Delivery of Sixth Record

Anatomy of Planning 10


////Sixth record///

The sixth lesson that was introduced to us was the dominance of either your left and right brain or both and what effects the latter will have on our personality and strengths.

right-brained :adj. /rahyt-breynd/

having the right brain dominant, therefore being more adept at spatial and 

nonverbal concepts and being more creative and emotional than logical and analytical.

left-brained : adj. /left-breynd/

having the left brain dominant, therefore being more adept 

at logic, calculation, languageand other thought processes or 

skills usually associated with the left brain.


T h e  G i s t 

My peers and I took a "Are you a left or right-brained?"-esque quiz, which shows which part of the brain dominates us more and therefore has a direct impact on our capabilities and personality. Left-brained individuals use logic, are detail-oriented, have facts rule, adore words and language, take the past and the present into account more, thrive in math and science, can comprehend well, are knowing, acknowledging, have order/pattern perception, know object names, are reality-based, form strategies, practical and play it safe. It is often accounted for usability and analysis. Right-brained individuals use feelings, are big picture oriented, let imagination rule, like symbols and images, take the present and the future into account, thrive in philosophy and religion, can get "meaning", believe, appreciate, have spatial perception, know object function, are fantasy-based, present possibilities, impetuous and are risk takers. It is often accounted for design and creativity. As for my case, I am left-brained, though my scores between the two are awfully close. I receive 14 for left and 12 for right, which portrays my balanced use of both parts of my brain. 

end .


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