Delivery of Fifth Record

Anatomy of Planning 10


////Fifth Record///

The lesson we had was centered on the Intelligence Quotient Test (a.k.a. IQ Test) and the Multiple Intelligence (a.k.a. MI Theory). 

Intelligence Quotient Test (IQ Test)

intelligence test: a psychometric test of intelligence

Multiple Intelligences (MI Theory)

The theory of multiple intelligences is a theory of intelligence that differentiates it into specific "modalities", rather than seeing intelligence as dominated by a single general ability.


T h e  G i s 

There are two different intelligence tests that take into account as to what kind of areas individuals strive in the most. The Intelligence Quotient Test (IQ Test) was created by Alfred Binet in hopes of discovering student's intellectual shortcomings. Through such, the IQ test became an indicator for a student's capabilities and therefore was used as a tool for ranking them. 100 would be an average score. above 130 is gifted and below 85 was deemed to require special education assistance. However, Howard Gardner, with his MI Theory, challenged the narrow-minded view of intelligence to mainly English and Math. His Multiple Intelligences, better known as the MI Theory, stated that people learn in a number of ways and that there are different areas that people can be talented and skilled in. In his theory, there were 8 main intelligences: musical (music smart), bodily-kinesthetic (body smart), logical-mathematical (number smart), linguistical (word smart), spatial (picture smart), interpersonal (people smart), intrapersonal (myself smart), and naturalistic (nature smart). Within those intelligences, I thrive most in musical, bodily-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, linguistical and spatial. I very much took an enjoyment in this particular lesson. 

end .


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