D-3, D-2, D-1...

The Feeling of Being Loved


From the Previous Chatper:
"Anyway, we really have to go! Come visit me at the studio sometime! Anneyong!" I said just before I closed the van's door.
As we left, all the staff plus the managers, beast and mblaq waved to us as we left. 
"Cara. Here's a White Mocha Venti Frappacino. You'll need it, we're going straight to rehearseals. So get as much sleep as possible now. You too CL. Your coffe is on the side."
The both of us thanked Ji unnie for the coffee. 
I took a little sip, and cuddled against CL unnie's shoudler and fell fast asleep. Hoping to gain as much energy as possible to practise later.....
Three more days until debut...
I flopped down onto the floor.
I was so exhausted. Soon after, CL and GD followed me on the ground. THUD. The four of us are literally having a practise boot camp. It wasn't me who requested for it though. GD and Cl were the ones. They wanted to make sure that my debut would be just perfect. If you forgot, I'm debuting with CL unnie and GD oppa. So anyway, CL, GD, Hyunmin(Cheographer) and had decided without my permission, amazingly, that we should have this camp. On the day of the camp, i was abducted (not really) and brought here. The rest of the YG Family were in on this plan. Minzy unnie had already packed my things into a bag that was already in the 'kidknapping car". Practically all our clothes for four days, sleeping bags had to e packed. Well for the accommodations? The four of us slept on the dance floor. Amazing right?.. Can you imagine the four of us actually crammed up. Although it was really squishy, it was actually quite fun, honestly speaking. I really felt as if they were my really my own family. I really miss my family...
Today is the second day of the 'camp'. We've decided to sing a song that GD oppa and Teddy oppa wrote for me. As for the editing, you can pretty much say everyone in the YG family contriubute. It sounds awesome really! Like.. How should I explain it. KIMCHI STEW! All the good stuff thrown into a pot. Hmmm.. I'm sorry. I'm really hungry now.... We've been non-stop practicing..  
Its currently two in the morning. 
"Come on guys, once more. Then we'll call it a day." said HyunMin oppa. 
So for the next about five minutes, the three of us had danced our butts off. Amazingly I have back up dancers. Do you want to guess who they are? 
BINGO! The rest of the YG family artists! Haha! HAVE YOU SEEN TOP OPPA DANCE? Poor him, he looks like he's about to die.... But I appreciate that he's doing it for me. I'm really grateful to the whole family. I really don't know what I could've done without them. Really. 
The others had just decided to join our 'camp' starting from tomorrow. So we decided to sleep in the bigger dance room. After tomorrow, it will be a debut stage. They practically have everything down. Only, CL unnie, GD oppa and I have to practise more. The nervousness is finally kicking in..
After washing up...
After the four of us had showered and washed up, it was about 2.45am.. Almost 3... The sky was lighter than before. I walked out to the balcony and just stood there gazing at the stars as they seemed to smile down at me. *Zzzz....* My phone stopped my train of thought. I reached my hand into my pocket and pulled it out. Cheondung oppa. "Hey Cara(: Hopefully you are practicing hard. I just finished practice. I'm about to go to sleep. One more day to your debut! Fighting! (:" I smiled at his cuteness. He's so nice to me and I think that I... Argh.. Come on, keep your head straight. Your debut is in one day! I walked back to the dance studio after I stared at the stars and thought about Cheondung oppa. I just can't seem to get him out of my head.
When i reached the studio, the other three were already fast asleep already. I guess its my turn to sleep. I'll need it. I smiled at them and blew them a kiss and pulled their blankets higher. Then, I tucked myself in and fell asleep.
A few hours later...
"Come on everyone.... Wake up..." I heard a female voice say.
Ahhh, its so early in the morning. who would want to come and disturb us this early? Arghh.. 
"Come one guys. Wake up.. You guys are acting worse than TOP hyung when he's asleep." A change of voice?
Please let me sleep................. -.-
"Do you want me to call in Seungri, TOP, Dara and Bom in to wake you guys up?"
AHH poops! Straight away, I woke up. Or may sprung up was a better word to describe my.. movement? Beside me, CL unnie and GD oppa seemed to have woken up to what was suppose to be the final warning. After a few seconds, I looked around dazed. As expected, HyunMIn oppa was out of sight. He must've been awake already. He's like a battery literally. He practically doesn't need any sleep. 
"Thats what I thought." said Taeyang oppa as he pretended to sweep dust off his hands. 
If Seungri, TOP, Dara and Bom unnie waking you up is the worst. It's like living in a noisy underworld. They'll practically use anything that make any noise. I learnt through experience....
"Come on, get up. The others are making breakfast. Even DongWook oppa, JiYeon unnie and YG appa are here too! So hurry get dressed!" said Minzy unnie as she dragged me and CL unnie up. Taeyang oppa was struggling with getting GD oppa up. 
DongWook oppa? JiYeon unnie? YG app? They're here?! I haven't seen them in such a long time!
Abruptly, i jumped up and ran to the other room. From the practise room i hear Taeyang oppa say, "We should've thought about that earlier..."
As I ran into the kitchen in my pajamas and messy affro-like hair, I ran straight into YG appa.
"APPA!" I yelled as i stood up straight away and hugged him. 
"Anneyong. Long time no see! How are you?" he asked. 
"GREAT!" i answered with a sparkling smile. 
"Hyung, are you really hogging up my little sister?" asked a voice from behind me. I turned around to see DongWook oppa, hands on his hips with a smirk on his face. 
"Anni! She's all yours!" said YG appa with a little push. I ran straight to him and hugged him tightly. 
"Did you miss me? Of course you did!" DongWook oppa said arrogantly. I punched him lightly. 
"That's the way!" said a familiar female voice. Again i turned around to see JiYeon unnie standing there. I really have to stop turning.. I'm honestly getting dizzy.
I ran to her and unfortunately tripping on my way to her due to the sudden world spinning.  She chuckled and helped me up."How have you been? Seems like your clumsyness hasn't changed on but has it? " she asked. "Honestly, quite tired. And I was spinning way to much!" I told her. JiYeon unnie looked at me and told me that this was the sacrifice that I had to make to debut. I nodded at her and hugged her once more. 
“Noo~ Naa~! Don't hug her to tightly, I'm getting jealous!" yelled Daeseung oppa as he cheekily walked in, soon followed by the rest.

“Daeseung, you get too jealous about everything. Really..” said Bom unnie as she walked in and gave him a punch in the arm.

Daeseung oppa rubbed his arm, it seemed like the punch hurt. “Noona, have you been working out?” asked Daeseung oppa still rubbing his arm.

“Mullayo.” replied Bom unnie cheekily.

“Come on! We have to hurry and eat! Today is the last day that we can perfect everything! We’ve gotta do it right.” Said HyunMin opaa as he walked in abruptly with our breakfast.

As HyunMin oppa placed the huge plate on to the table that was somehow miraculously moved into the room everyone dove in. I chuckled at them. Sometimes I wonder if I’m really the maknae of the family..

After Breakfast…

"Yah, Hurry up. Today's the last day to finalise everything! Hurry!" nagged Bom unnie, something she surprisingly does quick a lot not only to her dongsaengs... 

"One two three four.. five six seven eight. again....." HyunMin kept on counting the beats. Through the mirror is saw the unnies and oppas. They seemed to be doing fine. One two three... One two three... 

Around 2.30pm....

Argh. This room is so humid. I'm sweating buckets. I'm breathing heavily. Suddenly, the world is turning and the world turns black...


I feel ashamed.. Sorrry! ): been studying and busy with camp things.. I'll try to update asap 'cos its.. HOLIDAYS(:

I've got two questions to ask everyone. Please help me to comment (: I think i'm gonna flip the whole story soon..

1) I'm probably going to make henry good friends with cara but im not exactly sure yet. Should I? Then Cheondung will be jealous? or is that too classic?

2) Should i continue with the debuting thing or should i concentrate more on cara's heartbreaks and relationships.. (more drama)?


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angmohsai #1
@retard_likeme I KNEW IT WAS YOU! haha! (: thanksssss <3
RETARD_likeme #2
BooYaa #3
Oh, and don't abandon it!!<br />
keep working at it!
BooYaa #4
Wooooo!<br />
great updatesss!<br />
sorry i haven't been commenting recently, i was just busy!<br />
but anywhooo, you seem to be improving!<br />
keep it up!!!
Carmelnap #5
No donot not abandon it! I lime reading it!!!!!
angmohsai #6
@ocean-brown haha(: thanks! (:
Omg! Haha! CD so cute! XD
angmohsai #8
Thankssss a bunch! please do read my friend fan fic.. its quite sweet(: its called "is this what you call love?" by ocean-brown...<br />
BooYaa #9
You're welcome!<br />
(i just realized, i say that a lot, haha)<br />
awww, okay, i'll wait till then ;)<br />
i'll definitely try to promote it!<br />
P.S. i find it really sweet when you call me unnie, lol!
angmohsai #10
Thanksss! That really made my day! Tomorrow is monday but i will still write my draft up while i'm at school. I'll try to update asap! Thanks unnie! ^^ please do try to promote my fanfic! ^^<3