Anatomy of Planning 10


Fa t i m a  B i a n c a  d e  L e o n ' s

♚ profile 


////////Welcome to Planning 10///////

A blog based on the daily stuff provided in Planning 10.

Thematic life lessons.


Personality exploration.

Discoveries of yourself.

Get your daily dosage of the latter.

Disclaimer: The following records may be unreliable

Due to biased opinions of an unnoticed individual in this class

That casually dozes off in critical situations.


blog :noun /bläg/

a personal website or webpage on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites etc. on a regular basis. 


Catch a glimpse of my interpretations

In a class filled with laughter, insight, and unpretentiousness. 


❝ And on a concluding note,

I welcome you to A n a t o m y o f P la n n i n g  1 0 , a blog whose

priorities are reporting the daily happenings in a Planning 10 class in this vast galaxy we temporarily reside in. 


////////Let your wondering take you off to another space.///// 


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