Welcome to Star King! Part 2

The Feeling of Being Loved

From the Previous Chapter:

"Neh! Please do love her as much as you can!" said Taeyang oppa.

"Now, introducing, our very own YG made.. CARA!" said Seungri oppa proudly.


Well, here goes nothing.

As the unnies and oppas slowly go off the stage, the music started playing. 

Looking up at the idol audience, i saw the unnies and oppas smile at me as they cheered me on.

It seem like a really long time until my first actual dance beat.

Dum..... Dumm... Dummm...

A sudden applause broke out when i finally finished my dance performance.

With heavy breaths, i looked up towards the audience as they shouted out my name.

The feeling of being loved.

I tried to keep myself composed as i had one more song performance to do.

Bom unnie stood up from her seat and joined me on stage for my last song.

As we sang, the fans cheered for me.

As the song ended, i bowed politely. As i walked back to my seat i heard,


Turning around, i saw the audience standing up and cheering for me.

This time i failed with the composure part. 

Bom unnnie hugged me and led me to my seat as i cried with happiness and gratitude.

Just before the end of the show...

"Kamsahamnida erobun for watching our show. Unfortunately this concludes our show please do come next week." said KangDong-ssi when the schedule was done.

With a polite bow, the idols left the stage.

Gosh! I was really tired! Star King took four hours to film! Now i understand why the oppas and unnies always look tired. 

But i've got to admit it was fun!

As i got off the stage laughing and joking around with Big Bang and 2NE1, Gikwang oppa grabbed my hand. 

Instantly, GD and TOP oppa shot him a cold glare. 

"Oppa! Stop that." i said

I mean i know that they're worried about me but i'm a big girl already.

And Gikwang oppa is a nice person. 

"Minhae Cara. Gikwang if anything happens to her... " said TOP oppa.

I seemed like Gikwang oppa cringed back a bit.

I laughed at the sight of Gikwang oppa being scared. 

"Neh. I'll take care of her." said Gikwang oppa. 

"So.. Oppa why did you call me here by the way?" i asked. 


"Gikwang wants to ask you if you would like to go out with him on a date." said Yoseob-ssi as he and the rest of the Beast member came behind him.

Gikwang oppa blushed. 

I've gotten closer to the Beast members already and so have they. 

We practically speak informally to each other now! 

Adding to the informalities, it seems like Gikwang oppa and i are the favourites for head locks apparently.

The funniest part is that Gikwang oppa gets head locked by DongWoon-ssi.

For me, its always HyunSeung oppa. 

HyunSeung is luck because GD oppa trust him to take care of me, and i trust HyunSeung to take care of me also. 

"Yah! DongWoon! Let go of me!" said Gikwang oppa jokingly as he threw a few playful punches at Dongwoon-ssi.

As Dongwoon-ssi put Gikwang oppa down the rest of us were laughing. 

"So, Cara. Do you want to go out on a date with me?" asked Gikwang oppa shly. 

Hahaha! Gikwang oppa is so cute! 

Hahaha! I'm calling my oppa cute!

"I would love to!" 

"YESSSSSSSS! So I'll see you tomorrow then" yelled Gikwang oppa happily.

"Yah! How are you going to pass through Big Bang?" said Doojoon-ssi.

"Hahaha! Don't worry I'll talk to them. Are you really that scared of them?"

The members punches Gikwang joking. 

"Cara! Come on, we have to go!" said Ji unnie. 

"Neh unnie! Coming!"

"Oppas i gotta go now. Annyeong!" i said. 

Before following Ji unnie, i hugged all the Beast members warmly.

"Annyo Oppas!"

In the YG Limo.....

Everyone was already inside the limo waiting for me. I felt a bit bad because all the unnies and oppas were sleeping except DongWook oppa, YG oppa, and JiYeon unnnie. When the DongWook oppa saw we coming towards the limo door, he came out to greaet me.

"Oppa!" i yelled as i ran to him. 

DongWook oppa gave me a warm hug.

"How was Star King? Did our little baby do well?"

"Neh! Of course oppa! Come on let's go eat! The Big Bang oppas and 2NE1 unnnies are hungry and tired."

"Hahaha! I know i saw that! Okay then, come on let's go. JiYeon and YG hyung are inside already."

At dinner.....

"Let's give a toast to Cara for doing very well in her very first broadcast!" said Daesung oppa happily.

"I have two really good news for everyone."

"What is it Cara, let's hear it." said JiYeon unnie. 

"Okay. Well first of all, Beast has asked me to be in their upcoming music video!"

"Oh! Great!" said DongWook oppa happily.

"Second good reason. Gikwang oppa asked me to go out with him!"


"It'll just be friends and i can get the unnies to disguise me! 2NE1 unnies approve of it!"

"I'm fine with you guys going out actually but you just have to be really well hidden okay?" said YG oppa.

"NEH!" said the YG babies"When is your date?" said Taeyang oppa. 

"Tomorrow oppa. Waeyo?" i asked

"Aniyo. Just wondering."

 "Balli KA! We have to get Cara ready for her date tomorrow!" said YG oppa

Everyone laughed.

At the dorm..... 

"So what are you going to wear for you date tomorrow?" asked Dara unnie.

"Wait wait... Do you like Gikwang-ssi? As in lik like?" asked Bom unnie. 

"Aniyo! We are just like sibiling love."

"Are you sure?" asked CL unnie.

"Yessss unnie. Now come one we should sleep. Especially the unnies."

"Neh Cara. Good night..."

"Good Night...."



As i stared up into space i wondered how i was going to tell Gikwang oppa that i had no strong feelings other than him being my oppa. 



AHHHH! I'm so sorry! I've been super busy with school work .. 

BTW! i totally recommed this kdrama..

God of Study.. 

I watched it and cried...

Please comment! 

Merci! Xie xie! Kamsahamnida! 



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angmohsai #1
@retard_likeme I KNEW IT WAS YOU! haha! (: thanksssss <3
RETARD_likeme #2
BooYaa #3
Oh, and don't abandon it!!<br />
keep working at it!
BooYaa #4
Wooooo!<br />
great updatesss!<br />
sorry i haven't been commenting recently, i was just busy!<br />
but anywhooo, you seem to be improving!<br />
keep it up!!!
Carmelnap #5
No donot not abandon it! I lime reading it!!!!!
angmohsai #6
@ocean-brown haha(: thanks! (:
Omg! Haha! CD so cute! XD
angmohsai #8
Thankssss a bunch! please do read my friend fan fic.. its quite sweet(: its called "is this what you call love?" by ocean-brown...<br />
BooYaa #9
You're welcome!<br />
(i just realized, i say that a lot, haha)<br />
awww, okay, i'll wait till then ;)<br />
i'll definitely try to promote it!<br />
P.S. i find it really sweet when you call me unnie, lol!
angmohsai #10
Thanksss! That really made my day! Tomorrow is monday but i will still write my draft up while i'm at school. I'll try to update asap! Thanks unnie! ^^ please do try to promote my fanfic! ^^<3