Delivery of Twenty-Fifth Record

Anatomy of Planning 10


We spent several classes discussing teenage pregnancy, accompanied with a movie titled "Juno".

preg·nan·cy :noun /ˈpregnənsē/

the condition or period of being pregnant.


T h e  G i s t

In groups of two, we brainstormed numerous ideas of the consequences that we thought would occur from teenage pregnancy. Teenage births, as we have researched, often result in lower annual income for the mother. In one circumstance or another, these mothers would often have to rely on welfare. Teenage mothers most often drop out of school as well, as their life now revolves around the infant that is in their womb. Only one-third obtain their high school diploma. Teenage pregnancy often leads to alcohol and substance abuse, and reduced earning in teenage fathers. There is also the annual cost of teen pregnancies from lost tax revenues, public assistance, child health care, foster care and involvement with the criminal justive system that comes along with teenage pregnancy, which is estimated to be $7 billion. There is also the emotional aspect of guilt, humilliation and regret that comes along with both the mother and father. Along with this particular lesson, we watched a film titled "Juno", which explores the exhausting journey of a teenage mom as she faces the consequences and aftermath of being a pregnant woman. 

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