Delivery of Nineteenth Record

Anatomy of Planning 10


///////Nineteenth Record////

In this lesson, we learned about steroids and the different risks it imposes.

ste·roid :noun /ˈsterˌoid,ˈsti(ə)r-/

any of a large class of organic compounds with a characteristic molecular structure containing four rings of carbon atoms (three six-membered and one five). They include many hormones, alkaloids, and vitamins.


T h e  G i s 

Today, we learned that anabolic steroids increases muscle growth rapidly, and are abused by athletes to increase the size and strength of their muscles and endurance. It replicates the genetic material of an estrogen, which are steroid hormones most prominent in women that maintain the development and maintenance of female characterisitcs of the body. This is why male athletes who often abuse steroids have enlarged s. The risks that steroids imposes on people include acne, premature balding and hair loss, weight gain, mood swings, agression, problems sleeping, high blood pressure, greater chance of inquiring muscles, jaundice of yellowing of the skin, liver damage, stunted growth, anger issues, increased risk of developing heart disease, blood clots , and some types of cancer, high cholesterol and reduced ual function. The extreme risks include cardiovascualar diseases, liver diseases as well as reproductive organs.

 end .


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