Please Don't Do This To Yourself... I'm Begging You... Please... (Part I)

The Feeling of Being Loved

From the Previous Chapter:


At Beast's Dorm...

~Doojoon's POV~

Ah, how are we going to fix him?

“Hyung! Hyung! They’re coming. Cara’s coming to try to fix Gikwang.” Said HyunSeung as he ran into the living room.

“Good. Good. Now all we can do is wait for them and hope that Cara will be able to fix Gikwang.”


~Cara’s POV~

“We’re here.”

With a deep breath, I stepped out of the van. We came to see Gikwang oppa. Apparently he hasn’t been eating or talking. So I’m her as somewhat of a ‘doctor’.

“Annyo. Hyung Seung, we are down stairs do you mind coming down to open the front door for us? We’re kind of stuck. Neh, see you.” Gd oppa hanged up the phone and put it into his pocket.

 I understand the Gikwang oppa is broken and that he’s hurt but I am too. How can a hurt person comfort another hurt person? I talked to the unnies and oppa about what I’m going to do. Honestly they weren’t any help. All they practically did was comfort me and give me confidence in comforting Gikwang oppa. If you get what I’m trying to say..

“Annyo Hyung. Sorry for making you guys wait.” HyunSeung oppa said as he opened the front door for us.

“We’re on the 25th level.” HyunSeung oppa paused and glanced at us before speaking.

“Erm, I think we have to take the lift twice. They lift can probably only take 6 people at a time. So, erm, Cara, GD hyung, CL, Bom noona and TOP hyung. We’ll go on the lift. The rest of you guys go on the next one. Araso?”

The others nodded.


As we entered the lift, I shifted my eyes to HyunSeung oppa and asked him, “Oppa, how is he?”

HyunSeung oppa, whose face was smiling just a few seconds ago, suddenly turned dark.

“Honestly Cara, saying that he is fine is just lying to you. He hasn’t been doing very well. Dongwon and the other members have been trying to get him to talk and eat. He just doesn’t seem to budge. We’re very worried for him and that’s why Doojoon hyung asked me to call you over. He usually isn’t like this.” HyunSeung oppa said as he looked down on the floor.

“Kenchana oppa. I’ll fix it, I promise. Even if it means I have to stay at the dorm for the night. But I oppa, I need all of your support. Okay?” I said as I put a hand on HyunSeung oppa’s shoulder.

“HyunSeung don’t worry. He’ll be fine. Cara will fix him okay.” Said Bom unnie as she put her hand on his other shoulder.

“Kumawo.” He said as he forced a smile.

I really don’t know how I’m going to fix Gikwang oppa actually. But I do know that I will some how fix him.

I let out a sigh.

* DING! *

Finally the lift reached the 25th floor.

HyunSeung oppa knocked on the door.

Yoseob oppa opened it. Usually Yoseob oppa would have a bright and chirpy face. But when I saw him today, his face was so solem.

“Anneyo, Cara. Anneyo, noonas and hyungs.” Said Yoseob oppa.

It seemed like the oppas and unnies were quite shocked.

The oppas and unnies stepped in first.

I took a deep breath and entered the dorm.

“Oh, Cara. Wasoh.”

The other members were sitting down in the living room, their faces were all sad.

I bowed.

“Er, may I ask where his room is?” I asked the members.

They all pointed to a room that said “GIKWANG’S ROOM”

Oh gosh. I’m really blur.

“Oh. How long has he been inside there for?” I asked.

“Ever since we came back from picking him up from your date.” Said Dongwon oppa.

I looked at the floor.

Oh yikes. They seem really down. And this is my fault.

 “Aniyo Cara. It’s not your fault really. Don’t blame it on yourself. You have a valid reason and he knows it too. It’s just that he can’t really get over the fact. I asked you over because when we talk to him, he just stares at us with his teary eyes. So I guess you’re the only one that can help him. Will you do it?” asked Doojoon oppa.

I nodded.

“Kumawo.” He said as he stood up and gave me a hug.

The rest of the members stood up also and gave me a hug each.

“He’s inside.”

“Neh. Kumawo.”

As I approached the door, I took a deep breath.

I knocked on the door.

No answer.

I turned back to look at the oppas and unnies.

The members told me to just go in.

I nodded.

When I opened the door, I saw a boy sitting on his bed with red eyes and nose.

Seeing him like this, tears started to roll down my cheeks. 

He looked up at me and gave a me a slight smile.

I smiled back at him, ran to him and gave him a hug.

“I missed you.”

~Gikwang's POV~

I feel heartbroken. I understand that the members are worried about me. But I just can't seem to get over her. 

"He's inside." I heard someone say.

I wonder who is coming in now?

I heard a knock, I chose to ignore it. 

As the door opened, I heard light footsteeps. There was no way it was the members, they're guys. Only girls have light footsteps....

Could it be that Cara came to see me?


I lost to temptation and I looked up. 

To my disbelief, she was really standing there. I could see tears rolling down her cheeks already. 

I gave her a slight smile. I'm not sure if it was forced or not, all I know was that i did smile at her. 

Cara ran to me as she hooked her arms around me. 

I was glad to hug her again. I missed the feeling. 

"I missed you."

She lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at me. 

She actually looked worse than I did. 

"LEE GIKWANG! HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF?!" she yelled. Well, she tried to yell but it seemed like the words came out only between frequent sobs. 

I smiled at her and pushed her head back onto my shoulder. 

We sat in that position for a few minutes. 

I feel happier already. 

But I know that she only sees me as an older brother. Nothing more nothing less. 

I squeezed her tighter as I dug my face into her hair and kissed her head. 

She didn't seem to mind. But that might've been the last one in a long time. 


So sad )': 

Sorry for not updating a lot. I have some event that i have to emcee for. So i've been very busy. But i'll try my best to update as fast as possible! <3


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angmohsai #1
@retard_likeme I KNEW IT WAS YOU! haha! (: thanksssss <3
RETARD_likeme #2
BooYaa #3
Oh, and don't abandon it!!<br />
keep working at it!
BooYaa #4
Wooooo!<br />
great updatesss!<br />
sorry i haven't been commenting recently, i was just busy!<br />
but anywhooo, you seem to be improving!<br />
keep it up!!!
Carmelnap #5
No donot not abandon it! I lime reading it!!!!!
angmohsai #6
@ocean-brown haha(: thanks! (:
Omg! Haha! CD so cute! XD
angmohsai #8
Thankssss a bunch! please do read my friend fan fic.. its quite sweet(: its called "is this what you call love?" by ocean-brown...<br />
BooYaa #9
You're welcome!<br />
(i just realized, i say that a lot, haha)<br />
awww, okay, i'll wait till then ;)<br />
i'll definitely try to promote it!<br />
P.S. i find it really sweet when you call me unnie, lol!
angmohsai #10
Thanksss! That really made my day! Tomorrow is monday but i will still write my draft up while i'm at school. I'll try to update asap! Thanks unnie! ^^ please do try to promote my fanfic! ^^<3