New Tears of an Old Friend

More Than Soul Mates

     "Uh, sure," you get the key from the top drawer and uncuff Sehun swiftly.

     "Nuna, why do you have those?" Sehun points the the metal in your hands as he itches his right wrist, which has been irritated by the cuffs.

     Yongguk jumps over to the drawer and looks at its contents before you can stop him. "Holy-" you slam the drawer closed, cutting off his attempted profanity. "How many are in there?" he stares at you almost in amazement.

     "Twenty-five, but they're not what you think. I just have them because sometimes they're needed to shut someone up, or keep them from telling the whole  wolrd a secret. Plus they help to make a three legged race easier," you slip the cuffs back into their rightful place and look back at the two guys, one of whom is still in your body.

     Yongguk lies on the floor belly down, and hugs it, "do you think we'll be back to normal tomorrow?"

     "Let's hope so. I don't want to be stuck in this thing the rest of my life," you stretch out your arms and legs, gesturing to the body you're currently in.

     "Yah. Like yours is any better," he pops his head up and points a finger at himself.

     You decide to , "well at least it's not a guy with a little baby ."

     "Yah! It's not little! I'll prove it!" Yongguk jumps at you, his hands aiming for your pants.

     Sehun covers his eyes and hides in the corner of the room, "yah! I don't want to see this!"

     "Don't worry Sehunah, I've got this under control," you grab Yongguk by the waist and pick him off the ground. He squirms for a minute but eventually gives up. Your back pocket vibrates and you accidentally drop him.

     "What the heck? That really hurt," Yongguk rubs his but in pain. "Wow, this thing is nice and firm," you kick his foot to get him to stop.

     -You have a new text message-

     -Just recieved- <Youngjae> [Yah! If you're going to stay the night then at least tell me instead of making me sit here like an idiot for hours! You know I can't sleep when I don't know if you guys are okay or not. So stop worrying me!!!!!!]

     -Sent- [Sorry, I'll be staying the night. See you tomorrow]

     You send the message and realize your own phone still exists. "Can I see my phone?" you hold out a hand to Yongguk and he retreives the metal contraption from his pocket. He hands it over and you check your inbox.

     -Recieved 3 hours ago- <Minnie Oppa> [Yah! Lee Inyoung! What the heck?! Not even a text?! You ditch me for the past few days and now I find out you've been hanging out with like 10 different guys :'( Whatever you're doing, be careful. If you come to me with even a single scratch like last time, you'll owe me your company at dinner FOR A WEEK!!!!!]

     You let out a loud sigh and smile at his concern. Even though you completely forgot about your weekend plans with your Oppa and hadn't spoken with him in three days, he still forgives you in an instant. No Minwoo really is great. You start to miss him the more you think of him and you get an idea.

     -Sent- [Sorry Minnie Oppa, I got caught up in being with a bunch of new friends. But I miss you, let's go to the park. Come to the shop at 4:30 tomorrow and we'll go there, it'll be fun. Okay?]

     -Just recieved- <Minnie Oppa> [I miss you too Youngah! ^u^ See you tomorrow!]

     You set the phone on your night stand and turn to Yongguk. "You're staying here tonight, just in case. And we're both sleeping on the couch, araso?" You don't want Yongguk near Soohee, she's your best friend, not to mention she's engaged. Sehun nods and Yongguk pouts at the thought of not being able to sleep in his own bed.

     Sehun leads the way to the living room where, again, you find a not-so-happy Kris. This time he isn't quite angry, just really protective and suspicious. "I'm staying the night Kris, so you can go home now," you sit down on the couch and try to relax. Kris looks at Yongguk expecting some kind of explaination. "Just go Kris, nothing's gonna happen. I swear on my manhood," it's not like it's yours to want to keep.

     "I'll hold you to that," Kris grits through his teeth and starts for the door.

     "That promise applies to tonight ONLY!!!!" Yongguk gets the torturous words in Kris' ears right before the door closes, making him twitch.

     "Yah!!!" you throw a pillow really hard at Yongguk, knocking him over, and quietly make your way to the door, worried. Continuing to be silent, you press you ear gently against the door. You feel a burning pain in your chest as you recognize the sounds coming from the other side of the door.

     Kris is crying.



Author's Note:

I feel so sad every time I think about making Kris cry :( And HOLY PICKLES have you seen the characters in the story's forward. All the pictures look great and have lots of info. I hope you like the story so far! ^u^

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My story is my baby. I really love it and hope you guys enjoy it ^^


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LittleNobody317 #1
Chapter 20: I wish you luck! You don't have to force yourself to update if you're having so much to do, and I'm sorry for your loss...
Chapter 18: AW! GD how cute <3
Chapter 17: lol! GD is ticklish! Update soon :)
nerry55 #4
Chapter 17: So far I really like everyones character and the plot but I think I might get confused on everyone's relationship with each other
kpopismystylenow #5
It's so cool that you put up real times when you'll be updating your story. Haha, I guess I should do that as well!~~
LittleNobody317 #6
Chapter 12: Why does Kris seems so.. sensitive? Its unmanly haha. I'm really looking forward to next chap :)
Chapter 12: story sounds interesting. Can't wait to read
-DaeButt #8
Chapter 3: This is so interesting! Can't wait for more :DD
LittleNobody317 #9
Chapter 1: The foreword made me really curious. And now this! Its kinda confusing but I haven't read the 2nd chap, so I'll read it now