The Gaming Prince ~

365Year~ [BOYBAND ; Closed !]


~Application Form: 365Year~


Username: 0MidnightCircus0
Profile link:


Character Profile


Name: Choi Jin Hee
Nickname: J (jay) or Jin
Birthday & Age: 12/31/1991 & 19
Blood Type: B
Zodiac: Capricorn

Orientation: Bi


Jin is a mellow guy; he’s laid-back and is quick to adjust to different situations. He’s approachable due to his cheerful demeanor. He was raised to be kind but wary; his father always says ‘keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer’.  He doesn’t trust people easily but he believes in the better side of humans. If they prove to be good loyal people, he’ll be a great help and friend.


He’s a bit competitive and a perfectionist. He strives to do his very best in everything that he does, because he doesn’t want to have any regrets. He’s also a bit of a narcissist; he takes great care in his appearance.


He’s known to be a bit dorky and he has a silly, dry and sarcastic kind of humor. He likes putting smiles on people’s faces because the world is bad enough. He tries to make it a little better even if it’s just to help strangers carry their luggage into a train.


He isn’t nosy and hates it when people pry into his business.


He is very patient and rarely loses his temper, but when he does, be ready for a verbal knockdown. If it is needed, he’ll fight. He doesn’t fight nice though. He doesn’t forgive people easily either. If people break his trust, they’ll have to prove to him all over again that they are worthy of his trust. He is not a person you’d want as an enemy; you’d never know what to expect.


He’s extremely protective of weaker people (mentally or physically) and has a bit of a conservative outlook on how his girls and guys should act. He hates overly provocative girls/guys that try too hard to be y and he hates extremely fake aegyo too.  He feels that girls (and guys for that matter) should be classy and keep their dignity. You can be y without looking like a or complete douchebag.


The main problem people have with him is that he rarely shows his darker side, which frightens them to no end. People think he’s a bit of a hypocrite and just fake. They think he puts on this facade of kindness, which to some extent is true but he’s genuinely kind to kind people.


Jin lived at home with his mother and father before he became a trainee. He has an older brother who got married and moved out. He never had any problems with money although they weren’t that well off. They were lower middle-class and almost at the verge of being lower-class. They were careful with spending money yet Jin had everything he could need: a decent amount of toys and enough clothes to last. He had a fairly chill childhood; he never broke any bones, never hung out with the bad groups and never had more than three close friends. When he was 16 he started working to help his parents with paying for his stuff. He now bought his clothes and other necessities with his own money and paid for his phone bills. He’s a responsible kid.


Looks: Lee Chi Hoon


(Minus the hat) I really want those headphones)


1. Cats (they’re intelligent beings)

2. Jpop

3. Cleanliness & tidiness (everything needs to be organized)

4. Spicy food

5. Fruit (star fruit, clementines, kiwi’s, mangoes, you name it)

6. His personal space (really, don’t get too close to him unless you’re his friend)

7. Someone causing awkward silences (it amuses him)

8. Silly humor (his favorite comedian is brian regan)


1. Heat (you can always put on more clothes when it’s cold but you can only take off so much clothing before it gets inappropriate)

2. People chewing with their mouths open and making noises while they’re at it. (Very irritating)

3. People talking with their mouths full

4. Bitter food/drinks

5. Smoke (cigars&cigarettes)

6. Alcohol

7. Strong perfume (it burns his nose)

8. When people don’t wash their hands after being outside or the toilet etc.


1. Drawing (he’s a bit above average. He can draw realistic people.)

2. Gaming (he’s a PC and PSP gamer, plays games like Portal 2, Assassin’s Creed (the climbing amuses him more than it should), Final Fantasy, Katamari, God of War and Mirror’s Edge.)

3. Painting (he doesn’t do it often though since it takes FOREVER to mix the right colors. Remember he’s a perfectionist?)

4. Listening to music (he has a huge collection of music of almost all genres. He’s extremely interested in Jpop due to the musical diversity in the genre pop.)

5. Composing (he’s been studying hard to be able to compose his own songs)

6. Ringarts (Ever since he saw a video of a guy doing this, he tried to learn it)


7. Contact Juggling (same as above)



1. Tapping his foot on the ground when bored and sitting.

2. Drumming his fingers on surfaces or even his legs when he’s bored.

3. Biting his lower lip

4. Moistening his lips (by them)

5. Lipsynching when listening to music



- Favorite color is blue

- Has trouble going to sleep and waking up (is grumpy and extremely irritable for about half an hour before it starts to wear off)

 - Doesn’t like it when others mess around with his stuff 

- Known to be the eternal Wang Ja (prince) 

- Likes to prank people with a straight face (since he’s mostly kind and calm, people never suspect him)

- Goes to the gym regularly 

- Has a knack for finding things (so everybody asks him to help looking for things they lost)

- Has a bit of a sweet tooth

- Can imitate a girl’s voice while singing and talking (voice manipulation :D)

- He recently got a young black Bombay cat, who is living with his parents while he’s in the dorm, named Strife. The cat was quite aggressive towards his brother and father (and every male friend that came to visit) and that has earned the cat the honor of being named Strife.

- Half British, half Korean


Stage Profile

Stage Name: Jin
Fan Club Name: Orpheus (the legendary father of songs :D Seemed appropriate since Jin is composing his own songs)
Fan Club Color: Lemon Chiffon                         
Persona: the Prince
Position: Main Vocal; sub dancer; co-composer
Trainee History: Jin auditioned for LOEN/Nega Network and was a trainee for two years. He got acting, singing and dancing lessons and was one of the most promising trainees. After countless of times he heard ‘you’re good enough to debut!’, he finally had enough and auditioned for another company. He hated getting empty promises. UT Entertainment was his first choice because they had been getting more popular and successful and Jin thought he had better chances of being promoted and debuted there.


Friends/Family Profile

Family Members:

Emily Lockhart (52): She’s the typical sweet caring mother. She’s the support he can always fall back on and she always knows when there’s something bothering her kids. She always baked cakes and other pastries for Jin, just because he likes them.

Choi Tae Hyun (57): He’s the strict yet lovable dad. He’s painfully blunt yet sociable. Jin never understood how he could have so many friends when half of the time he’s criticizing them (with no ill intentions of course).

Choi Sang Hee (27): He’s the role model Jin sometimes looks up to. His brother has got it all: a wife, a beautiful daughter, a stable job, and social skills. Jin sometimes can’t believe his brother childish side though. Sang Hee is the dorkier of the two but he’s also the most mature. Jin can always go to his brother when he is in need of cheering up; his brother never fails to put a smile on his face.

Choi Yeonghak aka Kan (19); He’s Jin’s favorite cousin of all his family. He’s the ultimate dork Jin loves to hang out with. Kan knows when to be serious and isn’t afraid to make a fool out of himself. They’re born in the same year so they didn’t have to worry about formalities which gave Kan a free pass to be a dork. Since Kan debuted already, he often gives Jin advice (which he really doesn’t need).

Family History:

His lived in England with his family until he was 11. They moved to Incheon since his father’s parents lived there. There, Jin discovered his hobby of singing wasn’t just a hobby and he began seriously pursuing his dream of becoming a singer. Of course, he still went to school, much to the relief of his parents. Jin knew that he wouldn’t be a singer forever and diligently studied for his career afterwards. His parents didn’t approve of his decision of auditioning. When he got accepted, his mother came to realize the potential he had and supported him (albeit reluctantly).  He moved out to live in Seoul by himself and took on two part-time jobs; one at a convenience store and one at a café as a waiter.

Love Interest: Nicole from KARA and a member :D
Personality: Nicole is a sweet, lovable and bubbly girl, who never fails to put a smile on people’s faces because she’s just too adorable and funny. She makes him laugh and she’s a great friend.
Best Friend:  Nicole (KARA)
Personality:  see above :D
Friend(S): Janghyun (Sunny Hill), Narsha (BEG), rest of F.cuz, Jungmin (SS501)
Rival(s): Key (SHINee), Jonghyun (SHINee)

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weba <3 ^^
iaohsdioahsd I've been obsessed with BtoB lately,
but EXO's cool too~
Awww poor MinSung </3
destruction #2
Homaigaad. Chapter 29, aka 6, is so ing kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

youre baaack ;u; *throw confetti*
i dont knw should i stick with sunggu or change into D.O dasdfg ;u;
Omg!! Jaemin is my bias!! :D HAHA he so innocent!! >< Update soon!
destruction #5
Chansik will be my bias! He's way too cute X3
Woot update! They should really stop escaping~ they have to prepare their debut...<br />
My bias? Maybe hyojun n chansik! Wahahaha i love dumbjun n chansik is hilarious! He is cool lol~ maybe chanjun? Wahaha~
Wooo an update! And I dunno who my bias would be<br />
But I think ChanSik because he would be HILARIOUS on variety shows lmao
Finally u updated !! ^^ <br />
Seriously , they read fanfics ? Haha .. <br />
And for ur random question ...<br />
I would pick Jae Min myself !! ^^ Wohooo !!! I luv u for making him soo innocent !!!!!! <br />
Anyways . Update soon ! ^^