Chapter 25 – Maneuver

Shifting Lives

Chapter 25 – Maneuver


                “Can you spare Bass for an hour?” Ella asked as Kai escorted her and a still woozy Emma to the car.  “I need him to do something important.”

                Kai frowned but didn’t question her as he turned and relayed the request to a passing gamma.  “I can’t guarantee he’ll be cooperative though.  He’s had a difficult day.”

                “We all have,” Pets replied as she shifted the warm bundle in her arm. “Hey, hey, hey… stay awake.  If you revert while I’m holding you, we’re both going to end up in a world of pain.”

                Xiu’s black cat grumbled something and tried to turn over in Pets’ arms but couldn’t without jarring the still healing wound on his side.  At least the nasty stitches were no longer bleeding all over the white towel he was being carried in. 

                “Take him back to the Beta House and stay with him until he’s ready to revert back,” Kai instructed, half amused and half exhausted, “One of the guys up front should be able to tell you which room is his.” 

                Pets nodded and cuddle the cat closer as she slipped into the car, careful with her movements. 

                Emma smirked and turned to Kai, “Is it really okay for us to leave Mother here?”

                “She can handle herself,” Kai assured her with a pointed look.  “Besides, you try telling her she has to leave.  Let’s see how long you last.”

                Making a face, Emma decided to not argue the point when Bass joined them. 

                “You wanted to see me?” Bass looked tired, a little beaten up but in general good health.  The cut on his face and shoulder were visibly smaller than they had been an hour ago – he was healing fast with the approaching night. 

                Kai nodded toward the girls and stepped back to let them take reign.

                Ella offered him a sympathetic smile.  “I need you to go to the inn,” then stopped him when he looked to protest.  “Take a few guys, but I need you to bring Bernice and her sister back.  It’s important.  Nicie can’t stay on Holy Ground, and she knows why; and Emily won’t stay without her.  If she puts up a fuss, tell her you need to get back to Nick and why.  Nicie understands family; she won’t give you a hard time.  But you need to be the one to make sure they get home.”

                Bass didn’t question it even if his eyes had the thoughts.  “Alright.  Anything else?”

                “Tell Fei she’s in charge of the inn until I get back and for her not to leave Holy Ground.” 

                Now she’s got Kai’s attention.  “Why?”

                “It’s better this way,” Emma answered with a sigh.  “It’ll make things a lot easier.”

                Ella shook her head and commented, “I’m still not convinced but I’ll give this one to you.” 

                Emma shrugged.  “Hey, we need to all the help we can get and this will help.”

                Resigned and feeling the stress of the day, Ella could only agree with a nod.  “Try to be back before full sundown.  We don’t see anything but I rather not risk it.”  She looked at her watch, the one that was specially made for people like her.  “It’s a New Moon tonight; be careful.” 

                Bass nodded and headed back inside to prepare for the journey.

                “What are you two up to?” Kai asked sternly.  He recognized the look in Emma’s eyes. 

                “Putting a few pieces into place,” Emma admitted with a reluctant smile.  “There are things that we’ve help to divert and things that have been stalling.  We’re just trying to set things into motion again and maybe get a better picture of what’s to come.”

                Kai frowned at her.  “If that was suppose to make sense to me…”

                “It’s not,” Ella replied patting him on the shoulder.  “I know you’re busy and you’re under a lot of pressure; so just trust us, okay?  We’re not out to hurt the pack and we might actually know what we’re doing this time.”

                Unsatisfied by the answer but unable to press for more, Kai could only nod and motion for them to get into the car already.  There was so little time before nightfall and he had to prepare for what might be one of the longest nights in pack history.  As he waved for the rest of the to prepare for departure, he stopped only when he spotted Jing hurriedly making her way over to them. “What?”

                Jing looked confused.  “Aren’t I coming with you?” she glanced at the car.  “I thought I was supposed to stay with your sisters.”

                He shook his head at her.  “I figured you’d want to spend some time with Nick.”

                “And listen to him complain about being babied?” she gave him a look.  “No thanks, that sounds about as pleasant as a root canal.”  She moved toward the car when he stopped her with a quick hand. 

                “Don’t take this the wrong way but you should go home tonight, get some rest.  We’ve got enough guards for now and we’ll need you in the morning for the trip back and the coming days, until we know there is no longer a threat.”      

                “He’s right, you know,” Ella replied soberly, leaning out the window and patted her on the arm.  “Get the rest while you can; I can’t guarantee the inn will be quiet when we get back.  There’s too much fuzziness that I’m not sure I can…” she blanked out, her eyes becoming unfocused. 

                “Oh god,” Kai groaned and waited.  He was mentally and physically tired and wounded; he wasn’t sure how he was going to find the energy to deal with whatever else Ella was seeing now.

                Ella blinked, her eyes a little uncertain before she offered up a reluctant smile.  “Go back to your apartment,” she said quietly, “Stay in for the night.  Get some sleep.”

                Offering her a look of question, Jing took a step closer.  “Any reason I need to be worried?”

                “Just the usual,” Ella answered cryptically and gave her a pointed look before offering, “Sweet dreams.”


                Calvin stopped Wes at the foot of the stairs, his tired arms dropping to his side for a moment before he forced himself back up.  “Let me.”

                Wes sighed and shook his head. “He’s going to be pissed and he’s going to want an explanation.”

                “Then he’ll get it from me,” Calvin said firmly, taking hold of the dinner tray in Wes’ hand.  “You need to go back outside and off Holy Ground for a while.  That doesn’t look like its healing,” nodding his head toward the bloody bandage on Wes’ leg.  “And seeing it isn’t going to help his disposition any.”  When he hesitated, Calvin leaned in gently, “He needs to know the how’s and why’s; we can’t keep this from him, it’s not fair.  And I’ve been away long enough that sentiments alone will keep him from trying to rip my head off.” 

                Conceding the point, Wes nodded before he asked, “How are you doing?”

                “No worse for wear,” Calvin admitted and glanced down at the half a dozen long lacerations across his torso and shoulder.  The wounds were superficial to begin with and the run from the woods to the inn had given him time to heal before he faced his worried brothers.  “And definitely a lot better than you and Chun.”  His friend still hadn’t come in from the battle, waiting until his wounds were a little more healed to do so.  “Sorry I got here so late.“ 

                Shrugging his shoulders, Wes took a seat on the steps for a moment and reframed from asking what Calvin saw in the woods – he wasn’t sure his friend was ready to talk about it yet.  Instead, he turned to the more immediate problem.  “I’m not sure how he’s going to handle it.  You know how loyal Sean is and to not be able to do anything while we’re in the middle of… whatever this is…”

                “This is a territory war,” Calvin said quietly, sitting down with him.  The nightmarish scenes of what he saw in the heat of battle flashed like distant shadows across his mind’s eyes.  “Only it’s not about running grounds; it’s about 2 girls that have a lot of offer the world and a lot of people want control over it.”

                There was along tense pause.  “Just how serious is this thing?” Wes asked, his face sober with concern.  “And is this somewhere we want to settle down at knowing it?”

                “I can’t leave,” Calvin said with a quiet resolve.  “Not after what I’ve seen here.  I can’t; I won’t.” 

                Wes didn’t question it, “Then we stay.”

                “It’s going to be a very long battle,” Calvin said quietly, knowing he couldn’t just let his friend walk into something without knowing.  “And it’s not going to be one that ends happily ever after.”

                “Most stories don’t,” Wes said quietly, having known reality much longer than fantasies of youth and innocence.  “We’re family; a pack,” he reminded him, “this is why we’re here.  You stay; we stay.  You go; we go.  It’s that simple.” 

                Calvin swung his arm around and clasped Wes by the shoulder, a brotherly hug that was heartfelt and relief.  “I’ve really, really, really missed you guys.” 

                Tilting into the embrace, Wes grinned and shrugged his shoulder.  “It wasn’t the same without you around.  Chun was such a moody bastard and no one could talk to him.”

                “He was going through a lot,” Calvin replied and sighed.  “Okay, I better go and…” he looked up at the wide-eye Fei.  “Well, hello there.”

                The tray Fei was carrying shook a little and her voice had barely any substancce.  “I brought food for your friend.”

                “Great minds think alike,” Calvin replied, “Wes had the same idea.” Nodding to the tray by his feet.  “I was just about to bring it up to him.”

                Fei’s eyes fluttered to the side a moment, looking at everywhere but at the two men.  “Um… then… I’ll just… um….”

                Sparing her, Calvin shook his head, “Why don’t you and Wes go back to the kitchen and get yourselves some dinner?  I’m sure you’re both exhausted as well,” then glanced at Wes again.  There was something in the way his friend was looking at the girl…  “And better get that taken care of before you become too weak to stand watch later.  Day’s not over yet.”  And his friends haven’t recovered from their long journey to this place. 

                “And the night is long,” Wes replied with a sigh.  “You’re right.  Come find me later.”

                “Will do,” Calvin clapped a hand on Wes’ shoulder before starting up the stairs again.  He paused briefly to pick up the fruit Fei had on her tray, adding it to his own while leaning down quietly to add, “Please take care of him; he’s too tired to think straight now.”

                Nodding, Fei waited silently while Calvin made his way up the stairs with Wes’ frowning glare following him.  She was looking around them, trying to find something to look at.  “The cougars aren’t coming back for a while and I’ve fed most the troops that have come around.  You should eat something and join the patrol so you can heal.”  Steadying the tray with one arm, she reached out with determined concentration and gently examined the exposed cut at the tilt of Wes’ hip. “Holy Ground is good for a lot of things; healing isn’t one of them.” 

                He flinched at her touch, not from pain but from the simple human contact.  It’s been a long time. 

                “Are you hurt badly?” Fei whispered, withdrawing her hand and looked around again, her eyes never stopping at any one spot for more than a second.  “Come on,” turning toward the kitchen.  “I’ll get you something before you hit the ground; you’ll need the energy source if you…”

                “I’m sure they’re fine,” Wes said quietly as he followed her, “Your brothers, I mean.”

                The tray wobbled a little and she stopped. 

                “They would have sent for you if something bad had happened,” Wes continued gently, walking pass her toward the kitchen.  “They’re not trying to shut you out; they probably just don’t want to unnecessarily worry you.”

                “How do you know?” she asked, her voice barely registering over the loud beating of her heart. 

                “Because that’s what I’d do,” he said, holding the door to the kitchen for her.  “And that’s what I would want to do for people that I care about.” 

                Fei nodded, looking relieved, and went to the side board, joining the various member of the pack that were making themselves at home with the buffet of food laid out for them.  She stacked a sandwich quickly and walked back to Wes, who was eyeing the others warily as they were doing the same.  She hadn’t forgotten that to they were still strangers that were fighting the same battle but strangers nevertheless.  She stood by Wes and made the introductions.  “Wes, these are betas from the village.  Vic, James, Leroy is the arms master here, Chris, Henry, David, Troy, Zach, Elias, Frankie and Teg.  Guys, this is Wes; Ella’s friend from… her time away,” she finished diplomatically.  “She’s got a few of them staying with us here.”  It was a carefully phrased warning for the others to watch their behavior least they offended their seer.    

                The others nodded their greeting carefully as Leroy asked, “North Thumberland Grays?”

                Wes nodded and bit into the sandwich Fei handed him – it was dry and tasteless.  She shifted by his side, her body language speaking a great deal louder than she knew, and helpfully handed him a soda. 

                “Any relation to Pets?” Leroy continued conversationally.

                “She’s pack,” Wes answered carefully, watching the man cautiously.  Lean and hard, Leroy looked like he’s seen the darker side of life and was a survivor. 

                “She’s a terrible shot,” Leroy commented without malice, munching on an apple.  “My grandmother shoots better blindfolded.  What do you teach your girls out there?”

                Eyeing the compound bow and handle gun on the kitchen counter, “Not what you teach them here.”

                The others chuckled and they ate their sparse meal in comfortable silence.  The wounds of the day were being examined and tend to with those that needed extra time to heal sent out for patrol.  Wes was asked to join Teg and Elias on a run when another came in with a quick update, “Incoming.”

                Everyone stood in attention fast.

                “Friend or Foe?” Leroy asked sharply.

                “Friend,” and turned right around as everyone headed for the door.

                Wes grabbed Fei’s arm as she made to join the others.  He passed her the bow on the table with a warning look.  “Just in case.”

                She nodded and warmed under his attention.

                Leroy watched the two a moment before joining the others in the yard, some already moving beyond the gates to shift into their pelts.  “Hold,” he ordered the rest of the squad before they can continue.

                Bass and his team came through the woods and were shifting before they hit the gates.  He greeted Leroy with a quick nod before spotting his quarries.  “Nicie, Emily, get your stuff.  You’re going back to the village tonight.”

                Emily came at a run.  There wasn’t anything essential she couldn’t leave behind.  “What’s wrong?  What happened?” 

                Shaking his head at her, “I don’t know and I didn’t ask.  I was told to bring you guys back into town for the night and that’s what I’m doing.”

                “Why?” Nicie asked sounding a little desperate as she approached at a more cautious pace.  “The inn could use more…”

                “I have my ordered,” Bass said firmly, glancing briefly at the setting sun.  Night was coming, and with it more dangers.  “Ella said you cannot stay here and that was the end of it.”

                Nicie hesitated, “But…”

                “There’s no point in defying the seers; you know that,” Bass reasoned with her carefully, looking to Emily for help.  Emily looked torn between her duty and her sister and the last thing she needed was someone making her choose.  “I don’t have time to argue with you Nicie; I have to get back to Nick.”

                That brought her up short.  “What’s wrong with Nick?”

                Pained, “Nick is fast; he was one of the first to engage and…”  He held back his anger, his fear.  “They have him at triage right now and I’d like to get back before we move him to the dorms.”

                Bernice was already heading for the motorcycles before he finished speaking.  “Let’s go,” she said to her sister as she passed her.  Emily wheeled around quickly to follow. 

                Fei stopped Bass as he moved to shift; ready to the sisters back into town as fast as Nicie’s driving will get them there.  “Have to seen my brothers?”

                Distracted, he answered without thought.  “Matt took a hit pretty bad but the others are with him now.  They’ll move him when he’s more stable.”

                Frozen in fear, Fei didn’t know what to do for a second. 

                Wes grabbed Bass’ arm to gain his attention before the beta could move away.  “What the hell does that mean?”

                The vice-like grip on his arm pulled Bass’ full attention to the man… and the girl standing stock-still next to him.  “Fei...” he cursed himself roundly for a moment – he’d give anything to take it back now.  “He’s fine.  It’s just a precaution because of the new moon tonight.  Everyone’s on edge; but he’s fine, walked into triage on his own.” 

                It didn’t help any but she nodded her understanding anyways.  “Can I… can I go back with you?”

                And there it was: the hard part.  “I can’t,” Bass said quietly.  “Not because I don’t want to but I can’t.  The seers gave very specific orders that only those two come back.  You have to stay.  And you have to stay on Holy Ground.”

                “Have to?” Wes asked, latching onto the order.

                “She said Fei is not to leave Holy Ground.”

                Wes frowned but didn’t question it, looking at the girl a moment.  She didn’t seem especially surprised by the order, more upset for not being able to see her brothers than anything else.  Apparently Pets was right, the pack takes the seers’ words as the letter of law.  “Okay,” he nodded, “I’ll make sure Fei stays indoors.”

                “Thanks,” Bass said and instinctively touched knuckles with the newcomer in a familiar motion as Nicie’s bike suddenly roared pass him with four wolves suddenly giving chase.  “Be careful tonight,” then turned and shifted to follow. 

                Fei took an involuntary step forward, unable to control her own movements for a second.  She wanted to go, wanted to follow, wanted to know she’s safe.  Her brother was hurt and she was scared.

                “It’s okay,” Wes said quietly, watching the dust trail left in the wake.  “They’re going to be okay.  You’re going to be okay.”

                Going with the moment, she reached blindly for his hand and held it tightly, taking the comfort he was offering. 

                Going against his own nature, he gently eased her into his arm and let her press her face against his shoulder, shelter her, letting her take comfort from him.    

                Neither one question how easy it had been to fall into that embrace. 


                “Are we really doing the right thing?” Emma asked, watching as the last rays of the sun dropped over the hills. 

                “Now you’re having second thoughts?” Ella rolled her eyes and handed her sister the full glass of wine.  Tonight they sleep, and hopefully the dreams will be slowed enough to show them something worth while.  Or at least they’ll get the rest they’ve richly deserved.  “It’s a little late for that now, little sister.”

                “I know,” Emma said and sipped on the red, some of her father’s best.  “But I hate to think I’m messing with my friends’ lives.”

                “We’re not doing anything that hasn’t already been set into motion.”

                “True but still…”

                “You’ve already done a lot of damage by letting Nicie stay at the inn so long.  The least you can do is help fix that little detour.”

                Pouting, Emma sipped her wine.  “Emma was scared and she wasn’t ready.  I thought if we buy her time she might…”

                “That really wasn’t your decision to make.”

                “It was Nicie’s decision.  I simply helped her.”

                Ella shook her head with a frown and watched the dimming sky.  “It’s a New Moon tonight.  It won’t be easy even if we get all the right pieces in place.” 

                Emma nodded her agreement and hummed softly to herself, letting the wine take effect.  “I hope I don’t dream tonight.”

                Saying nothing, Ella merely smiled and continued to watch the sky.  With all that’s been happening and all that they didn’t know about, for the first time in her life, she hoped her sleep was full of dreams.


                Jing shut the door to her apartment with a firm hand and leaned against it a moment.  She had seen Nick situated in his room at the Beta House before she took off, assuring her nagging brothers that she’d be alright and promised to stay in tonight.  Something about the way Ella had wished her goodnight had bothered her all the way home.  But she refused to be a coward and call the seer to ask.  Besides, she can’t imagine that she’d get a straight answer.

                Cleaning up and airing out the stale air in the unused room, she restlessly moved around the apartment until she couldn’t stand the strange anticipation anymore.  Knocking back 2 fingers of whiskey, she showered and headed to bed.

                Whatever comes will come.  There’s not a damn thing she could do about it anyways.  Might as well take the good advice Kai had given her and get some much deserved sleep while she can.  Tomorrow was going to be another long day. 


                “Stay home tonight,” Bass said firmly to both sisters before he turned and walked to the back gates.  He glanced back at them again, nightfall already making it difficult to see with the human eyes.  Shifting into his wolf again, he took off into the woods, letting the dense foliage cover his tracks.  He had done his job and gotten Nicie and Emily back home, even if it wasn’t before dark; now he had other duties to see to after he check in on his brother.

                Emily sighed and shut the back door determinedly, double locking it into place.  Taking a deep breath, she checked the rest of the house.  “Mom?  Dad?  Are you home?”

                “Here!” her mother answered from the front room as she hurried over.  “I didn’t think you girls would be back tonight.”

                “Change in plans,” Emily answered with a frown, glancing at her silent sister.  Nicie hadn’t spoken much the whole ride back.  “We’re staying in tonight.”

                “The Alpha has ordered anyone with medical background to triage,” her mother replied grimly.  “Your father and I are leaving now.”  She was already half dressed.  “There’s a lot of wounded still being treated.”

                “Your mother and I will be back before sunrise,” their father added as he joined them in the kitchen, shirt off and ready to shift.  “Stay indoors.  Lockdown tonight; all non-essentials are to be in by sundown.  Patrols are doubled all night.”

                With a quick hug and another warning, the two made their way out the back and shifted into their dark pelts, heading off into the night.  And Emily locked the doors again behind them.  With a sigh, she looked at Nicie with concern.  She hadn’t forgotten what Bass said.  “You want to talk about it now?”

                “No,” Nicie answered firmly. 

                Knowing it was useless to push, “Fine.  Do you want something to eat?  You didn’t have much at the inn earlier.”

                “I’m okay,” Nicie said quietly and head for the stairs.  “I’m going to get cleaned up and go to bed.  It’s going to be a really long night.”

                “Sleep well,” Emily called after her, unable to do anything else and thankful that her sister would be at least safe tonight in her own bed. 

                Tossing her weapon onto the dresser, Bernice paced the length of her ultra girly pink bedroom with increasing frustration.  The long ride home had only given her too much time to think, to worry, to imagine the worst.  Beads of sweat rolled down her neck, the heat from the afternoon not having enough time to cool the air of the second story bedroom, especially with the scent of a coming storm already dampening the air.  The humidity did nothing to help calm her mood. 

                Grabbing her towel, she told herself there was nothing to be done and hoped a bath would help.  She needed sleep, that was all there was to it. 

                Allowing herself the luxury of a hot bath, she soaked for as long as she could stand the scorching hot water; forcing the tension of the day from her body.  Her arms were arching from the long hour of holding a 25 lbs crossbow always at the ready.  Her trigger finger was bruised from the repeated abuse it had taken.  And her shoulders hurt like hell.  When her fingers were prunes and she was starting to lose consciousness in the water, she got up and dressed lightly for bed, crawling slowly onto the mattress and welcoming sleep.  She had been running on pure energy all day, she was exhausted.  Sleep would come easily. 

                But it didn’t.  Tossing and turning, she let the minutes tick by fretfully.  Her occupied mind wonderingly aimlessly through useless thoughts.  She was worried, stupidly so, and she couldn’t calm down.  The worse thing she could do right now was anything and she knew it but it didn’t help her anxiety.  So she kept listening to the ticking of the clock, letting the hours pass with her mind playing awful scene behind her eyes. 

                After what seemed like forever, she gave up. 

                Muttering, “Screw it,”  she got up and glanced at the obnoxiously loud clock by her bed.  It was almost two in the morning now; pass the witching hour, the most dangerous hour.  Changing her clothes to something easier to blend in the night, she headed for the window.  A wild childhood of climbing in and out of this very same window hadn’t really taught her much grace.  She still managed to trip over the sill and scratched her shin on the window shutters on her way over the ledge leading to the tree that would allow her out of her second story bedroom.  She could only hope her sister was as tired as she felt and was too exhausted to hear the commotion she was making.  Years of yelling at her not to sneak out of the house hadn’t led to her father cutting down the tree; it was perhaps always at the back of his mind that she may one day need an escape route. 

                 And despite knowing this was possibly the stupidest idea she’s ever had, she still did it.  The worse that can happen was she gets caught.  Knowing that the less time she spent exposed the less likely she was of getting caught, she moved fast on foot through the familiar streets.  With the patrols doubled today, the chances of her being caught by a friend would be more kindly and she might simply get a warning.  But best not to tempt fate and just get the hell off the streets. 

                The time it took her to get three blocks felt like eternity and she arrived out of breath and feeling even more exhausted.  And of course her destination was one of the more heavily guarded areas, which means she had to move fast before she was caught. 

                Not allowing herself to think too much on it, she glanced up and looked around for a grip and foothold and begin to climb.   Quicker than she thought, she found herself exactly where she wanted to be.  Thanks to the warm night air, the window was wide open.  She might not be able to get back down the same way later but that was a problem to deal with later. 

                Swinging her leg around, her ankle caught on the windowsill and she fell into a graceless heap as she dropped into the room.  It was not the entrance she had wanted to make. 

                Of course, she was also expecting him to have already heard her.  Even without his sensitive wolf hearing, he should have been awakened by all the ruckus she was making.  But the sheet covered lump on the bed hadn’t move, hadn’t so much as budged. 

                Something was wrong.

                Maybe that’s why she felt compelled to come tonight.  Despite all the logical warnings not to do something this stupidly reckless.

                What if he was hurt worse than had been let on and no one wanted to tell her?  Could she really blame them though. 

                What if he wasn’t healing?

                What if he was dying?

                What if…

                Crossing to the bed, she hesitated a moment to shake off a strange sense of déjà vu before she was pulling back the thin sheets that clung to the lean body as worry overrode her usual caution. 

                Bright golden eyes stared back at her a moment before he grabbed her hand.  “You really need to curb that curiosity of yours,” Nick warned before pulling her into the bed with him.  Tucking her under, he leaned up over her, caging her between his arms.  He blinked back the shifter; aside from not wanting to scare her too much, trying to shift without the moon was hard on his injured body.  “What are you doing here?  Do you have any idea how dangerous this is?”

                Taking a moment to catch her breath and calm her skipping heart, Nicie opened to tell him precisely what she was doing – except it was that exact moment she saw the scabbed over wounds starting from his left shoulder going under his arm before disappearing to his back.  The long claw marks had been hastily stitched together to help it heal, creating a maze of crossing lines over the torn skin.  On his right side, just above his hip was a circular line of wounds, distinctive teeth marks that were only now starting to close and no longer needed bandages to keep the bleeding from getting all over the place. 

                Twisting, she tried to see where else he was hurt when Nick tightened his grip on her arm, catching her attention.  “It’s fine.  I’m okay.” He moved to get up, grabbing the sheets around him to hide his nakeness, but she stopped him with a hand on his heart, over the wound. 

                “Does it hurt?”  she asked, aching for his pains.

                The touch froze him.  It didn’t hurt but the contact of skin to skin felt electrifying, like he had been shocked.  He sat up quickly, putting some distance between them.  “It’s healing.  I should be able to get back to my duties in the morning.”

                “Isn’t that a little too fast?” she asked, getting up with him, tucking her legs under as she knelt on the bed by his side.  “Shouldn’t you be…”

                “What are you doing here, Nicie?” he asked, turning to face her.  His legs felt weak from the blood loss and the fifteen sutures helping his left leg heal from the multiple tears from below his knee.  He didn’t want her to see it or how that he can’t really stand on his own right now.  He needed more time for his body to stitch itself back together.  Having a full moon would help, but as luck would have it, there was only a tiny sliver of light in the dark sky. 

                So why does he suddenly feel the pull of the moon?  Like it was a full moon outside, drawing his inner animal out...    

                Taking breath, pushing down the sudden rush from his shifter side, Nick blinked back the urge to shift, to lose himself to a more basic instinct.  He couldn’t lose control, not with Nicie here; it was much too dangerous.  “There’s a lockdown tonight.  You shouldn’t be here.”  He looked at her urgently, “For god sakes, you’re not even armed!”

                Twisting to look at his face, Nicie watched the slow change, fascinated by something she hadn’t seen before.  Nick was afraid; truly scared.  “What’s wrong?”

                “You need to go,” risking looking like a fool and standing to put some space between them. He got as far as three steps before his wounded leg gave out under him and he barely caught himself before slamming to the ground. 

                “NICK!” Nicie was by his side in a flash, trying to help take his weight as he winced with pain.  “What are you doing?”

                “Nicie, listen to me,” he said very carefully.  He could literally feel his wolf clawing his insides trying to get out.  And had he been alone, he would gladly give reign to the shifter side and let his body heal.  But he wasn’t alone and he refused to endanger the only girl aside form his sister to make him want to be a better man.  He didn’t understand what was happening but he needed her to be safe.  “You need go get out of here.” 

                “I’m not going to leave you to…”

                “GET OUT!” he shouted at him, turning on her in a lunging motion.

                Instead of scrambling away, Bernice went perfectly still, watching him with wide eyes.  Bright eyes that burned with barely banked energy stared back at her; the shifter was in control.  “Nick,” reaching out to calm him.

                It had the exact opposite effect.  Nick backed away on all fours, feeling the shifter inside rise to the surface; he stopped only when he hit the wall.  “Nicie, listen to me.  I’m wounded.  I’m not in complete control right now.  You need to get out of here.  I can’t guarantee your safety if I shift.”  And he could never live with himself if he hurt her.  “Please, you need to go.”

                The tears came without bid and within a blink of an eye, Nicie was silently weeping. 

                And Nick simply wanted to die.  “Nicie, I’m sorry.  I…”

                “I’m so stupid,” Nicie whispered before she wiped her face clean and took a deep breath.  She recognized it now, the déjà vu; she’s already been here before… a hundred times.  “Why the hell have I been running all this time?” she asked to no one before trying to stumble to her feet before giving up and simply crawling over to him. 

                Startled and, for the first time in his life, uncertain of himself, he tried to stop her.  “Nicie…”

                “It’s okay,” she said with that uncertain smile of hers, “I know.  This is very strange and I never really thought much about it and all.  But we’re here now and I’m not leaving so…”

                “Nicie, you can’t stay here,” Nick warned her firmly.  He could feel the wolf shimmer on the crisp of the surface and was certain his eyes were burning the bright yellow gold.  “I can’t be trust to…”

                She leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips, letting the touch send shock waves through both their systems.  Holding himself perfect still, Nick felt the sudden surge of power rushing through him, as if recognizing something on the outside.  “Nicie…”

                Tilting her head, she gently touched her lips to the wounds on his shoulder, ones that were still raw.  She dug her fingernails into the scab, causing a hiss of pain from him as the curt broken open again and the tiny trickle of blood ran down his chest.  Nicie looked at him through her lashes a moment, “Remember, this is forever,” and caught the drop of blood on her tongue. 

                It was in that moment that it finally hit Nick what this was.  And that all his wishes were about to come true…


                «The bed creaked under their combined weight.  She hadn’t needed anything particularly big when she moved in and the twin size bed had been functional.  But it was never meant to take the burden of two.  And as he pressed down against her back, the sheering hot skin of his torso imprinting itself into her back, her whole newly awoken body was sensitive to his touch, she amusedly wondered if her bed was going to stay in one piece before the end of the night. 

                But then his lips found the sensitive patch of skin behind her ear and sent all the blood from her head rushing down to wherever he was touch, she lost all ability for coherent thought…»

                The knock on the door was unexpected and startling, jerking Jing awake from her shocking dream.  It was new; nothing like her previous dreams and she felt a shiver of fear ran down her spine at what that might mean.  The knocking came again, most insistently this time. 

                Jing forced herself to take a breath and grabbed her gun by the nightstand as she went to answer the door.  The dreams were throwing her off her game and she was going to end up making a mistake if she didn’t get it together.  “Who is it?”

                “It’s Kai.”

                Surprised and annoyed, she yanked the door open and dropped the safety back on the gun.  It wasn’t as if she had much of a choice; you don’t say no to a Beta when he’s knocking on your door, especially given the day they’ve had – it was always bad news.  And since she knew her brother was already on the mend, that wouldn’t possibly be the reason.  “Not that it’s not nice to see you, but what are you doing here?” 

                If he was surprised to be greeted with a gun, he didn’t show it.  Crowding her in the doorway, he physically forced her back into the apartment and shut the door.  “What the hell is going on with you?”

                She rolled her eyes.  “Could you be a little more cryptic?”

                “Fine,” he said and checked the window – patrol jotted by at a clipped but caution pace.  “Ella sent me.  Said you needed a solution to a problem she couldn’t help you with.  So guess what she’s sending as the solution?”

                Making a face, she put distractedly checked her weapon just for something to do.  Granted she had only been half joking with Ella about potentially eliminating the object of her dreams so that she could concentrate on more important things, it had been said in jest… kind of.  “Anyone ever tell you your sister is a busybody?” she retorted.  She should have known Ella would say something to someone.  But she had expected it to be Xiu… then again, she should probably be thankful that Ella thought it better to spare her feelings.  She still wasn’t all too sure where she stood with her old friend even if she knew it wasn’t what she had previously hope for and the heartbreak had faded as she thought it would.  Though what the seer thought this brother can do is whole other thing.  Killing her impeding mate that be a good idea in theory but she doubted that it would work in practice. 

                “No, actually most people think that Ella keeps too much to herself,” Kai replied rather calmly, tired from the long night.  He paused, looking at her a little closer.  “Are you alright?”
                “I’m fine,” she replied reluctantly. 

                “Are you sure?” he asked, frowning a little  “You’ve changed.  You look… different.”

                Gritting her teeth, “If one more person tells me that…”

                “Why?” he asked.

                Shaking her head, “Never mind.  Look, you’ve been here, you’ve had a little look around, I’m fine.  You can go.”

                “Still trying to get rid of me, huh?  Look, I’m not leaving until I know what the hell is going on and why Ella sent me – she was little short on the details.  So what’s the problem?” Kai asked with a frown, continuing to look at her.  There was something about her recently; even his father had said it earlier in the day.  “Did you change your hair or something?  New makeup?”

                “I don’t wear makeup,” she frowned.  “Why are you still here?”

                “Ella said for me to come, so guess what…” Kai replied distractedly.  “You sure you didn’t change something about yourself?”  Her scent was different too, sweeter, richer.  Or maybe it was different because he felt antsy; strangely restless now. 

                Jing wanted to scream.  “Will you get off that topic already?” she knew what he was referring to; it’s what everyone has been pointing out for the last week or so.  She’s got the mating glow, the one girls were suppose to get when they start dreaming.  “Look, nothing is wrong, okay?  Ella made a mistake, so you can just run along and do whatever you’re supposed to be doing; like healing or something.”

                “Ella doesn’t make mistakes like this.  So obviously she saw something about you that concerned her.  Let’s just save both of us some time and trouble and just tell me what the problem is.”  He sighed and frowned, looking at the window again.  The sliver of the new moon wasn’t going to help those that needed the pull to shift and heal.  Not that it made much of a difference to him now - he could almost feel the surge of energy, like he was about the make the full shift on a full moon.  And he wanted to; the wounds on his side weren’t fully healed yet and going into his pelt would help it along much faster.  But helping Jing comes first; priorities and such… besides, he’d feel bad if something happened to her.  “Though I’m not sure why she didn’t just send Xiu like she usually does…”

                “Because he can’t help me!”  Jing snapped and paced the room.  There was an itch just under the skin she couldn’t get at.  “He is the last person that should be here given everything else that’s…” she wanted to bite her tongue off.  Twisting about she tossed her gun onto the table and slammed her open hand on the window frame and grabbed tight in frustration.

                “What the hell does that mean?” Kai asked, coming towards her.

                There are days when being the class clown wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be, no one takes you seriously when you need them to.  “I’m not in danger; I’m not going to leave my apartment tonight.  So you can just go and…” she hissed with pain as her hand caught the blade of the cheap plastic blinds, slicing a thin line through two of her digits – her pull fingers.  “Damn it.”  The fresh blood well up in the wounds, a beacon against her pale skin. 

                “Oh for god sakes,” Kai grabbed a tissue from the box nearby as he stepped closer.  “You need to be more careful if you want to convince me that you’re not in…” he stopped and grabbed her just below the wrist.  As if mesmerized, he slowly brought her hand to his nose and delicately sniffed the wound. There was a warm rich scent to her blood that tantalized him, sending the animal inside scratching at the surface to get out. 

                “What the hell are you doing?” Jing asked trying to pull her arm back.  “Hey, what gives?  You’ve got a weird or something?”

                He tilted his head and closed his eyes, this time inhaling again in a deep breath.  “Your blood smells especially sweet.”

                “What?” Jing  asked, confused.  Kai was anything but himself now.  “What the hell are you talking ab…” she gasped as he looked up at her, eyes aglow like bright blue lanterns.  “Kai, why are you shifting?”  Remembering too late that new moon or not, fresh blood can trigger a shift in those that couldn’t control their animal. 

                He felt the shimmering energy of change rush to the surface, clamoring to get through.  “I don’t know,” he gritted his teeth and mentally tried to push it back, struggling to force down whatever animal that had been called forth.  “What the hell is happening?”  He hadn’t lost control since… ever.  He didn’t lost control like some of the weaker shifters in the village.  It doesn’t happen. 

                “Stop it,” she hissed at him, fearing making her panic a little.  “Just stop it.”  If he lost control here, she was as good as dead. 

                “I…” he snapped his teeth together a moment, trying to rein in the change, then tried again, “I don’t know if I can.”  But this didn’t felt like a normal shift… all that power and he couldn’t pinpoint what animal he was shifting into. 

                “Why…” her arm shook and she tried to wretch it from his tight grasp.  It was like trying to move a mountain.  “Why are you doing this?  It’s not even a full moon, you should be…”

                “I can’t stop it,” he felt the power rush through him again, forcing all his senses open.  The tiny breeze from a half opened window teased the fine hair behind his ear.  There was a frightened and angry cat, howling at the patrolling shifters in the woods some half block away.  The pair of lovers in the next building was enjoying the energy brought on by the intimacy of their mating; the shifter healing from the power he was gaining with its human.  And the scent of Jing’s blood washed over him like the fresh bouquet of the meadows after the first spring rain – intoxicating.  The blue of his eyes flashed and glow a darker shade as he faced her, looking at, then through, her very soul.  And in a blinding moment, he understood.  “I don’t think I’m meant to,” letting go of the struggle and going on instinct.  He brought her fingers to his mouth.  His gaze held hers as his warm tongue danced across her skin, tasting the blood and committing her essence to memory, forever etched there.  A new and sudden surge came from within, as if his inner self recognized something. 

                Jing froze, unable to look away, “Oh my god,” and then finally understood as his eyes burned through hers; “That ing .”

                “Hey,” Kai leaned forward, putting his weight against her as he felt the animal in him howled with eager triumph, “That is about to become your sister-in-law,” then closed his mouth over hers, tasting her warm lips against his.  It was a heavy combination of sweet scents and a pulsing energy, enthrallingly exhilarating stuff, and he felt a different kind of control slip a few notches – this one completely expected and welcomed. 

                “I…” she struggled to get words out.  His close proximity was making her dizzy, like she was being carried along the tidal wave of intensity he was exuding.  “What are we doing?”

                He smiled, amused and ridiculously happy, as he sliced open his wrist with a sharp extended claw.  Now that he understood, he didn’t need to fight for control.  “We’re finishing this mating ritual before I take you to bed.”  He smirked.  “And yes, I plan on having you tonight… all night.”

                She resisted as he brought his wounded wrist to her lips.  “I don’t recall agreeing to any of this.”

                “I don’t recall asking,” forcing to his wrist.  “Besides, you can’t fight the Moon.”

                The warm blood tasted sweet against her tongue, and felt slightly charged with some unknown energy that shocked her system awake.  Her senses opened up and the world around her bloomed like a flower that was forced open by the pull of the unseen moon.  A ring of gold appeared around her iris and she felt a surge of painful heat that made its way down her spine that left her gasping for air.  The space around them crackled with electricity, a force that had nowhere to run but up and out.  The ring of gold turned icy white, glowing bright against her dark eyes.

                “Well I’ll be damned,” Kai muttered as he watched the change over take her, the rush of power that gave her a radiance that could not be put into words.  The ring of white pulsed with increasing intensity as it burned a darker shade.  It’d be the next full moon before she made a full shift but this… this was more than enough to tell him what he needed to know.  He’d never imagined it’d be so blindingly beautiful.

                Shaken and definitely more than a little unsteady now, Jing clung to Kai a moment to steady herself.  “Well that…. That was different.”

                He chuckled softly against her hair, allowing his animal senses to memorize her new scent and giving her a moment to acquaint herself with her new status before he reached down and swept her off her feet.  She was surprisingly light and fit so remarkably easy in his arms. 

                “Hey, wait a minute,” she protested, grabbing his shoulders for balance.  “Where are you taking me?”

                “Bedroom,” he answered causally.  “Unless you prefer the couch.  I’m okay either way,” feeling surprisingly buoyant.  “Not that it matters since traditionally the first time usually happens in the middle of the woods with nothing but moss as our bed.  But since we’re already here I figure you’d prefer the bed; but I’m happy to accommodate either way.”

                She wanted to hit him, yell at him, snap something snarky and dark at him, but all she could do was stare at those glowing blue eyes that were watching her with vivid fascination.  “This isn’t how I saw it in my dreams...”  And then remember her dream from earlier; that one that had been so different.  “Ella sent you tonight?”

                He nuzzled , “Did something change?” putting the pieces together in an appallingly quick fashion.  “Were we not supposed to be here?  Were we supposed to be under a brush somewhere?”

                “Cyprus tree,” she corrected, suddenly and uncharacteristically shy.  She refused to let go when he lowered her to her narrow bed, unable to face him yet.  “I don’t know if I can do this.”

                Kai reached over and knocked over the lamp by the bed, plunging the room into darkness as the cheap lampshade and bulb was no match against his unnatural strength.  The only light in the room was the streetlamp and his glowing eyes – and unbeknownst to her, the bright rings of sapphire around her iris.  He smiled at her, “Just let me take the lead.  I promise it’ll be fine; I’ll protect you.  I will always protect you.”


To be continued….


Author’s Note:  I know I’m extremely overdue for an update.  So here’s an extra long one for the extra long wait!  Enjoy and let me know what you think! 


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winglinanon #1
Still checking updates every week. This is story is really memorable.
winglinanon #2
Admiring your perserverence! And there are always loyal readers who are equally stubborn! Hahahah :D THank you for the update, and the story is amazing. Loved the realisation between calvin and gui gui. But what was best was the strength between each mates and the emotions between each family!
Chapter 34: Hey Didi!

Happy New Year!
I'm sorry to hear 2018 was rough for you; I hope 2019 treats you better~

I know ChunElla is a must in your stories, but it's certainly VERY different to see GuiGui paired with someone...who's not Aaron, lol. If you think about it though, their personalities are quite similar irl.... So a very interesting match indeed~
I hope GuiGui can get home before there's a war between the packs.

Good job with the other pairs as well (and thanks for keeping this as rated "PG13," lol).

I'm interested to see more of Show and Selina's interaction, considering they just met (but no worries if you can't fit any in).

All in all, a great chapter!

Looking forward to more!
fairytaill #4
Chapter 34: Thank you for the chapter! I really appreciate how much you want to finish this story. I remember the last time you updated was about almost a year ago and I wondered if that hiatus was going to continue until you forgot about it and completely lost inspiration for the story (which I have experienced with multiple authors before).

Also, I'm sorry your year was rough. I can empathize with you on that, 2018 was truly was a horrible year. I had thought 2017 was bad enough and that 2018 would get better... 2018, to the best of my ability, would simply describe it as a dumpster truck of despair, anxiety, and horrible life choices. I may not know what has happened to you in last year or two but I hope that this year will get better (I mean it has to get better at some point). However, I do want to ask, are you okay?

As for the chapter, it had me blushing. HARD. Almost at every section I had to stop to process all the lovey-dovey situations. At the end of the chapter I had both hands on my cheeks and was grinning really hard. I starting to re-read you story again to remind me what is currently going on and I've been having lots of eureka! moments. There are lots of foreshadowing that I had previously over looked and reading the story again I felt rather foolish. I should've realized that Calvin was Emma's mate, especially since there had been clues. I had assumed that Ella would end up with Chun, but it's nice to know they are indeed mates. I didn't know how being a seer would interfere with the whole mate situation. I was thinking they might've been excluded due to their special status but It's nice to know they have someone meant for them.

Sorry, this is random but as I mentioned I had gone back to re-read this story. One thing that has always weighed down on my mind is: who tried to drown Emma at the lake? Is this going to play an important point in the story? Or it was just a minor plot point

Any ways, Thank you!!!
greenteafrap #5
Chapter 34: Welcome back! I love your stories and am happy you've continued this even though you had a really rough 2018. I hope 2019 will be for you a much better year :) fighting!
In this chapter tho i don't know which pairs i like more, all of them give me the feels :) didn't expect Guigui and Calvin but i think they deserve to be happy after everything they've been through.

Hope you're having a good day and its not too late to say happy new year! Right?
winglinanon #6
Chapter 33: Fabulous chapter and always loved the strong sense of family you invoke into your story. Happy New Year and wish you many blessings
Chapter 33: Welp, I certainly don't feel very sorry for those hyenas...

An awesome chapter; I'm glad we finally get an explanation for the dream(s)...

Calvin & Emma are such an unlikely pair, yet you make them work quite well in here.

Ah... Nylon Chen, I presume?

You shouldn't have to apologize for taking so long - life is life, and it's unpredictable. The fact that you've continued this story at all deserves a round of applause in itself. I sincerely hope you have a wonderful 2018, and I look forward to reading the finale!
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Phewwww~~ at least Emma & Calvin are still alive but they haven't gotten out of dangerous zone yet
Please anything or anyone helps them, it's so torturing I can't bear it anymore >.<
I hope Calvin will not do anything to Emma that would make him regrets later T_T

PS: There is no need for you to apologize, really!! .... on the other hand, us (readers) should be grateful that you are trying your best in updating this fanfic despise we have no idea what you have been through in your personal daily life.
We might look like strangers to each other ...... but have been following/knowing you through your fanfics all these years I at least could tell how committed you are. It might be hard but I hope you can have a good day while smiling ^^
fairytaill #9
Chapter 33: Thank you for updating first of all. I seriously love the way you write and wish I could incorporate such vivid detail and emotion as you.

Second, don't be sorry about how long it takes you to update. Life is so odd and frustrating, and I totally understand you when you say it's like a roller coaster. It's impossible to stay commitmented to just this story when there are so many things happening. I dont necessarily physically, sometimes mental changes are equally or far more draining than physical.
Of course I can't deny the fact that the intervals between chapter update frustrates me but it's not something I can't handle ( as a devoted fan and completionist)

I'm cheering you on, not just to finish the story but in life. You seem to have had a difficult year, not that I actually know what you're going through… but you seem like a person who is patient and responsible and reasonable (I'm saying this based on past conversations I've had with you and the fact you couldve abandon this story but you didn't) you'll make it out of what ever is happening.

I think I started to wander but to simplify, I'm cheering you on
(oh gosh I'm just awful at trying to be supportive…)
Chapter 32: OH GOD!! every time I read your fanfic I felt like I was lifted high in the air and unable to breath properly
My heart would go thum thum thum .... like sitting a in roller coaster which operating in its full speed
that I sometimes I need to hold back my breath and/or scream.
I hope Emma and Calvin are ok, why she did wait a little longer before jumping.
I really really wish that thing will not be ended as bad as Ella & Emma' visions T_T