Chapter 14 – Restraints

Shifting Lives

Chapter 14 – Restraints


            Emma paced the front hallway, every step a manifestation of her impatience.  She’d been waiting almost 10 minutes now with no luck.  Patience has never been her strength. 

            “Whatever it is…” Xiu exhaustedly as he walked through the front door, “I don’t want to hear it.”

            “Damn,” Emma muttered and continued to pace, “wrong brother.”  Then stopped again.  “Where’s Kai?”

            Surprised and a little concerned now, “In Sanctuary, checking on your new friends.  Why?”

            “I need to talk to him,” Emma replied distractedly as she continued to pace, pausing a second as her eyes unfocused, then continuing on as if nothing happened. 

            “What’s wrong?” Xiu asked, grabbing hold of her arm and dragging her into the front room.  “Why are you so agitated?”

            “You mean besides my current prisoner situation?” Emma asked rather dryly. 

            Xiu sighed.  “I know that you don’t like it.  But we’re trying to…”

            “Sorry, sorry,” Emma said quietly, genuinely apologizing.  She slipped her arms around him, hugging him tightly a moment.  “I shouldn’t take out my bad mood on you.”  She was scared and she knew it.  But there was not a damn thing she could do about it.

            Concern was a mild description of how he felt as he held his sister’s thinning frame, careful of her wounds.  “Whatever is it, you know you can talk to me about it.  I will do whatever it takes to protect you,” he pulled back and looked at her big innocent eyes, “Just let me.” 

            “I’m alright,” she assured him, “I’m just… there’s so much that I can’t…”  She stopped herself by burying her face into his shoulder again.  “I’m so tired.”  It wasn’t the visions that bothered her anymore; it was the living nightmares.  The last two nights had been full of images she didn’t want to see, dreams that weren’t hers to experience.  It was pushing her limits and restraining herself from lashing out was getting harder.    

            Pained by the defeated in her voice, Xiu held her a little tighter; as if to physically shield her from whatever enemies he could not see.  But there was nothing he could do to protect her; not from this.  Again he was left to feel helpless – just like when those damn coyotes had her.  He’d never been so helpless in his life and those three days of mind numbing fear, desperately following their obscured trail, had been like an eternity to him.  He had sworn he would do whatever it took for it to never happen again.  But now…

            “Hey Emma,” Pets stopped at the doorway as if having run into a wall, face growing red with embarrassment at having interrupted.  “Sorry…”

            Emma sniffed and wiped her eyes before she looked up.  For a moment, she didn’t seem to see much of anything.  “It’s okay.  What’s up?”

            Thoroughly mortified, Pets made a helpless face.  “Ella asked me to come get you.  Something about a war council?”

            Sighing with resignation, Emma nodded. The last two days had been a series of trials and tribulations for the two seers.  Between the demands of putting up a normal front, they had the added stress of several members of the five clans’ Elders coming and going as they seek information that the two girls were unable to properly provide.  Ella’s diplomatic skills and patience had been tested during heated exchanges between the various egos that crowded the makeshift war room that had once been her dining area.  Emma had done her best to keep quiet, only speaking when spoken to and always with a cautionary air; enough gloom and doom to hold the Elders at bay with their demands.  The two of them had roles to play in this game and they knew how to play it well.  Retraining themselves was becoming more difficult with each passing day. 

             “Does she want me now?” Emma asked, extracting herself from her brother’s protective hold.  She suddenly felt alone and frightened without the warmth. 

            “Two guys just showed up,” Pets explained, “Ella send them to the dining room.”  The amount of power and respect that Ella commanded from these people was astonishing to watch.  And the amount of fear they have to sweet Emma…  “Should I make tea?”

            Emma shook her head at the offer, “I’ll do it.  Their stays tend to shorten when I make the tea.”  She suddenly grinned and her face lit up like a sparkler.  “Cinnamon tea makes them nervous,” giggling with amusement, “Must be all the floating bits,” and then she laughed.  She knew what they thought and have long since stopped caring and played along to the amusement of her sister.  “I’ll throw in some nice powder sugar cookies as well.” 

            Wincing, Pets almost felt sorry for the duo that had been rather abrupt and rude with her earlier.  The powder sugar Emma referred to was in a container labeled “rat poison.”  Emma found it hilarious and Ella just laughed and shook her head.  The two sisters have long since found an outlet for their pains frustrations that involved torturing those around them that they deemed annoying. 

            Xiu watched his sister and smiled; glad for the joy she still had in her laughter. 

            And Pets watched Xiu’s face softened with familial love.  It transformed his usually stoic face into something mesmerizingly beautiful. 

            Emma grinned, watching Pets a moment, realizing something wonderful was happening.  Then being the imp that she is, “Why don’t you help Xiu secure the inn for tonight’s full moon?  I’ve got to get to this meeting,” then skipped out of the room in a hurry.  “Bye!” 

            Frowning with irritation, Xiu shook his head at his irrationally flighty sister, “Does she think that I haven’t figured it out by now?”

            Startled, Pets blinked.  “Figured out…”

            Shaking his head again, Xiu went to the cupboard, “You make one little tiny mistake with the shutters one time and they never let you forget it.  I can secure the inn just fine on my own,” and then pulled out a white tube of something.  Coming back, he handed it to her.  “Here.”

            Reaching for it with her right hand, she winced and switch hands then idiotically asked without looking, “What is it?”

            “BioFreeze,” he answered, “It’s an upgraded version of Bengay;” and when she continued to stare at him stupidly, “For your shoulder,” tilting his chin to her right side.  “It’s got to be hurting pretty bad now.”

            She made a face again.  Her shoulder felt like there had been a vise placed on it, slowing squeezing to uncomfortable levels of pain.  Her hand wasn’t doing any better, with her two pull fingers rubbed raw despite the protective gloves Jing had so generously provided.  The repeated motion over the last 2 days of practice made the movement harder but more familiar; even though she woke up every morning feeling as if someone had punched her in the shoulder ten thousand times while she slept. 

            “You’re still pulling severely to the right,” Xiu informed her in his stern business tone.  “Your stance is off; your spine is misaligned.  You should see someone about getting your back adjusted before you continue.  It’ll help with your balance and aim.”

            Blinking rapidly to absorb the information, “You’ve been watching?”

            He gave a reluctant laugh, “You’re living with my sisters.  You’re practicing within steps of Holy Ground.  My entire squad patrolling this area.  I can’t help but see you try to hit a target big enough to be seen by satellite.” 

            Flattered, embarrassed, and annoyed, she didn’t know which emotion to go with.  “I’m still new at this, you know.”

            “But you have potential,” he added gently, amused by her indignation, “And perseverance – despite your obvious pain, you haven’t given up yet.  That’s important.  You may survive yet.”

            She blushed, oddly proud and happy by his words.  The pain in her shoulder suddenly didn’t feel so bad anymore. 

            Jing paused in the doorway, staring at the pair for a moment.

            “Hi,” Xiu greeted when he spotted his friend. 

            The friendly warmth of his smile was a far cry from the blankness he had greeted Pets with earlier and Pets felt an unexpected twinge of jealousy. 

            “Hey,” Jing replied mildly before entering the room.  “Breakfast has to be taken in the kitchen again.  Ella said that the dining room has been invaded.”

           “I heard,” Xiu said with a sigh.  “I should probably check in there, make sure they aren’t pushing Ella too far.  I’d hate to have to deal with the fall out if one of them does something incredibly stupid.”

            “Ella is armed to the teeth,” Jing let him know, not at all surprised that Ella had decided to dress for war even in her home.  “She’s not even hiding it anymore.”

            “Good, hate to think they weren’t taking her seriously when she said she will not be pressured.”

            Jing glanced at the silent Pets.  “I came to talk to you.”

            “What’s up?” Pets replied eagerly. 

            “Kai is sending me back to the village before the full moon tonight.  Thought I’d try to get in at least one more round of practice before I leave.  You up for it?”

            “What do you mean you’re leaving?” Xiu asked suddenly.

            “Alpha’s orders: all non-essentials are to be back in the village before moonrise.  And yes, I asked: this means me too.  Kai went to tell Nicie and Emily at the café that they need to be home before sundown today.”  The Cai sisters have been commuting between the village and Sanctuary while helping reestablish the Café. 

            Disturbed by this news, “I didn’t hear of this.”

            “It came by phone this morning,” Jing explained, looking at Pets.  “Want to get your gear?”

            Pets nodded quickly and headed for the door, “I’ll be right back,” then paused at the door to look a Xiu.  “Thanks for this,” waving the ointment and smiled before taking off.    

            An odd silence fell across the room. 

            “Is everything okay?” Xiu asked quietly.

            “Yeah, of course,” she replied naturally.

            “Are we okay?” he asked with a frown now.

            Startled, “Of course, why?”

            Xiu gave her a look of patient disbelief.  “Because you’ve been avoiding me for 2 days now.”

            Jing opened to deny it but stopped herself.  She had never been a very good liar.  A liar by omission yes; but never an outright liar.  She had no defense to this; no good reasoning she could give that wouldn’t hurt him, so all she could do was stay silent. 

            “Did I do something wrong?” he asked hesitantly. 

            “No,” she answered adamantly and then winced at how that sounded.  It was a truthful denial but came off as a lie.  “I’m sorry I’ve been distant; just some stuff on my mind.”

            He frowned, “Anything I can help with?”

            Because he was kind and a genuinely concerned friend, she couldn’t help feel just a bit more resentful.  But because he was a good guy…  “Thank you but no; it’s personal.”

            More confused than ever, the questions flashed briefly cross his unusually stoic face and he almost crossed the line between concern and invasive.  “Okay.  But I’m here if you need me.”

            Swallowing back the litany of emotions she didn’t dare allow him to see, she pasted on a friendly smile and nodded – if nothing else, he had always been a true friend.  “Thank you.”

            Kai cleared his throat, the glare of annoyance barely concealed at having been made to wait while they finished the private conversation.  “Council of Elders meeting tonight in town.”

            “On a full moon?” Xiu flipped to work mode without blinking an eye.  “Is that wise?”

            “I’ve already questioned it,” Kai replied, his face reflecting his frustrations.  “The girls should be relatively safe as long as they stay on Holy Ground.”

            “The rest of the Betas will have to…”  he turned, “No need to leave,” the last part to Jing as she tried to step out of the room. 

            Jing offered him a look, “I’m assuming this is official business so…” she glanced at Kai, whose annoyance at the world in general hadn’t dissipated.  “I’ll just mosey along and…”

            “We’re better off with you here,” Kai said to Jing, obviously annoyed with himself.  “But that’s not happening tonight.”  Surprised by the acknowledgement, Jing blinked blankly at him.  “Xiu and I will take you back to the village later.”

            Shaking herself out of her stupor, “I can find my own way.”

            “And I said Xiu and I will you,” Kai replied, his eyes were as hard and cold as his voice.

            Hackles raised, Jing felt her seldom seen temper flare with ire.  Kai was one of the rare few that ever manages to get under her good-natured skin. 

            “There you are!” Emma interrupted coming to a skidding halt at the door.  “I need to talk to you, Kai.”

            “What’s wrong?” Kai and Xiu expressed near identical cadence of concern. 

            Emma shook her head.  “Nothing that important,” waving off their general life-and-death unease.  “I just need to talk to Kai for a minute.”

            Because he’s been stressed and busy coordinating the number of people sent to investigate their current problems, Kai had very little patience for his sister’s antics that didn’t involve her overall safety.  “Emma, I don’t really have time to…”

            “It’s important.”

            “You just said it wasn’t.”

            “Not that kind of important,” Emma clarified.

            Kai snapped his teeth closed to bite back the irritation he felt from the complete and utter lack of sleep he’s been getting.  Add to the natural stress and tension of the coming full moon made for some very short fuses.  “Fine…” and stalked out the door with Emma happily following.

            There was another loaded silence as Xiu closed his eyes a moment and let out a slow breath.

            “She’s not maligning you,” Jing comforted instinctively while telling herself she’s an idiot.  “You and Kai have different duties to this pack.  Emma is leaning on your different strengths.” 

            Xiu shook his head.  “I have to trust my sisters to know what they’re doing.”  The conviction was in his voice, but so was the frustration.  “It’s just difficult sometimes.”

            “She’s got a lot on her plate as well,” Jing defended, “Just like she knows you both have a lot on yours.  She’s just trying not to overburden you both.”

            “I know,” Xiu replied with a sigh, “And I know she’s dealing with a lot on her own that she’s not saying.  I just wish….” He ran a hand through his hair, mussing it up even more, “I just wish I can figure out how to protect her from everything.”

            There wasn’t anything Jing could say to ease his pain so she didn’t even try.  Instead, she reach out instinctively to hold his hand, as she’s always done – as nothing more than a friend.  And he, in turn, grateful for her always constant friendship, turned to offer her a smile that tugged at the heart and silently folded his hand over hers.  It was familiar and comfortable, and desperately needed in such uncertain times.

            It was also heartfelt and intimate, and the scene that Pets walked back into. 

            Jing turned and pulled her hand away, all too aware now.  And for a moment, all three consciously and unconsciously acknowledged something that none of them could or dared to put into words.  After another pause, Jing turned and left the room, knowing that something had already started and that they weren’t ever going to be the same.


            “What about here?” Sean murmured softly as he pointed to a section on the map and double-checked the small GPS locator in his hand.  “Looks to be a pretty sparsely populated area.  Should be safe enough, right?”

            “Unless it’s marked territory,” Wes muttered and shook his head.  But they had very little choices now.  “Think we can make it before sundown?” tracing the distance with his hand.  “That’s almost four hundred miles away – six hours at least if we haul .”

            Three days of cat, mouse, and wolf they had played would cause a lifetime of nightmares for them both – Sean more so than Wes.  But for now, they were safe.  Hidden from the main highway, several hundred more miles away from where they had intended to be, Sean and Wes rested on the hood of their SUV and attempted to locate safe grounds for the coming full moon.  Young enough to lack full control but big enough to cause major damage, they needed a place for their wolves to run tonight.  There was simply no easy answers. 

            “Not much choice,” Sean answered and took a swig of the sugary soda he had gotten for a quick energy boost.  He hadn’t slept in almost two days now and his body was making protests.  The hope of exhausting himself so that his wolf couldn’t go wild was the only plan he had so far to deal with the moon.  “We need to get moving.”

            Nodding his agreement and picking up what’s left for their meal, Wes hopped off the hood and headed to the driver side – it was his turn.  “I’m worried about Benji and the others.  We haven’t heard from them in almost 2 days.”

            Sean didn’t answer, wasn’t sure he wanted to share his own fears.  Though they had agreed to keep their communications at a minimum, the others have all managed to check in at least once a day.  Except for Benji, George and David – the rear guards that had taken the blunt of the forces trying to track them. 

            “No news is good news?” Wes asked hopefully, correctly reading his friend’s non-response. 

            “Let’s stick to the plan,” Sean replied calmly as he forestalled Wes and got behind the wheels.  “We can’t assume anything until we know.”

            “At this rate, we’re almost an entire week behind schedule.”

            “Better late than bring our enemies to Calvin’s door.  There’s still has a kill-on-sight order hanging over his head, remember?” 

            “What makes you think we don’t have one on ours now?” Wes reminded him with a grim look as he got into the car and looked at the map again.  “Those guys weren’t’ tracking us, Sean; their job was to kill us or bring us back for execution.  As far as North Thumberland goes: we didn’t go Lone Wolf, we’re mutineers.  With such a mass exodus, we basically spat at the authority.  Death is the only recourse if the Alpha hopes to retain his status.”

            Sean, about to put the car into drive, stopped and stared at his best friend for a moment – completely stunned. 

            “You didn’t know?” Wes asked, his eyes dark with grim thoughts. 

            “I hadn’t thought that far,” Sean admitted softly.  “Not that it would have made a difference.  Once Calvin was banished, it was only a matter of time.”

            Agreeing with a nod, Wes suddenly felt so tired.  He thought he understood the extent of Sean’s optimism but this… the gods were cruel to someone so good.  “I think we should head further west. Bypass the open areas.”


            “They’re open area for reasons we may not see.  And most likely, running grounds for others.”

            “You want to do a denser populous?”

            “Yes,” Wes reasoned it out in his head.  “Shifter don’t like cities; makes for dangerous times when they’re unable to control themselves which means they’re less likely to be marked.  We’re not randy teens anymore.  We should have enough control to keep from mucking it up.”

            “And if we don’t?” Sean asked, uncomfortable with the suggestion.  They’re recent lack of rest and stress meant that they’re control wasn’t what it needs to be. 

            “Then we count on each other for restraints,” Wes replied simply.  He had confidence in his friend and his own control.  “But we cannot get caught on marked territory.  Not on a full moon.”

            It would be dangerous but not nearly as disastrous as being mark as invaders on a night like this when all shifters were at their strongest.  “Alright, but we need to stay as…” the phone interrupted them.  Picking it up, Sean took a breath to calm himself.  “Jiro, what’s up?”

            “Aaron and I are going to stop for the night.  We found open ground.”

            Wes and Sean traded quick relieved glances.  Aaron was the youngest and most lacking in practice of controlling his inner animal.  “Have you caught up to the girls?”

            “No,” Jiro answered stoically.  “We’re still not in the clear.” 

            That was problematic. 

            “We’re coming to you,” Sean decided with an apologetic look for Wes.  His friend frowned his dismissal of the regret and nodded his agreement.  They were family, a team to themselves.  There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his brothers. 

            “Don’t,” Aaron said quickly, looking at the open road in front of them.  “We’re handling the problem tonight.”

            “We can help,” Wes replied firmly, letting them know it was a collective choice.

            “You can’t, not on this one,” Jiro answered, grateful for their willingness.  “Plus we’re almost a thousand miles off track now.”  He’d done it to put as much distance between himself and Rainie.  She didn’t need to feel what’s about to come.  Death taints the soul and he didn’t want that for his mate and child. 

            Wes flipped his map over, tracking where they’d last heard from Jiro and Aaron.  “You’re heading South?”

            “No choice,” Aaron replied, glancing at his friend and mentor.  “They’re not making a move but just following us, like they’re waiting for us to lead them somewhere.”

            “To Cal most likely,” Jiro continued without missing a beat.  “We’re giving them a wide territory to cover.  Between you, us, and Benji’s team, it should be giving the Alpha some major headaches trying to figure out where we’re at.”

            “You’ve heard from Benji?” Sean asked quietly.

            There was a brief pause.  “Not in the last three days.”

            None of them said anything, too afraid to voice their thoughts. 


            “Can… can I talk to you?” Bernice asked quietly from the open doorway.

            Calvin’s hands stopped on the keyboard as he looked up, his face completely unreadable.  For a second, there was something dark and dangerous in his eyes before his smile whipped it behind a curtain of welcome.  “Of course, come in,” waving her over as he closed his computer, “How’s it going downstairs?”

            Nicie smiled, sure she had been mistaken a second ago, “Chun is really bringing in the female clients.  Of course, all they want to do is flirt with him.”

            Amused, “And how’s Chun handling it?”

            Giggling, “He’s not.  He just ignores them and gets to down to business.  Only it seems to encourage the women.  Someone should probably tell him that women thrive on challenges like that.” 

            Laughing, Calvin shifted his laptop to the side table and offered her the seat across from him.  “Business is going well then?”

            She nodded and sat.  In the 2 days since she and her sister had been rushed to the café to cover Emma’s absence and explain away Chun’s sudden arrival to the rest of the resort town, she’s had very little time to ask questions or find out what was happening.  With Nicie working the kitchen and Emily in front with Chun, the transition had gone a great deal smoother than expected.  Kai and Xiu had both been by at least once a day to check up on them and to let them know they were looking into finding more help for them – they were keeping Pets at the Inn for now. 

            “So what did you need to talk about?”

            “How’s Emma?” Nicie asked immediately.  No one really knew what had happened and she was too terrified of the Betas to ask them.  “Is she okay?  Was she wounded very badly?  Who’s taking care of her?  Has the doc been by?  Does she need anything?  Should we be…” 

            “Hang on, hang on,” he held a hand up to stop her, seeing the fear in her eyes.  “Emma is fine,” he assured her.  “She was recovering nicely the last time I saw her.  The wound wasn’t bad, but she did lose a lot of blood.  A little time and rest is what she needs right now.”

            Bernice processed the information slowly before she slumped in her chair in relief.  “Thank god…”

            “Is that what you’ve been agonizing over?”

            She nodded solemnly.  “Can you imagine what it’s like if you were the reason your friend gets attacked?  Hurt?  Maybe even killed?”  Calvin held perfectly still, trying not react.  He didn’t have to imagine it; he was living it.  “How could I live with myself if anything happened to Emma because of me?”

            “Is that what you’re upset about?” Calvin asked softly, “That somehow this might be your fault?”

            “Isn’t it?”

            “No,” he said firmly, in a tone that didn’t allow for argument.  “This is nowhere near your fault and you belittle Emma’s friendship by thinking that.”

            For a second, she looked stricken. 

            “You think she can live with herself if she let you die?  Knowing she had the ability to do something about it first?”  He watched the thought sink in.  “Her gift has its burdens, yes.  But it also bestows upon her an opportunity to do right.  Don’t take on the burden of guilt for something that didn’t happen.  Just let her be your friend.” 

            Nicie smiled, warmed by his gentle reassurance, “Thanks, I think that…” something caught her eye in the window behind him.  She got up quickly, running to the half opened curtains.

            “What is it?” Calvin asked, grabbing hold of her and pull her from the window – just in case – and saw what had caused the small panic.  The afternoon sun threw bright lights on the three cars rolling straight down the narrow main street of the quiet spa town.  “Is that Ella and Emma’s mom’s entourage?”

            “I better warn my sister,” Nicie said as she headed quickly for the door.

            “Tell Chun while you’re at it,” he added quickly, watching as the two cars made their way over and stopped in front of the café.  “God, this can’t be good…”      


            Emily ran for the door and came to a skidding halt just as it opened, nearly hitting her in the face.  She stood stock still, not really knowing what her next move should be as she stared at the formidable first lady of the Five Lake pack – no one scares her the way Xiu’s mother does.  Survival instinct screamed at her to flee but better judgment and polite upbringing forced her back to bend and she greeted her with a bow.  “Mrs. Chen.”

            Lily stared at the girl a moment, passing quick judgment as she did with every one of the girls that came in contact with her sons, then looked up again as Chun walked through the kitchen doors.  She greeted him with a cold smile as she passed through the threshold.  The air in the café smelled of coffee, baked goods, and a hint of death – the last a lingering scent that would fade with time. 

            Taking a breath, Emily hurried to the side and grabbed a menu.  “Can I offer you a seat?”

            “No,” Lily answered without looking at the girl as she made her way to Chun.  “I would like a word, if you don’t mind.”

            Not that it mattered or not whether he cared to sit down with her, Chun nodded and passed his half empty tray to Emily without a word. 

            “Let’s take a walk,” Lily informed him and passed through the kitchen door without a by-your-leave. 

            “Be careful,” Emily warned as Chun followed. 

            Bernice looked up startled as Lily Chen passed through the kitchen without giving her so much as thought.  She was quickly followed by Chun, who offered her a short one-shoulder shrug as answer to the question in her eyes.  Then his eyes flickered quickly upstairs for second before he followed Mrs. Chen out the back door.  Nicie groaned and made her way back up to let Calvin know what had happened.

            A quick flick of her wrist held back the three fierce shifters that had made to follow and Lily motioned for Chun to step up next to her as she made her way behind the main buildings, obviously familiar with the area.  “How are you setting in?” Lily asked casually.

            “What do you want?” Chun countered without preamble.

            “Right to business,” she nodded approvingly.  “You and my daughter: what’s your history?”

            If he had been surprised by the question, it didn’t show at all.  “We met a year ago; we dated.”  There was no need to hide it; there was no point anymore.  “Then she disappeared.” 


            “I assume she came home.”

            “Assumptions are not healthy,” she informed him.

            “With nothing to go on, I can only make assumptions,” he countered logically.

            She conceded the point.  “Had your friend not found his way here, would you have followed her?”

            “She didn’t exactly make it easy to find her,” was the non-answer.

            “And if she had?” she pressed.

            He hesitated, not because he didn’t know the answer but because he questioned her motive in asking it.  “Yes.” 

            Lily glanced briefly as his classically handsome face: those clear brows, sculptured cheeks, and full pouty lips – it’s no wonder he caught Ella’s eyes.   Taking a side path into the woods, “And would you have come here knowing what she is?”

            “She’s Ella.  That doesn’t change.”  He glanced back subtly over one shoulder, watching the three guards keep their nervous distance.  “What is it that you want from me?”

            She ignored the question again.  “You must know by now that your sister will not be leaving were to you run again.”

            The comment didn’t need a response so he gave none. 

            And Lily saw the answers in his eyes.  “He’ll take care of her.”

            “I don’t doubt that,” he answered then asked, “Does he know yet?”

            For the first time in long awhile, she laughed.  “No.”  The amusement softened her features and revealed a beautiful face behind years of hardship.  “He’s so observant when it comes to pack business or his sisters but so oblivious when it comes to anything to do with himself.”

            Chun nodded, “It’s easier to see from outside the circle.”

            “Undoubtedly,” she agreed with a nod.  “Given how little time you’ve been here, I take it your friend with the sharp eyes figured it out.” 

            “He’s good at it.”

            “Yes, I can see that.  We can use someone like that right now.”  He turned to her sharply and Lily put her cards on the table.  “I can help guarantee his safety if he can help protect my daughters.”


            “However he can,” she answered openly.  “We don’t know where the information leaked.  Several Betas have been dispatched to seek it out but we’ve not had any news and the girls aren’t seeing anything but darkness.  That’s not a good sign, especially for them.  We need to know for sure and to quash the threat immediately.  If he can find the source and help eliminate it, he and the rest for your pack can stay.  I’ll make sure of it.”

            “He can help,” Chun responded without hesitation.  It took every will power in his core to restrain himself from jumping at it. 

            She smiled knowingly.  “He’s probably already started, hasn’t he?”

            Since it was nothing less than the truth, he nodded. 

            “He values you,” she reasoned, “and your sister; you’re family.  And you value Ella because you’re in love with her.  And therefore he values her.” 

            He didn’t deny it, certainly have no reasons to. 

            “Your love for her may be what’s keeping you from her.”

            Unexpected and surprised, he couldn’t hide his reaction.  “Excuse me?”

            Lily stared at the setting sun a minute then looked at the darkening sky.  It was a full moon night and it could be felt in the very air they breathed.  “Seers don’t live long.  And they’re abilities dictates their actions, sometimes to the detriment of their future.”  She sighed, suddenly very weary.  “As a member of the pack, I have a duty to protect their safety and to insure they welfare for the pack.  But as their mother… I want to see to their happiness as well.  And knowing that they are in constant danger means that their happiness is never the priority as far as the pack goes.” 

            “What are you trying to tell me?” he asked bluntly. 

            She frowned at him.  “If you can make her happy, do it.  Be discreet but make her happy.  I want that for my daughter if she’s to have a shortened life.”  She shook her head at him.  “Don’t look so shocked.  A mother’s love is a difficult thing to navigate, especially when it’s often in conflict with other obligation.  Her being a seer doesn’t really help the matter much.” 

            Chun, feeling a little like he’s just stepped into the twilight zone, blinked.  “Are you giving me permission to pursue your daughter?”

            Reaching around, Lily smacked him on the back of his head with irritation.  “Not the brightest bulb, are you?” then pivoted on her heels and walked back toward the cafe muttering, “Why couldn’t she have picked the smart one?”  But the dices have been cast; let it fall where it may. 


            Rainie turned in her seat and glanced at empty road behind them with a frown.  She touched her belly gently with one hand and sent a silent prayer to the unseen moon.  It was late afternoon and the sun was starting to set.  “Are you guys sure about this?”

            “No,” Kristen answered honestly.  “But what choice do we have?”

            Selina turned in her seat to look at Rainie.  “You have to shift tonight.  This is the only way we know how without safe ground for you to run on.”

            “I don’t like knowing I’m leaving you defenseless,” Rainie argued.

            “That’s why we’re going to keep driving,” Kristen explained again.  “Hundred miles West, sixty-two miles North.  You can meet us when you’re ready.  We’ll be waiting for you with the engine running.” 

            “And there’s some safety in being female,” Selina said quietly, “They won’t be as likely to kill us on sight.  They’ll try to drag us back.”

            “I’d rather run them down,” Kristen muttered as she increased speed.  The more distance they had from the main highway, the better for Rainie.  They couldn’t afford mistakes tonight. “Just find us when you’re done for the night.”

            “An hour would be all I need,” Rainie insisted.

            “Come on, Rainie,” Selina scolded, “I know you and Jiro have been holding back for the last five or six months now; since Calvin’s been gone.  I know you patrol our house on full moons to keep the idiots away, you and the boys but you haven’t gone native.  We appreciate it but…”

            “It’s not good for you,” Kristen added with a frown.  “We all know what happens when a shifter denies themselves for too long.”    She caught Rainie’s eyes in the rearview mirror.

            Conceding the point, Rainie nodded reluctantly and glanced at the setting sun again.  “Get me as close to the woods as you can then high tail it.  You’ve got to get to that gas station before full dark.  It’s not safe otherwise,” looking at the dash then at the 3 gallon reserve in the back.  “Can you make it?”

            “We’re going to have to,” Selina replied, tracing her fingers on the paper map to where she had marked off the next gas station from her GPS.  “Pull off in the next turn so we can pour the reserve; it’ll give us a better chance.”

            “I’ll disrobe then,” Rainie agreed with a nod.  “I can follow as far as the next ridge before I head deep.”

            “Remember to stay away from waterholes,” Kristen reminded unnecessarily after a moment of tense silence, as if needing to fill the void, “We don’t want to chance you going for a kill.”

            Rainie nodded, knowing that despite her control being a mated wolf, there was still moments when the animal can rule the brain.  “I’ll find you guys before sunrise.” 

            “Try to run until sunrise and find us after,” Selina advised quietly, “We’ll head to the next station.  It’ll give you a target and lesser shifters can’t follow at that point but you’ll still be wearing your skin.”  Mated shifters can hold their shapes without the moon and, “It’ll be safer for you and us,” and retain their human minds. 

            “Agreed,” Rainie sighed and felt the deceleration of the car.  “Time?”

            “Yup,” Kristen pulled off and got out of the car in one smooth motion, never stopping the engine.  “Remember, keep running.”

            Nodding her head, Rainie pulled her dress over her head and slipped out of the car as Selina and Kristen dragged the heavy gas tank out from the back.  “You guys need to stay on the move for as long as you can as well.  If you overshoot the designated time, just leave me a marker and keep going.  I’ll find you.”

            The Ren sister traded quick looks of concern.  “Okay.”

            Tossing the rest of her clothes through the open window, Rainie shivered against the chilly evening air and gave them a stern look.  “Do not stop if I don’t show up.”

            Startled, Kristen almost dropped her side of the gas tank.  “What are you…”

            “Head to that sanctuary and don’t look back.  Do not try to come after me if I don’t show up,” Rainie warned.  “In fact, move faster if I don’t meet up with you by noon tomorrow.  Got it?”


            Selina’s hand forestalled Kristen’s protect.  She nodded her agreement and simply said, “Be careful.”

            Understanding passed between the two older girls and Rainie pulled them into a quick group hug before dropping to all fours and slipping into her fur-skin.  Unlike the grays, Rainie was small and wiry with a full coat of brown that blended with the deep woods.  Shaking herself hard, she looked up at the moon again, patiently waiting for them to finish. 

            Capping the empty gasoline tank, Selina moved around quickly, “I’ll take the wheel.”

            Putting away the tank, Kristen glanced once more at the dark wolf that stood by the car.  “Don’t get lost and be careful.”  Nodding her muzzle, her supernaturally golden eyes gleaming against the darkening sky, Rainie motioned for her to get in.  With one last look, Kristen got into the car and closed her eyes a moment to compose herself. 

            Leaning out the window, Selina met Rainie’s wolf eyes and nodded.  “We’ll see you after sunrise,” then put the car into drive.  She kept the car running slow, knowing that Rainie would need time to build up speed as she ran alongside them for a good fifteen minutes before she howled and veered away before they hit the ridge, dashing into the woods while kicking up dirt and gravel.  In less than three seconds, she was gone. 

            The silence in the car was suffocating as Selina picked up speed and determination. 

            “I’m scared,” Kristen admitted in a whisper that sounded like a shout even against the insistent hum of the engine.  “I mean I was scared before but this… this is a whole new level of scared.  This is bordering petrified.”

            Selina nodded but kept clamped shut.  Her foot moved another half inch down on the accelerator. 

            After a few more tense minutes, Kristen peered at her sister and asked, “Are you okay?”

            Lips pursed tightly against her teeth, “We’re running for our lives from people that destroyed our lives.  There’s not a safe place anywhere in this world for us.  And I just promised my best friend that I’d leave her for dead if things don’t go right tonight.  So no, I’m not okay.”  The silence that followed was as tense as it needed to be and more so than most.  “I’m sorry,” Selina finally said after another ten minutes.  “I shouldn’t take it out on you.”

            There was another few moments of silence.  “Dreams?” Kristen asked, understanding perfectly what was happening.

            “Yeah,” Selina nodded and grind her teeth to powder.  “Not exactly getting a lot of rest lately.”

            “Anything more we can gleam from it?”

            “Nothing,” she spat out, expressing her frustration for the first time.  “Just the same thing, over and over again.”  Same scene.  Scene stranger’s face.  Same fears.  Same doubts.  “I’m afraid I can’t run from it much longer.”

            “Maybe you’re running to it,” Kristen suggested with a frown.  “Maybe the closer we get to where we’re going, the closer you are to your mate.  And the stronger the dreams.”  The thought of being parted from her sister left Kristen cold.

            “The thought had crossed my mind,” Selina admitted quietly, “Just like I’ve thought of Pets heading toward a confrontation with her dreams as well.”

            “Are we thinking that you guys are heading toward a meeting with destiny?”

            “Maybe this was The Moon’s plans all along,” she whispered into the empty space of uncertainty, “That we were never meant to be in that horrible place.  Our running was just part of setting things in motion for our futures.”

            “God I hope so,” Kristen looked at the setting sun.  “How long before we hit the gas station?”

            “Forty-Five minutes,” Selina replied, putting her foot down another inch.  They don’t have a lot of time left and they were running short on fuel.  “We cannot not make it.  We’re dead in the water out there.”

            “You think this is pack territory?”

            “I don’t want to find out,” she replied grimly and continued to drive in silence.  She had a pretty good idea that they weren’t in actual marked lands but that didn’t mean it was any safer for two unguarded females.  The nights were getting longer as the fall season continued to drag the moon across its inky sky.  The coming storm would help mask their scents from predators but it also meant that Rainie would have a more difficult time tracking them later. 

            Kristen allowed the silence to linger longer than she wanted but Selina did well in silence and right now there was too much stress for her to add to her sister’s burden.  She wasn’t blind to the fact that Selina considered it her duty to protect her, it was the duty of all older siblings to protect the young.  But she forgets sometimes that Kristen wasn’t a child anymore and can be relied upon as well. 

            “Oh thank god,” Selina breathed as the dim lights of the station ahead on the road appeared over the ridge of the road.  “I think we’re going to make it,” glancing down at the brightly lit E on the dash.  They were going to be gliding into that station on fumes. 

            Breathing a sigh of relief, Kristen prayed for the rest of the way until they slide into the empty spot in front of one of 3 old fashion gas pumps that looked from the last century.  Sliding out the door, she looked at the machine carefully.  “Cash.”

            “Got it,” Selina replied and pulled the small wad from her pocket.  They carried far more than safe but knew they needed to take the risk; electronic trails could be even more problematic.  Sliding out of the car, she frowned at the big motorcycle by one of the other station – there was no rider next to it.  “I’ll deal with the attendant; you pump the gas.  Don’t forget the reserve.”

            Nodding, Kristen moved quickly and efficiently. 

            Selina walked into the dingy station and counted out the cash onto the countertop with a smile that was meant to sooth – she’s learned a new tricks long the road.  “For 57 liters please?” then glanced at the rusty racks, “And two bags of chips,” snagging them from the stand. 

            The station attendant looked up from his magazine with disinterest for a second to receive the money, then looked again in a hurry.  “Hi.”

            Offering him a friendly but impersonal smile, Selina nodded once and pushed the bills over the counter.  “Fifty-seven liters please?”

            He glanced quickly at the open window to spot the jeep… and the girl next to it.  He took the money and smiled, something a little confidently.  “Traveling for pleasure?”  He glanced at the window again.  “Just the two of you?”

            Something about the way he looked at her made Selina nervous.  Forging ignorance, “There’s a few of us coming through.  We must be the first ones low on gas; wouldn’t be surprised if a few more of us stop by any minute now.” 

            “Is that so…” he handed her the change, brushing his hand on hers in an overtly uncomfortable moment.  “If there’s anything else…”

            “Nope, we’re good.  Thanks!” making a production of clumsily grabbing the chip bags and tripping out the door, making as much noise as possible.  Her smile slipped as soon as she was through the threshold and she forced herself to walk, not run, to the car.  Full tank or not, they were leaving.  NOW!

            Kristen took one look at her sister’s face and turned to shut off the pump – and came suddenly face to face with a stranger.  Startled, she took an instinctive step back. 

            “Hello there,” was the greeting with a smile that was just a little too gleeful.  “Just pass through?” he leaned against the pump, blocking her path. 

            Selina picked up her steps but kept an unconcerned smile on her face, “We’re waiting for my husband and our brothers.”

            Quick to the chase, Kristen nodded in agreement, trying not to appear too eager.  “We drove up faster because of the gas.”  She was suddenly very glad she filled the reserve tank first.  The pump handle clicked off as it finished filling and gasoline bubbled down with a gurgle as Kristen reached for the spout. 

            “Don’t see a ring on your finger,” the cashier commented following Selina from the little store front.

            “I don’t wear it when I travel,” Selina replied convincingly, turning so she could keep the two threatening presence in sight.  “They say it’s not safe.”

            “It’s not safe for a pair of girls to be traveling in the dark either,” the stranger by the gas pump replied too casually.  He grinned wide, revealing an ominous gold front tooth.  “Why don’t you ladies take a breather inside while you wait?  We so seldom get guests around here.”

            “That’s okay,” Selina’s hand slipped into her pocket, grabbing her keys there.  If she had to fight her way out of there, she was going to be prepared for it.  “I think it would be…”

            “You’re late,” a third stranger came around the gas station booth, shoving his helmet on this head and pulling motorcycle gloves on with impatient hands.  His voice was tart with annoyance.  “We’re almost two hours behind schedule, ladies,” he grabbed Selina’s arm as he passed her, firmly pushing her toward the driver’s side.  “The rest of the family is probably at the resort by now.” 

            “We had a flat,” Kristen replied, quickly shoving the gas pump onto the hook, giving the gold tooth creep a quick mockingly apologetic smile as she reached around him.

            “Did they pay you already?” the motorcycle stranger asked sharply as he moved around the car and approached the cashier.  The cashier looked less than thrilled by this new turn but nodded.  “Good, let’s go,” he nodded to Kristen, as if hurrying her into the passenger seat.  “I’m right behind you.”

            Nodding quickly, Kristen got into the car even as Selina started the engine and started to pull away from the station before the door was fully closed.  She watched the three strangers in the rearview mirror until their unexpected savior got on his bike and followed them down the narrow two lane road and out of view of the gas station.  Letting out a breath, Kristen leaned into her chair.  “That was…”

            “We’re not out of the woods yet,” Selina replied solemnly. 

            She didn’t have to ask what her sister meant as she glanced at the rearview mirror again.  The big traveler motorcycle continued to roar steadily behind them.  “Do you think…”

            “I don’t know,” she replied quickly and tried to think of what her next step should be just as the stranger suddenly sped up and pulled alongside them.  He made a quick motion for them to pull over.

            “Selina,” Kristen whispered nervously, uncertainty clear on her face.

            “Whatever happens, don’t get out of the car.”  She pulled to the side carefully, slowing as she did.  He followed her but always stayed three feet from her until she stopped.

            He pulled ahead until he was in front of the car, giving them space and at least some illusion of safety.  “Keep your engine on,” he instructed before turning off his own.  Kicking his bike into standing position, he never left his seat as he pulled his helmet off and turned to look at them through the windshield.  “Are you crazy?  Traveling alone in these parts?  Don’t you know this is coyote territory?” 

            With knuckle white gripes on the steering wheel, Selina just barely kept from reacting.

            “They knew you were shifter.  They just didn’t know we weren’t the same pack.”  He told them.  “Don’t stop again until the sunrises; not in these woods.”

            Nodding her head, Selina answered only when she was sure she wouldn’t disgrace herself.  It took every ounce of restraint she had to keep her voice steady.  “Thank you for saving us back there.”

            He stared at her, eyes narrowing a moment, then nodded.  “Get out of here,” then abruptly shoved his helmet on and kicked started his bike.  He turned and without another glance, took off with nothing but dust in his wake. 

            Kristen let out the breath she had been holding the entire time.  “That was beyond weird… and lucky,” shaking her head in amazement.  “You okay?” when her sister didn’t move but continued sitting here, holding the steering wheel.  “Selina?  What’s wrong?”

            Slowly, Selina shook her head.  “That wasn’t a stranger.”

            Flabbergasted, “It wasn’t?” and turned in her seat as if she could still see him.  “I didn’t recognize him.  When did you meet him?”

            Swallowing the petrifying fear, Selina looked at her sister helplessly.  “Every night.  In my dreams.”


To be continued….


Author’s Note:  Well… since the U.S. is out of the World Cup, that means I get to go back to my writing instead of stalk my TV.  Sorry for the delay, hopefully you’ve all have more exciting things to do than read my bad attempts at writing.  Happy 4th of July! 


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winglinanon #1
Still checking updates every week. This is story is really memorable.
winglinanon #2
Admiring your perserverence! And there are always loyal readers who are equally stubborn! Hahahah :D THank you for the update, and the story is amazing. Loved the realisation between calvin and gui gui. But what was best was the strength between each mates and the emotions between each family!
Chapter 34: Hey Didi!

Happy New Year!
I'm sorry to hear 2018 was rough for you; I hope 2019 treats you better~

I know ChunElla is a must in your stories, but it's certainly VERY different to see GuiGui paired with someone...who's not Aaron, lol. If you think about it though, their personalities are quite similar irl.... So a very interesting match indeed~
I hope GuiGui can get home before there's a war between the packs.

Good job with the other pairs as well (and thanks for keeping this as rated "PG13," lol).

I'm interested to see more of Show and Selina's interaction, considering they just met (but no worries if you can't fit any in).

All in all, a great chapter!

Looking forward to more!
fairytaill #4
Chapter 34: Thank you for the chapter! I really appreciate how much you want to finish this story. I remember the last time you updated was about almost a year ago and I wondered if that hiatus was going to continue until you forgot about it and completely lost inspiration for the story (which I have experienced with multiple authors before).

Also, I'm sorry your year was rough. I can empathize with you on that, 2018 was truly was a horrible year. I had thought 2017 was bad enough and that 2018 would get better... 2018, to the best of my ability, would simply describe it as a dumpster truck of despair, anxiety, and horrible life choices. I may not know what has happened to you in last year or two but I hope that this year will get better (I mean it has to get better at some point). However, I do want to ask, are you okay?

As for the chapter, it had me blushing. HARD. Almost at every section I had to stop to process all the lovey-dovey situations. At the end of the chapter I had both hands on my cheeks and was grinning really hard. I starting to re-read you story again to remind me what is currently going on and I've been having lots of eureka! moments. There are lots of foreshadowing that I had previously over looked and reading the story again I felt rather foolish. I should've realized that Calvin was Emma's mate, especially since there had been clues. I had assumed that Ella would end up with Chun, but it's nice to know they are indeed mates. I didn't know how being a seer would interfere with the whole mate situation. I was thinking they might've been excluded due to their special status but It's nice to know they have someone meant for them.

Sorry, this is random but as I mentioned I had gone back to re-read this story. One thing that has always weighed down on my mind is: who tried to drown Emma at the lake? Is this going to play an important point in the story? Or it was just a minor plot point

Any ways, Thank you!!!
greenteafrap #5
Chapter 34: Welcome back! I love your stories and am happy you've continued this even though you had a really rough 2018. I hope 2019 will be for you a much better year :) fighting!
In this chapter tho i don't know which pairs i like more, all of them give me the feels :) didn't expect Guigui and Calvin but i think they deserve to be happy after everything they've been through.

Hope you're having a good day and its not too late to say happy new year! Right?
winglinanon #6
Chapter 33: Fabulous chapter and always loved the strong sense of family you invoke into your story. Happy New Year and wish you many blessings
Chapter 33: Welp, I certainly don't feel very sorry for those hyenas...

An awesome chapter; I'm glad we finally get an explanation for the dream(s)...

Calvin & Emma are such an unlikely pair, yet you make them work quite well in here.

Ah... Nylon Chen, I presume?

You shouldn't have to apologize for taking so long - life is life, and it's unpredictable. The fact that you've continued this story at all deserves a round of applause in itself. I sincerely hope you have a wonderful 2018, and I look forward to reading the finale!
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Phewwww~~ at least Emma & Calvin are still alive but they haven't gotten out of dangerous zone yet
Please anything or anyone helps them, it's so torturing I can't bear it anymore >.<
I hope Calvin will not do anything to Emma that would make him regrets later T_T

PS: There is no need for you to apologize, really!! .... on the other hand, us (readers) should be grateful that you are trying your best in updating this fanfic despise we have no idea what you have been through in your personal daily life.
We might look like strangers to each other ...... but have been following/knowing you through your fanfics all these years I at least could tell how committed you are. It might be hard but I hope you can have a good day while smiling ^^
fairytaill #9
Chapter 33: Thank you for updating first of all. I seriously love the way you write and wish I could incorporate such vivid detail and emotion as you.

Second, don't be sorry about how long it takes you to update. Life is so odd and frustrating, and I totally understand you when you say it's like a roller coaster. It's impossible to stay commitmented to just this story when there are so many things happening. I dont necessarily physically, sometimes mental changes are equally or far more draining than physical.
Of course I can't deny the fact that the intervals between chapter update frustrates me but it's not something I can't handle ( as a devoted fan and completionist)

I'm cheering you on, not just to finish the story but in life. You seem to have had a difficult year, not that I actually know what you're going through… but you seem like a person who is patient and responsible and reasonable (I'm saying this based on past conversations I've had with you and the fact you couldve abandon this story but you didn't) you'll make it out of what ever is happening.

I think I started to wander but to simplify, I'm cheering you on
(oh gosh I'm just awful at trying to be supportive…)
Chapter 32: OH GOD!! every time I read your fanfic I felt like I was lifted high in the air and unable to breath properly
My heart would go thum thum thum .... like sitting a in roller coaster which operating in its full speed
that I sometimes I need to hold back my breath and/or scream.
I hope Emma and Calvin are ok, why she did wait a little longer before jumping.
I really really wish that thing will not be ended as bad as Ella & Emma' visions T_T