Teaser 3; Buzzkills & Sad Maknae’s

365Year~ [BOYBAND ; Closed !]

~~~~~ is one mystery member & ~~~~~ is another . YES TWO MYSTERY MEMBER -- NO NOT TWINS .

SORRY FOR LATE UPDATE . school .. enough said, right ?



            ~~~~~watched from his spot silently, drinking his can of Coca-Cola with his eyes straight on Minsung. Their mean manager, or at least the ‘buzzkill’ to the two youngest members, kept his eyes on Minsung so he couldn’t escape and make trouble with ~~~~~.

            “Maknae-ah~ Maknae-ah~ oh, how much I miss Maknae-ah~” Kyuhyuk, their manager, just watched with amusement. He knew that Minsung was bored, but he wasn’t going to give up. Last time ~~~~~ and Minsung made a lot of people angry, and he wouldn’t have that again. Maybe if Chinhoo, their nice manager—they manager that would run away with the boys instead of catching them—was there, then anything could.

            But no, ~~~~~ pouted from his spot, Chinhoo was busy with the other boys. The camera Noona’s figured something was wrong with 365Year’s hyper baby. “Minsunggie Hyung has been taken away from me.” He answered when he saw the Noona’s faces.

            “Yah, shouldn’t you be taking pictures now? Why are you wearing sweatpants? Yah, ~~~~~..!” ~~~~~ barked, “Hyung~~ how do you expect me to smile on camera while knowing that I can’t play with Minsung the whole day?!” ~~~~~ Just eyed ~~~~~, practically glaring at the younger boy.

            “Too bad, Maknae, now hurry and get ready! Everything needs to be perfect; we need to show everyone what we’re made of.” ~~~~~ pouted, “Fine Hyung~~” Minsung heard them talking and looked over—his photo-shoot was already over. “Maknae-ah is leaving?”

            The manager looked over and Minsung slipped away. “Keke~”


            “What are you doing? Aren’t you supposed to stay with Kyuhyuk Hyung?” Minsung was trapped between the wall and ~~~~~. “Uh… ~~~~~-yah, don’t be a tattle-tail!” ~~~~~ sighed. “Oh~~~ are you annoyed yet Hyung?” ~~~~~ And Minsung were the ‘Tom & Jerry Couple’ of the group. Always fighting and arguing with each other.

            “Bye, bye~ I need to go play now!” ~~~~~ grabbed Minsung’s wrist, “Seriously, kid. I don’t care; I’ll go tell Hyung that you’re behaving badly.” He let go of the blonde. “AISH SERIOUSLY…! As the third member of the Maknae line you’re a real buzzkill, I would think that you and Kyuhyuk Hyung were related!”

            “Punk, I go out to party.” Minsung stuck his tongue out, “Because I care. BYEEE..!” He tried to dash off again to ~~~~~, who was with the stylist Noona. “YAH LEE MINSUNG..!”

            Minsung and ~~~~~ never got to play together.

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weba <3 ^^
iaohsdioahsd I've been obsessed with BtoB lately,
but EXO's cool too~
Awww poor MinSung </3
destruction #2
Homaigaad. Chapter 29, aka 6, is so ing kyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

youre baaack ;u; *throw confetti*
i dont knw should i stick with sunggu or change into D.O dasdfg ;u;
Omg!! Jaemin is my bias!! :D HAHA he so innocent!! >< Update soon!
destruction #5
Chansik will be my bias! He's way too cute X3
Woot update! They should really stop escaping~ they have to prepare their debut...<br />
My bias? Maybe hyojun n chansik! Wahahaha i love dumbjun n chansik is hilarious! He is cool lol~ maybe chanjun? Wahaha~
Wooo an update! And I dunno who my bias would be<br />
But I think ChanSik because he would be HILARIOUS on variety shows lmao
Finally u updated !! ^^ <br />
Seriously , they read fanfics ? Haha .. <br />
And for ur random question ...<br />
I would pick Jae Min myself !! ^^ Wohooo !!! I luv u for making him soo innocent !!!!!! <br />
Anyways . Update soon ! ^^