Tired Like Poo... But Hard Work Always Pays Off..

The Feeling of Being Loved

From the Previous Chapter:


Cara smiled at her oppa and unnie's playful sides.
A pair of hands were placed against each of her shoulders.
She looked left and right.
Ji unnie and YG were beside her.
"Welcome to the family, you are one of us now. No matter what we will always be here for you."
After dinner..
"Annyeonghaseyo oppas and unnies." Cara said
"Aneyo! Let's speak comfortably okay? We're family now! But you still have to  address us a oppa and unnie okay? " said YG look left to right for the whole family's approvable
"OKAY! Now enough playing let's get back to the training centre. We gotta start training Cara." said YG
Cara nodded while following the whole group to the different cars. 
"Cara, we're going to follow the 2NE1 unnie's car okay? Cause like its only the two of us okay?" stuttered Ji unnie.
"YES! Hahahaha! We can finally bond more! YESSSSS! Ahahahaha!" laughed minzy evilly..
"Minzy! You're going to scare her! Come on, so from now on you're our understudy so you'll be training with us. Dancing and Vocal and Physical training included. But you look fit enough so you'll probably pass Bom unnie and I! Hahaha!" Dara said jokingly.
"YAH! I'm faster than you!" yelled Bom.
Everyone just laughed at Bom's reaction.. 
"So why don't you tell us a bit more about yourself.. okay?" CL suggested
"Err.. okay.. We'll I've always dreamed of being an artist ever since I heard K-pop. Sounds a little bit cheesy and a classical case right? But that's actually the case.. Erm.. So when I heard that YG was having auditions I practised everyday really hard! Yeah.. I really love dogs because i think they're like literally a girl's best friend.. haha! er.. yeah.. that's it!" said Cara.
"Hey! I like dogs also!" said MInzy..
"Okay, since you guys can relate now the three unnie's will take a nap.. Sorry Minzy and Cara, we're getting old.... You guys talk..." said CL sleepily.
"Neh unnie!"
So for the rest of the way, Minzy and Cara just kept on talking.
Author's note: Sorry from now one the majority of the story will be in Cara's point of view with a few switches in between.
sorry.. cos it's a lil hard for me to write it in a third person as more and more characters are getting introduced.. sorryyy!
but now continuing....
~Cara POV starting from now...~
Woah! Minzy unnie is so cool! I realize that both of us are quite alike.. 
"We're Here! Come on girls! Let's start practising! Cara you can leave your bags in the car." said CL unnie.
It currently 12.30pm I'm actually not tired. Maybe it's because i'm used to practising this late at night and maybe slightly because it's my first practise so i'll have to be good! 
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
I tip-toed to see what was making the noise to see CL unnine scanning her thumbprint and typing in a number.  Cool! The practise room is so high-tech! I guess its expected though. 
"Cara, Ji unnie will teach you how to get in after practise okay." said CL unnie.
I nodded. 
As we walked in, we saw the Big Bang oppas fooling around again.
They're so funny and so much more likeable than on the tv.
Daeseung oppa saw us and waved just as they entered a glass lift. 
I guess they're practising also.
WOW! The YG building was so tall! There were like 6 levels! The first level was for the receptionist and security point. Then after you have to go into a glass elevator to the 4th floor. The 3rd and 4th floor are all different dance studios. When the 2NE1 unnies walked brought me in, i was shocked! I've never seen a room that had all four walls that were mirrors! At home when I practised I only used the small full body length mirror. But this! The whole room was practically a mirror! OHHHHHH! 
"Unnie! Come on let's start!" i said excitedly
"Calm down! We have to stretch first or else we'll get hurt." laughed Dara unnie.
"Mianhe unnie i forgot.."
After stretching a tall man walked into the room. He was about 180cm tall and had dark brown hair. 
"Anneyo girls! OH! Anneyo! You must be Cara right? I'm HyunMIn. I'm 2NE1's choreographer." the man said with a smile
Oh, he's really tall man! Gosh I feel like a dwarf..
"Anneyo oppa. Neh, I'm Cara. Please take of me." 
"Okay then, let's start practise...."
After practise..
"Good Night girls! See you tomorrow afternoon for your practise sessioin." said HyunMIn as he walked out the door.
Oh gosh! The dance that I learnt today is going to be used for a talent performance for Minzy unnie. She's going to be on Strong Heart.. I think that's what its called.. While I learnt the dance with Minzy unnie, CL, Dara and Bom unnie was practise what I think is probably their dance for their comback song. 
All of us are tired and we probably are going to sleep straight away when we get back to the dorm.
Ji unnie just told me that I'll sleep in 2NE1 unnies' dorm and i'll be rooming with CL unnie! CL unnie seemed like she liked it a lot. I think we're going to be really close. I can feel the sisterly love already from them! Actually I can feel the love from all the YG artist! 
"Let's go! Come on slow butts we have to sleep early as possible!" said Bom unnie
Happily i ran out the door to catch up the the unnies.
When i got into the van, all the unnies straight away fell asleep and so did i.
At the dorm...
I was given a grand tour by CL unnie when we reached the dorm and I realised that Bom unnie has lots of food in her room.. Hehe!  CL helped me bring down my things and showed me our room. 
Our room was quite bag actually, bigger than I expected. Two single beds were able to be placed inside with two desks, two bookshelves and there was also a door that lead to CL unnie and my wardrobe. CL unnie explained that one bookself was mine and one was hers. She also explained that one desk was for the stylist unnie to put on our make up and the other was, well used for a a desk.. CL unnie helped me clear all my clothes from my luggages and hanged them up in my wardrobe. 
You won't believe it! I have my own walk in wardrobe! Hahahaha!
"Cara, now since we're are roommates, i'm going to treat you as my own little sister okay? So whatever clothes you need to borrow, just borrow them but you have to tell me first thought. Because i might think somebody stole it. By the way I'll teach you later the house's number code and card to get in."
CL unnie is letting me use her clothes! Amazingly we are the same size, height and shoe size.. Well isnt that convenient! 
"Bom, Dara and Minzy live in the rom next to us. Just walk pas the kitchen and it's their room . Obviously it will be much bigger because.. well there are three of them and two of us!  You and I share and toilet and the rest share their own toilet also."
"Okay, since you known everything now.. It's finally time to sleep! Good night Cara! See you tomorrow morning!"
Two months later...
"Cara! I have some good news for you!" 
President YG came in and told me to reward me for my hard work, i'm going to make my solo debut with CL unnie and GD oppa! It'll be in approximately 6 months on Music Core. AHH! I'm so happy! This day has finally came! 
Behind President YG, Big Bang oppa, JIYeon unnie and Dong-wook oppa followed behind with a cake that said... " Congratulations on your near debut!"
The 2NE1 unnie were so happy for me! 
CL unnie and i were jumping around the practise studio as the rest of our family laughed. 
"Oh yeah, Cara we have one more present for you. The 2NE1 unnies told us about this and how you always wanted one. Minzy helped to pick it out.. And CL said that you can sleep with it." said TOP oppa as he walked in with a box that same semi-rapped up.
"TOP oppa, no offence but you need to work on your present wrapping skills because you didn't seal the box."  I said jokingly.
"YAH! Cara! I know how to wrap up a present okay! I'm probably the best one out of the whole family! Do you think i'm that stupid to put a puppy in a box and actually rap it shut? huh?" TOP oppa said jokingly.
"Oppa, what did you say was in the box?"
"Why don't you just open it and you'll know!" said CL unnie with a smile
Arf! Arf!
As i opened the lid of the box that TOP oppa was holding, a white maltese pup jumped out and started my face as i fell to the floor.
"Thank you unnies and oppas! I love her! She's beautiful! I'll surely take care of her!"
"Haha! Okay, since you have a puppy already can you promise us that you're keep up the good work and do well for you debut?" said President YG.
"Neh! I will of course I will!"
"Hyung! Don't worry Cara is always hard working! You don't have to worry!" said Taeyang oppa as he gave me a wink.
"I known Taeyang, i'm just reassuring myself which I'm positive that I actually don't have to." said President YG.
"Yah! Cara! We all pitched in money to buy that puppy. So this is a early birthday and congratulation present too okay! Us oppas and noonas are not rich haha!" said Dong-wook oppa
"Haha! Okay oppa! Actually you guys didnt have to get me anything actaully..."
"Remember we're family! But now we are expecting something big for our comeback song or birthday!" said JiYeon unnie jokingly.
"Yeah! Cara i want a car for my birthday!"
"I want a pair of new headsets!"
"I wan..."
"Me too!...."
"Okay, I'll try to get them! ^^ When i earn my money from my debut song, i'll treat dinner okay?"
"Unnie! You can chose the place also!"
"Yah! Cara You're the best!"
"So, what are you going to name her?" asked Minzy unnie.
"KALI! Because i really miss my little sister. I've been calling her for the past few weeks but I really miss my family! I mean i love you guys but i also miss my mom, dad and kali..." i said
"hey! It's okay! We all miss our parents! Don't worry! We know how you feel don't worry that's why we are here for you!" Daeseung oppa said as he hugged me.
"Thank oppa! I can always count on you guys!"
How's this chapter? Cara is finally going to debut! ^^
Wann known a bit of what is going to happen in the next chapter?
I'll give you the title.... SO... BEAST!! ^^
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angmohsai #1
@retard_likeme I KNEW IT WAS YOU! haha! (: thanksssss <3
RETARD_likeme #2
BooYaa #3
Oh, and don't abandon it!!<br />
keep working at it!
BooYaa #4
Wooooo!<br />
great updatesss!<br />
sorry i haven't been commenting recently, i was just busy!<br />
but anywhooo, you seem to be improving!<br />
keep it up!!!
Carmelnap #5
No donot not abandon it! I lime reading it!!!!!
angmohsai #6
@ocean-brown haha(: thanks! (:
Omg! Haha! CD so cute! XD
angmohsai #8
Thankssss a bunch! please do read my friend fan fic.. its quite sweet(: its called "is this what you call love?" by ocean-brown...<br />
BooYaa #9
You're welcome!<br />
(i just realized, i say that a lot, haha)<br />
awww, okay, i'll wait till then ;)<br />
i'll definitely try to promote it!<br />
P.S. i find it really sweet when you call me unnie, lol!
angmohsai #10
Thanksss! That really made my day! Tomorrow is monday but i will still write my draft up while i'm at school. I'll try to update asap! Thanks unnie! ^^ please do try to promote my fanfic! ^^<3