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The Feeling of Being Loved

From the Previous Chapter:


"KARAOKE!" yelled Jonghyun excitedly.

"Okay! Let's Go!" i said excitedly.

"We can hear you sing and give our opinion. Did you guys know that Cara is going to debut soon?" explained G.O.

"Yup, Henry told us everything already and we actually also heard fromt he YG artists. I heard that Cara, your their baby. So we better take care of her." said Minho.

I smile shyly.

"News really does spread fast." I said.

"But it's a good thing so that's okay!" said Cheondung.

"Okay! Quit talking and let's go to karaoke!" yelled Mir as he started running away from us.

Suddenly we were all running too.

Then i felt someone grab my hand. Cheondung.

I liked the way his hand felt.

I blushed and abruptly, he pulled me close to him for a quick hug.

"I'm glad I met you." he whispered.


I wasn't sure what that was suppose to mean but, i can tell you one thing. I feel different around him then I am with the others.  

I shook the idea off. 

He broke the hug, smiled at me and grabbed my hand as we ran together towards the others.  


"We're here!" shouted Jonghyun as he ran toward the entrance of the karaoke centre.

"Hyungs! I'll race you guys! Last person has to treat us to drinks!" said Taemin as he started to hurry his steps towards the entrance. 


"Call! "




"Call! "



"Call! "




"Call! "




"Call! "


Well, there were 25 "Calls!" 

So i guess the bet was on. However, at that point of time, Cheondung and I were surprisingly still holding hands and talking in the back. 

"So....." started Cheondung. 

He obvioiusly was shy. He was cute like that. I think. I stared at those eyes, those deep brown eyes..............

"Cara? Erm, are you okay?" said Cheondung has he waved a hand infront of my face. 

Oh poop! I need to stop day dreaming. 

"Mianhae Oppa. I was day dreaming. Mianhae." Oh gosh. I felt so bad. Argh.....

"Nah, it's okay! I day dream too! Don't worry! But, what were you day dreaming about may I ask." 


"Er... I was.... Erm... Day dreaming about.... Er...." I looked around franticly. 

"Trees!" I yelled abruptly. 

Tress?! Seriously?! Is that the best you can do?! Trees?!

Cheondung chuckled, "It's okay. I known you don't want to tell me. But nevermind, it's okay!"

Gosh. I feel super bad now.

"YAH! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING! HURRY UP! COME ON!" yelled Minho signalling to us. 

Woah, we forgot all about the karaoke! 

We started to run toward the rest. 

"YAH! CHEONDUNG! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" yelled Leeteuk oppa, his eyes about to come out. 

"YAH! LET GO OF HER HAND!" yelled Gikwang oppa. 

We didn't realise that we were still holding hands. 


Gikwang oppa just kept on staring at Cheondung. I almost could see the daggers shooting out of his eyes. 

I quickly let go of Cheondung's hand. 

Akward silence. 

"Okaayyyy! Let's go in now! Because Jonghyun is proabably already inside and he'll probably kill us if we make him wait any longer." I said as i forcefully pushed GIkwang oppa's chest so that he would start walking backwards. 

Unfortunately, Gikwang oppa is pretty 'built'. So I couldn't exactly move him. 

I turned around and mouthed out to the other twenty-two big guys for help. 

Thankfully Eunhyuk oppa was the first to respond. He winked at me, he understood what I was trying to say. 

"Come on Gikwang! Cara's right. You don't want to see Jonghyun angry. It's worse than Heechul hyung." persuaded Eunhyuk.

"Arrasso." As Eunhyuk was about to go through the entrance, Heechul oppa finally caught on. 

"YAH! LEE HYUKJAE! YOU COME BACK HERE! YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ME ANGRY YET!" shouted Heechul as he ran toward Eunhyuk.

That was when Eunhyuk ran like crazy. 

The rest of us chuckled. 

"Come on Cara! Let's go!" said Yesung as he held on of my hand and Onew held the other. 

I felt like I was being dragged.......

"Okayy I'm comingggggggg!" I begged. 

But it seemed like the two of them were having too much fun. 

I turned back. I saw Cheondung staring at me. I smiled at him. 

His face seemed to lighten up. 

Then, Seungho put his arm around him and the others went in with him. 

After Karaoke... 

"Woah! Cara! You can really sing! That was amazing! If you keep on training you'll probably be better than KyuHyun!" said Jonghyun as the group of us stepped out of the karaoke centre. 

"Come on! She's better than me already! Right Cara!" KyuHyun said. 

I just laughed. 

"Yedeah! We need to go! It's quite late already." said Leeteuk as he looked at his watch. 

"NEHHH!!!" yelled the rest of Super Junior including Zhoumi and Henry. 

"SHHHHHHH.. People are sleeping..." said Sungmin.


 "Okay, we need to make a move first Cara. You have all our numbers right? Just ring us kay! Anneyo!" said Leeteuk as he finshed doing a head count of his 'kids'. 

Suddenly a black van pulled up. Must have been their car. 

Then, the door opened. 

Sooyoung from SNSD. 

"She saw me and smiled."

"Cara! Anneyo! How are you?"

I was puzzled. How does CHOI SOOYOUNG know me! She's like.... AHHHHH!!

"Anneyonghaseyo!" i answered. 

"Haha! Let's speak imformally." she smiled. 

"YAH! ONEW!  You and your members need to go back already. Manager Oppa called me to drag you guys back." explained Sooyoung. 

I giggled. 

"Neh, noona. Come one guys, let's go. Anneyo Cara! You have our numbers already! Ring us! Anneyo!" said Onew as he got into the van. 

"Er, Sooyoung. Where's our van?" asked Henry. 

"Behind" smiled Sooyoung. 

From the back, another two black vans pulled up. 

From the looks of it, it was Super Junior's car. 

The twelve of them got into the car. Waving as the closed the door. 

"Come on boys, we need to go too." said Seungho. 

"Hyung, I'm going to send Cara back on the way because my sister asked me to see her." said Cheondung. 

I turned to look at him with a puzzled look. 

Seungho look at Cheondung suspiciously. 

"Fine.  But come back as soon as possible. "


"Then, i guess we're off. Text us cara!" waved Mir.


I smiled and waved back.

"Oppa. Don't you guys need to go back too? Dongwoon oppa looks like he's going to knock out anytime." I said. 

They all looked towads Dongwoon was was already half asleep. 

"Yeah, we should. Come on Dongwoon." said Yoseob. As he helped Dongwoon onto Junhyung oppa. 

Junhyun grunted. 

haha! Dongwoon looked like a super big koala!

"Please take care of her." said Gikwang oppa. 

"Neh. I will. Don't worry." answered Cheondung. 

Gikwang looked towards me. 

"I'm off. See ya lil sis!" Gikwang said as he ruffled my hair. 

Guy just don't understand that you should never ruffle a girl's hair. 

"Ready to go?" asked Cheondung as he grabbed my hand once more. 

Now, everyone had left. 

I nodded. 

We started walking towards a black convertable.

I looked at him with my jaw wide open. 

"Is this yours?!" 

"Yup!" answered Cheondung proudly. 

He opened the door for me and I got it. 

As he got into the car, he reached into the front cabinet pocket and pulled out two pairs of Ray Bans, an oversized Hip-Hop jacket and a baseball cap.

He handed me everyone except one pair of Ray Bans that he wore himself. 

I understood. 

I need to hide my identity as much as possible. 

Once i finished putting on all my 'gear' Cheondung said, " Ready?"

I nodded with a smile. 

The drive was quite long. Throughout the first quarter of the ride my eye lids were closinging. 

Then I felt a hand pull me in. I looked to my side to see Cheondung's hand around my shoulder pulling me into his shoulder. 

"Don't worry. You have your gear on. Sleep. Your tired." sad Cheondung sweetly with his eyes still on the road but with a smile on his face.

I was puzzled for a moment until he started to pull me towards him again. 

In the end, i gave way and slept on his shoulder as Cheondung drove with one hand on the steering wheel. 

Then i dozed off into dreamland............


So mushy! *cringe* 

Sorry, I'm trying to nurture ideas now^^ Please continue reading and please do comment! 

oh yeah... to my awesome 'sister' of mine. he name starts with D..... 


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angmohsai #1
@retard_likeme I KNEW IT WAS YOU! haha! (: thanksssss <3
RETARD_likeme #2
BooYaa #3
Oh, and don't abandon it!!<br />
keep working at it!
BooYaa #4
Wooooo!<br />
great updatesss!<br />
sorry i haven't been commenting recently, i was just busy!<br />
but anywhooo, you seem to be improving!<br />
keep it up!!!
Carmelnap #5
No donot not abandon it! I lime reading it!!!!!
angmohsai #6
@ocean-brown haha(: thanks! (:
Omg! Haha! CD so cute! XD
angmohsai #8
Thankssss a bunch! please do read my friend fan fic.. its quite sweet(: its called "is this what you call love?" by ocean-brown...<br />
BooYaa #9
You're welcome!<br />
(i just realized, i say that a lot, haha)<br />
awww, okay, i'll wait till then ;)<br />
i'll definitely try to promote it!<br />
P.S. i find it really sweet when you call me unnie, lol!
angmohsai #10
Thanksss! That really made my day! Tomorrow is monday but i will still write my draft up while i'm at school. I'll try to update asap! Thanks unnie! ^^ please do try to promote my fanfic! ^^<3