Chapter XXI - I'm back

Beneath The Tale Of Gemstone

Chapter XXI - I'm back

Sulli and Jessica were having their dinner at a restaurant as they updated each other with their past couple years with each others’ absence. Sulli at their last meeting had a bullet shot through her cartilage tissue and luckily it was treated quickly by Seohyun.


After the dinner, Sulli sends Jessica home. One reason of sending her home was because she promised Jessica that she will continue to protect them from today onwards. Another was she hopes that she can see Baby Jung again.


The thought of seeing Little Jung again makes her mind wanders off somewhere and her hearing was cut off. Whatever the elder one said, not even one can enter her mind.


*click click* upon hearing that sound, Sulli came back from her fantasy world and looks at Jessica.


“Yes?” She bluntly said which made Jessica flicks her forehead. She understands why Jessica did that. It happened much more often back then when her mind would wander off to somewhere.


But, instead of wincing at the pain, she just has a shocked expression. After the treatment from Seohyun, she got stronger and wouldn’t feel pain easily.


“I see you recovered really well, Sul. You didn’t even react to my flick now.” Jessica says and Sulli turns to smile at her. Jessica looks back to her front after seeing Sulli’s smile.


“You still like her, don’t you?” That one question slips out from Jessica’s lips which caused Sulli’s smile to fade away. She stops and looks down upon feeling the distressful feeling within her heart.


She knows it clearly impossible for them to be together, just like how things are going between the two elder one.


Jessica sees the younger girl being quiet so she turns to look at her, not shocked by the fact that she was just standing there. She understands that action very well.


“Yes, unnie…” Sulli mumbles in her soft voice but was still audible to Jessica.


Although she is taller than Jessica, the fact that Jessica has much maturity than her doesn’t change. In her eyes, Sulli is just like a giant baby. And seeing how that giant baby shrunk down from inside when she talks about Krystal, Jessica couldn’t help but smile.


Jessica walks toward Sulli and pats her shoulder, giving her a simple smirk, “Let’s go home. I bet Krystal missed you too.”


“You think so?” Sulli flashes a huge smile to Jessica.


“Of course, Sul. And if this may cheer you up a little, baby Jung really does miss you. She has been sleep talking about meeting you too often than she supposed to be.” Jessica teases Sulli when she saw the flushed face on Sulli’s face.


Princess, I’m back.



What is this? Sooyoung thought in frustration. Although partial of her memories are back, those are almost blurry images playing in her head.


She fed up in doing it because exactly nothing bounces into her head and grabs a chair nearby. She knocks her head on the table and isn’t planning to lift it up. She stares into the darkness within her arms with nothing in her head.


She began to feel drowsy so she shuts her eyes slowly. Not too long after she falls into her sleep, she felt a strong wind gushing toward her. Even when she wanted to open her eyes so badly, she just can’t. There’s a strong force around her making her unable to do anything.


Not too long after, she felt a strong hit on her back and so the world seen by her continues to be in a total darkness.



A girl can be seen lying lifelessly on the floor of the dark ground with only a beam of moonlight shining on her. As soon as minutes passed, she moves slightly as a sign of her still alive. Not long later, her conscious slowly gets back to her mind.


She raises her body, still not opening her eyes, and tries to feel the air around her. She knows that something isn’t right with the air around her or at least, she knows that she isn’t at the place she was before.


But, something about the air makes her feel some sort of familiarity.


Wait… She opens her eyes suddenly. I know this feeling. Her thought continued.


She looks around the place with her eyes and mouth open bigger than usual. This isn’t just any usual place, it’s her hometown; the world of Vira, which is also known as the world of Faith.


She was still stunned with the sudden appearance of the place where she came from, and also how she can recall this place. There isn’t anything around her but she just knows it’s that named place. Maybe, the sudden force earlier made her come here and in between, help her find back her memories.


She tries to stand up and steps one step at a time on the colorless foam like stuff around her. It doesn’t stick on her legs so it was easier for her to move forward. Around 10 steps later, a sharp light shines through her eyes causing her to raise her arm to reflect the light.


When the strong light slowly turns into a soft shade around her eye lids, she tries to open her eyes slowly, afraid the light will cause pain to her eyes.


"Sooyoung, is that you?" That voice...


Sooyoung lifts her head upon hearing that voice because it was too familiar to her. It felt like an eternity has passed that now she can only hear that person's voice.


"Unnie?" Sooyoung makes an eye contact with the figure standing in front of her. The moment she saw her, two pairs of eyes were in a stunned mode. Both thought they couldn't see each other anymore, just like the meeting of Sulli and herself.


"Sooyoung, it's really you!" Soojin runs toward Sooyoung with her arms open wide while Sooyoung has a big smile plastered on her face, waiting for the soft impact coming to her.


When they felt the impact, Sooyoung snuggles into her older sister's neck, "Unnie, I miss you."


Soojin pulls away after hearing what Sooyoung just said and stares into her eyes that smiles into a crescent. She ruffles the younger girl's hair but Sooyoung doesn't care much. All she could think about is the fact that she's here with another family member.


Sooyoung looks around the place and realizes, she is now in front of her house which is located at a village. She couldn't help but feels so warm after stepping to this place. Seeing the warm grin on Sooyoung face, Soojin too feels nice.


Suddenly, Soojin's smile fades away.


"Why are you back here?" Soojin asks in a shocking tone.


"I don't know about it myself too, unnie. When I was trying to rebuild the EC again-"


"Wait, what did you say?" Soojin cuts Sooyoung off when she heard the word 'EC', "You're building back that device again?"


Sooyoung nods to that question.


"But, why?"


Sooyoung thinks for a long time and now only she realized that she has absolutely no idea why she has to rebuild that device again. All she know is that whatever Eron says, just do it.


"A guy named Eron told me-" Again, Soojin cuts her sentence off.


"Eron?" Soojin says in astonished when she repeated the name.


"It can't be..." She mumbles to herself. She looks at Sooyoung and grabs her furiously, "Sooyoung, do you know who that guy is?"


Sooyoung was confused with Soojin's sudden action but still rather calm, "He's the guy that brought me to earth and now my boss of my actions."


Hearing what Sooyoung just said, Soojin lets go of her grip on the younger girl's arms and looks to the ground. It's better if she doesn't know anything about that guy, for now.


"Is that so, Youngie?" Soojin recomposes her facial expression and speaks, "Well, now that you're here, let's get you some rest. After the sudden travel, I bet your mind is still tired, right?"


And now, only Sooyoung realizes that she is tired. She nods and lets her sister leads her into her room. When they reached the room next to the master room on the top floor, Soojin opens the door to let Sooyoung go in.


"It's still the same. I clean everything regularly but didn't move anything so don't worry about anything that gone missing." Soojin says.


Sooyoung turns to the older girl and hugs her, "Thanks, unnie. It's perfect and, I really miss you."


Soojin just gives a simple smile to the younger girl after she pulls away, "Now, go in and rest." Soojin hits Sooyoung's when she said that.


"Yah, unnie!"


Soojin just laughs off after seeing Sooyoung's response and leaves the room to let Sooyoung rest peacefully. As she reaches the couch in the living room, she drops her body on the soft cushion.


Eron, Eron Fiery... You were the reason to that incident years ago! If it wasn't because of you, my parents would've live until now. Not only that, now you're dragging my other sister into your diabolical plan? It was Sulli before, now Sooyoung? Soojin was furious with that thought in her head.


I'll get you one day, for sure. Soojin thought as she leaves the house. The destination she's heading to, is the exact same place Sooyoung fired the Energeias Canaliser.




Sooyoung lays on her bed in her real world as she puts her arms underneath her head and looks up to the ceiling. Somehow, a certain girl's face appeared in her mind. Surely, she misses that girl a lot.


Today was finally the day both of them meet and Sulli just has to break them apart. And now, this, where she came to her home without any reason.


Now that she finally has a peaceful mind to think about everything, she realizes that there are a lot of suspicious things going around the company ever since the day she met Jessica; That stingy feeling she felt when Jessica touched her, the discover of her gemstones and the fact that Eron asked her to build a new Energeias Canaliser.


Although it's late at night already, Sooyoung still gets up from her bed and finds a recycle paper and a pen. She starts scribbling every points down. First, it was the meeting of Eron's organization, then Jessica, the gemstones and the Energeias Canaliser.


She looks at her mind map and starts her mind engine. She becomes so frustrated thinking about it and eventually back to the position she was before, lying on the bed and stares back to the ceiling with her mind flies to other places.


 She scoops her phone out from her pocket and scrolls through the contact list. Her eyes eventually falls on the contact name: Jessica Jung.


Should I call her or not? Even if I call her, what am I supposed to say? "Hi? Hey, Sica, what are you doing? How are you?" Sooyoung was thinking and ended up saying out her thought without her realizing. But, one thing caught her attention even more...


Why does she feel like calling Jessica in this situation?




"Krystal!" Jessica shouts and her voice penetrates through every single solid wall around the house.


An almost lifeless body walks out from a room with her hand still rubbing her eyes, dragging her feet and oblivious to the guest her sister brought back, "Yes, unnie?"


Seeing how the condition of the youngest girl went worse, Sulli feels like her heart had been stabbed by a huge thorn. She feels so guilty for leaving the girls alone here and she herself never try to contact any of them.


Suddenly, Krystal feels like her body is out of energy and isn't feeling that she can stand any much longer. When her body went imbalance and waiting for the collision with the wooden floor, someone went over and kneels down to grab her.


With that hold, Krystal feels really warm and comfortable. She has been waiting for this day to reach so this warm feeling will comes back to her.


She slowly opens her eyes and makes a contact with the girl that holds her, "Stupid..." She only manages to say that one word in that one breath.


"I'm only stupid for you." Sulli says while giving a sad smile to the girl in her hold. She just misses her too much.


While there is a scene between the two younger girls, Jessica just looks at them with a hurtful smile. She couldn't take care of her sister well and in this meeting, Sulli was only able to see the weak Krystal in front of her.


A vibration was felt when Jessica was still looking at the couple in front of her. She takes out the phone and realizes, it was an unknown number. Accepting an unknown number is always risky for Jessica but different from other numbers, she felt attracted to it.


With a slight nervousness, Jessica accepts the call.





Hi, everyone, here's another chapter :) Sorry for the late update ><

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Recently my condition and mood isn't that good so I keep have writerblock. Hope you all won't mind about it ^^" I'll try to keep myself up :)


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Chapter 22: Authornim pleasee update very soon
Chapter 22: UPDATE PLSSSS <<<<3333
Chapter 22: update soon please
Chapter 17: this story is so great.. it's so interesting.. so sooyoung is the one who save theirr world before.. and sica is the evil force since sooyoung felt pain when sica touch her there before.. wow..
reyturtle #5
Chapter 17: Is Jessica going to steal soo's gemstone?!

Is kidda cool that Soo once save the world
Gorjezzchoi #6
Chapter 15: Whoaa it's cool author ssi,,only youngie who has 2 gemstones.nah,take u'r time don't rush author ssi,I'll be waiting patienly for u'r update^^
ssnasya #7
Chapter 15: Why sooyoung have 2 gemstone??? Or im i the only missread?? Anywhere jessica is a bad person?? OMG what will.happend????
You really great author shi.. FYI im your fan.. Kekeke
Chapter 14: update soon please
I liked this a lot!
Chapter 13: it is a nice chapter
please update