The Smiling Guy

365Year~ [BOYBAND ; Closed !]


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Username: NauLana

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Character Profile:

Name: Park Jae Min

Nickname: JaeJae , MinMin , Minnie

Birthday & Age: 06/24/1994 , 18

Blood Type: A

Zodiac:  Cancer

Orreantation: Gay


He is a sweet , caring , kind , loving and protective kind of guy . He doesnt really like to get people's attention , he likes to befriends everyone . Even though Jae Min keeps his pasts to himself and fakes a smile whenever people try to talk about his family and himself , Jae Min just shrugged it off.

Jae Min is a motherly type boy . He is matured for his age and people taught that he is probably more than his age . Jae Min is a mysterious type of boy too , even if he can be the motheryly type he keeps his pasts so well that others taught that he had good childhood memories . 

    Jae Min can read people like a book , whether they are keeping secrets or just lying , even if they are fooling other people but Jae Min doesnt but since he doesnt want to hurt them , he just shuts his mouth and acted being fool by them . Jae Min loves his beloved ones and will do anything for them even if it means sacrificing his own happiness for them . He will get back to that person who hurts his beloved ones.


Jae Min's family was a normal and average type of family before his father's company went bankrupt and that his parents divorced . His father owns a food company , not too rich and not too poor . When his father's company went bankrupt , the family had to move to a smaller house and work by themselves to give back the money that his father owned  . But he changed once he gotten the money to repay them , his father got greedy and asked for more money . Jae Min didnt really know but once he knows that his father was illegally gambling with the money that he had earned , he became disgusted with his father , it didnt cross his mind that he will be disgusteed by his father but not right there. Jae Min's mother asked for divorced and alost got stabbed by the man ( his father ) , luckly for her or not so , Jae Min sheild her when he just got home . His dad went to jail to attemt murder . His mother sent divorced papers and he agreed to it but he will keep custody of Jae Min . Without no choice , Jae Min mother left Jae Min to his father's care . Even though Jae Min was heartbroken , he just smiled and kept smiling until night came and cried until his eyes were puffy .





- Cooking

- IPod

- Listening to music

- Singing

- Dancing

- Acting

- Pocky

- Cats and dogs

- Cleaning

- Purple Things

- Stars and 4 clover-flower


- Horror / Scary things ( anything that makes you have your heart racing ... )

- Thunder

- Bugs

- People who makes him angry

- Girls who are ty

- Boys who act they're all that

- Hates to talk about his past

- Hates it when people lie to protect themselves

- Not being able to do anything


- Listening to music

- Playing instruments ( piano and guitar )

- Running

- Basketball

- Always eat pocky whenever he goes

- Drawing

- Sometimes has a blank emotions


- Draws a person he likes without him knowing and it kind of creep him out himself

- Sleep talks about his mom and dad

- Bits his lower lip when he wants to cry

- Bits his upper lip when he is scared

- Starts to shake violently when he is really scared .

- Often smiles and shrugged it off when people asked him about his family and past


- Has a necklace with a music note and a microphone given by his mother as her last gift .

- Has a index ring finger ( on the right hand ) with a star engraved on it given by his older sister as a last gift . 

- Has a index ring finger ( on the left hand ) with a 4 clover-flower engarved on it given by Cho Kyuhyun ( Suju ) .

- Doesnt like to talk about hhis past

- Hates it when people always asks him about his past

- Is always seem to be  seen smiling and thus got the name ' The Smiling Guy '

- Hates to show his anger

- Is hurt easily but he will always put on a fake smile .


Stage Profile:

Stage Name: Min

Fan Club Name: Smilies

Fan Club Color:             Light Purple

Persona: The Smiling Guy

Position: Lead Vocal , Lead Dancer , Main Vocal , Main dancer/sub-vocal/sub-rapper

Trainee History: Jae Min's life was hard at fist since Jae Min had to balance his school times , trainee times and part-time jobs .Even though part-time jobs were forbidden there , the CEO lets him off cause he knows Jae Min need money to support himself and his father . Even though Jae Min dispises his father , he still loved him since he took care of him after the years without his mother . He actually made a lot of friends but he only had a few close friends . Jae Min was actually the best trainee in the company but he had to wait till he debut to show other people ho looked down on him jsut because he has a pretty face that he can go to the top and to thank the CEO of the company too for letting him do things that was forbidden . ( Only part-time jobs )

Friends/Family Profile:

Family Memembers:

Father - Park Kyung Hoon , 50 , He is once a sweet , caring and kind father but he changed once he started gambling . He gambled and gambled until he was caught by the police by doing illegal gambling . He is a ruthless , strict and cold-hearted ever since than . He is really close with Jae Min once Jae Min was little but his relationship with Jae Min became distant ever since he started gambling .

Mother - Park Ji Young , 48 , She is a sweet , caring , king and loving mother . She is always there for Jae Min whenever Jae Min was sad but after his parents were divorced , their relationship has become far distant . Jae Min was really close to his mother , some people taught that they were auntie-and-nephew relationship , when his parents were divorced it tore the relationship they had since Jae Min didnt get to go with his mother .

Older Sister - Park Jina , 20 . She is a sweet , kind , caring , loving and a protective person to Jae Min . She is always there for him whenever he needed her . They were really close to each other and tell each other secrets , basically they went through everything together . But their relationship became a little distanced since they were living in another country .

Family History:

 His parents divorced when he was 14 . He was taken under his father while his sister went to his mother . His mother and sister is at Las Vegas living with their new father/husband . Jae Min is currently living with his father and continued to take care of him since his father was released form jail , his father took care of Jae Min for 4 years . ( I dont really know what to write here so you can just refer to the background above if you want more information . )

Love Interest: None . He thinks he's not ready for it . Actually , he doesnt know how to love a person . ( as in , in a real relationship )

Personality: N/A

Best Friend: Super Junior Kyuhyun

Personlity: Kyuhyun is a game addicter ( is that even a word ? oh well ) . He likes to play games on his computer and often ignores people when he is playing , but he is a kind , caring , loving , evil ..... and protecive brother to Jae Min . He is always there for Jae Min no matter what , cause he cant stand it when he sees Jae Min having a hard time knowing his past . Kyuhyun is the only person who knows Jae Mins past .


- Whole of Super Junior

- DBSK Kim Junsu and Shim Changmin

- SNSD Seo Joohyun(Seohyun) and Choi SooYoung

Rival(s): None .

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weba <3 ^^
iaohsdioahsd I've been obsessed with BtoB lately,
but EXO's cool too~
Awww poor MinSung </3
destruction #2
Homaigaad. Chapter 29, aka 6, is so ing kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

youre baaack ;u; *throw confetti*
i dont knw should i stick with sunggu or change into D.O dasdfg ;u;
Omg!! Jaemin is my bias!! :D HAHA he so innocent!! >< Update soon!
destruction #5
Chansik will be my bias! He's way too cute X3
Woot update! They should really stop escaping~ they have to prepare their debut...<br />
My bias? Maybe hyojun n chansik! Wahahaha i love dumbjun n chansik is hilarious! He is cool lol~ maybe chanjun? Wahaha~
Wooo an update! And I dunno who my bias would be<br />
But I think ChanSik because he would be HILARIOUS on variety shows lmao
Finally u updated !! ^^ <br />
Seriously , they read fanfics ? Haha .. <br />
And for ur random question ...<br />
I would pick Jae Min myself !! ^^ Wohooo !!! I luv u for making him soo innocent !!!!!! <br />
Anyways . Update soon ! ^^