So... BEAST!

The Feeling of Being Loved

From the Previous Chapter:


"Unnie! You can chose the place also!"
"Yah! Cara You're the best!"
"So, what are you going to name her?" asked Minzy unnie.
"KALI! Because i really miss my little sister. I've been calling her for the past few weeks but I really miss my family! I mean i love you guys but i also miss my mom, dad and kali..." i said
"hey! It's okay! We all miss our parents! Don't worry! We know how you feel don't worry that's why we are here for you!" Daeseung oppa said as he hugged me.
"Thank oppa! I can always count on you guys!"
One morning..
"Cara! Since your debut is just a few months away. You are finally going to go to your first schedule! Don't worry! 2NE1 and Big Bang will be with you! So don't be nervous!" said Ji Unnie
I just got out of the shower when Ji Unnie showed up and told me the good news!
CL unnie was already up and I was on the way to help her make breakfast for us and the rest of the unnies.
"Ji Unnie! JInJa? We're going to be with Cara in her first schedule?" Bom unnie said as she came out of her room followed by Minzy and Dara unnie.
Suddenly, the Big Bang oppas showed up with their faces.
"Oppa! How come you guys are here?!" i said
"Yah! What do you mean why? We live right across the halfway from you guys! Have you forgotten?" GD oppa said with his eyes half open.
"Oppa, i meant why are you guys here in our apartment?"
"Oh, mianhe.. I think I'm still half-asleep. Well Ji noona told us to come here.. "
"Unnie! You still kind of haven answered my question yet.." said Bom unnie a bit amused by GD oppa's morning appearance.
"Neh! You guys are! So take care of her okay?!" said Ji unnie.
"Unnie dont' worry we will protect our little sister from them" Dara and Minzy unnie said jokingly as they pretended to protect me from TOP and Taeyang oppa who looked like they were sleep walking. 
"Noona! Come on! Cara is our beloved dongsaeng that we nurtured from a baby until the marvellous young lady she is now!" said Seungri oppa who was probably the only one out of the oppas that looked awake.
"TOP and Taeyang oppa, you guys can lie down on in the living room if you want. You guys look like zombies" i said 
Almost immediately, TOP oppa pretended to be what i predicted to be a zombie but i'm not really sure what he was because of the bark like noises he was making. Maybe he was just tired.
But still both of them fell onto the couch and fell asleep.
GD oppa looked like he had already made himself comfortable on the table because he was sleeping soundly.
Seungri oppa went to help CL unnie prepare breakfast since suddenly there were so many mouthes to feed.
Daeseung oppa was sitting against the wall sleeping when Kali came out and started Daeseung oppa's face until he woke up.
I decided to clean Kali up.
"Hey baby! How did you sleep? Come on, mummy will wash you up!"
At 2NE1 and Cara's waiting room before Star King broadcast..
"CL come here please. It your turn to get you done." said the stylist unnie.
"HI EVERYBODY!" yelled Daeseung oppa as he happily came in followed by the Big Bang oppas. 
All the oppas have already ready. I guess their stylist unnie has already did their make-up. After CL unnie it'll be my turn for make-up and hair.
The space suddenly seemed crammed since the five oppas came in but i didnt really mind because the atmosphere was automatically pulled up.
"Anneyo Cara! How you feelin about your first broadcast?" asked GD oppa as he walked over to the couch where i sat with Kali.
"Anneyo oppa! Erm, honestly i'm a bit nervous but i guess since you guys and the unnies are here, i feel a bit better" i said to opaa with smile.
"She's not nervous!" said TOP oppa as he lightly punched me. 
"Woah! Cara nice outfit!" said Seungri oppa.
"Thanks oppa! Actually its amazing comfortable!" i said
For the broadcast i was wearing a little bit of everyone things. I was practically a bit of everyone from YG smashed into one! ^^
I'm wearing GD oppa's pyramid eyes ring that he let me borrow on one hand, Taeyang oppa's black smiley face hat, TOP oppa's star ring on the other hand. I wore Dara unnie's winged white high tops, Minzy unnie's purple somewhat cargo pants, Bom unnie's top tank top and a necklace that has half of a heart that CL unnie gave me.. CL unnie has the other side<3 For what part of Daeseung and Seungri oppa, i have their cheekness and cuteness apparently.
"Cara! Come here please. You're turn for you make-up and hair." said the stylist unnie.
"Neh! Coming! Taeyang oppa do you mind taking Kali for me?"
Oppa happily took her from my arms.
"Finshed! Don't you look pretty!" said stylist unnie.
"Oh, nice and simple!" said Bom unnie
The stylist unnie put on mascara that lengthened my lashes, black eyeliner and slight blush. My hair was straighten to my recent addition to my dyed brown and streated blonde hair. My fringe was put to the right so it partially covered my eye. Taeyang oppa's hat helped my hair stay in place.
"OKAY! She's done! We have about one and a half hours until we're on air. Now, we are going to show you off! Thankfully we came earlier today!" said Daeseung oppa as he pulled me out the door. The excited unnies and oppas followed behind. 
Another artist's waiting room...
"Hyung! Long time no see! Woah! Did like the whole YG Family come?" a tall guy said as GD oppa walked in. 
When i stepped into the room i saw five guys sitting down on a couch while one was still talking to GD oppa.
"Hey Hyun-Seung! How are you these days? Nah! Dong-wook hyung and JiYeon noona are not here but let me introduce to the YG family's baby! Her name is Cara, she'll be debuting in a few months as a solo singer first while awaiting her other members who are still in training." said GD oppa
"Ahh, so your the one what TOP hyung kept calling his aegi dongsaeng! Anneyohaseyo! I'm Hyun-Seung i trained at YG with the Big Bang members but unfortunately i was elimited all because of Seungri here." Hyun-Seung said jokingly as he punched Seungri lightly.
"Come on boys lets introduce ourselves!" said another guys who was probably a bit taller than Hyun-Seung-ssi probably the leader.
"Sooooo.... Beast! Anneyohasaeyo! We are Beast! I'm Doojoon, the leader." said Doojoon-ssi
"I'm Yoseob, the main vocalist."
"I'm Gikwang, the dance machine."
"I'm JunHyung, the rapper."
"I'm Dongwoon, the maknae."
"And I'm Hyun-Seung, the.... er... Hyung what am i?"
"You're our punching bag!" Doojoon-ssi said jokingly.
I laughed a bit seeing that Doojoon-ssi kind of reminded me of GD oppa.
"Come on Cara it's your turn to introduce yourself." said Minzy unnie encouragingly.
"Anneyohaseyo. Cara immida. Please take care of me!" i said adding with a courteous bow.
"She isnt she cute!" said Seungri oppa has he patted my head.
"Seungri, dont bully her! Go away!" Dara unnie said teasing Seungri oppa
Seungri oppa just pouted.
I feel a bit shy and uncomfortable when i usually meet new people. So i have somewhat of a habit to move closer to CL unnie. I feel safer with her.
So unconsciously, i slightly moved towards unnie.
"CL! It seems like you have yourself a miniature you!" said Gikwang-ssi playfully.
Blushing i moved towards CL unnie a bit more.
The oppas and unnine all laughed at my uncomfotable reaction.
"Hyung, now I understand what you told me about Cara being the aegi dongsaeng! You didn't explain it very well." said Yoseob-ssi
"Yoseob! Did you think i understood also? GD hyung said that is was a surprise!" said Hyun-Seung-ssi.
I smiled.
At the corner of my eye, i saw Gikwang-ssi looking at me.
I turned to face him and smile.
I think i blushed because CL unnie laughed at me quietly.
Gikwang-ssi blushed slightly also.
"Why don't you guys sit down?" said Doojoon-ssi.
As everyone seemed to know each other.
CL unnie probably felt that i was shy and nervous, so she sat down with me and started joking around.
"Unnie! Don't you think Gikwang-ssi is cute? Hehe!" i said bashfully
"Yeah he is! I think he likes you!" CL unnie said.
"Nah! Unnie! Come on i have to focus on debuting remember?"
"Correct! But i honestly think he likes you! I mean don't care about the age difference!" said CL unnie happily
Suddenly, i heard a voice from behind.
"Hi Cara! So i hear this is your first broadcast?"
"Neh? Oh anneyohaseyo Gikwang-ssi!"
Oh crap! Did he hear what we just were talking about?
CL unnie laughed and i gave her a pleading look.
"Oppa! Can you accompany Cara i have something to attend to." said CL unnie has she had the amused smile on her face.
Unnnie! Come on! Please don't leave me here! Unnie!
"Okay CL!" said Gikwang-ssi with smile
~Gikwang's POV~
"Anneyohaseyo. Cara immida. Please take care of me!"
Woah! This girl is pretty! The whole YG family seems to like her a lot!
"Dong-won, don't you think this girl is pretty?" i whispered to the maknae
"Hyung! I totally agree with you! She has this vibe.. How do you explain it? It's like aegyo mixed with coolness and beauty. Do you agree?" 
"Yes! That's exactly what I'm trying to say!"
It seemed like somebody was talking because i could hear laughs from the rest but for some reason I can't take my eyes off Cara. She seems to have just this charm.
I guess the easiest thing to to do is just laugh along.
"CL! It seems like you have yourself a miniature you!" 
Woah did i just say that?
Cara blushed, her cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
I smiled at her but she turned toward CL so she probably didn't see it.
Suddenly Cara turned around and made eye contact with me.
Oh gosh! I'm caught.
Then that was the moment she smiled..
I felt like i had been already captured! I'm actually not sure how to explain it but its like... ZING!
"Hyung, you're blushing.." Dong-woon said.
I saw that Cara was blushing also. CL seemed to be laughing at her.
I mean come on! Her being shy i think is totally cute!"Why don't you guys sit down?" Doojoon hyung said.
I went to Junhyung to tell him about Cara.
"Junhyung! Don't you think Cara is something?"
I want to see what the member feel about her.
"Honestly, I think she seems like a sweet girl. I think her personality would be a bubbly one that is hard for people to hate her and people would automatically love her. She also seems very innocent. But for sure she is precious the the YG family. Do you see how Big Bang and 2NE1 adore her? Why do you like her?" said Junhyung
"I think I might but since she is an innocent girl, i shall get to know her slowly."
"That's the way! Why don't you go talk to her now?"
"Now? Seriously?"
"Okay then. Here goes nothing....... Hey how's Hara?" i said trying to stall
"She's fine our relationship is going smoothly! Now stop stalling Lee Gikwang" laughed Junhyung
Shesh! That Joker.
"Unnie! Don't you think Gikwang-ssi is cute? Hehe!" 
Oh! She thinks im cute! CHACHING! haha! Getting to know her might be easier than expected!
"Yeah he is! I think he likes you!" CL said.
Ah crap! I think i have been found out! Not good!
"Nah! Unnie! Come on i have to focus on debuting remember?" 
That's right she hasnt debut yet. I know! I'll be her oppa and help her. Then when the time comes, I'll confess to her!
"Correct! But i honestly think he likes you! I mean don't care about the age difference!" said CL.
Okay now for real, here i go.
"Hi Cara! So i hear this is your first broadcast?" i said
Oh gosh! Of course this is her first broadcast! I'm such a babo!
When she turned around and looked at me.. woah!
I'm slowly getting in by her.
Why is my heart beating faster? Do i really like her?
HI! Long chapter right?
How is it so far? The love part is coming in soon!
I have a question to ask.
Who is would be a good pair for Dara (male)?
And for Minzy, please choose one:
Or if you have one please tell me^^
Cara? You'll seeeee! ^^
Please comment and subscribe! 
BYEONG!!! <3
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angmohsai #1
@retard_likeme I KNEW IT WAS YOU! haha! (: thanksssss <3
RETARD_likeme #2
BooYaa #3
Oh, and don't abandon it!!<br />
keep working at it!
BooYaa #4
Wooooo!<br />
great updatesss!<br />
sorry i haven't been commenting recently, i was just busy!<br />
but anywhooo, you seem to be improving!<br />
keep it up!!!
Carmelnap #5
No donot not abandon it! I lime reading it!!!!!
angmohsai #6
@ocean-brown haha(: thanks! (:
Omg! Haha! CD so cute! XD
angmohsai #8
Thankssss a bunch! please do read my friend fan fic.. its quite sweet(: its called "is this what you call love?" by ocean-brown...<br />
BooYaa #9
You're welcome!<br />
(i just realized, i say that a lot, haha)<br />
awww, okay, i'll wait till then ;)<br />
i'll definitely try to promote it!<br />
P.S. i find it really sweet when you call me unnie, lol!
angmohsai #10
Thanksss! That really made my day! Tomorrow is monday but i will still write my draft up while i'm at school. I'll try to update asap! Thanks unnie! ^^ please do try to promote my fanfic! ^^<3