Chapter XVII – The Energeias Canaliser

Beneath The Tale Of Gemstone

Chapter XVII – The Energeias Canaliser

The vibration wasn’t just once but continuously beeps. Yuri took out the cause of the vibration in her pocket and looks at her phone. On the screen, there was a sentence of ‘You’ve got a new message!’


Oh! It’s a message? Instead of an urgent call, it was only a message. What’s up now?


She clicks on the review button and realized it was a group chat between Taeyeon, Sooyoung, Eron and herself. She scrolls up and to read from the start.


Eron: I have things to discuss with you all. I hope you girls can come here asap.


Taeyeon, Sooyoung: We’ll go there asap.


Eron: What about you, Yuri?


All Yuri thought was why does it have to be now? She just got into a relationship with her girl and now Eron requested them? This is why having a double life is really tiring.


She took a peek at the girl next to her. Which will she choose? All she can do is sigh and taps on the screen.


Yuri: I’ll be there.



“Why does he want to see us now?” Yuri mumbles in frustration while the three of them were walking towards the office.


“Is it because something happened on Yoona-sshi that you’re annoyed and don’t want to be here?” Sooyoung asked when she goes next to Yuri. She just wants to see Yuri got teased by what she said.


Yuri pushes Sooyoung an arm away so she will stop bother her. “For the record, Soo, she’s mine.”


“I didn’t see any name on her that says she’s yours.” Even after got pushed away, Sooyoung still comes back and wants to tease Yuri.


“Shut up or I’ll hit you.” She looks sternly at Sooyoung. But, she doesn’t even flinch and sticks out her tongue.


“I’ll be waiting for that.” Sooyoung says while leaning towards Yuri’s face and walks in front of her backwardly.


Yuri was about to punch her stomach so she will shut up for the moment but when she pumps out her fist, the only thing she separated was the flowing air around her fist. She tries to look for Sooyoung but she couldn’t find her anywhere.


“Looking for me, Yul?” Sooyoung’s voice appeared behind Yuri which shocked her.


“I was certain that you were in front of me, how can you avoided that that fast?”


“Yul, remember that she’s good in defense? Remember that night where she used her avoiding skills to defeat the bastards the other night?” Taeyeon helps to clarify it to Yuri. “And, now you understand why you can never hit her.”


Yuri takes a look at the idiotically smiling younger person behind her and found out her smile is getting creepier. She just merongs at her before turning to the front again and walk next to Taeyeon to avoid that little weirdo to bother her again.


“Everything’s going right between you and Yoona, Yul?” Taeyeon whispers to Yuri so that the little choding won’t come up to disturb Yuri’s mind. She knew something is inside her mind when she doesn’t even want to play up with Sooyoung’s teasing.


“Everything was going fine until Eron wants to find us.” Yuri hisses when she was reminded the happy time she had with Yoona before she was asked to appear in the HQ. It was glad that the older girl would still spare some time to take care of her.


“So, you’ve got yourself a girl now?”


“You can say that.” Even thought Yuri hated to be separated from Yoona, but thinking about they are now together, she just can’t help but smile at that thought.


“Good. Make sure that you take care of her starting from now.” Taeyeon pats her shoulder before again walking in front of her and leaving her behind. After a few moment of walking, they’ve reached. “We’re here.”


Not even knocking the door, Taeyeon just shoves the door open and leads the younger girls in. Eron understands perfectly on why Taeyeon won’t knock. It’s because that he should already know they’re coming since he’s the one that calls them.


“Good, you guys are here.” He looks at them, “I thought you girls wouldn’t come.” He said before throwing a certain thing to Sooyoung. Sooyoung was shocked by the sudden throw but she still manages to get it.


She tries to figure out what the thing that he threw to her is. She was certain it was some sort of device but she doesn’t know what is the use of it.


“Why did you pass me this, oppa?” Sooyoung asked Eron for an explanation.


“It’s a technology that can help to strengthen the force of weapons. If you use it wisely, it may help you out in your inventions and even in your battle field.” Eron said.


“So, what you’re trying to say is that you want me to try to invent a weapon out of this right now?” Sooyoung, who has zero knowledge and zero idea in her head, just looks at Eron for the answer on what she has to make. She looks at him still waiting for the answer.


“Stop looking at me, Soo. You’re making me uncomfortable.” Eron jokingly said which diverted Sooyoung’s eyes from looking at him.


“Don’t worry, Soo, you’ll figure out something.” Taeyeon goes to her side and cheers her. “Eron was never wrong in seeing our talent. And if he sees that you’re good in something and you don’t think so even like this small thing, you should just try something out first, anything…”


Sooyoung fiddles the small part of technology in her palm and finally decided, “Alright. Oppa, where should I go squeeze out my brain juice?”


“Just go down the hallway and ask Lay to lead you.” He smiles at her before she takes her leave. After she closed the door, he went to sit on his chair.


“So, why are we here again?” Taeyeon said with a slight tone of annoyance and anger.


Actually before this, not only Yuri was with her girlfriend, but Taeyeon too. She thought she can for once be next to Tiffany without much annoyance but what this man in front of them did kind of pissed her off. I mean, if he just wants Sooyoung to create some sort of weapon, why called them along?


“Don’t you two felt weird how Sooyoung has 2 gemstones while you two only have one each?” The atmosphere suddenly went serious with that one sentence came out from Eron.


“What do you mean?” Yuri steps into their conversation when she heard something about their gemstones.


“You guys really didn’t bother to think about it.” Eron mumbles. Things might be much more complicated.


“What are you trying to say, Eron?” Taeyeon asked when the fact that Eron just said has its own logic. Both of them sit on the seats in front of Eron to wait for the next thing Eron’s going to say.


Eron takes a deep breath before he speaks, “Someone has been going around stealing your gemstones. And their next target,” He stops for a while, “Will be Sooyoung.”


“But why are they doing that?” Taeyeon asked.


“Because when all 6 of the gemstones were found and put together, disasters may happen. Our world and the human world will collide. Human bodies will get too much energy from the gemstones and it will eat up their human energy and so they’ll slowly die, one by one.” Eron rubs his temple.


Taeyeon and Yuri never know how serious this thing can get. All they know ever since they get here is to find Eron, unlike Sooyoung who has no information about it.


“But… Why aren’t you telling Sooyoung this?” Yuri asked Eron. It’s weird how he sent Sooyoung away when something big and serious is coming up.


“I have no choice. She has to get every weapon in her mind out so she can save everyone and all those to happen.” Eron bitterly said. Of course he wants Sooyoung to know too, but this kind of emergency just couldn’t stop him from asking her to build weapons. He knows Sooyoung can do it because...


“That little thing I gave her just now, is from a weapon she once built in the past; The Energeias Canaliser.”


That one name is already shocked Taeyeon and Yuri enough. Anyone in their world would easily understand what that is.


“You’re telling us that… Sooyoung was the one that build that thing?” Taeyeon says in a shocked tone. Not even their eyes dared to move an inch.


They are still in their dumbfounded state. Of course, who wouldn’t? That thing saved their world in the past. If it wasn’t for that, they would’ve been dead by now. Not only them but maybe, the whole universe would be gone too back then.


Energeias Canaliser (E.C) – An energy channel device once built by Sooyoung. It was also easily known as Energy Channel in English, an almost 2 meters device that will shoots a ray which can wraps the whole universe within it. Anyone or anything that is under it will experience a special treatment which can make foreign energy that enters your body to be channeled out. Knowing moving that big thing for Sooyoung is a really tough act, she decided to let enable it to shrink down to a palm size box.

But, no one ever knew that making it works isn’t that easy…


The world was starting to fall apart. The roads were cracking and the cloud wasn’t filled with brightness anymore but darkness. A lot of them couldn’t survive in such torture and eventually, the popularity in that world is getting lesser and lesser at that time.


It had been 3 years passed ever since that started. No one knows what happened but only one person who managed to figure out everything under all these pressure.


It was the birth place of all that works under Eron, including Taeyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Seohyun, Kris, Lay, Sehun, Victoria and of course, himself. They were almost the only survivors left in that world. While they managed to flee themselves and reaches the one world human named it Earth, Sooyoung was left alone there. Back then, they didn’t know each other so they wouldn’t know the existence of Sooyoung.


Within those 3 years of study, Sooyoung finally understands the situation. These all happened because of the different frequencies between certain things. Back then, Sooyoung couldn’t find out what the things were and what caused it to have different frequencies. So, she decided to build one thing; The EC.


When she was done with the device, she had to bring it to the widest and highest spot in the town where it was located a lot far away from where she was. It was relief that she made it small; it was much easier for her to bring it.


Almost 2 days had passed when Sooyoung headed to the place she wanted to go. It wasn’t easy but of course, she still has to finish her course so her kind will continue to live on. Once she reached there, she starts her setup of her device. With just a button pressed, the palm size box turns into a gun-like device.


After the whole setup was done, she adjusted the aim to be up to the sky. It’s only that way that it can be shot into the universe and balance the frequencies. When Sooyoung fired the EC, her body was suddenly having an electric sensation running through her body. It’s as if the EC was trying to her soul into it to activate.


Sooyoung actually already knew all this will occurs. Once she pressed the activate button, her total energy will be into the device and she’ll experience lost of memories. That’s the only way that the device can be strong enough; by in a sacrifice.


She was then realized that the different frequencies came from the closure of the gemstones without its own owner. They’ve been together for years, even centuries.


The long term closure made the gemstones create some sort of vibration so that they can be much stronger. With Taeyeon and Yuri went to earth without Sooyoung back then, it made it worse because the gemstones has no idea where their owners were.


When it got stronger, it pulled their world towards the earth. And by that, the vibration will create a much weirder possession to strengthen their bonds. That possession is the possession of human bodies. Since the energy is foreign to human bodies, it will eat up the energy within the human itself.


Sooyoung wouldn’t want that to happen and so, she decided to become the sacrifice.


While she was still asleep, everything went back to normal. No one knows why and no one knows how. Everything just went back to normal and no one even bother to ask who did that. Only one person…


Eron. He was studying the same situation while he was at earth. The reason why he went there was because he wants to learn what will happen and make a stop to it. But before he can even do so, someone in their world has done it. He was curious on who was so powerful to make a stop to it so he decided to search for Sooyoung.


Unfortunately, when he found Sooyoung, she was put on a sleep. When he walks towards her, he realized she has 2 gemstones hanging around her neck. It was then he knew that Sooyoung was one of the chosen one to have the gemstones. He then brought her to his house and took care of her. One day, he had a scene crossed through his mind.


The same situation will happen again in the future. He was shocked so he had no choice but to abandon Sooyoung to look for Taeyeon and Yuri to make sure they have their gemstones with them. But before abandoning her, he gave her a bag pack to put her gemstones safely and brings her to earth. And so, he abandoned her at the place she has in her memory.


Another thing he did before he left her was: Put a cast on her Wyvern tattoo which if the tattoo senses evil forces near it, it will make her in slight pain.


After the whole truth was discovered by the two girls in front of him, they were stunned. They remembered Sooyoung said she felt pain when certain someone touched it.


“W-what?” Only one name passed through Taeyeon and Yuri’s mind.





This is a whole chapter about Sooyoung's little past and her invention. Quite long so I'm sorry >< If it happened to have anywhere confusing, don't hesitate to ask because even when I was writing this chapter, my brain has to run up and down to find the link towards everything.

And, this chapter was a total impromptu so if anything goes wrong while you're reading, please tell me :)

This chapter requires a lot of imagination. I don't want to give you a specific drawing of the invention so you can just think of any look you want. Another reason was because I have no idea how to type out my imagination. It'll might turn out wrong :X

I actually scared that it ended so quickly and all of a sudden. Even when I wished to make it longer, I somehow revealed the shadow in the dark. Heol~ Just hope that nothing goes wrong ^^

Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Do leave a comment and subscibe if you enjoyed ;)

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Recently my condition and mood isn't that good so I keep have writerblock. Hope you all won't mind about it ^^" I'll try to keep myself up :)


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Chapter 22: Authornim pleasee update very soon
Chapter 22: UPDATE PLSSSS <<<<3333
Chapter 22: update soon please
Chapter 17: this story is so great.. it's so interesting.. so sooyoung is the one who save theirr world before.. and sica is the evil force since sooyoung felt pain when sica touch her there before.. wow..
reyturtle #5
Chapter 17: Is Jessica going to steal soo's gemstone?!

Is kidda cool that Soo once save the world
Gorjezzchoi #6
Chapter 15: Whoaa it's cool author ssi,,only youngie who has 2 gemstones.nah,take u'r time don't rush author ssi,I'll be waiting patienly for u'r update^^
ssnasya #7
Chapter 15: Why sooyoung have 2 gemstone??? Or im i the only missread?? Anywhere jessica is a bad person?? OMG what will.happend????
You really great author shi.. FYI im your fan.. Kekeke
Chapter 14: update soon please
I liked this a lot!
Chapter 13: it is a nice chapter
please update