
The Feeling of Being Loved

From the Previous Chapter:


As we watched oppa’s car leave we wave at them as the left.

Gikwang oppa turned to look at me.

“So, what do you want to do first?” Gikwang oppa said with a dazzling smile.

Usually if a guy does that to me, I would blush. But Gikwang oppa is really like an oppa to me. So we joke around.

“Well, oppa you brought me to the beach so, let’s go.”

“Okay! Beach here we come!”


The akward silence.....

“Honestly I couldn’t really recongise you at first. You’re disguise is really good!” complimented Gikwang oppa.

“Oppa, it is too easy to recongise you! Here. Put this cap on, thankfully I brought it for you. I thought that you wouldn’t have worn any disguise at all.”

“This is my disguise.”Gikwang oppa explained as he pointed to his glasses.

“Seriously? You look EXACTLY the same. Come on, just put the cap on.”

He looked so funny! I laughed slightly as he tried to adjust the cap properly.

“Yah. Why are you laughing?” said Gikwang oppa jokingly as he started to poke me.

“You seriously look different. Oppa, don’t worry about your hair. It’s fine!”

“Do you really want to die?” said Gikwang oppa as he pushed me into the water.

Thankfully I was able to keep my balance and thankfully we left our shoes and bags at the stairs that lead to the beach. Because of my sudden movement, Gikwang oppa fell into the water.

“Hahahaha! Okay kenchana?” I said as he seemed to be struggling to get up.

With a smirk on his face, he started to splash water at me. 


After a few more minutes of playing with water, I dragged the every lazy Lee Gikwang out of the water.

He was literally dripping wet. Well, HEY! So was I.  

As we went to get our belongings and headed to the nearest toilet, we kept on joking around and fooling around.

After we dried off….

We decided to walk to a nearby food vendor to eat spicy rice cakes.

Did I mention that they are my FAVOURTIE?!

Gikwang oppa fed me and fed him a few.

Unfortunately due to Gikwang oppa's cheekiness, I ended up with a spicy rice cake in my face. 

Gikwang oppa's reward, one right back at him. 

After sharing a portion, we politely thank the rice cake ajumma and we headed back to the beach to see the sunset. 


As we walked down a different flight of stairs that led to the beach I started shivering. There was a small breeze which gave chills.

Next time I go out, I shall remind myself to bring a hoodie or a jacket.

Gikwang oppa seemed to have notice me shiver because he took off his hoodie and helped me put it on.

“Kamsamida Oppa.”

I pitied him, as he looked cold also. So I went up to and cuddled against his chest so that he could feel my warmth.

“Kamsamida Cara.” He whispered into my hair.

I hugged him even tighter as the wind began to blow stronger.

I started to take the jacket off, wanting to give it back to him, as we decided to sit down on the sand. Hopefully we’ll be able to catch the sunset here.

“Aniyo, you keep it, I’m really fine. You need to stay healthy for your debut and plus I might get beat up if you catch a cold.” Said Gikwang oppa as he lightly pushed the hoodie back towards me.

“Neh, since you insist.”

I ped the hoodie and rapped it around him. In the end, we shared his hoddie. It probably stretched like two to three sizes bigger. 

Gikwang oppa gave me a warm smile as his arm was around my shoulder.

He pulled me in closer to his body.

I like the warm and security of his body. Feeling  safe and warm in his arms I cuddled even closer to him. I was really cold. Poo you wind.

As I stared at the  waves coming and going, Gikwang oppa started to hum a song to me.

At first I wasn’t able to reongise the tune but soon after I realised that it was Love Song by Big Bang.

I really liked that song from the oppas’ recent album.

I thanked Gikwang oppa for the song as I wrapped my arms around his waist. And engulfed his warm body.  

He pulled my head down so that I was able to lie down on his lap.

Just as I lay down, the sun was a big round ball jus above the horizon.

I stared at the sun with awe. Mesmerized by its beauty.

~Gikwang’s POV~

“Neh, since you insist.”

Cara ped the hoodie and wrapped it around me.

However, in the end I put half of the hoodie on Cara so that she wouldn’t be cold and also so that I can’t go closer to her. So the conclusion of the jacket was that we both ‘wore’ it.

Cara is really adorable and innocent.

Girl, what have you done to me? What spell have you put onto me that made me like you so much?

As she looked up at me innocently, I gave her a warm and loving smile and pulled her closer to my chest.

I loved the feeling of her hair tickling my face. 

I really love you so much but I’m not sure if you love me the same why that I do. Do you?

I let out a big sigh.

She seemed warm and uncomfortable with herself being so close to me.

Maybe she does like me?

I started to hum Love Song by Big Bang.

During the Star King break, she told me that she really like that song.

Furthermore, I think its appropriate for it the currently moment.

For some reasons she thanked me and I’m not sure why.

Cara wrapped my arms around my waist, which I really liked the feeling. I shifted my head again.

Cara looked uncomfortable in that position so I gently took her head from my shoulder and put onto my lap.

I smiled to myself for the slight achievement.

Suddenly a gigant orange was able to be seen just sitting on the horizon.

Cara seemed mesmerized by its beauty.

I one the other hand was mesmerized by Cara’s beauty and character.

As the sun shone on her face, her eyes sparkled and that was when I fell more deeply in love with her.

Okay! I’m going to confess to her now.

I slowly stood up and helped her to stand up also.

She brushed the sand off her pants and smiled at me.

Without realizing, we were holding hands.

Our faces were just a few cenitmeteres away from each other. I saw every detail and perfection of her face. 

Seizing the opportunity I leaned in and kissed her.

I tried to transmit all my feelings through that one kiss.

With the kiss, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer in to me.

After a while I broke the kiss. I let go of her waist and held her hands instead so that she was able to breathe.  

Looking into her eyes, she seem afraid, shocked, confused and amazed.

This must have been her first kiss then.

She seemed to somehow be silenced.

Once more with a smile,  I pulled her in and said..

“Cara. I will always protect you and will always be by your side. Cara. I’m in love with you. Please be my girlfriend.”



its really late now so i'll try to continue tomorrow if possible.. 



pleas do read my unnie's story tooo(: its about mblaq and suju(:








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angmohsai #1
@retard_likeme I KNEW IT WAS YOU! haha! (: thanksssss <3
RETARD_likeme #2
BooYaa #3
Oh, and don't abandon it!!<br />
keep working at it!
BooYaa #4
Wooooo!<br />
great updatesss!<br />
sorry i haven't been commenting recently, i was just busy!<br />
but anywhooo, you seem to be improving!<br />
keep it up!!!
Carmelnap #5
No donot not abandon it! I lime reading it!!!!!
angmohsai #6
@ocean-brown haha(: thanks! (:
Omg! Haha! CD so cute! XD
angmohsai #8
Thankssss a bunch! please do read my friend fan fic.. its quite sweet(: its called "is this what you call love?" by ocean-brown...<br />
BooYaa #9
You're welcome!<br />
(i just realized, i say that a lot, haha)<br />
awww, okay, i'll wait till then ;)<br />
i'll definitely try to promote it!<br />
P.S. i find it really sweet when you call me unnie, lol!
angmohsai #10
Thanksss! That really made my day! Tomorrow is monday but i will still write my draft up while i'm at school. I'll try to update asap! Thanks unnie! ^^ please do try to promote my fanfic! ^^<3