Delivery of Seventh Record

Anatomy of Planning 10


////Seventh Record///

The lesson that was held today was based on values, both tangible and intangible values alike. We also received a values test to discover each individual's take on their own values.

 val·ue :noun /ˈvalyo͞o/

the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

tan·gi·ble :adj. /ˈtanjəbəl/

perceptible by touch.

in·tan·gi·ble :adj. /inˈtanjəbəl/

unable to be touched or grasped; not having physical presence.


T h e  G i s 

Through Mr. Maher's numerous stories about his various experiences, I have been able to differientiate out between what tangible and intangible values are, and should center myself around obtaining and cherishing those intangible values more than the tangible ones. Through the values test, I discovered that family, adventure, moral judgement and personal consistency and recognition were the sections I scored high on, meaning that I am centered around those values. Another high scoring sections were friendship and companionship, independence and freedo and creativity. I scored lowest on money and wealth, which I guess is a good result considering the fact that I don't meddle myself with such unnecessary concerns... well, for now, money is. The importance of prioritizing different values at their proper place was also expressed through a small reading, titled "The Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups of Coffe". Overall, I was completely satisfied with the scores that I received. 

end .

Just once, just once…

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