Chapter 16 – Danger

Shifting Lives

Chapter 16 – Danger 


            Kristen fiddled with the key fob and watched the area around the car with nervous eyes.  She glanced at the clock on the dash again, and checked the rear mirror for the thousandth’s time.  Every ticking second felt like an eternity now and she couldn’t hold still to save her soul.  Every moment that past brought up another awful scenario in her mind.

            Selina had been silent all morning, no words to express the stress she was obviously under.  Her tired eyes were still bright with anxiety but determination as she watched the first rays of the sun paint the woods in shades of red and orange. 

            Neither of them willing to discuss what they would to do if Rainie didn’t appear at the appointed hour. 

            The small lanky wolf burst out of the bushes, running fast and furious for the car.  Golden eyes flashed brightly against its long face, fur that was less brown and closer to the color of her eyes were wet with exertion and the morning dew.  The four white paws that hit the dirt was covered in mud… and blood. 

            “!”  Selina climbed up on her seat and ripped off the headrest with one hand and folded her body over to grabbed the back door release.  “Open the window and put the car in gear,” she ordered as she shoved the door wide open. 

            Hitting all the windows button with one hand, Kristen shoved her foot onto the break petal and put the car into drive mode.  Turning her head, she watched her sister for the next instruction.

            Three brown coyotes rushed from the brushes behind the small wolf, making a mad dash toward them.  All three looked about as friendly as a bear woken early from hibernation. 

            “Start driving,” Selina ordered, putting her hand against the car door, keeping it open. 


            “DRIVE!” Selina snapped. 

            Frightened and unwilling, Kristen pulled away from the curb and moved onto the road.

            The little brown wolf poured on the speed, tiny legs pumping hard and fast toward the open door.

            “Come on!” Selina screamed as her friend made the leap for the car.  Grabbing a handful of fur with her right hand at the scuff, she yanked hard as the wolf scrambled into the car, and grabbed the door frame with her left to slam it shut.  “Floor it!”

            Kristen’s foot slammed down on the gas pedal and the car jerked forward so fast that it lifted from the ground for one frightening second.  “You okay?” she screamed over her shoulder as she gripped the steering wheel tighter.  She glanced at the rear view mirror at the three coyotes still giving chase.

            “Rainie?” Selina ran her hand over the brown wolf’s laboring flank.  “Rainie, are you alright?”

            The wolf shifted, fur receding fast into creamy pale skin.  “I’m alright,” Rainie croaked out with half formed vocal cords, panting for breath.  She looked at her hands covered in blood.  “It’s not mine,” she replied clearly upset.  “I hope you guys have a full tank cause we’re going to have to book it.  This whole area is coyote territory.”

            “We’re good,” Kristen answered, her eyes still on the three fading figures in the distance.  “Run into the locals?”

            “Yeah,” Rainie made a face, wiping herself off with the moist towel Selina handed her.  “Wondered into the territory just before dawn.  I was trying to stay on their borders all night.  Got a little careless this morning.”

            “Are you hurt anywhere?” Selina asked solemnly, already reaching for the first aid kit on the ground.  Her friend looked a little ragged around the edge. 

            “No,” Rainie sighed, wiggling around to get some clothes on.  “Had to fight off one of them though.”  She looked at her bloodied hands again, “Felt a little bad about that; he wasn’t even a match.  Can’t be more than twenty at most, unmated, not the greatest control either – the Moon was doing a number on him.  The rest of them showed up shortly; I didn’t want to take on a whole pack of them.  The danger was too…” 

            “Too close,” Kristen said as she poured on the speed. “That was way, way, way…. too close.”  In the back roads, there were less chance of cops pulling them over.  And she had more than motivation to get them the hell out of dodge. 

            “You’re telling me,” Rainie muttered.  “Almost lost my tail back there.”  She sighed and looked at them again.  “You guys do okay last night?”

            Kristen and Selina traded quick looks, mix between concern, relief, and fear.  “Yeah,” Selina answered holding her sister’s gaze for another moment.  “Nothing of significance.”

            Frowning, Kirsten didn’t contradict her but continued to drive. 


            With hesitant hands, Pets turned the lock on her door and slowly opened it.  She peered out into the empty hall, the silence of the inn almost eerie after the days of people trooping in and out at all hours of the day.  Life here was interesting… different; no two days were every quite the same.  And above all else, it had felt safe.  For the first time in a long, long time, Pets went to bed at night without fear. 

            Until last night.

            Last night, Pets had literally been shoved into her room and told to lock herself in.  And no matter what, no matter who, she wasn’t allowed to open it until sunrise.  It wasn’t that she had never been locked in for Full Moons – her brother always made sure she was safe from the uncontrolled shifters on such nights – but Emma’s sober orders delivered from that childlike face had a chilling effect.  She had spent the first half of the night awake and alert, jumping at every sound and shadow, and the rest of the night too exhausted to keep her eyes open.  It didn’t mean that she wasn’t awake at sun up, the bright morning rays illuminated her room and got her out of bed as nothing else would.  Mornings were always safe, everything was always better in the morning.

            Making her way downstairs, she wasn’t sure what to expect but it wasn’t Ella and Emma standing on the back porch with weapons drawn.  They both looked nothing like that girls she had come to know, even Ella with her usually grimly irritated expressions.  Only Emma looked back at her in the doorway, holding up a finger to her lips for silence; Ella was on the phone.

            “Right now,” Ella said into the wireless receiver held in one hand.  Her other hand was gripping her rifle firmly, her finger on the trigger, propping it at her hip where she can swing into use at a moment’s notice, her eyes still sweeping the area.  “Double up the cleaners and move in with caution.  We’re pretty certain we got at least four but it could be upwards to six.”  Her voice was calm, almost scarily so.  “No, I haven’t called them yet but you’re more than welcome to.  I’ll see you shortly,” she hung up the phone while someone on the other end still squawked loudly. 

            “Everything alright?” Pets asked then felt extremely stupid.  Of course everything wasn’t alright, why else would they be armed to the teeth first thing in the morning.  Though to be honest, she’s never actually seen Ella without a weapon these days.

            “Did you get any sleep?” Ella asked, backing into the house but keeping her eyes on the line of trees behind the inn.

            “A little,” Pets answered, moving out of the way.

            “Great,” Ella answered and lowered her weapon as she shut the back door with her foot before turning to look at her.  She looked both exhausted and resigned.  “You can greet the cleaners when they get here and start the morning bread.”  She looked at Emma, who was calmly and slowly disassembling her compound bow.  “I’m going to bed.”

            “Sleep well,” Emma said quietly, putting away her weapon with very precise hands.  “We’ll talk later.”

            “Try not to sleep pass noon,” Ella advised as she walked out, her rifle still in her hand.  “We have that meeting with the Alphas this afternoon.”

            Pets watched Ella’s back for a moment before turning to Emma, who was carefully wiping her bow and storing it away.  “What happened last night?”

            Emma waved off the question then yawned.  “Don’t go outside, okay?  You don’t want to see it.”

            “See what?”

          “Trust me,” Emma replied with a tired sigh.  “We had a few unwanted visitors.  Don’t worry, we handled it.”  She blinked tiredly.  “Xiu and Kai will probably be here soon.  I would prefer to be asleep when they get here but that’s probably a bad idea.”  She looked at the rising sun through the window.  “The immediate danger has passed but things are closing in on us.” 

            Pets absorbed the comment with trepidation.  “What should I be doing?” not really following Emma’s disjointed ramble but needing to do something. 

            “Start the bread, I guess,” Emma shrugged, “Business as usual.  Most of Sanctuary is still run by normal, ordinary, everyday joes.  They’re going to want their bread deliveries as usual.”

            “That’s it?” Pets asked, surprised and a little disturbed, “Just business as usual?”

            “That’s all we can do,” she answered with another shrug and yawn.  “I’ll make coffee and wait for the cleaners with you.  Then I’m going to bed.”  She smiled and patted Pets’ arm reassuringly.  “Don’t worry, you’ll get use to us.”


            Sean pokes experimental at the carcass before him, trying not to grimace.  The eviscerated deer and his own was just one of his concerns.  He had absolutely no idea where he was… or how he ended up with a dead deer.  Well… the how wasn’t really that difficult to figure out; he obviously caught and killed it.  The why, on the other hand, was the more important and urgent question.  Had he really lost complete control last night that he couldn’t even remember chasing down and killing a harmless animal?  And though he had a vague memory of stalking a couple with their yapping Pomeranian and Wes making a last minute save that kept them both out of public eye and possibly jail, but he had absolutely no memory of the deer. 

            And speaking of which, where the hell was….

            “Please don’t tell me you ate that?” Wes made a face as he walked up downwind of him. 

            From thick scent of rage and fear in the air and the churning of his stomach, Sean had a pretty good idea that he did exactly that.  “Where have you been?”

            “Getting you clothes,” Wes replied with a sympathetic grin as he set the neatly stacked pile on a rock and looked around again.  “Took me almost an hour to track you last night after I lost you coming off that boar trail.  You need to get cleaned up.  You’re covered in blood.”

            “And something else,” swiping a hand over the mud and grime caked to his torso.  “Did I hurt anyone?”

            “Other than the deer?  Not that I’m aware of,” he answered with genuine concern.  “You were pretty out of control last night.  When was the last time you got any real rest?”

            Avoiding his eyes and grabbing the towel and wet towelettes Wes was holding out to him, Sean got cleaned up the best he could.  “Where’s the car?”

            “Mile back that way,” Wes tilted his head down hills.  “You picked a pretty good spot, it’s hard to get to from the main roads, had to follow your scent.   Ditched the car and hike up here.”  He continued to frown at his friend. “Seriously Sean, we need to think about bunking down if you’re so exhausted you can’t control your wolf anymore.  I’ve never seen you so feral before.  It’s too dangerous.”

            Sean nodded, scratching out a hole in the ground to bury the bloodied material.  “What should I do about the deer?” glancing at the poor thing.  It wasn’t his first kill but still…

            “Leave it,” Wes said and stood up, looking at the rising sun and enjoying the warmth of its rays.  “There’s some animal scents around, they’ll find it and finish it off in a day or two.  No one will think otherwise.”

            With a nod, Sean got dressed and looked over the horizon.  “Should we go to town for a bit?”

            “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.  We should probably find a hotel and get cleaned up properly, get some sleep.  Maybe get a meal and spend the day out of sight.  I was thinking this would also be good place to trade the car in for faster rides.”  Wes made mental calculation of what they needed and how much money from their slush fund they’d need to pull out.  “Might allow us to make the rendezvous time.”

            Agreeing, Sean sighed and looked at the dead animal at his feet again.  He had to pull it together before he becomes a danger to others.   And he’d rather die than allow that to happen. 


            The scent of coffee greeted Jing in the morning as her head made an agonizing crawl through molasses into the waking day.  That and blinding sunlight stabbing her in the eyeballs; someone had pulled all the curtains back to let in the sun.  Groaning in pain, because she was genuinely in pain, she rolled over and literally fell out of bed.  Gathering every ounce of will power, she forced her body upright, resisting the urge to groan as her stiff muscles moved, and went into the living room with last night’s events playing in full HD resolution in her mind’s eye. 

            “Morning, Sunshine.”  Kai smirked and poured another mug of caffeine, nudging it across the counter at her.  “Chipper as ever, I see.”

            She scowled at him, made an incoherent zombie grunt, and drank her coffee… then promptly choked on the black tar that should be in no way considered safe for consumption.  Looking around a moment in something close to panic while Kai stood there, all arrogantly smug and awake, she realized that she was either going to have to spit it out or swallow that nasty brew.  Girdling her courage, she forced it down and came up coughing.   “Jeeze, did you add any water to the ground coffee beans this morning?” 

            Surprise by the assessment, Kai glanced down at this cup, swirling the sludge around a little then shrugged and took another sip. 

            “Your sisters are baristas, for god sakes; how can you not know how to make coffee?”  Rolling her eyes, Jing went into her own kitchen and brewed up a proper cup of coffee. Contrary to popular belief, she was not a morning person – morning people were repulsively chipper and reminded her of chipmunks and cheerleaders.   When the silence stretched while she paddled around the stove, she finally asked, “Were you here all night?”

            “More or less,” Kai replied, moving out of her way.  “Wasn’t sure you weren’t going to continue your streak of stupidity.”

            She glared at him but said nothing else as she poured herself a fresh cup.  She silently offered to make him another one, holding up the kettle; he shook his head and continue to drink his mud.  When she was finally warming up with mug cupped with both hands and bread popped into the toaster, she turned to confront him.  “About last night…”

            “No one will hear it from me,” he stated very simply, looking her in the eye.  When he was sure she understood, he went over to the sink and rinsed out his cup.  “Get cleaned up, shower before you leave today.  You still have my scent all over you.”

            Jing grimaced and nodded.  Last night had been traumatic and unexpected.  She didn’t really know what to say when she wasn’t sure what had prompted it all.  But….  “Thanks.”  It was a reluctant but sincere thanks.  In the clear light of day, she knew she owed him.  In her state of mind last night, she could have done something very, very stupid. 

            Kai’s hand went still and he opened his mouth as if wanting to say something but was interrupted by his own phone.  “Yeah?” was his standard greeting.  He stopped, his body going rigid for a second.  “When?” His voice suddenly went hard and very cold.  “How many?”   He glanced up and met Jing’s eyes.  And for a split second, he looked vulnerable before it was shuttered behind a stoic face.  “I’m on my way,” and hung up without another word.

            “What happened?” she asked, following him to the door. 

            Grabbing the keys he had left on her side table, he slipped his shoes on.  “The girls called for a cleanup crew just now.  Hyenas hit the inn last night.”

            “What?” she grabbed her side arm from the wall.  “Anyone hurt?” She knew at least one of her brothers were on guard duties at any given night. 

            “They sent everyone away,” he answered, his hand tight on the front door knob.  He took a breath to calm himself, clearly upset and growing furious by the second.  He banked the red hot rage in his eyes.  “They sent everyone away.”

            Jing hissed her dismay, “They knew it was coming,” and did what they could to minimize the damage.  It was stupid… and predictably something they’d do.  But why didn’t they keep her around?  She could help defend the…. then remembered something Emma said awhile back.  “I’ll come with you.”

            “You’re going to take a shower,” he said, and gave her a light shove back.  “Call HQ for an later; do not travel alone.”  He gave her a stern look meant to be obeyed.  “Pack a bag, you’ll be staying at the inn for awhile.”

            “Got it.”  She saluted half mockingly but with understanding. 

            He paused at the door again, look at her, then reached over and pulled her toward him by the back of her head.  She had a split second before he slanted his mouth over hers.  It was gentle, warm, and surprisingly soft.  The kind of touch a girl thinks of when they imagine their first kiss.  When he pulled away, he smoothed back her hair.  “Sorry about last night.  I kind of lost my head a little; full moon and all...”  He looked almost embarrassed. 

            Since she didn’t know what to say, she just nodded stupidly at him. 

            “Anyways…” he cleared his throat, composing himself.  “Be careful today.”  And left without another word, closing her door firmly in her face.   

            Jing suddenly left like an idiot.. and a girl.


            Pets stood up from the back porch steps as the shadows melted out of the woods.  The wolves didn’t just burst through the foliage as she had expected them to; no, they had moved with the stealth of hunters.  Grabbing the basket of shirts and shorts, she made her way across the back lawn, meeting Xiu and Ming half way. 

            “Something to wear?” she asked, holding out the basket out and avoiding looking at them too closely.  She was still getting use to their casual nudeness; never seem to bother anyone but her – much to her embarrassment.  “Emma said that she keeps these for you guys when you drop in.”

            Xiu nodded and grabbed the basket, pulling a shirt and shorts out before passing it to Ming.  “I want a mile wide perimeter search.  Anyone caught within, I don’t care who, goes back to Headquarters, got it?”

            Ming nodded, looking toward the east as he pulled on a shirt.  “Cleaners are on their way, we’ll bring them around back and get the bodies out of here before the rest of the town wakes up.”

          “Put sentinels at the front of the drive – tell Nick to handle – no one comes near unless they have a reason .” Xiu sniffed the front of his shirt with a frown.  “Did Emma wash this thing?”

            Ming sniffed his shirt with distaste.  Didn’t need any of his shifter senses to know.  “God, I thought we talked to her about this already.”

            “Brat,” Xiu muttered, twisting his lips in irritation then shrugged.  His sisters have had a lot of their minds lately and he was honestly too tired now to really care.  “Beggars can’t be choosers.” 

            “But we could ask for clean clothes,” Ming murmured and grabbed the basket.  “I’ll deal with the others.” 

            “And I’ll deal with my sisters,” Xiu replied and bumped fists with his friend quickly before turning to Pets.  “Where are they?”

            “Bed,” Pets answered, stepping into his path to stop him with a warning look.  “They’re exhausted.”

            “They’re idiots,” he replied with a scowl, moving around her.  “What the hell were they thinking?”

            “They were trying to protect people,” Pets understood it.  She had been giving it a lot thought while going through the motions of making the morning bread that she knew were going to be late for the morning deliveries.  And despite Emma’s warning, she had ventured out to look – and promptly emptied her stomach in the nearest brush.  She grabbed his arm, questioning her own sanity while she did it, but she was also determined not to have them disturbed – they’ve earned their rest.  “Don’t short change their devotion to you just because you think you should have done better.”

            “I don’t question my sister’s loyalties,” Xiu replied firmly, but his eyes were cold and dangerous.  “But I question their inability to be straight with us – especially now.” 

            “You think you can do better?” Pets argued heatedly, “You think you get to question their decision despite not knowing half of what they must have gone through to come to last night’s conclusion?”  She shoved him, indignant on the seers’ behalf.  “I don’t have to have special to see how much they struggle.  We get to see and hear about only a fraction of what they have to live through.  Who the hell are we to sit there and judge them?  If I had to deal with half of what they go through every day, I’d go insane.” 

            “You think I don’t know that?” he hissed at her.  “You think I don’t see it?  You think I don’t understand that there’s every chance in the world that my sisters are going to start slowly losing their minds?  That they will someday confuse their visions with reality?  If they don’t have somewhere to turn to, someone to help take on this burden, we’re going to end up…”  He snapped his teeth together, having said too much. 

            And now Pets felt lower than the belly of a snake.  What was she thinking?  Of course he saw.  Of course he knew.  He’s been watching out for them all their lives.  “I’m sorry,” she said sincerely.  “I was… I wasn’t thinking.  I was out of line.”

            Xiu could feel himself deflate, all the frustration draining out of him for a second.  “I’m sorry too,” he looked at her, clear eyed and heavy hearted.  “I shouldn’t have taken that out on you.  I had a really long night – which is no excuse.”

            “I snapped at you too,” she replied reluctantly; she hated being in the wrong as much as the next person.  “Guess we’re both on edge.”

            “Yeah…” he agreed and turned to face the stonewall.  “Did you see anything?”

            “Not until morning,” she replied, calmer now that he was.  “They must not trust my aim or something…” she shrugged.  “Not that I can blame them.”

            “A painted target on a tree and a living breathing person is very different.  And you can’t go back from the latter.”

            She knew that… and given her reaction that morning, she was nowhere near being ready to pull the trigger.  “So what now?”

            “We secure the premise and talk to the girls.  They have to know something.”  He stared at the inn with eyes that was full of fear for his sisters.  “It’s getting too dangerous for them to be here on their own.”

            “I thought Holy Ground was the safest place for them?”

            “It’s the safest place against one of our own, but it doesn’t protect them from the everyday common dangers.  The hyenas are getting bolder in coming here like that did, especially given what happened to the jackal pack that were just here.  Sooner or later, they’re going to figure out a way around the Holy Ground issue.” 

            “What does that mean?”

            “It means that there would be nowhere safe for them to hide.”


            “Should we wake her?” was the first whispered words that penetrated the darkness. 

            “Don’t,” someone urged.  “Let her sleep.”

            “Why does she look so exhausted?” a third voice asked, concern heavy in his tone.  “Like she hadn’t slept all night?”

            “You think something happened?” was the terse question.

            “Nothing happened,” Fei answered, stirring at last.  “I’m fine.”  She sat up and rubbed her eyes clear of exhaustive sleep.  Another restless night…

            “No offense, dear,” Matthew said with a gentle smile, “But you look like something the cat dragged in.”

            Wayne shoved him aside with a frown, “Don’t listen to him,” he assured her with a gentle pat on her arm.  “But seriously, you were pretty dead to the world when we came in.  You alright?”

            Fei offered up a wan smile, not wanting to burden them.

            “Another dream?” Sam asked, watching her with clear penetrating eyes.  He read her like a book. 

            Looking away, Fei nodded.  She couldn’t lie to them; she had never been a very good liar.  “I’m fine.”

            “You’re not,” Sam replied in that all too grown up voice of his.  He serious face reflected what they all thought: they were out of time.  “You need to go to the seers.  We can’t put it off anymore.”


            “You’re starting to get panda eyes,” Matthew said gently, “And while they don’t make you any less beautiful, they do affect your health.  We need a confirmation before we start the search.”

            “He doesn’t exist,” Fei whispered, shaking her head.  “I’m going crazy.”

            “That’s not true,” Wayne held her hand, squeezing gently.  “I know you’re scared but…”

            “You don’t understand; he doesn’t exist,” Fei insisted, leaning her head into Wayne’s shoulder.  “He can’t…” 

            “Why not?” Sam asked, morbidly curious. 

            Her eyes casted toward him for a second and she considered her answer.  “You’re pretty.”

            Taken aback, Sam frowned at her while Matt chuckled at the unexpected tangent.  “Fei…”

            “But he’s beautiful,” she continued without missing a beat.  “He’s perfect,” she whispered almost fearful.  “And no one is perfect, like anime character perfect; they don’t exist.”

            “You’re attracted to him,” Wayne concluded with a hint of amusement edging around his tone.  He couldn’t really hide how delighted he was at the thought.  He had been concerned when Fei said she didn’t recognized that guy; afraid she would be saddled with a mate she couldn’t be happy with.  But if she’s already form an attachment on her dreams alone…

            “I’m not!” she insisted, looking at him in surprise.  “Who the heck wants to be with someone that’s prettier than her?” 

            “Well then,” Matthew grinned, unable to help himself, “I do pity whoever my mate will be; forever living in my shadow.”

            Sam shoved his friend in the shoulder, “Knock it off.”

            “What?” Matt laughed and gave Fei with a pitying look.  “Fei, I can’t decide what is worse: you having to marry a pretty boy that I will have to keep an eye on?  Because you know I will kick his if he cheats on you; and pretty ones tend to have stray eyes.  Or you thinking you’re going crazy?  And don’t think I haven’t considered that you’re worrying yourself to insanity here.”

            “This is getting us nowhere,” Sam said, always the voice of reason.  “We need to get her to the seers, confirm that these are actual mating dreams and not Fei developing some kind of weird latent seer powers, then find this guy before these dreams drives Fei to drinks.”

            “Latent seer powers?” Wayne worked the words around his mouth.  “I hadn’t even thought of that.”

            “I was kidding,” Sam replied dryly.  Well… half kidding anyways. 

            Fei looked at her brothers with eyes that reflected her fears.  “What if I don’t want to?  What if I just want to stay the way we are now.”

            “You are not going to have a choice,” Matt reminded her gently, all teasing dropped.  “You know what happens when you fight the moon.  It’s too dangerous…. for all of us.”  Fei’s loyalty couldn’t be questioned; she’d do it for them if not herself. 

            Unable to argue that, Fei hugged Wayne for a second and felt the tears rise in her eyes.  “Okay, get me permission into sanctuary.”

            Sam and Matt traded quick uncomfortable glances before Sam nodded.  “I’ll talk to one of the Betas and arrange it.”


            “What were you doing in my sister’s room?”

            Kai stopped, recognizing the voice of one of his fellow Betas, one of the few he called friend.  Turning around, he greeted him with a simple nod, “Nick.”

            Nick came through the garage, glancing briefly around them to check for wayward ears.  Tall and lanky, he wasn’t anyone’s idea of a fighter.  But there was more to Nick then meets that eyes.  “I went by her apartment on patrol, just to make sure she was okay.  What were you doing at my sister’s so early in the morning?”  There was no accusation but a concerned inquiry.  Nick was good like that; never jumping to conclusions but always digging for fact.  Until he knew for certain something untoward was up, he wouldn’t do a damn thing. 

            Because it was the truth, he stated simply, “I wouldn’t screw around with your sister, Nick.”

            Nodding his acceptance, “But what were you doing there?”

            Even knowing that Nick was simply protecting his sister and that Kai would more than do the same in his place, he still couldn’t help the sudden flare of irritation.  It had been a long night and he wasn’t really up to dealing with over protective brothers when he’s done nothing wrong… well, almost nothing.  But before he could say anything, the front door opened and Emma stepped out.  There was an expected look in her eyes as they met Kai’s.  She looked tired but anxious.  And Kai answered her unspoken question with, “She’s fine.”

            Sudden relief flooded her face and she gave a tired smile of thanks before she noticed Nick.  She went still for a moment, then her eyes flickered to Kai’s – he responded with a quick shake of his head.  She nodded and her lips tightened for a second as she considered her thoughts.  Then she simply nodded her greeting at Nick and went back inside, presumably to sleep. 

            There was a stilted silence for a moment. 

            “Should I be thanking you?” Nick asked, correcting reading the exchange.

            Jamming his helmet into his bike seat, Kai glared at him.  “I didn’t do it for you,” and headed into the inn, getting back to business.  He didn’t want to think about what happened, or what might be the consequences.  It was best to ignore it and get back to doing his job.  “Report.”

            Shaking off the disquieting concern, Nick rattled off what they knew, which was next to nothing given that Ella and Emma decided not to answer any of the relevant questions so far.  “You know this has Ella written all over it.”

            “Don’t fool yourself,” Kai replied, going into the kitchen.  “Emma isn’t as adverse to messing with us as you think.” 

            “Emma doesn’t have a history of misleading us,” Nick replied steadily.  If there’s one thing he admired, it was intelligence.  And the girls gave as good as they got. 

            “It’s because Ella does such a good job of it,” He resisted the urge to slam his fist into something hard.  “How did the hell did Ella talk all the boys into leaving?”

            “She told the guards that it would be safer for the girls if the Betas took off… far away.”

            “What does that mean?” Kai snapped.

            “She lead them to believe that some of the boys would be losing control last night.”

            “And they believe her?”  His Betas didn’t lose control… ever. 

            Nick made a face and answered carefully, “It wasn’t a complete lie.”

            Setting his teeth back, Kai held his breath a moment to control his emotions.  Something about the lack of oxygen forced his brain to think clearer.  “Shorten the rotations.  I can’t have anyone not in complete control anywhere near my sisters.”  Looking for something to do so he didn’t put his head through the door of his sisters’ industrial ovens, Kai sliced fresh bread and munched for a minute then looked at it.  “When did they have time to defend the inn from hyenas and make bread as well?”

            “That other girl, Pets, had it ready when we got here,” Nick explained, taking a slice. 

            “Was she here?”

            “Sort of.”  Nick frowned.  “Ella had her locked in for the night.”

            Kai’s fist came down on the countertop, denting the stainless steel.  He needed a  release before he did something else he’d regret.  “So it was Ella and Emma against a pack of wild hyenas.”

            Nick knew better than to take it personally.  It was a common perception that Kai was cold, calculated, and callous.  It couldn’t be further from the truth.  Kai’s frostiness came from the rigid control because  he felt too much. 

            “New orders: unless it comes from me, Xiu, or the Alpha himself, no one guarding the inn leaves their post.  I don’t care what the seers say.”

            “Understood.”  Nick had already given the orders earlier, knowing what Kai’s reaction would be.

            Sighing, he glanced around the empty kitchen, his mind racing for solutions and hating every single one of them.  “Where’s my brother?”

            “Out back…” Nick replied, hesitating for a moment, “with the new girl.”

            Kai blinked, forgetting for a moment, then nodded.  “Have the boys circle the area, secure the perimeters and stand down.  The girls wouldn’t have let you back here if they didn’t think it was safe.”  He muttered something dark about his idiotic sisters.  “Call me when they’re up; I’m going to have words with them.”

            Nodding, Nick paused at the threshold a moment.  “Is there anything else I should know?”

            “Like?” Kai asked, taking note of the caution in Nick’s eyes. 

            The speculation in Nick’s eyes sharpened immediately, “Where did you sent Allen, Show and the others?  What’s going on with Xiu?  Why you’re suddenly involved with Jing?  What did Emma say about my sister?”

            Friend or not, Kai resented the hint of accusation that had slipped into Nick’s manner.  “Official business.  None of your business.  Ask your sister.  And I dare you to ask mine.”  His voice had taken a menacing tone; he did not like being questioned. 

            Backing off, Nick studied his friend with careful assessing eyes.  “You didn’t get to run last night.”

            Kai made a face but nodded.  “Priorities,” in the way of an explanation.  His control wasn’t what it needed to be; someone had to be on guard to his actions. 

            The look of extreme displeasure crossed Nick’s usually stoic face.  “You should have talked to me,” letting him take the reference anywhere he wanted to. 

            “Family and work don’t always mix.”

            “No man is an island.”

            “Are you quoting a cliché at me?” Kai looked at him, slightly horrified.

            Shrugging, “Just because it’s a cliché does not make it any less true.”

            “I cannot deal with this right now,” he muttered and headed outside, rubbing his face with an open hand. 

            “Kai…” Xiu greeted his brother with a frown as he approached.  “You look like hell.”

            Making a face then looked at his brother with an assessing eye.  “And you look like you spent the night under a tree mauled by a bear.”

            “Kind of did,” Xiu replied with a sigh and rubbed his side before looking at Nick.  “You didn’t tell him?”

            “Tell me what?”

            Xiu rolled his eyes.  “Nick, Bass, Deng and I had to subdue two of the Betas last night.  They went full feral at the peak of the full moon.”

            Nick nodded to confirm.  “We had to evacuate them out of town, corral them into the valley, and staked them to trees with chains the rest of the night.  Xiu and Deng stood guard while Bass and I made the rounds to make sure the rest of the shifters were in control.  We’ve got them back in HQ under lock and key right now.” 

            “Why didn’t I hear of this last night?” Kai demanded.

            “My call,” Xiu said with a grim look.  “Didn’t want to start a panic among the Gammas and Omegas by telegraphing it.  They have enough control issues to deal with.”

            “That thing we talked about earlier,” Nick reminded him gently.

            “Damn it, Ella…” Kai muttered under his breath and told himself that what was done was done.  “Xiu, I’ve got an idea and it’s a bad one but I don’t know if we have a lot of choices right now.”

            Xiu frowned and nodded toward the inn, “Let’s talk.”

            “You’re going to hate it,” Kai warned his brother unnecessarily.

            “I always do…” Xiu sighed. 


            “How afraid of my sisters, are you?” Kai asked, his tone full of no-nonsense impatience.

            Calvin’s brows went up and he traded quick glances with Chun before answering.  “Pretty terrified.  Have you met them?”  He shook his head.  “Ella’s answer to a lot of things is to smack you upside the head like you’re a wayward 3-year old.  And Emma could probably talk the devil into going to church.  God that girl can talk… and talk… and talk… especially when she doesn’t want to give you a straight answer – which is most of the time.”

            Xiu smirked and looked at Kai.  They obviously got the girls’ routine down.  “We’ve got a problem.”

            “That’s nothing new,” Calvin replied, looking at the brothers.  “Let’s hear it.”

            Kai sat down finally, feeling the tension in his shoulders.  “Ellla’s good at manipulating events to a pattern she can live with.  Her half-answers and mostly-truths are going to get her killed one of these days.  Her visions don’t always see far enough for her to gage the fallout.”

            “Emma on the other hand,” Xiu added with a sigh, “is extremely good at not answering at all.  And with her reputation as the second seer sister, people are terrified of talking to her.” 

            “A good number of our Betas are not willing to question either one of them much less gainsay their decisions.”  Kai shook his head, frustration twisting his features. 

            “And the ones that do question them?” Chun asked quietly.

            “Are on more urgent assignments,” Xiu replied grimly. 

            One hand raised for attention, Calvin looked at them expectedly, “Like tracking down where the seer information originated from?”

           The brothers traded guarded looks, communicating in one glance, then both nod to confirm.  In for a penny, in for a pound. 

            “Were any of them looking at this girl Emma saved?” Calvin asked, flipping his laptop open to what he had been doing before the brothers had interrupted. 

            “One of the Betas looked into her but it was pretty much a dead end.  She’s got no connections to any clans or packs we can find.  Why?  ” Kai answered hesitantly, unnerved by the sudden intensity in Calvin’s eyes. 

            “You’re investigating?” Xiu asked quietly, not sure if he liked the idea or not.

            “They protected me when I needed it, I’m just returning the favor,” Calvin answered, completely unconcerned as he pulled up some encrypted materials.  “I’ve been digging around a little in this girl’s, Xiao Man’s computer.”  His fingers moved quickly across the keyboard, flashing different website at them.  “She’s been reading up on pre-destiny theories, clairvoyants, seers, witches, psychics – things like that.  There’s a few on occults and satanic followings but she didn’t put a lot of time or efforts into those.  She’s also logged a lot of time on blogs having to do with mystic circles and telepaths, not to mention everything she could get her hands on about the café.  It’s pretty extensive.  Emma got her thinking a lot.”

            “You hacked into her computer?” Kai asked, raising a brow at his illegal activities. 

            Surprised, “Is that a problem?”

            Xiu looked at Kai, a little torn and a little amused.  “Now would probably be a good time to mention our day jobs.”

            “Day jobs?” Chun repeated. 

            “Don’t tell me you’re cops,” Calvin replied, a little horrified.  The brothers gave him identical looks of annoyance.  “Oh my god…”

            “Information control is important to keep the normals unaware,” Kai replied, scowling at him. 

            “Most of the Betas are in some form of law enforcement,” Xiu explained calmly.

            Chun felt his lips quirk up. “Calvin is a professional hacker.  He does security for big firms.”

            “Not surprised,” Kai and Xiu muttered at the same time. 

            Calvin shrugged, unconcerned by their option of him.  “You want to see or not?”

            “Just break it down for us,” Kai advised impatiently.  His sisters’ safety was more important than his moral obligations. 

            He pulled up another screen to show them a newspaper article.  “Once was coincidence, twice is freaky.  Emma managed to warn her in time for her to keep from getting hurt again.”  The article detailed a near miss on a bus when the emergency latch in the back broke and dumped a row of seats from a returning school tour bus onto the highway that was then run over by oncoming cars.  Had the seats not been empty, it would have been a freak accident that ended in tragedy. 

            “That was the girl?” Xiu pointed to a quote about one student’s screaming warnings before the bus started off, forcing all her classmates off the last row of the bus.  The police called it a miracle.  “Damn…”

            “Yup,” Calvin confirmed with a nod.  “That got me looking at the girl a little more.  There’s nothing much on the surface other than a girl that’s been touched by your sister’s freaky powers,” Calvin accessed more information quickly, “except I wasn’t the first one to access her computer from the outside.  Stumbled across several unauthorized points when I went looking.  One of yours?”

            “No,” Kai answered sharply.  “Allen and Show went out physically to do a background on the girl.  They’re not that computer savvy.” 

            “Then this is the originating point,” Calvin concluded, giving Chun a look.  They had already discussed it.  “Someone started digging and connected the dots right back to sanctuary and the café.” 

            “Can you backtrack to see who accessed it?” Xiu asked, sitting down next to Calvin.

            “Already started,” Calvin confessed, “But it’s going to take some time.  This wasn’t amateur hour.  This guy, or guys, knew what they were doing.  Probably used some of the same firewall safety codes I’m using to keep from getting backtracked on.” 

            “But you can do it?” Xiu asked. 

            Offering him a reassuring smile, “Since I wrote most of these program, I can do it.  It’ll just take a little more time and effort.”  He looked at Chun as well, knowing his friend was anxious to protect the woman he had come all this way for. 

            “Okay,” Xiu nodded, looked at Kai, who answered with a quick affirmative nod as well.  “You find the guy, we’ll get you sanctuary.” 

            For a moment, no one moved. Calvin stared.  “Are you serious?”

            Kai nodded again.  “You find him, get us the name of the pack that’s hunting my sisters, prove your worth, and we’ll guarantee you entry into the pack.  You settle here.”

            Heart racing, fighting down the sudden surge of hope, Calvin looked at the two brothers a moment.  “I’m not doing it for me, you know.”

            “We know,” Xiu answered quietly, seeing the flickering emotions in the man’s eyes.  He liked Calvin, maybe even trusted the stranger a little – his sisters certainly do – and he can’t imagine the kind of life the Lone Wolf must have endured.  “It doesn’t mean we can’t reward you for it.”

            “But you still have to get there,” Kai reminded him, “Let’s not jump the gun here,” though he already knew what the outcome would be.  Succeed or not, Calvin had already proven his worth to them; he’ll get sanctuary no matter what, it’s just a matter of time.  “Speaking of joining the pack…”

            “What happened?” Chun asked, wondering when they were going to get back to the initial problem that brought the brothers to their door.  He didn’t want to bring up the deal with their mother; not yet.

            “Hyenas tried to take the inn last night,” Kai replied, not bothering to soften the blow. 

            “WHAT?” Calvin and Chun were both on their feet in less an half a second. 

            “The girls are fine,” Xiu assured them, throwing his brother a glare.  That was not well done by him.  “Ella and Emma held them off.”

            “My sister?” Chun asked, cold fear gripping his spine. 

            “Ella locked her up before the fight even started; she didn’t see a thing.”

            “Anyone else hurt?” Calvin asked, looking at the two.  Shifters healed fast but it didn’t mean that there wasn’t some kind of residual effects. 

            Kai made a face.  He didn’t want to like Calvin or Chun, but he couldn’t help himself – it was their annoying nobility that did it.  He hated to admit it, but they’d make good additions to the pack.  “No because my sisters decided to send all the guards away last night.”

            “They did what?” It was difficult to tell who was more outraged. 

            “Are they stupid?” Calvin shouted without thinking.

            “What the hell were they thinking?” Chun grounded out between clinched teeth.  “And what the hell were your Betas thinking leaving them alone?”

            Xiu gave them a look of annoyance.  “That’s the problem; the Betas don’t dare to question them.”

            Calvin closed his eyes a moment, biting back the sharp retort for that one. 

            Chun took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.  “What are you going to do about it?”

            “New orders are to come but that may not be enough,” Kai confessed. 

            “You don’t know Ella like we do,” Xiu said tiredly, “She’ll find a way to convince them right is wrong and wrong is right when she puts her mind to it.  And Emma will twist her visions to her use however she can and the Betas are too scared of her to know better.”

            Giving them an impatient look, Calvin pointed out, “Emma is a hundred pounds soaking wet, what’s to be afraid of unless she’s got one of those little crossbows of her in her hand.”  He’s never seen her fire it but he could only assume she’s proficient at it.

            Kai frowned at him.  “Emma’s specialty is predicting death.”  He ran a frustrated hand through his hair, “The danger is closing in on them and Xiu and I can’t be at the inn all the time; we have other duties to see to.”

            “That’s where you guys come in,” Xiu added quietly, watching the rage start to recede in the men’s eyes.  “The girls can’t talk around you the way they do the other Betas, you question them when some of the others won’t, and you’re not afraid of Emma.”  He watched their faces, noting the curiosity there.  “We want to install you guys back at the inn; have you guys keep an eye on them.” 

            Chun blinked, seriously wondering if he had stepped into some kind of alternative universe.  Things could not seriously be going the way he thinks they are…  “You want us back at the inn?” Eyes narrowing, Xiu and Kai wore similar wrath-of-god looks.  “To protect them,” Chun added quickly, hands in the air as a show of innocence. 

            Still debating the idea in his own mind, Kai pinned him with a look.  “I’m out of most options so I have to trust you to help.  But if you think for a moment that I wouldn’t rip your throat out with my teeth if you can’t keep it in your pants…”

            “I’d expect nothing less,” Chun replied calmly. 

            Calvin closed his eyes and shook his head.  “Well, this is about to get interesting…”

To be continued…


Author’s Note:  Closing some of the gaps now but I assumed to added more characters.  (Sorry…)  Hope people are still enjoying this; otherwise, what’s the point?      


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winglinanon #1
Still checking updates every week. This is story is really memorable.
winglinanon #2
Admiring your perserverence! And there are always loyal readers who are equally stubborn! Hahahah :D THank you for the update, and the story is amazing. Loved the realisation between calvin and gui gui. But what was best was the strength between each mates and the emotions between each family!
Chapter 34: Hey Didi!

Happy New Year!
I'm sorry to hear 2018 was rough for you; I hope 2019 treats you better~

I know ChunElla is a must in your stories, but it's certainly VERY different to see GuiGui paired with someone...who's not Aaron, lol. If you think about it though, their personalities are quite similar irl.... So a very interesting match indeed~
I hope GuiGui can get home before there's a war between the packs.

Good job with the other pairs as well (and thanks for keeping this as rated "PG13," lol).

I'm interested to see more of Show and Selina's interaction, considering they just met (but no worries if you can't fit any in).

All in all, a great chapter!

Looking forward to more!
fairytaill #4
Chapter 34: Thank you for the chapter! I really appreciate how much you want to finish this story. I remember the last time you updated was about almost a year ago and I wondered if that hiatus was going to continue until you forgot about it and completely lost inspiration for the story (which I have experienced with multiple authors before).

Also, I'm sorry your year was rough. I can empathize with you on that, 2018 was truly was a horrible year. I had thought 2017 was bad enough and that 2018 would get better... 2018, to the best of my ability, would simply describe it as a dumpster truck of despair, anxiety, and horrible life choices. I may not know what has happened to you in last year or two but I hope that this year will get better (I mean it has to get better at some point). However, I do want to ask, are you okay?

As for the chapter, it had me blushing. HARD. Almost at every section I had to stop to process all the lovey-dovey situations. At the end of the chapter I had both hands on my cheeks and was grinning really hard. I starting to re-read you story again to remind me what is currently going on and I've been having lots of eureka! moments. There are lots of foreshadowing that I had previously over looked and reading the story again I felt rather foolish. I should've realized that Calvin was Emma's mate, especially since there had been clues. I had assumed that Ella would end up with Chun, but it's nice to know they are indeed mates. I didn't know how being a seer would interfere with the whole mate situation. I was thinking they might've been excluded due to their special status but It's nice to know they have someone meant for them.

Sorry, this is random but as I mentioned I had gone back to re-read this story. One thing that has always weighed down on my mind is: who tried to drown Emma at the lake? Is this going to play an important point in the story? Or it was just a minor plot point

Any ways, Thank you!!!
greenteafrap #5
Chapter 34: Welcome back! I love your stories and am happy you've continued this even though you had a really rough 2018. I hope 2019 will be for you a much better year :) fighting!
In this chapter tho i don't know which pairs i like more, all of them give me the feels :) didn't expect Guigui and Calvin but i think they deserve to be happy after everything they've been through.

Hope you're having a good day and its not too late to say happy new year! Right?
winglinanon #6
Chapter 33: Fabulous chapter and always loved the strong sense of family you invoke into your story. Happy New Year and wish you many blessings
Chapter 33: Welp, I certainly don't feel very sorry for those hyenas...

An awesome chapter; I'm glad we finally get an explanation for the dream(s)...

Calvin & Emma are such an unlikely pair, yet you make them work quite well in here.

Ah... Nylon Chen, I presume?

You shouldn't have to apologize for taking so long - life is life, and it's unpredictable. The fact that you've continued this story at all deserves a round of applause in itself. I sincerely hope you have a wonderful 2018, and I look forward to reading the finale!
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Phewwww~~ at least Emma & Calvin are still alive but they haven't gotten out of dangerous zone yet
Please anything or anyone helps them, it's so torturing I can't bear it anymore >.<
I hope Calvin will not do anything to Emma that would make him regrets later T_T

PS: There is no need for you to apologize, really!! .... on the other hand, us (readers) should be grateful that you are trying your best in updating this fanfic despise we have no idea what you have been through in your personal daily life.
We might look like strangers to each other ...... but have been following/knowing you through your fanfics all these years I at least could tell how committed you are. It might be hard but I hope you can have a good day while smiling ^^
fairytaill #9
Chapter 33: Thank you for updating first of all. I seriously love the way you write and wish I could incorporate such vivid detail and emotion as you.

Second, don't be sorry about how long it takes you to update. Life is so odd and frustrating, and I totally understand you when you say it's like a roller coaster. It's impossible to stay commitmented to just this story when there are so many things happening. I dont necessarily physically, sometimes mental changes are equally or far more draining than physical.
Of course I can't deny the fact that the intervals between chapter update frustrates me but it's not something I can't handle ( as a devoted fan and completionist)

I'm cheering you on, not just to finish the story but in life. You seem to have had a difficult year, not that I actually know what you're going through… but you seem like a person who is patient and responsible and reasonable (I'm saying this based on past conversations I've had with you and the fact you couldve abandon this story but you didn't) you'll make it out of what ever is happening.

I think I started to wander but to simplify, I'm cheering you on
(oh gosh I'm just awful at trying to be supportive…)
Chapter 32: OH GOD!! every time I read your fanfic I felt like I was lifted high in the air and unable to breath properly
My heart would go thum thum thum .... like sitting a in roller coaster which operating in its full speed
that I sometimes I need to hold back my breath and/or scream.
I hope Emma and Calvin are ok, why she did wait a little longer before jumping.
I really really wish that thing will not be ended as bad as Ella & Emma' visions T_T