Delivery of Fourth Record

Anatomy of Planning 10


///Fourth Record///

This particular lesson is centered around personality, its different types and the factors that affect what personality an individual will possess.

per·son·al·i·ty :noun /ˌpərsəˈnalitē/

the combination of charactertistics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character


T h e  G i s 

Personality is a person's character that can affect themselves and the people around them. It varies from person to person, despite the fact that we possess similar needs. Personality is an indicator of a person's character, and can let us catch a glimpse of their overall goodness. There are many varying facts that have a direct impact on our personality, and such is hereditary and environment. Hereditary is how we were genetically programmed, which coincides with our connection with our ancestors. We have inherited specific genes from our parents that affect our personality. There has been a study that has taken the population of prisoner inmates which shows prisoners generally have a XXY chromosome conbination, which means that they were genetically programmed to commit crimes and break the law. Hereditary can affect our personality due to genes we have inherited, and such has programmed our characteristics and peronality traits. Another factor that contributes to personality is environment. Environment influences our personality through the type of people we surround ourselves with and also the situation and experiences that we has gone through. These two factors can work together by becoming a combination that will influence the characteristics more and less the same.

There are many different character types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional. Realistic individuals are physically strong, mechanically inclined, like to build and are stable. They will most likely pursue careers, such as police, firefighters and architects. Investigative individuals shine most at academics such math and science, think rather than act, dislike repetition and are individuals that prefer to work alone. They would likely pursue careers, such as being math teacher, lawyers and forensics. Artistic individuals are creative, have no rules nor timelines, sensitive and emotional and like to work in small groups. They would likely pursue career such as band teachers, art teachers, choreographers, and vocal trainers. Social individuals are sociable, ethical, responsible, like working in groups, cooperative, nurturing and dislike physical exertion. They are most likely going to pursue careers, such as counsellors, days workers, kindergarten teachers and caregivers. Enterprising individuals are strong leaders, flirtatious, concerned with power, high energy and ambitious. They are most likely going to pursue a career, such as government officials, stockholders and CEO's. Conventional individuals like to work in ordered environments, dislike ambiguity, likes clear instructions, stable, practical and are conservative. They are most likely going to pursue careers, such as accountants, secretaries, and coordinators. I have an artistic and convetional personality, which is quite ironic, since there are clashing characteristics in between these personality types. On a concluding note, there are various personality types and several factors that influence our personalities.

end .


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