Lee Inyoung

More Than Soul Mates

     You open your eyes, wondering if you've been out for long, or maybe you're even dead. It's darker than it was when you out, but it's still raining. You start to panic as you realize you're holding your own body, in the arms that, for the moment, belong to you. You're eyelids are really heavy, and you're light headed. Maybe this is a dream, how could it not be? But it seems so real. You know your own face when you see it, so what exactly is going on here?

     Trying to calm down, you caress the face that you know you should be 'worn' by you. When you take a moment to examine the arms you're holding the still body with, you freeze. Using your left hand, you inspect the fine toned muscles of the arms that you, for some unknown reason, now posses. Things start to loose all color and become dimer, when you hear somone, yelling in the distance.

     "Gukkie-ah!! Yah!! Bang Yong Guk!! Where arr- yuuu------" the screams start to sound muffled, and you black out.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

     Conciousness creeps in, but leaves your eyes closed. You just relax and listen to the words that start to slither into your ears.

     "--lly don't know her, not even her name. But she was with him, so he probably knows her. I'll find out later and text you Dongsaeng," the voice sounds familiar. It's deep, and smooth. The door closes and you decide it's time to offically accept that you're awake.

     Slowly opening your eyes, you take in the sight of the odd place which you're now in. Although you've never been inside of a hospital before, you know you're in one. Someone approaches you, and the first thing you notice about him is his white hair. He's cute, and almost looks like an angel. A sweet smile appears on his face, and he sits in a grey plastic chair next to your hospital bed.

     "Hi, I'm Himchan. Kim Himchan. I'm a friend of Yongguk's," he motions to a man in the only other bed in the small, private room. The man in question, is currently unconcious.

     "Who is he?" you politely point to Yongguk. Himchan looks confused. You look back at the sleeping face, and recognize it. "Ahh!! I got it!!" your sudden declaration of rememberance makes Himchan jump out of his chair, and onto the ground. "Oh... Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," you giggle a little.

     He blushes, a little emberrassed, "it's okay. What did you 'get'?" he gets back in his chair and leans in a little.

     "Um... he's the person I saw who was waiting by a pawn shop when I was headed home..." you suddenly thik of something. "...How long have I been here?" it was Friday when you got kicked out.

     He hesitates to answer, making you a little worried, "it's... Sunday..." He looks at the ground, each hand nervously fiddling with the other.


     "Do you have a phone?" you ask Himchan in a soft tone. He pulls a white phone out of his back pocket, and unlocks it. He hands it to you carefully, with two hands. You type in Sohee's number and press the call button. It doesn't get a chance to ring when she immediately accepts the call.

     "Yeoboseyo?" you relax a little when you hear her voice, and lean back on the head of the uncomfortable bed.

     "Unnie, it's me," you jerk the phone away from your poor ear as she screems in joy on the other end of the line. To this, Himchan lets out a small giggle.

     "Yah!! Where are you?!?! It's Sunday!! Whose phone are you using?!?!" she really is your best friend. She'd know you even if you were turned into a frog. She only says the things you need to hear, and will actually respond to.

     "Unnie, about that... I actually just found out that it was Sunday, a few minutes ago, and I just woke up. I'm using Himchan sunbae's phone-" she quickly cuts me off.

     "HIMCHAN IS A BOY'S NAME!!!!!!!!!!!" she completely flips. "Are you telling me that you spent the past two nights with a guy?!?!" before you can say anything, Himchan yanks the phone out of your hand.

     "Excuse me miss, I'm Himchan-" he also gets cut off.

     "YOU!!!!!!!!!! Bring her home in less than two hours! Or else I'll find you. Come to your house. AND KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she hangs up leaving poor Himchan in shock. Doesn't look like a he's ever been screamed at like that by a girl before.

     He blushes like a tomato and coughs to break the dead silence. "Well... um... she doesn't seem too happy that you were gone," he looks back up at you, and you realize his eyes aren't the only ones on you. You look at Yongguk, and he stares at you, blushing.

     "Aww... Gukkie's blushing!" a really tall, blue-haired boy surprises everyone, his head the only part of him that's physically through the door frame. He runs to Yongguk's side and begins to pinch the older's cheeks. "Hyung was blushing!" he hug's the older boy really tight.

     There's a knocking at the door and suddenly three other men have joined the population of the room. The one with white streiks in the front of his chocolate-brown hair gives you a jolly smile. He looks like a kitty. He walks over and sits on the end of Yongguk's bed. "I'm not going anywhere until you MAKE Youngjae promise to buy me some food," he looks his hyung right in the eyes then turns to you. He rest his chin on both of his hands, "I'm Daehyun. What's your name?" Everyone is staring at you, not a single one of them knows the answer.

     "My name is Lee Inyoung," you reply kindly, to no one in particular.

     "I'm Yoo Youngjae" he's handsome, but a bit creepy.

     "I'm Moon Jongup," he looks really nice and innocent, even with his very obviously well kept muscles.

     "I'm Choi Junhong, but most people call me Zelo," he looks really young, maybe even baby-ish, despite his towering height.

     "It's really nice to meet you all," you smile at the lot of them.


Author's Note:

Hi ^^ like now and forever if you have any suggestions or just have something to say, feel free to express what you thought of this chapter in the comments!

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My story is my baby. I really love it and hope you guys enjoy it ^^


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LittleNobody317 #1
Chapter 20: I wish you luck! You don't have to force yourself to update if you're having so much to do, and I'm sorry for your loss...
Chapter 18: AW! GD how cute <3
Chapter 17: lol! GD is ticklish! Update soon :)
nerry55 #4
Chapter 17: So far I really like everyones character and the plot but I think I might get confused on everyone's relationship with each other
kpopismystylenow #5
It's so cool that you put up real times when you'll be updating your story. Haha, I guess I should do that as well!~~
LittleNobody317 #6
Chapter 12: Why does Kris seems so.. sensitive? Its unmanly haha. I'm really looking forward to next chap :)
Chapter 12: story sounds interesting. Can't wait to read
-DaeButt #8
Chapter 3: This is so interesting! Can't wait for more :DD
LittleNobody317 #9
Chapter 1: The foreword made me really curious. And now this! Its kinda confusing but I haven't read the 2nd chap, so I'll read it now