The Smiling Midnight && The Crabbed Morning

365Year~ [BOYBAND ; Closed !]


~Application Form:~

Profile link:

Character Profile:

Name: Yoon Min gyu

Birthday & Age: 10/22/1993 int age: 18

Blood Type:O
Zodiac: Libra
Orreantation: bi

Personality:helove to do aegyo,he’s so hyperactive. kindhearted guy, pysicaly weaker than his twins brother. He always take everything easy,he like to smile, he feel so confortable when he smile, beside he feel more handsome when he smile.  he will always forgive your fault. he never angry, until now he’s angry just once.

If the other member had to diet, Mingyu always get extra food because he gets too skinny, not because he too busy until he forget to  eat but he is too lazy to eat. When he was a kid he like to skip his dinner and went to sleep or played some game.

Background:Mingyu is the older twins





Likes: [5+]
- spicy food

-baby, he really want to have one :D

- Donggyu

-learn something new

-Pororo(the little penguin kkk~)

-Running Man(his favorite reality show, Yoo Jaesuk is his fav)


Dislike: [5+]

-someone hurt Donggyu

- horor movie

-people call him gay, he is not gay he is bi

- being forced to eat

-someone compared him with Donggyu

-dark room

Hobbies: [5+]
- twitting, he’s twitter addicted



-texting other member


-watching TV

Habits: [5+]
-puff his cheeks when he get bored(and then get a smack from Donggyu)

-laugh even the jokes not funny at all

 - never smack Donggyu back if Donggyu smack him just a “yah!” is enough

- takes a picture of his food thet he cook or other member

-put his things everywhere

-smiling when meet someone eyes

Trivia: [5+]

  - Mingyu once angry because he found out Donggyu boyfriend cheated on Donggyu, he beat that guy antil that guy had to stay at hospital for 1 week

 - Mingyu was born at 23:59 in the middle of night

-  Its taking years to wake him up

- He like to cook, but doesnt really like eat

- Really want to be Running Man’s guess

Stage Profile:

Stage Name:Mingyu
Fan Club Name:nights
Fan Club Color: red rosewood  
Persona:the smiling midnight
Position: sub vocal

Trainee History:Mingyu and Donggyu was originally trained for ballad duo called “Today”, but then the management put them for 365year.

Friends/Family Profile:

Family Memembers:

Bro: Yoon Donggyu, 18, Mingyu’s twin bro, over protective bro they share everithings, there is no secret between them, they are really close

Mom: Cha Youngra, 48, a caring mother

Dad: Yoon Junsik, 51, a kindhearted guy, hardworker, they are so close

Family History:Yoon Junsik is actually not their biological father. Their mother never told them who’s their true father. She just tell them that they have an older sister which live with his father. And luckily Mingyu and Donggyu dont really care who is their biological father.

Love Interest:Jinon (F.cuz)/other member
Personality:jinon is very mature and kind, they are pretty close, they know each other before debut, but Jinon never realize Mingyu’s feeling

Best Friend:Baro (B1A4)
Personlity:silly guy, they often fools around together, they are very close
Friend(S):B1A4, F(x)
Rival(s):none i guess...




Character Profile:

Name: Yoon Dong gyu

Birthday & Age: 10/23/1993( different dob, cool huh? XD) int age: 18

Blood Type:O
Zodiac: Scorpio
Orreantation: bi

Personality:Donggyu don’t like aegyo, he thinks its disgusting, He will smack or slap Mingyu when he done aegyo(maybe the magnae lines is his next target? Kkk), when you first meet him he looks so cold, he looks like he’s going to kill you. And after you know him he still has that aura on him -__-. Donggyu always has a sharp tongue, he talks bluntly without thinking bout it twice. Donggyu likes to talk informally to everyone (except his parents), when he is on his bad mood mode he will has the ‘what? You wanna fight with me’ tone when he talks. Donggyu is lacking when it gets to love problem. He always took a wrong step, that sometimes causing a bigger trouble. Its hard for Donggyu to cry, he can only cry infront of Mingyu and someone he believe 100%.

Background:Donggyu is 3 minutes younger than Mingyu, but he likes to act like the older one ang Mingyu doesn’t mind.

Looks:oh junggyu(donggyu's hair is longer)






-  plus what oh junggyu wear on the pic...

Likes: [5+]
- banana

- novel

- Rain


-alone in his room

- quiet place

Dislike: [5+]


- cats

-someone distrac his sleeping time

- his dad (both father)

-when someone compare him with Mingyu

-being hummilated


Hobbies: [5+]
- read novel


-playing pianno

-listening to people talking

- collecting fiction novels


Habits: [5+]
- talk without think about its effects

-wakes up easily

- talk informally

- punch the wall if he gets angry or sad

- being so rude when he feel so annyed

- bit his lip when he is nervous

Trivia: [5+]

He cried for once when he found out his boyfriend cheated on him by  slept with another girl

-  Donggyu was born at 00:02, it count asthe next day, so they have a different birthday J

-  Want to act as a killer

-  but he only has one facial expression K

-  not only his father who gave him nickname “evil-twins” but almost al trainee and schoolmate did

Stage Profile:

Stage Name:Donggyu
Fan Club Name:mornings
Fan Club Color:orange amber
Persona:the crabbed morning
Position: sub vocal

Trainee History:Mingyu and Donggyu was trained under UT ent since they was 13. They was originally trained for ballad duo called “Today”, but then the management decide to put them for 365year.

Friends/Family Profile:

Family Memembers:

Bro: Yoon Mingyu, 18, Donggyu’s twin bro, Donggyu is over protective to his bro, they share everithings, there is no secret between them, they are really close

Mom: Cha Youngra, 48, a caring mother, she is the one who always protect Donggyu when his father got mad. They are really close.

Dad: Yoon Junsik, 51, he is abit firm to Donggyu. He always angry to Donggyu even he just done a small fault, Junsik always calls Donggyu the evil one. He always compared Donggyu with Mingyu. They are not close they more like enemy than father-son.

Family History:Yoon Junsik is actually not their biological father. Their mother never told them who’s their true father. And luckyly Mingyu and Donggyu dont really care who is he.

Love Interest:other member
Personality:They always fight, always have different agrument

Best Friend:Amber f(x)
Personlity:tomboy, dont really care Donggyu’s mood, Amber always annoy Donggyu
Friend(S):B1A4, f(x)
Rival(s):none i guess...




Changed their birthday dates so they could have different Zodiac's. (:



Finally ; I can start the story ~ I have to write a report though (but I'm the master at doing things last minutes) , we'll see.


OHHHHH WAIT-- I have to give everyone their positions , decide the leader , && the OTP/OT3 couples before starting .. Tomarrow. ;D



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weba <3 ^^
iaohsdioahsd I've been obsessed with BtoB lately,
but EXO's cool too~
Awww poor MinSung </3
destruction #2
Homaigaad. Chapter 29, aka 6, is so ing kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

youre baaack ;u; *throw confetti*
i dont knw should i stick with sunggu or change into D.O dasdfg ;u;
Omg!! Jaemin is my bias!! :D HAHA he so innocent!! >< Update soon!
destruction #5
Chansik will be my bias! He's way too cute X3
Woot update! They should really stop escaping~ they have to prepare their debut...<br />
My bias? Maybe hyojun n chansik! Wahahaha i love dumbjun n chansik is hilarious! He is cool lol~ maybe chanjun? Wahaha~
Wooo an update! And I dunno who my bias would be<br />
But I think ChanSik because he would be HILARIOUS on variety shows lmao
Finally u updated !! ^^ <br />
Seriously , they read fanfics ? Haha .. <br />
And for ur random question ...<br />
I would pick Jae Min myself !! ^^ Wohooo !!! I luv u for making him soo innocent !!!!!! <br />
Anyways . Update soon ! ^^