Hyo Rin from SISTAR and Hye Ri (not an idol) always used to doll him up when he was young because he was so pretty. He often crossed dressed in elementary school because of his sisters. When he entered middle school, he didn’t allow his sisters to dress him up as a girl. He did ask for some fashion tips, which Hyo Rin and Hye Ri gladly gave him. A lot of people though he was gay because of his style; but he proved them wrong by being good at sports such as track and football. Gu Reum made many friends in his school and soon became one of the most popular kids in school because of his unique character. Although his grades aren’t all A+, he still passed every class while surprisingly doing two sports at once. When his sister became a trainee, Hye Ri, Gu Reum’s mom, and Gu Reum all moved to Seoul from Dae Gu so that they could see her often. Later on when he became a trainee, Gu Reum and Hye Ri decided to rent their own apartment and send her mother back to Dae Gu so she could be closer to her job.



+Taking pictures



+Banana Milk

+Strawberry Milk

+Karaoke rooms

+Girl dances

+His family

+His hyungs/dongsaengs



+When people throw around the word “I love you” everywhere

+Soy Milk (ewww)

+healthy food


+smelly things

+dirty rooms








+talking too fast when nervous

+diva attitude

+using the bathroom for an hour AT LEAST


+kicking while he’s sleeping

+yawning without covering his mouth

+can’t sleep without something to hug

+buying facial products


+won’t say he loves you unless he really does

+nags at his hyungs and dongsaengs

+can’t eat ice cream because of his weak teeth

+fan service is his life

+laughs hysterically at small jokes

Stage Profile:

Stage Name:Sung Min
Fan Club Name:Cloudy
Fan Club Color:Sky blue
Persona:The Diva Joker
Position:Main Vocal / Lead Vocal / Lead Dancer

Trainee History:When he tried out for UTE, he did a girls group dance Miss A’s “Good bye baby” in his own exaggerated style. The judges shared a few laughs here and there during his hysterical audition. When he got accepted, he asked Hyo Rin to teach him singing so he could become the main vocal in the group, and of course, she said yes. He trained for about two years, becoming an amazing vocal, and a more charismatic dancer. He was called Little miss Diva by his fellow trainees because of his girlish behavior. He did try for a group, but he was rejected due to his lack of motivation into becoming an idol. Saddened by this, he worked harder than before to become a part of the new boy group at UTE.

Friends/Family Profile:

Family Memembers:

Cho Hye Bom (50)- Gu Reum’s mom.

SISTAR Hyo Rin (19)- He loves his sister a lot because she’s the most encouraging to him about becoming an idol. She trains him with vocal like no tomorrow and they tell everything to eachother when they’re being bothered with something.

Hye Rin (20)- Being the oldest out of the sisters, she is the most responsible. She takes care of Gu Reum in Seoul before he became part if the group. She has musical talent, she used to play the piano to get Gu Reum to sleep.
Family History:Gu Reum doesn’t know anything about his dad, nor do his sisters. Her mom says it’s a touchy subject so nothing is known about him. Her mom is very supportive about Gu Reum and Hyo Rin’s dreams, but because of her weak body and the fact that she worked in Dae Gu, she had to move back. The three siblings live in Seoul, and currently, they live all separately due to Gu Reum being accepted into the new boy group.

Love Interest:n/a (maybe one of the members ;) )
Personality:chatty, funny, childish, loves to dance to girl songs
Friend(S):BEAST,2pm, 2am (Jo Kwon especially)
Rival(s):Yang Yo Seop (vocal show down yes? :>)

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weba <3 ^^
iaohsdioahsd I've been obsessed with BtoB lately,
but EXO's cool too~
Awww poor MinSung </3
destruction #2
Homaigaad. Chapter 29, aka 6, is so ing kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

youre baaack ;u; *throw confetti*
i dont knw should i stick with sunggu or change into D.O dasdfg ;u;
Omg!! Jaemin is my bias!! :D HAHA he so innocent!! >< Update soon!
destruction #5
Chansik will be my bias! He's way too cute X3
Woot update! They should really stop escaping~ they have to prepare their debut...<br />
My bias? Maybe hyojun n chansik! Wahahaha i love dumbjun n chansik is hilarious! He is cool lol~ maybe chanjun? Wahaha~
Wooo an update! And I dunno who my bias would be<br />
But I think ChanSik because he would be HILARIOUS on variety shows lmao
Finally u updated !! ^^ <br />
Seriously , they read fanfics ? Haha .. <br />
And for ur random question ...<br />
I would pick Jae Min myself !! ^^ Wohooo !!! I luv u for making him soo innocent !!!!!! <br />
Anyways . Update soon ! ^^