Chapter 34 – Aftermath

Shifting Lives

Chapter 34 – Aftermath


                        “Where are they?” Pets grunted as she forced herself not to pace in front of the broken window, her fists clinched tightly at her side trying to keep from doing something stupid.  She had her long bow in hand but kept it un-notched – she wasn’t familiar enough with it to trust herself indoors. 

            “Patience,” Jing said quietly from her seat next to another window, keeping a close eye on any movements in the woods.  From her position, she can cover most of the northern routes to the inn.   “They’ll be here when it’s safe to retreat.”

            “And how do they determine that?” Nicie asked, her hand steady on her gun.  She was finally starting to feel normal again… as normal as she could feel with the full moon rising.  Her skin felt prickly with sensations. 

            “When the enemy is all dead,” Jing simply as she adjust the crossbow resting on the sill.  She was outwardly calm but her heart was pounding on the inside.  With every passing minute, the moon peeked ever brighter in the sky even against the rain and clouds, becoming ever fuller as it tracked its way across the sky.  As it grew closer to the full moon, she could feel a heavy tension settle on her chest.  She knew what was coming and couldn’t shake the unfound fear of what might be – she’d ben an idiot not to be afraid. 

            “I don’t like this,” Fei commented as she joined the others by the window, her compound bow slung across her back, a full quiver at her hip, plus her crossbow along her forearm.  She and Kristen had been ushered into the house while Wes took to the woods around the area to make sure they were cleared of enemies.  He hadn’t been seen since and she didn’t like that.  “It’s too quiet out there.” 

            “Patience,” Jing repeated once more, her gaze never leaving the window.  “Where’s Ella?”

            “Here,” Ella answered quietly as she re-took her seat by the door.  She had both side arms back in their holsters with her short barrel across her lap and her long bow leaving against her chair.  She was slowly reloading backup magazines, one bullet at a time, as she made sure no one would be coming through the inn as they gathered in the more easily defendable back parlor room.  She was aching from her head to foot, her wounds not given any time to heal, but one couldn’t tell just by looking at her.  She was a picture of stoic determination and strength. 

            “How are you feeling?” Kristen asked quietly from her stool by Ella’s side.  She couldn’t shoot, couldn’t fight, would be of absolutely no help if they were attacked; her only contribution was to make sure everyone else was comfortable – so she was making tea.  Ella had asked her to stay back, away from the windows and doors, not be in the way if a fight broke out, and that’s exactly what she planned on doing.  She could ask all the questions she wanted later when it was safe.  If she was surprised by Ella’s changed appearance, she didn’t say a word of it.  She didn’t even make a comment when Pets had taken a defensive position by the windows with the others, foreign weapon securely in hand.  The time away from North Thumberland had changed her friend a great deal. 

            “I’m fine, thanks,” Ella answered in a monotone, her eyes never leaving the hall.  She was growing more and more agitated on the inside by the moment, like she knew something was coming but couldn’t put her finger on it.  It was a strange and unusual feeling for her.  And for the first time, she truly regretted losing her “sight.”  They could use all the help they can get. 

            “Keep an eye on your wounds,” Jing said distractedly, watching the storm outside.  The worse of it had passed but the rain still continued to pour.  “We don’t want you to bleed out.”

            “I’ll be fine,” Ella answered slowly, with more confidence than she actually felt.  Something felt off, distracting her; like there was…

            “Incoming,’ Jing warned as she lifted her crossbow.  The shadows in the woods moved suddenly, filtering and breaking away from the darkness.  Pairs of gold and electric blue danced across the field that sat between the inn and forest.  She watched a particular pair of blue eyes find hers and held her gaze.  She could literally feel his heartbeat coming closer. 

            “They’re back!” Nicie sighed with relief and lowered her weapon.

            “Stay alert, just in case,” Jing warned but knew that the threat was over.  Kai wouldn’t have let it go unless it wasn’t.  But training was hard to break and she wasn’t about to let her guard down until she heard it from the wolf’s jaws.

            Pets leaned against the window pane, searching.  “I don’t see Xiu.”  The shifters were coming out of the darkness by the dozens; some in their pelts, some already on two legs, most showing signs of recent battle. 

            “I don’t see Wes either,” Fei murmured as she turned and started toward the back door.  “I’m going to go look for him.”

            “Wait,” Ella stood quickly and grabbed her arm, wincing with pain at the sudden movement.  “Let’s hear what’s being reported before we go running off.  Don’t forget tonight’s still the full moon and they’ve all just been through a bloodshed.”

            “She’s right,” Jing nodded and lowered her crossbow, “Just because the enemy has been handled doesn’t mean we’re any safer right now; especially for you guys and especially tonight.”

            “But…”  Kai’s entrance cut off whatever Fei had wanted to say.  She shrunk back quickly, taking refuge behind Ella.  She was reckless and anxious, but not stupid. 

            Glancing briefly at Ella to check on her wellbeing, Kai went straight for Jing – completely unconcerned with his lack of clothes or the fact that his entire body was smeared in blood.  He reeked of death and violence.  “Come on,” taking her by the arm.  “We don’t want your first change to be indoors.  It’s not safe for anyone.”

            “Where’s Nick?” Nicie wanted to know when the beta hadn’t followed Kai indoors like she thought he would.  A fusion of fear ricocheted through her. 

            Kai motioned for Nicie to follow before nodding to the two betas in the doorway.  “Ming and Jie are going to take you back to the village.  Nick had to Bass and Mickey back to HQ for injuries.”  He glanced at Jing and explained before she could ask, “It’s not life threatening but we need to quarantine the injured for the full moon – it’s not safe.”  He looked at a concerned Nicie again, “He’ll meet you at the infirmary and take you back out through the Northern Woods.  You’ll be safer there.”

            Nicie thanks him with a quick nod and hurried after Ming and Jie who were both eager to get going.  The full moon was pulling at everyone and they wanted their task done before they could run with the rest of the pack.  As for Nicie, she could feel the pull of something she didn’t understand yet but simply knew that she needed Nick. 

            “What about Xiu?” Pets asked before Kai could make an escape with his mate. 

            “And Wes?” Fei added.

            “And my sister?” Kristen couldn’t stop herself from asking even knowing it was a terrible idea.

            Closing his eyes a moment in frustration, Kai mentally told himself to rein in his impatience.  It couldn’t be helped; there were more than just a few people that needed answers.  Then it hit him.  Turning sharp glowing blue eyes at Kristen, “Who the hell are you?”

            Kristen’s eyes went wide on her face as she stared back disbelievingly at him.  A Pure.  The first Pure she’d even heard about outside of rumors – there were always rumors.  And he was incredible. 

            “She’s with me,” Chun answered as he finally made his way into the room.  He was bleeding from one shoulder and had a long gash along his side and down one leg.  The silvery fur of his wolf were still retreating into his legs as he limped in. 

            Ella held up a hand quickly to get her brother’s attention, “Allen and Show took her sister and another female companion to the infirmary in HQ.  They came in with the storm.”          

            Eyeing narrowing, “Show and Allen are back?”

            “And Show brought back a mate with him,” Ella answered in the way of an explanation. 

            Kai shook his head, “Whatever.  I can’t deal with this tonight,” then made to leave again.

            Fei scrambled to get in the way of the irked Beta but Pets got there first. 

            “Xiu?” Pets asked again; she had to know. 

            “Wes?” Fei added again, pleading this time.

            “They need to know,” Ella explained quickly, moving awkwardly toward the girls.  “Just like you need to leave with her,” angling her chin to Jing.  She had to make her brother understand – sanity was at stake here and they had left it too long.

            Chun shook his head at Kai, letting him know that it had to be dealt with.  The girls weren’t going to let him leave without an answer.

            “Xiu is out back directing the others,” Kai answered quickly as he moved again.  “He’s doing a sweep since there’s no time to put up patrols tonight with everything else happening.  He’ll probably find you if you head through the elms.  Try not to be silent with your movements and take a knife with you.” 

            Pets nodded and caught the dagger Jing lobbed at her.  They exchange quick agreeing glanced before she turned to look at her brother.  Chun merely gave her a reassuring smile and send her on her way.  His silence was all the assurance she needed. 

            Grabbing Fei’s arm, Kai pushed her toward the exit as he passed her.  “Your Wes is guarding the East entrance with Sam;  I sent him out there to keep Sam out of the way.  Sam is wounded but not badly; make sure he does not to leave his post if you and Wes are going to be…”

            “I got it,” Fei said in a hurry as she felt her whole face flush with embarrassment.  Dropping her bow by the doorway, she glanced briefly at Ella.  “Probably not a good idea to go out so obviously armed.”

            “Not a good idea to out there on a full moon without,” Ella pointed out as precaution. 

            Fei gave her a helplessly weak smile and patted her side arm with a shrug.  “Habit.”

            Jing rolled her eyes and shoved Fei out the door.  “Go.”

            Kai was almost out the door when he suddenly stopped, forcing Jing to run headlong into his back.  He turned and looked at Ella for a long unreadable moment before turning his deadly shifter eyes on Chun.  “Are you running tonight?”

            Chun’s eyes was steady, defiant, glowing a warm molten gold.  There was a long heavy moment between the two betas before he turned to Ella  and answered.  “No.”  There was a wealth of meaning behind his tone. 

            “Thought as much,” Kai shook his head and looked at his sister, who was staring back at him with sad, sad eyes.  He nodded, as if coming to a decision, and looked at Chun again.  “Be careful with her wounds,” he reminded him and left it at that.  

            Jing raised a surprised brow but reframed from saying anything until they were well out of ear shot.  “That was rather unexpectedly generous of you.”

            “Why?”  He kept moving.  Kai knew he was moving faster than she could comfortably keep up with, but it couldn’t be helped.  He could feel the pulling at his soul and had no intentions of being anywhere near the inn when the Moon finally hits and he and the others lose their battle to their beasts.  The violence they had committed tonight would make control over their primitive side all that much harder.  Even now he felt as if the hair on his very human body was electrified and would spark at the slightest provocation.  The misting rain wasn’t doing much to help calm the barely caged energy he felt prickling under his skin.  “They are a given.  Just because I choose to ignore certain things doesn’t mean I’m blind to it.  The way he looks at her…”  he made face in disgust.  “And the way she looks back at him…”  He shuddered just remembering it.  “They’re as close to True Mates as any I’ve seen without the actual soul tearing connection.  And I don’t want to be anywhere near that when it goes down.”

            “Still,” Jing interjected as she huffed a little to keep up with her arm; the one Kai had a death grip on.  “I kind of expected you to tear Chun’s head off for even considering it.  ‘Cause, you know, that’s your usual MO when it comes to dealing with the panting dogs that come sniffing around your sisters and…”

            Kai turned abruptly and faced her, ignoring the sting of where her boots landed on his soft human toes.  “Can we not talk about my sisters tonight?”

            Thrown a little, Jing sobered quickly.  “I’m sorry.  I know that you have to be hurting and…”

            “I don’t want to think about it tonight,” he interrupted sharply then took a deep breath to calm himself.  Tonight wasn’t about him; it was about her.  It was her first shift and he wanted it to be good for her – he can deal with everything else afterwards, grieve when he had time for it later.  “Let’s concentrate on you tonight.”  He touched her face for a moment and glanced back at where they had come from.  “And let’s do it a little farther away from the rest of the pack… unless you’re into that kind of thing.”

            She threw her weight into shoving him aside and stalked up the sloping hill, blushing the whole way.  She was an idiot to be concerned about him.  But at the same time, she couldn’t quite shake the warm feeling of knowing he had kept her needs as priority and been considerate of her plight even at the worse of times.  It was disconcerting to have him be so different from her perception of him and yet…

            With one arm around her and the other brushing aside the obstacles in their way, Kai guided her along with a quick sure feet that were more animal than man now.  He leaned in close and promised in a soft voice for only her ears, “I’m going to make tonight one that you’ll never forget for as long as we both shall live.”


            “I’m taking East,” Fei told Pets as she moved unerringly toward some spot only she could see.  “If you find him first…”

            “I’ll send him your way,” Pets told her as she moved toward the North side.  “And if you see Xiu first…”

            “Likewise,” Fei told her as she took off suddenly in a jog.  She felt… off.  Like touched by a live wire. And the other end of the wire was currently attached to something that was on the move on the Eastern side of the woods.  Every step felt like a jolt to her system and every breath she took seem to escalate the sense of urgency she felt. 

            She spotted Sam long before he spotted her – a rarity and testament of his exhaustion – resting against a post along the edge of what once had been the border of holy ground.  Sam was allowing himself a moment of weakness, to take stock of his wounds in his human form.  He stood when he spotted her but she shook her head at him and motioned him back down before gesturing toward the woods.  Sam’s steady eyes were aglow with the shifter’s powers and he nodded only once to let her know he understood her intent.  Tonight, he needed to let her be. 

            Moving surely through the woods, Fei went with her instincts and followed some unknown trail further and further into the darkness.  The storm had abated, leaving soft rain in its wake.  She knew the moment he found her, felt it like a physical presence.  And it gave her a high that made her feel almost giddy.  Knowing she was safe with him watching, Fei took off running deeper into the unknown. 

            Her legs moved fast, her lean body trained for sprints through the woods as part training and part survival.  But even the best athletes in world were no match for the speed and grace Mother Nature had built into the children of the Moon.  He outpaced her no time, circling back to step right into her path, glittering golden eyes flashing a warning.  Undeterred and half anticipating it, she switched directions and continued to move.  It was a futile effort but gave her some unexpected satisfaction in thwarting him.  Of course it took him less than a minute to readjust course to intercept her. 

            They played cat and mouse for a bit, both finding some sick thrill in the chase and evasion – a stimulating game under the light of the moon and the cool rain.  Neither of them gave in to the other as they looped their way through the forest, dancing between the shadow, moving away from the rest of the pack  as the moon gathered overhead.  Where she had home court advantage – this was, after all, her playground as a child – he was part of the nature around them.  She kept them away from the well traversed roads, plunging them deeper into the sheltered area that's long hidden her people from the outside world. 

            After awhile, when Wes was finally grown tired of the game and resisting the moon, he corralled her into a glen and tackled her, sending them both into a fat wet leaf pile that cushioned her fall.  She landed on her back, panting for breath, giddy with some unsung energy.   His body was warm, heated by the exertion, and the icy pale fur that covered his body shimmered in the moonlight with droplets of rain.  A cold wet nose nuzzled the side of her neck, conveying his affection, unexpectedly playful, as his body started to morph back to man.  Soft fur receded, limbs elongated, his human form emerged as striking as his animal.  But his eyes, those golden glowing eyes, remained in their shifter form, burning bright and boring holes into her soul. 

            Shivering with fear, excitement, and anticipation, she didn’t know what to do for a moment other than try to breath and stared in wonder.  He was so unbearably beautiful and her heart felt bursting with some unfamiliar emotion.

            The smile that graced his still part canine face was both charming and gleeful, like a happy puppy that had caught a toy.  But his cautious human side still couldn’t help reprimanding her.  “What were you thinking?” he asked, his vocal cords finally shifting back into place.  His voice was a little rough, an alluring contrast to the delicateness of his arresting face.  “These woods are full of shifters tonight.”  Shifters that were going to be less than in control thanks to the bloodshed and the full moon; himself included. 

            Touching his increasingly human face, illuminated by the glowing moon overhead, she stared in absolute amazement at him.  “The moonlight becomes you.” And it did.  The radiance of the moon gave him an ethereal look that was most definitely supernatural.  Her whole body sang a full chorus of excitement at having made contact. 

            The look of delight slipped from his face and he gathered himself up in horror, recalling himself, recoiling physically from her.  “What the hell am I doing?” and scurried away from her on all fours.

            “What’s the matter?” she asked, puzzled by his reaction and distracted by his lack of clothes.

            “We can’t…” he moved further away, ignoring the damage he was doing to his all too human skin.  “This isn’t right…”  He wiped a quick hand over his face.  He looked up a moment, staring at the full moon.  “What was I thinking?”

            “Maybe you weren’t,” she told him, reaching for him again.  “Maybe you weren’t suppose to be.”  She felt the sting of rejection when he back away but quickly forgot that when he stood.  There was no way he was unaffected by her… in a rather primitive way.  It was both embarrassing and reassuring at the same time.  And it was well pass time she had it out with him. 

            “I gotta go,” he turned and was about to step away when she tackled him on a flying leap, shedding her weapon in one go, and latching onto his back.  “What the…”

            “I’m not afraid,” she whispered in his ear, locking her long arms and legs around him, like a koala on a tree branch.  “And I’m not calling it quits yet.”  The words sounded a little familiar to her… actually, everything now felt familiar – too familiar.  “Not tonight.” 

            He forced her arms open, trying to pry her off him while careful not hurt her.  He was bigger, stronger, it should have been easy to shake her.  But Fei was not about to be deterred and his heart wasn’t in it.  It was obscene what they were doing.  He was stark and she was…  She was so vulnerable.  “You have to stop.  We have to stop.”  And they had to do it before he lost control of himself.  Her sweet, sweet scent was clouding his better judgment, making him want things he couldn’t… shouldn’t even consider.  He could feel the Moon, the crackling energy in the air, floating on the misting drops of moisture that fell against his skin, burning him, setting his senses on fire. 

            “No, we don’t.  I certainly know that I don’t,” Fei insisted as she pried her arm from his hold and hooked it around his neck to grab hold.  Then she bit him… HARD.  He gasped more from surprise than pain as her sharp little teeth broke the tender skin at his collar where a wound had just started to heal, drawing blood.  She tasted the cooper on her tongue and felt something break loose inside her. 

            The bloom of scent hit Wes like a mallet, knocking him senseless for a second.  He staggered but caught himself quickly, fearful of falling with Fei still on his back.  He didn’t question his instinct to protect her; only his overwhelming need to sink his teeth into her flesh, to taste that sweetness clogging his mind and commit it to his soul.  Reaching around, he pulled her from his back and shoved her a little too roughly against a tree, shocked by his sudden lack of control.  But nothing could have stunned him more than the pair of glowing shifter eyes that stared back him; eyes that hadn’t been haloed in that unnatural but oh-so-familiar golden honey color only a few moments ago. 

            Shock silenced his tongue.  And he looked at her as if he was truly finally seeing her for what she was for the first time. 

            Swallowing to wet her suddenly parched throat, breathless with anticipation now, Fei felt almost dizzy with the newness of literally everything.  Fei gave him a moment to let it all sink in before reminding him, “I told you I had something I needed to talk to you about.”


            Pets tripped over a wayward branch and caught herself against a tree.  The wet ground and continuing rain was doing a great job in making it hard to move about.  It had been a bad idea coming out here but it was also too late to turn back now.  She had to see it through.  She just hoped her curiosity wasn't going to get her killed... or worse. 

            But where should she start?  The woods were a big territory and it's not like the territories were neatly marked by pathways and signs for her to read – these were foreign grounds to her and she didn’t have a lifetime to know them like the others did.  Of course, the worse thing would be that she stumbled upon the wrong place and meet up with those that didn't exactly have their inner selves under control.  Now that would be a recipe for disaster. 

            *Stop thinking of the worse and get your head on straight,* she thought with a sigh as she forced herself to move.  Focus on the problem at hand.  Where should she head to? 

            And why does everything about this feel so achingly familiar. 

            The deliberate snap of twigs announced that she was no longer alone.  Someone was warning her; something had found her in the darkness… alone. 

            Forcing back her nervous fear, turning slowly to search the woods that was dark with shadows, it took her much longer to spot him than she expected with the moon almost full above them and the clouds so obligingly parting for her.  His midnight coat bled into the darkness a little too well; a predator in its natural habitat.  If it weren't for those unnaturally bright, mesmerizing turquoise eyes…

            She was shaking but not from fear, she was more anxious than anything else.  Waiting…  Knowing what was coming.  Everything about this moment was already long rehearsed in her dreams. 

            He shifted out of his pelt, still hidden in the shadows and away from her, his raspy voice attested to his changing vocal chords,  "You shouldn't be here."

            Swallowing her nervousness, she shook her head.  "I know this is highly unusual…" 

            "Go back."  He moved as if to turn; he couldn’t deal with this right now.  Not tonight.  Not after everything that’s happened – and not after all the blood he’s spilt. 

            "I wanted to talk to you and ..."

            "Go back NOW," was the warning given before he turned and leapt out of the darkness, his turquoise eyes and white fangs the only things seen in the dim light.  If he couldn’t get her to move with words, maybe he could scare her into complying.  He just couldn’t deal with it now.

            Startled into giving up a small cry of fear, Pets tripped on her own feet and fell on her .  The rough landing jarred a tear of pain from her eyes and knocked the knife at her hip loose.  And because she was stupid, she instinctively reached out to catch the falling blade and sliced the palm of her hand wide open.  “Ouch!”  The pain was even worse than it looked as she sliced through the protective calluses she’d only begun to develop over her pull fingers and hand. 

            “You idiot,” Xiu morphed out of his wolf and was by her side in a second; his graceful form coming to rest by her as he took her injured hand to stem the wound.  “Are you trying to get yourself killed?  It’s a full moon for god sakes; the scent of blood will…” and then the fresh perfume that was uniquely her hit him right in the solar plexus, knocking the air from his lungs.  It felt like the dizzy freedom of first spring rain after winter’s death touch, when woods and its inhabitants suddenly bloomed with warmth and life. 

            “Xiu?” Pets watched his slightly stunned face with concern. 

            He leaned forward to bury his nose against the soft tender skin of her neck, taking a deep breath to inhale her blossoming scent, like he was learning it for the first time when in truth, he could have picked it out anywhere.  His tongue darted out to taste her skin there, dewy with her search and mixed with the fresh rain.  “Damn it…  Why did you have to pick now?” before he brought her hand up and pressed the wound against his lips. 

            Shivering, Pets felt the change in him before she even saw it – the electric charge that struck something awake in her.  His bright eyes seem to burn brighter on his face, the ting of green danced among the bright blue of his shifter eyes, drawing her in.  The fusion of fear and excitement danced across her skin before she leaned in on instinct and kissed him fully on the lips.  He tasted the way she thought he would, like the manifestation of joy, comfort, and wonder.  And she wanted to gorge herself on him.

            In a sudden and unexpected move, Xiu pulled her forward by her injured arm and pressed her fully against him before gripping her tightly with one hand on her back and dragged her into the bushes, giving them some form of cover and privacy to any passerby.  And through all that, he never once stopped kissing her, his lips and tongue ravaging hers as he desperately learned the taste of her.  When air became an issue, he pulled back panting, staring at her a long moment before raking suddenly talon-like fingers over his collar, cutting three clean neat lines across his flesh.

            “What are you doing?” she tried to steam the blood as it trickled down his chest.

            He grabbed her hand, to get her attention “Go ahead,” indicating with his chin to his wounded shoulder, “Before it closes.”

            Pets hesitated, her fingers grazing the edge of the wound that was already starting to heal. 

            “Hey,” he tiled her chin up to look at him with one human finger.  His eyes were bright but warm, “You’re already mine.  This is just a formality.” 

            The words ease the tension Pets hadn’t realized she’d been carrying.  Her shoulder sagged with relief before she leaned forward and placed her lips against his wound, tasting the coopery blood that ignited a fire within her.  Suddenly blinded as stars literally exploded before her eyes, Pets felt the world tilt on its axis for a moment.  Unsteady, she felt strong hands hold her in place, giving her a moment to adjust to becoming suddenly awakened to a world she’d had never seen before.

            The color around her seemed brighter even in the darkness.  As if someone had the contrast colors of the world to sharpen the edge around everything.  Her skin grew suddenly sensitive, feeling every drop of misting rain that filtered through the leaves.  The scent around her suddenly seemed heightened on a different level; as if she could pick out the different components that made up each and every scent around her, from the wet earth to the warm comforting scent the radiated off Xiu’s skin.  Her whole body seemed to come alive, vibrating just under her skin. 

            “It gets better,” Xiu promised her as he touched the corner of with his lips, his hand bracing her as he eased her slowly onto her back.  “It gets so much better when you can see the world from different eyes.  But not today,” he dropped another kiss on her nose, “Not tonight,” then another on between her eyes as he found the buttons of her shirt.  “Tonight, you’re going to concentrate on me.”


            Selena blinked once, then again harder, trying to clear her vision and memories.  tasted of cotton and her whole body was taken much too long to respond to any commands.  The sterile scent of her bed and the quiet beeping of a heart monitor told her enough to know she was hurt.  The last thing she remembered was driving.  The storm had hit harder than she’d seen in some time, obscuring the road, but with darkness about to fall, they needed to get to safer grounds.  Then there was something in the darkness… more than one something, and it chase them across the unfamiliar territories and… and…

            She groaned trying to push her memory of what happened next.

            “Shhh….” The warm voice accompanied the glass of water that was offered to her lips with a straw.  The light in the room went dim, easing the mounting headache that was already beginning to build behind her eyes.  “Try not to move too much.  The doc said that you took a pretty bad hit; you’ll be hurting for awhile.” 

            Taking a sip to wet her parched throat, it took her a moment to be startled.  “Who…” but silenced herself at the sight of a pair of shifter eyes watching her in the darkened room. 

            “Your sister is okay,” he offered the drink again, which she refused.  “They took her to sanctuary for safe keeping until things die down.  Someone will bring her to you when it’s safe for her to move about again.”  He set the glass down by the tableside and pulled up a chair.  “Your friend also took on some injuries; she’s resting comfortably now but it’s probably best to find her mate and having him brought here.  She could use his presence.”

            Though she had told herself not to speak, silence was always safer, she couldn’t help asking, “Is she…”

            “She’s fine,” he assured her, “And so is her cub… for now.  As I said, it’d be better if her mate was here.”

            Selena frowned with concerned.  She knew too little about her current status and to bring Jiro and the rest of the boys here when they might be walking into danger…

            “You’re thinking too much,” he said watching her with eyes that pierced the darkness that her human eyes can’t.  “What’s more important: the what if’s or the here and now?”

            She gave a reluctant nod.  Rainie and the baby comes first; Jiro would walk through fire and hell for them.  And she shouldn’t take the choice away from them. 

            “And if you weren’t injured,” he continued, leaning into the circle of gentle light around her bed to show her his face, “You and I would be having a very different kind of conversation right now.”

            It took every fiber of her being not to react as Selena was suddenly confronted with an all too familiar face; one that she had hoped not to see outside her dreams… at least not this soon.  Not while her pack was scattered, still on the run and in danger of…

            “You should have told me,” he replied to her unspoken fears, “I would have protected you; brought you here for safe keeping.  You and your friends.”

            She still had no idea where here was.

            Show cocked his head, reading her expressive eyes even if her face showed nothing of her thoughts.  “Oh… I see.  You’re in the Five Lake territories.  Exactly where you wanted to be.”


            He smiled, showing her pearly white teeth.  “You’re home now.  You’re safe.  And I’m going to make sure it stays that way.”  He leaned in again, letting her see the banked fires in his eyes.  “I should have known, even without you telling me, the moment I saw you that you were mine.  I protect my own; remember that.”  He eased back and reached for the light, turning it completely off this time, letting his eye be the only thing she saw in the dark.  “We’ll have that ‘other’ talk when you’re feeling better; we’ve got time.  Right now, you need to rest and I need to run.  It’s a full moon and you’re not safe from me for much longer tonight; not in the state I’m in.  Sleep well, my soon-to-be mate.  May your dreams be solely of me.”  He brushed his lips across hers for a brief second then slipped through the doors.

            And Selina was left in the dark with only his haunting words to send duo shivers for warring reassurance and uncertainty down her spine. 


            Careful with her wounds as he had been warned, Chun carried Ella up to her room and shut the door firmly behind them.  He felt Ella’s tears dash across his bare skin and didn’t offer her anything but a strong presence to hold onto as she grieved.  Everyone else were dealing with the here and now, the problems immediately at hand.  But Ella was reliving her own failings; her inability to see what had been happening right under her nose.  Her baby sister had sacrificed herself to protect them all. 

            For a seerer, she had been so blind. 

            Muffling her voice against his warm skin, she couldn’t bring herself to believe that Emma was gone.  “No… no…” her heart hurt with the thought and she didn’t want to believe. 

            “Because she loved you,” was the only response he could give her, correctly guessing her unspoken words.  He sat down slowly on the bed, careful of how he arranged her in his lap.  “Because she loved you as much as you loved her and she would never allow harm to come to you.”  He held her closer, squeeze her hard enough to hurt, trying hold her shivering at bay.  He could feel the emotional pain that had translated to the physical anguish she was going through, even aside from the wounds she had already taken tonight.  The price she had paid to protect them.  “The two of you are so alike in ways that scares me to death.  I can’t even think of what you were willing to do tonight for her… for all of us.”

            The tears wouldn’t stop falling.  Ella’s hands curled tightly into fists, nails digging into her palm to keep herself together.  A lifetime to reining in her emotions couldn’t be undone in a night.  And all that hard fought control was  having a difficult time letting go. 

            “It’s alright,” Chun resisted the urge to crush her into him, as if he could hold her together through sheer strength and will.  There was a delicate fragileness to her tonight that made his heart clinch.  “I’m here.  I’m not going anywhere.  You don’t have to be strong for me.  You can let go.”

            With a half-released sob of pain, she clutched his arm suddenly and turned into him, burying herself in his warmth and reassurance.  With him, she never had to be anything else.  He never asks for anything of her or from her; he simply was.  That was the invaluable gift he gave her; the thing she loved the most about him.   The reason she wanted to give all of herself to him and damned the consequences.  And she desperately needed something good in her life right now.  But she also knew his health was important and she wanted him to be okay.  She didn’t want to be selfish in her love – not with him.  “I know it’s a full moon…”

            “I’m not going anywhere,” he assured her firmly. 

            Her fingers tightened their hold for a moment before she let go.  She pulled back with wet eyes and a heavy heart.  “I know you spilled a lot of blood tonight and still need to…”

            “I’m not going anywhere,” he snapped and wanted to shake her awake to just how serious he was when it came to her: he will always put her first.  But one look at her told him she couldn’t withstand another manhandling tonight.  She was bruised, battered, and bloodied; taking another hit could literally kill her.

            “Don’t be stubborn,” Ella said quietly, watching him with eyes that were simultaneously sad and amused.  “I know you want to take care of me but you need to take care of yourself as well.  You’ll do more harm if you lose control tonight in a confined space.  Go, do your run and then come home to me.”  She gave him a gentle push, putting herself away from him. 

            “I don’t need to…” her eyes distracted him as they were focused on his chest now and not on his face.  He glanced down to follow her line of sight and watched as her fingers curled.  “What is it?”

            She lifted her left hand and stared at the intricately carved silver ring on her index finger.  “They say the rings were made with the blood of the Gypsy Queen.  It was meant to protect and safeguard her children and those in her bloodline.”  She closed her hand tightly, feeling the metal bite into her knuckle, then let go again to stare at it.  “It never worked exactly the same for us; little quirks that we never could figure out.  Didn’t matter which ring we wore.”  Years had been devoted to scouring over every scrap of information they could find.  “It was meant to protect and safeguard… to hide her from the world.”

            “Ella, stop.  Don’t do this to yourself.”

            She gave a mirthless laugh.  “Protect and hide the seers; make them invisible to outsiders,” she sighed and twisted the ring off, “Guess I don’t need this anymore,” and flung it across the room, watched it bounce against the far wall and land somewhere with a dull plink. 

            A guilty weight lifted from her shoulder and she would have sighed with relief but the sudden intake of air from Chun drew her attention.

            It was as if someone hit him between his eyes with a mallet; hard enough to throw off all his senses.  He stumbled for a moment, reaching out to regain his balance and not knock Ella to the ground.  The sudden mind clouding scent, a heady mix of sweetness and comfort, something completely beautiful and indescribable, assaulted his already over stimulated and taxed body sent him reeling.  He swallowed thickly, which was a mistake as it left an impression on his tongue and he felt his wolf clawing to the surface trying to get more. 

            Lifting Ella quickly off his lap and to the bed, Chun rolled away not trusting his legs to carry him.  He was suddenly buzzing and felt himself on the cusp of the change, scrambling desperate to keep the animal inside at bay. 

            “What’s wrong?” Ella asked, alarmed by his sudden uncoordinated movements.  “What’s happening?”

            Chun crab crawled away from her, his skin rushing with energy.  “Get… get away from me.”  He didn’t need a mirror to know that his eyes were aglow, his shifter form rising fast.  “You need to….” He words caught in his throat and forcibly pushed back at the change.  “I can’t control it… you need to run.”

            Shocked and not sure she could run even if she wanted to, Ella sat there stunned, unable to do a damn thing.

            “Ella… GO!” Chun felt the change take over, pushing his human form back as his bones shifted under his skin and his body morphed quickly into something so natural and unnatural at the same time.  His wolf reared its head and howled dangerously in the enclosed space. 

            First rule you learn as a child was never to turn your back on a feral shifter – hold their gaze as long as you can until backup comes to rescue you.  Second rule was never to run – predators have a hunting instinct; running meant prey to them.  But even knowing that, Ella still had to fight her natural instinct to take flight as the shifter turned its golden eyes at her; eyes that seemed to burn through hers. 

            “I’m not afraid,” Ella whispered, knowing those sensitive ears would hear.  She held perfectly still, kept her hands flat on the bed.  “I know you won’t hurt me.  And I know you’re in control.”

            He snapped his jaws once in her direction and growled low in his throat, as if giving her a final warning as he stepped free of his shredding clothes.

            She holds his gaze and defiantly shook her head once.  “I know you won’t hurt m….” the rest of the thought was lost as the wolf charged, moving faster than she had been expecting.  Landing on her back with the wolf standing over her, Ella held her breath.

            For a space of 5 heartbeats, the wolf simply looked down and watched her with eyes that glittered with power.  Then it decked its head and nuzzled her gently beneath her chin, cold nose against warm skin.  A rough tongue flickered over a tender spot below her neck, tasting the natural scent that collected there at before sharp fangs scrapped gently at the barely scabbed wound at her shoulder.  A second later, beads of blood gathered against her skin and his tongue lapped it away with a helpless whine. 

            She felt, more the saw, the change in him.  The glittering brightness of his eyes.  The shuddering that rode up his spine as he morphed out of his fur, panting for breath.  Everything about him vibrated with unseen energy.

            “Ella…”  Eyes still glowing that natural golden color, he stared her in complete and utter bewilderment.  He didn’t even know what to say… or how to make her understand what was happening.

            But Ella wasn’t some green unseasoned newbie.  Or one of the poor “normals” that stumbles into their world.  She knew exactly what was happening.  “Well… this is… this is… unexpected.” A term she hasn’t really ever needed before.  “And not an unwelcome surprise,” she touched his face with a gentle hand, smiling at the irony of it.  She’s confirmed so many Mating Dreams and yet…  “If I’d known the ring was the issue; I’d taken it off months a...”

            He kissed her.  Just simply wanted to taste this new scent; seeping himself in it.  The need to be near it, to be near her, was overwhelming.  His heart felt too full for his body.

            Forcing her hand against his shoulder, she put some distance between them until she could look into his eyes.  She held his gaze as she dug her nail into a cut just under his collar bone, one of the dozens of wounds across his still healing body.  He let out a soft hiss as the wound reopened, not really in pain but needing to respond somehow, and a tiny trail of blood trickled its way down his chest.  She pressed to it, tasting the coopery blood on her lips and bracing herself for the surge of energy she knew would come.  But knowing and feeling it were two different matter and she gasped as awareness flashed across her senses – awakening some unknown part of her.            

            Grasping her firmly, he waited for the shock to wear off, watch the wonder set into those haloed eyes.  Eyes that were ringed, not in gold as he would have expected, but in white.  It burned through him.  And there was such enormous joy and awe to know that he had done this; had given her a fraction of what she had opened up in him. 

            This was the completion he needed; wanted. 

            This was truly the beginning of their life together.


            Simon found Lily in their bedroom, hidden in the shadows, an old baby blanket clutched in her hands.  He didn’t need his extra senses to smell the salty tears or hear the gentle hitching of her breath.  A bloody pile by the bathroom door and the scent of death clung in the air told him what Lily had been up to while he lead his people in defense of their home. 

            But he was honest enough with himself to know that he hadn’t been thinking of the pack when he tore his way through his enemies.  He was avenging a death too close for him to think clearly. 

            It wasn’t how an Alpha was suppose to act.  And yet he had no regrets. 

            “I think it’s time I stepped down,” he whispered into the dark room, wondering if Lily would care.  She never wanted to be the Alpha’s mate.  And in moments of extremely clarity; Simon wondered if Lily wouldn’t have made a better Alpha.  “I can’t be Alpha and…”

            “I don’t care,” Lily answered, swallowing back another bout of tears. 

            He stepped out of his clothes; aware that he was still covered in death.

            “You are going to order their extermination.”

            He didn’t pretend to not know what she saying.  “We’d have to cross territory.”  It was a dangerous thing – a declaration of war on another pack on their lands.

            “I don’t care,” she repeated; her voice gaining strength.  Her electric blue eyes suddenly flashed in the dark.  “They took my little girl!”  There was a hardness in her eyes that was truly frightening to behold.  “I want them to pay.”

            Silence fell between them.

            “You will make them pay.”  Lily wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

            He nodded; he owed her this.  “We will make them pay,” he promised. 

            And just like that, her face crumpled and the tears came afresh.  She pressed her face into the soft worn blanket still clutched in her hands.  “They took my little girl….”

            Sitting down by her, he hesitated a moment before reaching out and wrapped her in his arms.  “I’m sorry; I’m sorry I wasn’t able to protect her better.”  His failure weighted on his heart.  He can grieve later; right now, getting Lily through it was more important.  Lily has always been more important. 

            The silence sat between them longer than was comfortable before Lily spoke again.  “I’m sorry too.”  She lifted her head a moment to look at him; her beautiful face achingly vulnerable.  “She was your daughter too.”

            He nodded slowly, “She was oursOur little girl.”  And Emma was suppose to represent a new start between the two them after… after everything.   

            The tears came afresh.  “They killed our daughter.”

            “And they’re going to pay,” he promised her again.  “Every last one of them.”

            She nodded and gently pressed her lips to his; letting him know she believed him.


            Emma’s legs felt like they had been weighted down by rocks and her limbs were slow to comply.  Scrambling as fast as she could, she knew she wouldn’t get far before the wolf…

            He landed on her back, crushing her under him as he growled his warning at her.  But she wouldn’t, couldn’t, stop struggling and shrieked when his teeth clamped around the back of her neck, drawing blood from the tender skin. 

            She expected the crunch of shattered bones, the snapping of tendons, the red hot pain of fatal wounds, the shuddering final breath before the darkness of death.  But what she got was…. Nothing.

            Holding her breath and screwing her eyes tightly shut, she waited. 

            And waited…

            And waited…

            And nothing.

            The wolf simply opened his jaw and released her.

            She left out a shuddering breath and opened her eyes to look at him.  Then like a repentant pup that knew it did wrong, he sat on his belly by her side and ran his sandpaper tongue over the wound before burying his nose in her wet hair, seeking affection and forgiveness.

            Shaken by the unexpected, it took another moment for Emma to turn her head.  By the time she did, the wolf was already morphing back to man.  Shaking her head, so relieved at not being dead she couldn’t even think straight.  “What…. What’s happening here?”

            Calvin blinked but his eyes never lost it’s firry bright color.  If anything, they seemed to be burning more intensely.   And he was looking at her with such tender confusion.  “I’m… I’m not sure.”  Then he suddenly leaned in again, as if compelled, and brushed his nose against the edge of her neck, trying to capture her scent with his human nose.  “Why do you smell so good now when you had no scent before?”

            She shuddered, both from fear and from the intense cold that was seeping into her bones.  She was wounded, bleeding, soaking wet and it was raining cats and dogs.  And she still had no idea how much control Calvin had over his wolf, especially with whatever the hell that guy had given him stilling running through his system.  Plus he still wore all the trauma of having just been in a battle which meant the bloodlust was probably still there waiting for a release of some kind.  Oh… and let’s not forget the full moon that was currently playing hide and seek between the rolling clouds above them, tugging at the animal within him.  “Calvin?”


            “Are you in control?”

            He paused nosing at and backed away slowly, embarrassment warring with confusion.  Instinct was contending with his human mind.  He considered it a moment, some part of him surprised at how clear headed he felt all things considering, then slowly shook his head.  The breath he took wasn’t steady, like something bigger was forcing its way through his body.  “No, not completely.”  He could feel the burn of the shift just under his skin and knew that his eyes still gave him away. 

            Emma took a breath and let it out slowly, “Okay…” Some part of her would question her sanity later but right now she was just too damn glad that he was capable of defying the odds and despite having tested her blood he still didn’t…  Her mind stuttered to a halt.  His question about her scent sudden struck her.  Watching his face, noting the heightened color and the way he was just watching her…  And everything clicked into place.  “Oh…” 

            She knew that look.  She’s seen that look before.  She’s seen it in dozens of dreams.  Dreams that weren’t her own.  A special kind of dream. 

            One she hadn’t even realized she was having when it came to her own.  “Well .”

            Brows raised in surprise, “Emma?”

            She stared at him, really seeing him now.  “This isn’t… this isn’t how I had imagine that I’d….” she took another breath to try to calm herself but really, it was a losing battle.  “Honestly, I didn’t…” her teeth chattered and she could feel the rising panic.  “I didn’t think I’d live long… long enough for…”

            “You’re shaking.”  Calvin leaned in on instinct, pressing himself close, holding her tightly; offering the radiating energy he could feel shimmering just beneath the surface.  She skin was pebbled with cold and she smelled both heavenly and distressed – it was a confusing duality.  “Hey, it’s okay; everything is going to be alright.  I’ll protect you.”

            The laughter escaped her before she had thought better of it and she hugged him back fiercely, just letting herself be in the moment.  Everything is different now.  “It’s going to be okay,” she murmured , letting herself absorb some of his warmth and selfless reassurance; wounded, threatened, very much still endangered, he still offered her protection without consideration.  “God I hope it’ll all be okay.”  Then she sank her blunt little teeth into the soft area between his neck and shoulder where a still healing wound broke on contact. 

            Calvin hissed in pain and jerked back from her.  But Emma held tight, pressing her face in his chest, unable to face him yet.  “Why did you…”

            “Give me a minute,” Emma whispered breathlessly as she felt the currents rush through her nervous system.  She tightened her fingers against his arm, every part of her suddenly shuddered against some unseen force that seemed to push out from within.  The world around her suddenly roared to life – colors brightened, the scents sharped and vied for attention, sounds heightened to almost deafening volumes. 

            “Are you okay?  What’s wr….” The question died on his lips as she finally looked up at him.  His mind blanked out; unable to process any thoughts.  All his focus were on the haloed eyes that stared back at him.  It wasn’t until he gasped for air that he remembered to breath and shook himself awake again. 

            Emma waited, patient and kind.  She didn’t want to push him.  After all, this was quite a lot to take in.  And she, more than anyone else, knew of his pains. 

            “Did you know?” he started to ask but then shook his head.  “No, no… of course you didn’t.  You literally just said that you didn’t…” he closed his eyes to collect his thoughts;  her newly awoken eyes were too distracting.  Actually, her scent was distracting too – wholesome and delicate, lulling comfort.  As was the warmth of her skin where he still held her, drawing him close.  Everything about her was throwing his mind into chaos and he couldn’t bring himself to mind it.  He laughed suddenly.  “This wasn’t what I was looking for when I came here.”

            “I know,” she answered, watching emotions flicker across his face.  She wasn’t wrong before; Calvin was just an incredibly nice guy.  Someone that the universe thought would be a good match for her. 

            “I just…” his face twisted in torment.  “I don’t want to hurt you or… I just don’t know if I can be trusted not to…” he shook slightly; overwhelmed by his own fears.  “I don’t know if I’m...”

            “I’m safe with you,” Emma replied calmly; her seer’s voice.  She reached up for his face, sandwiching his pale face on her palms, forcing him to look at her.  “Look what you were able to do for me.  You saved me.  You couldn’t hurt me; you wouldn’t let yourself hurt me.”  She peered at his face, making him see her – to read the truth in her new eyes. “I’m meant to be here; to be with you.”

            Whatever thoughts were going through Calvin’s mind didn’t show on his face;  He just stared at her; trying to calm his breath and his heart, both of which were racing out of control.  None of it made sense and yet…

            “It’s okay,” she whispered, letting her hands slip to her lap, refusing to feel disappointed by his lack of response.  This was as much about him as it was about her and she wouldn’t ever force him to accept something he wasn’t ready for.  “You can take your time.  We don’t have complete the ritual tonight – we can wait and talk about it when we’re safe.”  She promised herself – she already knew what he’s been through and could never do that to him again.        

            But he just kept staring at her; seeing those unnaturally bright eyes stare back so trustingly.  She truly was too good for this world.

            Emma looked around, the woods unfamiliar even to her.  “I think we’re probably south of the woodlands.  If we had further over, we will probably hit the main…” the rest of her thoughts lost itself on Calvin’s lips.  He had reached for her so suddenly she didn’t even have time to think.  But the warmth of his hand against her cheek and back of her neck, his soft breath on her nose, and the taste of his wet lips on hers was all too real.  And for a moment, nothing else existed in the world as he wrapped himself around her.

            When he pulled away, it was with reluctance.  “I needed a moment,” he explained softly, pressing his lips against her cheek again, unwilling and maybe unable to stop touching her.  “I just… I didn’t think that this was going to happen… and certainly not under these circumstances.”  He cringed as he recalled where they were, what they had been doing, and how much danger they were still in.  It’s a full moon on a night where death clung to their very fibers.  “We need to find a safe place for you.”

            “Us,” she reminded him as she struggled to get up and found herself less and less able to as her brain caught up to the rest of her injured body.  “We need a find a safe place for us.  Who the heck knows where that creepy creeper from your old pack is and I don’t really think either one of us are in any condition to take him on.  Though if he was anywhere near as smart as he thinks he is, he’d get the hell out of dodge.  He’s on pack territory on a full moon and they’ll tear him apart if they find him tonight – with or without knowing what he did.”  Standing now, she realized she was quite literally a walking bruise. 

            Ignoring the broken ribs and other stabbing pains, Calvin held Emma’s arm as she attempted to move. “Head north?” 

            “How far down from the falls do you think we floated?”

            “Maybe a mile or two?  Nothing more than that.” 

            “Then we’re probably pretty close to Eastwall Reds territory.  We can seek safety there.  The Alpha is relatively new and still pretty terrified of my dad.  He’ll get us home.”  She tried not to wince as she walked but it was too painful and she wasn’t use to suffering in silence.  “Okay, I’m not sure I’m going to make it that far.”  The mud from the river and the rain was doing a wonderful job of camouflaging her in the darkness.  “Maybe you should….”

            He picked her up with less grace and gentleness than he wanted to, unable to swing his left arm as far as he liked.  Throwing her over his shoulder, “Sorry, this is going to have to do.”  And started to walk.


            “I know it’s a little uncomfortable…”


            “… but it’ll only be until we can find….”

            “CALVIN!” she poked him in the shoulder until he finally turned to look at her.  “You’re going the wrong way.”

            He smiled despite his discomfort. “We’re not going north.”

            She blinked stupidly into the darkness.  “Oh… Wait… What?”

            “We’re going to find somewhere to get out of the rain.  Somewhere a little more….” He smile again though she couldn’t see it, “private.”

            She was having a lot of trouble following.  “Why?”

            “Never said I was going to wait, did I?” 

            … … … “Oh.” Her brain sputtered a moment before a step jarred the ache at her side.  She glanced down at all their various wounds.  “But, but you and I are… we’re kind of…”

            “Mated shifters are stronger; heal faster,” he swung her around into his arms, trying to be careful.  “Don’t worry,” he looked at her with glowing eyes that promised her things.  “I’ll take care of you.”

To be continued….


Author’s Note:  2018 had been a really ROUGH year.  I’m going to finish this damn story even if it kills me.    

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winglinanon #1
Still checking updates every week. This is story is really memorable.
winglinanon #2
Admiring your perserverence! And there are always loyal readers who are equally stubborn! Hahahah :D THank you for the update, and the story is amazing. Loved the realisation between calvin and gui gui. But what was best was the strength between each mates and the emotions between each family!
Chapter 34: Hey Didi!

Happy New Year!
I'm sorry to hear 2018 was rough for you; I hope 2019 treats you better~

I know ChunElla is a must in your stories, but it's certainly VERY different to see GuiGui paired with someone...who's not Aaron, lol. If you think about it though, their personalities are quite similar irl.... So a very interesting match indeed~
I hope GuiGui can get home before there's a war between the packs.

Good job with the other pairs as well (and thanks for keeping this as rated "PG13," lol).

I'm interested to see more of Show and Selina's interaction, considering they just met (but no worries if you can't fit any in).

All in all, a great chapter!

Looking forward to more!
fairytaill #4
Chapter 34: Thank you for the chapter! I really appreciate how much you want to finish this story. I remember the last time you updated was about almost a year ago and I wondered if that hiatus was going to continue until you forgot about it and completely lost inspiration for the story (which I have experienced with multiple authors before).

Also, I'm sorry your year was rough. I can empathize with you on that, 2018 was truly was a horrible year. I had thought 2017 was bad enough and that 2018 would get better... 2018, to the best of my ability, would simply describe it as a dumpster truck of despair, anxiety, and horrible life choices. I may not know what has happened to you in last year or two but I hope that this year will get better (I mean it has to get better at some point). However, I do want to ask, are you okay?

As for the chapter, it had me blushing. HARD. Almost at every section I had to stop to process all the lovey-dovey situations. At the end of the chapter I had both hands on my cheeks and was grinning really hard. I starting to re-read you story again to remind me what is currently going on and I've been having lots of eureka! moments. There are lots of foreshadowing that I had previously over looked and reading the story again I felt rather foolish. I should've realized that Calvin was Emma's mate, especially since there had been clues. I had assumed that Ella would end up with Chun, but it's nice to know they are indeed mates. I didn't know how being a seer would interfere with the whole mate situation. I was thinking they might've been excluded due to their special status but It's nice to know they have someone meant for them.

Sorry, this is random but as I mentioned I had gone back to re-read this story. One thing that has always weighed down on my mind is: who tried to drown Emma at the lake? Is this going to play an important point in the story? Or it was just a minor plot point

Any ways, Thank you!!!
greenteafrap #5
Chapter 34: Welcome back! I love your stories and am happy you've continued this even though you had a really rough 2018. I hope 2019 will be for you a much better year :) fighting!
In this chapter tho i don't know which pairs i like more, all of them give me the feels :) didn't expect Guigui and Calvin but i think they deserve to be happy after everything they've been through.

Hope you're having a good day and its not too late to say happy new year! Right?
winglinanon #6
Chapter 33: Fabulous chapter and always loved the strong sense of family you invoke into your story. Happy New Year and wish you many blessings
Chapter 33: Welp, I certainly don't feel very sorry for those hyenas...

An awesome chapter; I'm glad we finally get an explanation for the dream(s)...

Calvin & Emma are such an unlikely pair, yet you make them work quite well in here.

Ah... Nylon Chen, I presume?

You shouldn't have to apologize for taking so long - life is life, and it's unpredictable. The fact that you've continued this story at all deserves a round of applause in itself. I sincerely hope you have a wonderful 2018, and I look forward to reading the finale!
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Phewwww~~ at least Emma & Calvin are still alive but they haven't gotten out of dangerous zone yet
Please anything or anyone helps them, it's so torturing I can't bear it anymore >.<
I hope Calvin will not do anything to Emma that would make him regrets later T_T

PS: There is no need for you to apologize, really!! .... on the other hand, us (readers) should be grateful that you are trying your best in updating this fanfic despise we have no idea what you have been through in your personal daily life.
We might look like strangers to each other ...... but have been following/knowing you through your fanfics all these years I at least could tell how committed you are. It might be hard but I hope you can have a good day while smiling ^^
fairytaill #9
Chapter 33: Thank you for updating first of all. I seriously love the way you write and wish I could incorporate such vivid detail and emotion as you.

Second, don't be sorry about how long it takes you to update. Life is so odd and frustrating, and I totally understand you when you say it's like a roller coaster. It's impossible to stay commitmented to just this story when there are so many things happening. I dont necessarily physically, sometimes mental changes are equally or far more draining than physical.
Of course I can't deny the fact that the intervals between chapter update frustrates me but it's not something I can't handle ( as a devoted fan and completionist)

I'm cheering you on, not just to finish the story but in life. You seem to have had a difficult year, not that I actually know what you're going through… but you seem like a person who is patient and responsible and reasonable (I'm saying this based on past conversations I've had with you and the fact you couldve abandon this story but you didn't) you'll make it out of what ever is happening.

I think I started to wander but to simplify, I'm cheering you on
(oh gosh I'm just awful at trying to be supportive…)
Chapter 32: OH GOD!! every time I read your fanfic I felt like I was lifted high in the air and unable to breath properly
My heart would go thum thum thum .... like sitting a in roller coaster which operating in its full speed
that I sometimes I need to hold back my breath and/or scream.
I hope Emma and Calvin are ok, why she did wait a little longer before jumping.
I really really wish that thing will not be ended as bad as Ella & Emma' visions T_T