Chapter XVIII – I Have No Choice

Beneath The Tale Of Gemstone

Chapter XVIII – I Have No Choice

“Jessica…” Taeyeon mumbles in anger while clenching on her fist. Eron had been telling them about the past about their world, the gemstones and Sooyoung’s sacrifice. Most importantly, is the fact that the said name might be chasing after Sooyoung.


Taeyeon stands up from her seat and was about to leave and find Jessica, but someone stopped her.


“She’s not the one.” Eron cuts Taeyeon off before she gets out. Eron has more seniority compared to them and for sure, he experienced and knows more than anyone on what will happen and what was the cause.


“What do you mean?” Yuri asked while Taeyeon tried to calm herself down. She slides down the hand that was on the doorknob. That was the only way she can continue to listen to what he’s going to say.


“She’s not the evil one.” He takes a deep breath before continue, “On the same day I left Sooyoung at that village, I saw she and a little girl was brought away by some guys. When I realized who they were, that was the time I realized, their boss was… My elder brother, Kane.” Eron said the last sentence with a uncomfortable face.


“W-what?” Another thing hit Taeyeon and Yuri really hard. How many more unexpected things are coming at them?


“Including The Leigton, they’re all working under my elder brother. They only bear with one checkpoint, which was to find the gemstones. All the buildings that were bomb down in the past were to find where the gemstones were.”


Both of them just kept quiet and listen to what Eron will say.


“That time, they didn’t know that the actual fact was that it wasn’t hidden but was hold by some people. And those people are the three of you.”


“By seeing that we only have one gemstone each, does that mean they had found our gemstones? Or does someone else own it just like us but you just haven’t found them?” Taeyeon turns around and asked him.


“There were only 6 in the whole world and all 3 of you supposed to have 2 each. The only conclusion I can make up is that Kane stole them before you realized it.”


“Eron hyung!” Someone suddenly flung open the door and called out which made the three inside the room look at him. When they saw Lay, they couldn’t help but stand up.


“Something’s wrong with Sooyoung.” Lay says in terror.


Before he can even explain the situation to them, Taeyeon quickly ran out with Yuri. Eron stopped next to Lay before he follows up with the girl. He needs to know what happened from Lay.


“What happened?” Eron asked while running with Lay next to him.


“She was totally fine when we were walking to her construction room but when she touched the things on the table, she fainted.” Lay explains.


Maybe the parts made her thinks of her past.


“Where is she now?”


“With Seohyun.” Without delaying much, he quickly ran down by the stairs towards Seohyun’s working place.





After Sooyoung walked out of Eron’s office, she went to look for Lay just like how Eron appointed her to. Lay’s office is the only one that is close to Eron’s so it didn’t take long for her to reach there.


Along the way, she tried to play with the little part Eron gave her. Yet, nothing seems to come into her mind.


“Hey, Lay, Eron oppa asked you to bring me to the construction room for me to build some sort of device out of this thing.” She peeked through to see if Lay was busy on something.


“Oh, noona, don’t peek like that. Just knock and come in.” Lay greeted Sooyoung and helped her out to open the door wider as she walks in.


As they walked to a couch in Lay’s room, she showed him the thing Eron gave her.


“He told me to do something out of this thing without telling me what and how to do. What should I do?” She fiddles with the part which aroused the curiosity within Lay.


He tried to examine the thing and something struck into his head. He knew what was it and where it came from. But the thing is, he doesn’t understand how Eron has it and why he asked Sooyoung to do something out of this.


“Noona, don’t you have any idea of what this is?” Lay showed it right in front of her face but she just backed away and shook her head.


“There weren’t many memories in my mind. I don’t even know what this is.” Sooyoung took back the part.


Weird… How is she going to build something when she doesn’t even know what to do? Lay thought within his mind and only come to only conclusion.


“Let’s go, noona.” He led the way out of the room and decided to bring Sooyoung to the construction room just like how Eron asked. He knew if Eron wanted Sooyoung to build that weapon once again, it’s a must to do so.


A few minutes passed and they’ve reached the room. Lay went to unlock the door and Sooyoung went in.


“I’m going to leave you alone here, noona.” Lay said and was about to leave but she stopped him.


“Lay, what if something happened here? Just stay here. At least you can call for help when something goes wrong.” Sooyoung tried to convince Lay to stay because she herself wasn’t even ready for this.


After a few seconds of thinking, he decided to stay, “Okay, noona.” He then took the seat at one end of the table while waiting for Sooyoung to be done with her invention.


After few quarters passed the clock, Sooyoung was still staring at the small device. Lay, on the other hand, was almost fall into his dreamland.


Suddenly, something caught Sooyoung’s attention. It was a blueprint. She took it and looked at it, thought that she could at least found some idea from it. But, things got worse.


The world in front of Sooyoung suddenly got in which left a total blackout in front of her. She doesn’t know what happened but she felt a strong strike struck into her mind. All she can felt that time was pain.


She falls onto the ground in which shocked Lay and adverted his attention on her. That was the last thing Sooyoung saw before she knew that Lay brought her to Seohyun.


Flashback ends.


Where am I? Sooyoung felt drowsy as she felt sharp things are stabbing straight into her head. She holds onto her head and tried to find her conscious.


When she was able to open her eyes, she opens it slowly. She expected strong light rays shoot directly into her eyes but unexpectedly, everything was still dark. She looks everywhere but it can only be described as one word, “foreign”.


She has totally no idea why she is here so she stands up, hoping to find some clue of why she was brought here. The pain is starting to go away so she regained her energy to walk although she was still limping.


She looks at everywhere and can’t help to feel some sort of familiarity at this place. Again, she continues to walk around.


Slowly, she knows that this place has something to do with her past, and her lack of memories.


Image by image starts to form within her mind. It’s not good to fight with it as it will make her more headache so she decided to just stands there and see what will comes into her mind.


Bits by bits of the past come into her mind. How their world started to fall apart, how she started to create the EC and how she used it to save their world. It slowly came back to her. But, the scene just stops until she faints after she saved their world.


Although she couldn’t remember anything later, she is glad that part of it was back. At least, she now knows exactly what she should build.



 Sooyoung slowly get back to her sense and realized all the scenes before were merely part of her deep memories that she was finding all this while. When she opens her eyes, she saw 5 people were looking at her. More like staring.


She looks back at them and back to close her eyes. She feels weird how they’re looking at her with curious eyes. She doesn’t feel like answer any of it so she just shuts her eyes, letting them knows that she doesn’t want to talk about it.


“Do you think she’ll be alright?” Lay turns to ask Seohyun.


“I guess so,” Seohyun said, “I mean, she woke up and I guess she’s avoiding our questions so she decided to sleep back.” It surprising at how Seohyun understands how Sooyoung felt.


“Good…” Taeyeon mumbles.


“Let’s let her rest first, okay?” Seohyun turns to look at everyone at the room. They all look at her and silently nodded to agree with what Seohyun suggested.


As everyone left, Sooyoung spoke, “Thanks for the understanding, Seo.” Seohyun smiles at her before taking her leave along with the others and didn’t forget to shut the door.


So, now I need to build the exact EC I built in the past. Hope that I still remember about it. Sooyoung thought. But, why do I need to build it again?



Taeyeon and Yuri are now on their way back to the apartment as the hour-hand on the clock is almost hit the number 12. Tonight, they’ll be there without Sooyoung. They figured she needs her rest somewhere away from them so they decided to leave her there.


“Hey, do you think she’ll be alright?” Yuri turns to ask Taeyeon.


“She’ll be. She probably has the image of the EC now after the faint. Don’t worry.” Taeyeon tries to calm Yuri down but truthfully, she was equally as worry as Yuri.


“Guess so…” Yuri mumbles and the silent atmosphere was back again as they walk back to the apartment.


As they reached their apartment, Taeyeon sticks in the key and turns it. When they heard the click sound, Taeyeon turns the doorknob as they step inside.


“Tae…” Yuri calls out when she was inside the apartment already. Taeyeon lets her in first so she can do the lock up. When she heard Yuri calls out her name, she turns to that direction.


Yuri was already stoned upon seeing the scene in front of her and when Taeyeon sees what happened, she quickly pushed the stone figure away so she can check around the place.


Luckily, the gemstones were still around.


.” Taeyeon curses under her breath. She knew exactly who did this and was about to find that person but was stopped by Yuri with her arm holding onto her shoulder.


“Remember when Eron said that she wasn’t the one?” Yuri said and eventually made Taeyeon turns to look at her, “Maybe, this isn’t her doing.”


That sentence wasn’t enough to stop Taeyeon from finding Jessica. But still, Yuri firmly holds on her. For once, Yuri’s strength out-beat Taeyeon’s. That’s because she’s determined to stop Taeyeon from hurting Jessica. Not because of their friendship but the fact that they haven’t find out who’s the real deal behind this. After all, Jessica was only one of Kane’s puppets.


“Don’t you think it’s weird how our gemstones are still here? It was placed in an obvious place that even a dummy can find it. Why do you think that person will leave without taking it away? Because, knowing that she might ruined her friendship with us and mostly, Sooyoung, she decided to take all the consequences by herself when she returns to Kane.” Yuri explained which this time, caught Taeyeon’s attention.


“Tae, we’ll find her tomorrow. Tonight, let’s just rest first. After the information we had today, it’s enough headache for us.” Yuri said.


Taeyeon finally got her sense back and shuts the door. True that today had been a rough day and thinking how that intruder would leave without the gemstones, she decided to not think about it tonight.



A loud slap sound was heard across the spacious room. Two men were standing right behind of their leader while a girl in front of them was holding onto the hurt cheek.


The guy was furious that he might even wants to kill her. He thought having a person close to the target will be easier but he wouldn’t know it doesn’t bring any good.


Jessica couldn’t do this. Of course she couldn’t. Every time she thought about the mission she was sentenced to do, Sooyoung appeared on her mind. That was the time when she felt tears rolling down on her cheeks.


She doesn’t know why she’ll feel so but she just couldn’t bring herself to hurt Sooyoung. She clenches her heart from within every time Sooyoung appeared. No matter what, she just can’t do it.


“Kane, stop it.” Jessica mumbles. Although it wasn’t loud, it was hearable within the room. It was crazy enough to even think about such thing but Jessica dared herself to say it out. “Stop all this. I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore.”


Kane, upon hearing what she said, just left out a loud laugh. He then leans towards her and grabs her hair.


“Do you think I’ll stop that easily? Don’t you even think about such thing will happen to them.” Kane said before pushing Jessica away. “Leave now. We’ll talk about the action on another day. That time, make sure you’ll do it perfectly, Jessica.”


Jessica couldn’t say anything and just sits on the ground.


Sooyoung, Taeyeon, Yuri, I’m sorry…



Here's another chapter ^^ Hope it's fine :)

I have a feeling it'll end within 5 chapters because I have no more idea what to write but maybe, I'll write more. Depends on how much I still have within my head :)

Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe and comment if you like it ^^

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Recently my condition and mood isn't that good so I keep have writerblock. Hope you all won't mind about it ^^" I'll try to keep myself up :)


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Chapter 22: Authornim pleasee update very soon
Chapter 22: UPDATE PLSSSS <<<<3333
Chapter 22: update soon please
Chapter 17: this story is so great.. it's so interesting.. so sooyoung is the one who save theirr world before.. and sica is the evil force since sooyoung felt pain when sica touch her there before.. wow..
reyturtle #5
Chapter 17: Is Jessica going to steal soo's gemstone?!

Is kidda cool that Soo once save the world
Gorjezzchoi #6
Chapter 15: Whoaa it's cool author ssi,,only youngie who has 2 gemstones.nah,take u'r time don't rush author ssi,I'll be waiting patienly for u'r update^^
ssnasya #7
Chapter 15: Why sooyoung have 2 gemstone??? Or im i the only missread?? Anywhere jessica is a bad person?? OMG what will.happend????
You really great author shi.. FYI im your fan.. Kekeke
Chapter 14: update soon please
I liked this a lot!
Chapter 13: it is a nice chapter
please update