Chapter 2

Like Strangers




______ continued to watch her movie when she realized she couldn’t hear Jaehyo’s craziness anymore.

“Jae Oppa? Um…Jae Oppa?” she said and turned to look at his sleeping face. ‘He’s so cute in his sleep.’

She went around the room to turn off the TV before she could leave.

She looked over at him and removed his glasses, placing them on the table next to his bed.

‘Why doesn’t Oppa realize how handsome he is? I kind of like being the only one that can see what a great person, Jaehyo Oppa is. Why can’t I stop falling even deeper in love with him?!’

She brushed a stray strand of hair away from his face and kissed his forehead.

“Good night, Oppa, Sleep well.” She said and walked home to write about her day in her diary. “I can’t believe we’ve been best friends for so long. I still remember the day we met.”




Nine year old, ______, was sitting in the front of the house watching the moving company unload the belongings of her new, next door, neighbors.


“Yeah?” a boy said softly, not looking away from his game boy.

“Yah! Ahn Jaehyo, put that game boy down and help the guys move stuff into your room.”

“But Umma!~ I’ve almost beast my high score!!~” he whined.

“Ahn Jaehyo, NOW!”

“Aigoo!~ Fine!” he reluctantly saved the game and helped out with the boxes.

“Boys!~” ______ giggled.

The next day, ______ was walking in the park and saw a boy curled up in a fetal position under the bushes.

“Yah! Are you alive?”

She poked him and he winced it pain.

“Are you okay?”

“Go away!~”

“No! You’re hurt! What happened to you?” she asked softly.

“Why do you even care?!”

“I care when I see people hurt. It makes me sad.”

“You don’t even know me! So don’t worry.”

“I know that we don’t know each other, but I’m still worried.”

He looked up at her.


“That’s just how I am.” She said softly. “Oh, your nose, and your lip are bleeding!”

She pulled out a packet of tissues, rolled up two pieces, shoving them up each nostril.

She took out another tissue and dabbed the blood from his lip.

He just stared at her.

“Why are you being so nice to me? I’m just some nerd. I get beat up by bullies. No big deal. It's okay...”

"Why did they beat you up?"

"They just felt like it...but do you need a reason to beat up a nerd?!"

"They beat you up for no reason?! I hate bullies! Oh! They broke your glasses too!" she said taking them off of him so she could clean them up. She looked at his eyes. ‘He’s cute!’

______ reached into her bag and pulled out a box.

“Um…why do you carry around a first-aid kit with you?”

“Well…my mother is insane and insists that I carry this wherever I go.” She giggled. “I wish I could leave it home for good. I’m glad I have it now, since you need it.”

He just stared at her while she took care of him.

“Thank you.”

“No problem. You’re not seriously hurt though right?”

“N-no.” he stuttered. “I…I’m f-fine.”

“I’m glad.” She said helping him up. “Where do you live?”

He told her the name of the street he lived on.

“Really?! Me too?!”


“Yeah! Waaaa!~ Oh! I recognize you now!! You just moved into town didn’t you?”

“Y-yeah, h-how did you know?”

“I’m See ______, you moved in right next door! What’s your name?”

“A-Ahn Jaehyo…”

“Nice to meet you!” she said shaking his hand while showing her adorable toothless smile. “Let’s be friends okay?” she said.

“Y-yeah, sure.” He smiled back and nodded.

The two new friends walked home together.

“Yah! Ahn Jaehyo, what happened to your face?!” His mother scolded.

“I…I’m okay, Umma.”

“Ahjumma, it’s not his fault. There were some mean bullies that were picking on him. I found him and used my first aid kit!”

“Oh, aren’t you cute?! What’s your name?”

“Annyeonghaseyo! I’m Seo ______, I live right next door.”

“Oh! See, Jaehyo, It won’t be so bad moving to a new place! You made a friend already.”

Jaehyo just smiled.

“Y-yeah I guess not.” He said.

“______, how old are you?” his mother asked.

“I’m 9!~”

“Really?! Me too!!~” Jaehyo said.

“See?! Even better! You’re the same age too!~ I just talked to your mother earlier and she told me that you’re attending the same school.”

“Waaaa!~ That’s so cool! I can show you around the school!~” ______ said cheerfully.

“That would be daebak!~”

Since that day, they were inseparable.


---------------------End of Flashback-----------------------------------------------------------


______ put her diary away and smile.

“Tomorrow. I’ll tell him how I feel tomorrow. I don’t think I can hold it in any longer.”

The next morning she put more effort into getting ready for school.

“It has to be perfect.” ______ said as she checked her hair in the mirror one last time.

She walked down the stairs and met him outside.

“WHOA!~” she shouted. “Jae Oppa, what the…”

“What the…what?” he asked innocently.

“I swear you have almost every print I can think of, on your body right now. There are polka dots, stripes, plaid, houndstooth, and…camouflage?! Really Oppa, Really?!”

“What? I thought I looked good.”

“Are you color blind too?” she giggled. ‘Why is he so cute?!’

“No! Why?!”

“Never mind.” She giggled.

“Why?! What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, nothing. You look so y in that outfit.” She said sarcastically.

“Did you just call me y?” he asked. “Well I have been working out…”

He pulled up his sleeves to show his arms.

“Aigoo!~ I take that back…it was a joke. I swear you ARE, derptastic.” she giggled. ‘Yeah right, ______, you know you meant it. How the heck can he make nerds looks so hott? And in THAT outfit. That, HORRENDOUS, outfit. Girl, you are going insane.’



yep, Girl, you so are XD haha

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I'm having SEVERE writers block right now....I'm working on the next (possibly the last or second to the last) chapter now


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I have a question,in this story do they go to a camp?
I just commented now, omG.
I can't believe it's done.. Great story once again!
Aw the end was so cute and derpy. Just like Jaehyo. c:
Good job!
Sleepy derp.. Aww... Naeun should be nice now >:| Anyways, the gifs are so daebak~!!
Glad you updated!!
Eirenne #5
finally an update~~~ :)
update soon~~ :)
asdfghatejklove #6
Ahaha! LOL at the gifs xD
You updated! Hurray!
Derp. Jaehyo, derp.
Jinyoung, you are such an angel..