Chapter 3 – Intersect

Shifting Lives

Chapter 3 – Intersect


                The silver tip bolt mounted on the deadly crossbow lowered a fraction of an inch as Ella peered over it at the flabbergasted Calvin.  Her face reflected none of the dismay she felt at recognition.  “What are you doing here?” she asked, her no-nonsense tone tight with control.  The bolt lowered another inch but her finger was still on the trigger.  “Did something happen to Chun?”

                Blinking away the shock and holding back the litany of questions forming at the tip of his tongue, Calvin shook his head.  “Not that I’m aware of; at least not as of three days ago when I spoke with him.”  His eyes narrowed as more considering thoughts filtered rapidly through his mind.  “What are you doing here Ella?”

                “Ella, you know him?” Bernice asked, her eyes going between the two with a curious mix of fascination and mounting dread. 

                “We’ve met,” Ella replied, reluctantly lowering her weapon.  She eyed Calvin with a resigned resolve that had nothing to do with the wariness she felt.  Turning to Nicie, “Is he the guest Emma called about?”

                “Yes,” Nicie knew where her loyalties lie.  “Is it a problem?  I can take him over to Old Man Rick’s if we… don’t have room.”

                Calvin didn’t even need to read between the lines with that.  “Ella, what are you doing here?” he asked again.  The last thing he heard, she was still back home creating pretty memories with Chun and causing him to waiver in his believes.  According to what he had overhead last, Chun was ready to chuck the idea of a True Mate for the very human Ella.  So what happened since he’s been gone?  Had Chun told her and she freaked out?  No.  Judging by Bernice’s familiarity of his kind and her obvious comfort with Ella, she wasn't ignorant to the "wild side" of life.  So what happened?  "Why are you here?"

                "I can ask you the same thing," she replied and stepped behind the front counter, carefully tucking the crossbow away.  Her movements were practiced, more than just familiar.  "Why aren't you back in North Thumberland?"

                His eyes narrowed.  "You don't know?"

                She merely stared at him, completely devoid of emotion.  This wasn't the same girl Calvin had met back at the local bar with Chun, the one that had freely shared drinks with the Orphan Pack and played darts with the girls.  This girl was hardened; dangerous even. 

                "I've been on the run for the last six months - after my exile."

                "Exile?" Ella and Bernice asked at the same time.

                Explaining himself would take too much time; and he didn't owe them anything.  "Things happened."  Stepping up to the counter, he signed the guest book Ella pushed toward him before handing over his credit card and ID.  "Wanna tell me why you are here?"

                "Things happened," Ella answered and took down his information without elaborating.  She glanced briefly at Bernice, who stood there awkwardly fidgeting.  "I'll take him upstairs.  Why don't you watch the front desk?"

                Nodding, Bernice watched them with wary eyes that were clearly more troubled than feared. 

                Grabbing the other bag, Ella headed toward the wooden stairs.  "This way," and proceeded him.

                Calvin followed, turning at the last minute to address the nervous girl, "Thanks for the ride," and went up the stairs. 

                Bernice watched his back for a moment before letting out the breath she had unconsciously been holding onto.  Her heart was racing in her chest, had been for some time now, and her hands felt clammy and stiff.  Between Emma's reaction and Ella's familiarity, none of it was good.  She was afraid; and she wasn't even sure what she was afraid of. 


                Like the Cozy Café, his room in Sweet Apple Inn was like something out of a Victorian cottage.  The walls were papered in cream, the furniture painted a mellow yellow, the sheets had the scent of the sun and winter breeze, the pale bamboo floors were warmed by plush rugs in off-white.  Fresh cut yellow and white daisies sat in a pitcher by the window, the glazy yellow panels pulled back to reveal the angry rain pounding the window shutters.  Ella pulled the luggage rack out from the closet and set the duffle on it before turning down the bed. 

                "There's fresh towels in the bath, robes in the closet, and the toiletries under the sink," she opened the bathroom door.  "Do you need a shaving kit?  We don't usually stock them in the room but we have them if you need…"

                "Why are you here?" Calvin interrupted, dropping his other bag on the floor, avoiding the rug.  "Last time I checked, you and Chun were happy together."  A part of him had counted on it to get his best friend though the bleak times he knew were coming.    

                Something dark and horrible flickered in her eyes a moment.  "It doesn't matter."

                "How does it not matter?" he didn't like the not knowing.

                "You don't know what's going on, Calvin; and you shouldn't try to get involved," she informed him in a stern tone. 

                Repressing the urge to curse, "He's my best friend.  And he was in love with you."  That terrible look flickered again in her eyes – if nothing else, she at least cared enough to hurt.  "He was ready to go Lone Wolf for you."  She flinched; she knew exactly what it meant.  "Is that why you ran?"  If that was the reason, there had to be great love there… and full understanding of what Chun would have given up for her. 

                She turned away, unwilling to show him a reaction.  "It doesn't matter; it's too late now."

                Taking a step closer, he took a deep breath.  She smelled human… like she had always had.  But on Holy Ground, he wasn't sure how much of his wolf senses can be trusted.  And if she's not one of them, then why…

                "What are you doing?" she stepped back quickly and eyed him funny. 

                "You don't smell like a wolf," he commented.

                "That's because I'm not," she frowned at him, taking another step back… twisting the silver ring on her index finger – the one she's never without.

                His eyes followed her hand a moment.  "Emma."


                "Girl at the café, Emma; she was wearing one just like that," pointing to the ring.  He looked up at her, finally connecting the dots.   "And she smelled like you too.  Any relation?"

                Ella frowned at him,  "Sister," she answered with resentment.  "Chun always said you were the smartest one."

                "Not smart enough," he muttered and stared at her, his mind churning with questions and theories.  There was so much he didn't know; too much in fact.  "Is she the reason you ran?"

                "What?" confused by his train of thought.

                "Your sister," he clarified muddily, "Did she see something that caused you to run?  Was it me?"  It would have been around the same time.  If Genie's death had cause a conflict that Emma didn't want her sister involved in, it was logical that she would have told her to run.  Or maybe… "Was it Chun?"  Going Lone Wolf didn't mean you weren't a danger on full moons.  Was staying with Chun a danger to her?  Or was going Lone Wolf the danger?  Just because you leave a pack didn't mean that the pack would be willing to let you go. 

                "What?"  Ella shook her head. "What are you talking about?"

                "Did Emma tell you something that caused you to run from Chun?" he wanted to know. 

                Ella's eyes narrowed dangerously, the spark of protective instinct flashed in her eyes.  "How do you know about Emma?"

                Exhausted from his ordeal, Calvin looked down at his semi-dried mud-caked clothes.  "She told me… kind of."  He gave her a half smile of grudging respect.  "She didn't exactly hide it.  Bernice said she probably thought I wasn't a bad egg." 

                "Sounds like something Nicie would say," Ella muttered. 

                He gave a reluctant laugh and nodded, “She seems like the type; sunshine and rainbows.”

                “We all have some kind of defense mechanism we have to hang onto,” she replied, her voice full was wisdom and sadness. 

                “So what’s yours?” Calvin asked bluntly.

                She glanced at him, her eyes aged with reality.  “I learned to listen.”

                “Listen?”  He stared at her, uncomprehendingly for a moment.  “Listen to what exactly?” his mind churned harder with thoughts, aching with exhaustion.  “Your sister?”

                Ella smiled but her eyes told a different story.  “You should get some rest.  You’ve had a long day.”

                Wanting to argue but too tired to think clearly, Calvin let it go for now.  “Fine.  But we’re  not done yet.”  He needed answers; if not for himself then for his friends.  "By the way, you know that silver thing is just a myth, right?" 

                "Excuse me?" not following the tangent. 

                "The bolt on your crossbow," he reminded her.  "Silver being deadly to wolf-shifters is just an urban legend.  Silver bullets don't actually kill us."

                She smiled slightly, finally catching on.  "It wasn't silver."

                He raised a questioning brow. 

                "It was hollow point stainless steel," she explained as she walked to the door, "laced with wolf's bane."  She looked at him over her shoulder with a smirk as he paled – even a trace of wolf's bane was enough to make his kind violently ill.  "It would have killed you just fine."


                The framed photo was the only one he had.  It was a candid shot his best friend had taken at the bar one breezy night when the beer and conversation flowed freely and comfortably between them.  He wasn't sure if she was actually camera shy or if she had been hiding from the world – and what he wouldn't give now to know – but she had always reframed from allowing him a photo.  Back then, he had always preferred the brightness of her person in front of him to the stillness of a picture.  He hadn't known there'd be a day when she wasn't there. 

                *God she's beautiful.*

                “Are you sure?” Chun asked, letting go the photo frame to cross out yet another line on the numerous pages of leads that he’s had to abandon.  It's no longer a surprise but he still had to ask.  “You’ve tracked her down and seen her?  In person?”

                “Yes, sir.  We’ve got photographs if you’d like to see them,” Phillip answered politely.  In all the years as a private investigator, he's never met someone so urgent and persistent; they usually lose hope after 3 months.  But this client wasn't ready to give up yet.  “This Ella Cheng is a fifty year old school teacher on the outskirt of the South Province.  It’s definitely not the girl you’re looking for.”

                Rubbing his forehead in frustration, Chun nodded, switching hands on the phone.  “Thanks for the visual confirmation but I’ll pass.  Anything else?”

                “We're still tracking the second florist we found.  We’ll keep trying, sir,” Phillip replied softly.  “There’s still quite a few leads we still haven’t run down yet.  But the surname of Chen is quite… common.  And the variations of it…”

                “I know,” Chun carefully set the pen down and looked at the list he’s been compiling for months now.  “Keep looking and keep me updated on your progress.  Nobody just vanishes like smoke.  She’s out there somewhere.”

                “Will do,” Phillip answered and hung up the phone. 

                Getting up, Chun glanced briefly at the night sky through the window before pouring himself more coffee for another long night.  In fact, every night for the last 6 months have been long lonely nights interjected by bouts of rage, frustration, and sometimes despair.  The emotional rollercoaster was taking a toll of his body… and his control.  He almost wolfed out on the last full moon in front of his helpless sister, something he hadn't done since puberty. 

                The ringing phone brought him back to his study and he briefly wondered where his sister was tonight.  "Hello?"

                "Hey buddy," Calvin greeted tiredly from the other end. 

                "Calvin!" the voice may be waned but Chun was still happy to hear it.  He missed his best friend; the one person he could be completely honest with.  He could have used Calvin's unflagging good cheer and brutally blunt counsel the last few months… but his friend had his own problems.  "How are you?  Are you somewhere safe?"  That was always in the forethought; was he alright?

                “I’m about as safe as I can be right now,” Calvin gave an ironic laugh and shook his head.  “Somehow found my way into the middle of a sanctuary and, on top of that, I’m staying at a small bed and breakfast place built on Holy Ground.”

                "Wait.  What?" Chun blinked, not sure he heard right.  "You found Holy Ground?" 

                "East hills between the sunset valleys; about four hundred miles east of where I was last." 

                Rushing to the windows, he pulled the blackout curtains shut, carefully checking for cracks before going to the far wall and lifted the giant seaside painting that had once been his father's off the wall.  The map hidden behind the painting had been used to meticulously keep track of Calvin's movements, in case he ever needed to go to his friend in a hurry.  "Four hundred miles you said?" running his finger long the most likely route from the last orange dot on the nap he had dated. 

                "Yeah," knowing perfectly well what Chun was doing.  They weren't best friends without reason.  "Kind of got trapped here."

                "Trapped?  What do you mean trapped?"

                "The town is situated between canyons, bottom of a green valley.  Very little options coming in and out.  Bad weather is going to keep me here a few days: landslides.  Good thing this place is a sanctuary, otherwise I'd be a little more concerned."

                "Are you alright?"

                "I'm fine," Calvin replied with a tired sigh, “As well as can be expected I guess.”  Physically he was alright, as safe as he'll ever be on the run.  Mentally… he wasn't, not really, but what else can he say?  "Talk to me a little, Chun.  Tell me about things.  What's been happening on the home front?  How's everything going with Ella?"

                "Things are going well," Chun answered dully, wishing it was some other topic.  He had just managed to stop thinking about her for a moment.

                There was a pause.  "Everyone alright?"

                "Everyone's fine," Chun replied automatically.  He didn't need to burden Calvin with the messy politics at home while the guy was on the run.  His friend would only be troubled knowing that every single member of the Orphan Pack, himself included, has been in at least one altercation since he's been gone.  None of them moved about town alone now, never quite sure where trouble would arise.  The girls at least had some protection – not even the most brazen member of the Southern Browns dared to touch a female pack member, especially a non-mated one; though it didn't protect the girls from the verbal jabs.  "Don't worry about us."

                A long pained sigh accompanied Calvin dropping boneless into the armchair by the window.  "Please stop."

                "What?" confused by the request.

                "Stop lying to me," Calvin replied softly, so tired that his brain hurt. 

                "Cal, I don't know what you're…"

                "Stop trying to protect me," he pleaded, knowing that was exactly what his friend was doing.  "Stop trying to pretend everything normal and fine and…  Just stop."  His wanted to scream and cry and just let out all the pain.  But it wouldn't help the matter and he'd only be hurting Chun in the process.  "I feel so disconnected from you guys as it is – so completely displaced – please don't keep things from me.  I can't stand knowing that I'm being shut out."

                "You are not being shut out," Chun snapped in frustration.  Intellectually he understood and emotionally it hurt to know that his best friend felt so alone.  "We're not trying to shut you out, Calvin.  We just want you to concentrate on staying safe.  I don't want you worrying about things that…"

                "So there are things to worry about then."

                How could he have forgotten the bastard's lightning fast mind?  "Don't."

                "Tell me."

                "Calvin…" he warned.

                "Tell me," Calvin pushed.  "Good or bad I need to be in the loop; so tell me.”  There was another pause as Chun debated it in his mind.  “Either you tell me or I'll find out myself."  He left the threat hanging in the air, knowing his friend well.  Calvin would have to go back to find out and Chun would never risk his safety to let him do so.

                "Bastard," Chun muttered darkly.

                "Takes one to know one," Cal replied rather instinctively.  "Now talk to me; tell me how bad it is back home."

                Chun knew a losing game when he saw one.  He too was too beaten down by the stress to fight Calvin on this… and he could use the ear to vent at – like it was before.  "It's not as bad as you think but it's not exactly comfortable."  He sat back for a long talk.  "You know they've never been too nice to us to begin with and it's only gotten worse.  David's been in at least in half a dozen fights now, he usually wins but not without a few minor battle wounds to show for them."  The broken arm had been the extent of the damage though it could have been worse if George hadn't gotten there in time.  "Sean is impulsive but probably has the sweetest disposition amongst us but even he's been a few scuffles now."  It was bad if even Sean was getting into fights. 

                "The girls?" concern clearing his fogged mind.

                "The girls are fine," Chun assured him, "Even Rufus and his bunch don't dare go near them.  Pets did get into it at the diner with a few chicks, not that my sister couldn't hold her own."  He decided not to mention that they had moved the Ren sisters in with David and George… just in case.  "Probably the most pissed off person in this whole thing is Rainie."

                "Rainie?" Calvin asked, incredulously.  He couldn't imagine Jiro's sweet natured wife as anything but calm and collect.

                "Yeah…" Chun was more amused than anything else.  "She's gotten into it with a few people now, including that cousin of hers.  There was an actual wolf fight two full moons ago."

                "Someone attacked Rainie?"

                "Not quite," actually chuckling now.  "Someone said something and Rainie just lost it.  Then someone else jumped in and then of course, Jiro jumped in and that turned into a full fright-fest in a blink."  As wolves, Mountain Grays were naturally bigger and stronger than most of their brethrens – though milder in manner – and mated wolves were especially powerful.  In full angry, defend-your-mate mode, Mountain Grays were horrifyingly monstrous – and Jiro was no exception.  This was the first time any of this generation was seeing one in full form.  "Needless to say, things were just a little quieter right after that."

                Calvin grinned stupidly at the ceiling for a moment, "I'd paid good money to see that."

                "Yeah, me too," Chun laughed.  "Benji said that he and Aaron got there only in time to keep Jiro from killing someone outright."

                "Was Rainie hurt?"

                Rolling his eyes, "She chipped a claw."

                "That'd be more than enough reason for Jiro to strike."  Calvin laughed, his first in some time now.  It relaxed him a little, eased a little of the tension around his shoulder.  He envied his friend that sacred and mysterious bond between mates; the bond that left the rest of the outcasts pining for more.  "Rainie and Jiro are doing fine I take it."

                "I think this whole thing might have bonded them even tighter than they were before."  Chun could see it every time Jiro searched the room for his mate, assuring himself of her presence.  Or when Rainie turned to watch her husband swallow a provocation before she unleashed her own fury – no one gets to disrespect her mate.  He guarded her safety while she guarded his dignity. 

                "I can see how that might," Calvin replied. "Speaking of mates and bonds…  How are you and Ella doing?” 

                Her name had the power to stop his heart.  It took him a moment to get this breath back and then he finally spoke the words he had not dare to utter before, “She’s gone.”

                “What do you mean?” Calvin’s question was asked softly, neutral with a hint of curiosity.  “Did you tell her?  About the pack, I mean.  Did she freak out?”

                "No," he swallowed back the despair he felt at the thought that she might be lost to him forever.  "It wasn't like that.  She…"  So many questions, so much doubt, he didn't even know where to begin.  It hurt just thinking about her and wondering.  "She's gone, Cal.  Just gone."

                Calvin watched the rain soaked windows a moment, not sure if proceeding with this was the best thing for his friend.  So many questions unspoken and unknown.  "Tell me about it.  Start from the top."

                The pressure in his chest expanded as he allowed himself to relive it.  "She called the night of your trial, said that she was called home and had to leave immediately."  That last call haunted his nightmares.  "Then… nothing.  No phone calls, no emails, not even a note.  She simply vanished like fog at daybreak."  *Please let her be okay.  Just let her be safe.  Please…*

                "Can I assume you've tried looking for her?"

                "Phone's been disconnected.  Emails have bounced.  Her rent was paid for in cash six months in advance.  Nothing was missing or out of place.  No forwarding addresses.  No previous known address.  It was like she didn't even exist until she came into town."  His initial frantic search had been devastating.  "I've hired investigators. I've done my own research.  I've come up with a list of possibilities as long as the Yellow River."

                "So you've got nothing then."

                Chun gave into the urge and screamed at the top of his lungs for a moment.  *Just let her be alive and safe.* 

                Silent for a moment longer, letting him have his moment, Calvin continued, "I'm sure you've considered the possibility that you can’t find her because Ella doesn't want to be found."  

                "Yes," was the drained response.  "But I want to hear it from her lips.  I need her to look me in the eye and tell me that we're done – that I was wrong.  I need to know that I've done everything that I can to see this to the end.  And that this isn't some… that she isn't…"  He swallowed the lump in this throat as terrible things crossed his mind, things he only allowed himself a glimpse of in the dead of night.  "I want to see her and know for certain that we're over."

                "And you probably won't rest until you find her, huh?"

                Nodding into the darkness.  "Yes."  Doubt inspired fear and fear inspired other horrible things.  He knew with everything else that was going on, his own needs were selfish at best.  But he couldn't let it go; his heart won't let him.  "I have to find her."

                "I thought as much.  Okay.  Then I have an idea."


                Calvin winced as the image of a deadly crossbow flashed in his mind.  "Come visit me."

                "What?" clearly startled by the suggestion. 

                "Come to me," he stated, "I need a friend."

                Considering all the ramifications such an action could evoke, Chun hesitated to answer.

                "And I'll give you three reasons why," Calvin stated calmly.  "One: we are social creatures that instinctively live in packs.  We don't do well isolated and I know I'm starting to fray at the edges.  I need a friend, a familiar face to turn to at least for awhile."  There, he's said it.  Weakness wasn't something anyone wanted to admit to but he had to put it there.  "I feel like I'm starting to lose myself."

                "Cal…" Chun felt ashamed. 

                "Two: I've landed in a sanctuary.  An actual sanctuary for our kind.  I can't think of a better place to give ourselves a jump start."  The thought was enough to give him hope after fruitless searches for untouched grounds.  Maybe this was what they had been looking for.  "This valley is protected by multiple packs; multiple packs that live in peace with one another and protect a common ground.  We can try to ally ourselves to one of them, join one of them, or even establish here to co-exist by them."

                "I've never thought about it like that," Chun admitted.  They had always assumed they'd have to find unoccupied territory to establish their own place.  "Do you think it can be done?"

                "I don't know," he confessed, "but I think it's worth a try.  It'd be something to work off of."  To be able to find a home again…  "Do you think the others would be willing to uproot and join me?"

                "We've just been waiting for you to call."  Chun wasn't going to tell Calvin about the raging arguments amongst the others to just run and follow Calvin – George and David were especially willing to pack it up and go.  "But we have to be smart about this, make sure this is a viable path.  I'm not going to lead the others into a dead end street here."

                "I agree," he replied.  "That's why I think you should come here first and check this place out with me.  I’ve been on the run too long, you’ve got a clearer head right now.  Between the two of us, we should be able to suss out how safe it would be to dig in." 

                Not able to argue the logic in that, "Alright.  What's reason number three?"

                "Three is simple: it's a girl name Ella."


                The wine glass reflect the soft light from the shaded lamp by the bed and turned the dark wine to almost a ruby red.  She didn't particular care for wines but it helped her sleep at night – dulled the sharp edged spin of her mind.  And these days, she could use all the help she could get.  Sipping the warm alcohol, she patiently waited knowing that there was one more meeting tonight before it was time for bed. 

                The knock on the door was an announcement, not a request.  Poking her head in first, Emma slipped into the room, shut the door, and climbed onto the bed.  Face scrubbed free of makeup, her hair loosely braided down her back, and wearing the most ridiculous green alien pajamas, she looked more fourteen then twenty-four.  She sat there staring at her sister for a moment, as if reading the moment, then reached out and plucked the wineglass out of her hand.  Draining it in one gulp, she reached for the bottle on the nightstand. 

                "He's not what I expected," Emma said as she poured.  Her sister never had trouble reading her or following her sometimes disjointed thoughts. 

                "And what, exactly, were you expecting, GuiGui?" referring to her old childhood nickname.  Ella was one of three people that were stilled allowed to use it. 

                Emma shrugged, "Someone older, someone harder: a little more beaten up by life maybe.  Someone that isn't quite so…" she searched for a word to adequately describe what she felt when she met him. "Quite so sad."  She shrugged again and sipped the wine.  The utter defeat in his eyes hadn’t sat well with her, evoking pity when she shouldn’t allow herself to feel anything.  "I also wasn’t expecting him to be so good looking."

                Ella raised one brow; male physical attributes has never come up with her sister before.  "I assumed you saw him coming."

                "I did," she nodded and gently twisted the carved silver ring on her middle finger.  "But you know how these things are.  Just because I know it's coming doesn't mean I get all the nitty-gritty details.  His face was always the one thing that wasn't so clear to me; didn't even know he was the one until he said he was from North Thumberland – and it was too late by then."

                Twisting the identical ring on her index finger, Ella studied her sister's pretty face for a moment.  "Are we making a mistake?  Letting him stay here?"  Her doubts clouded her eyes as she took the wineglass back and sipped on it again.  Doubts or not, she hadn’t been able to bring herself to turn him away, not when she could see the pain pulsing just under the surface.  "Are we just making it worse?"

                "I don't know," Emma answered, her face reflecting none of her misgivings.  "But I know that none of the darkness that's hung over this place had altered until he came along.  The nightmares are getting worse and I can't seem to…"  She drank straight from the bottle, trying to dull some of the chaotic thoughts that kept her up at night.  "He moved pieces that we couldn't before just by showing up.  So, no; I don't know it's a mistake.  If nothing else it at least moves us past limbo."

                "Didn't get rid of the darkness though, did it?" Ella pointed out, twisting her ring again.  Either one of them said it; neither of them wanted to. 

                Death was coming.  And there was nothing they could do but wait. 


                «The dense leaves blocked out any hint of light, not that much could seen from the waning moon overhead.  It would probably be a good idea to get back before all the woodland nasties come a-calling.  She was in no mood to meet up with anyone tonight, friendly or otherwise.  In fact, she was more likely to put a bullet in anyone that wanted to mess with her – it had been that kind of day.  Stomping her way through some barbed underbrush, she stopped suddenly as all the fine hairs at the nape of her neck stood up.

                She didn't even need to turn to know he was there.  Every nerve in her body was screaming the answer to her.  She had two choices: turn to confront or run like hell.  Neither choices were ideal and both would probably land her on her anyways.  Lovely.  Just what she needed to top off an otherwise crappy- day.  But really, what choice did she have?  And why should she make this easy? 

                Without thinking better of it, she sprinted off into the darkness…»

                Startled, she jolted awake and sat up in bed on pure reflex.  Her heart was pounding hard in her chest, as if she really had raced across the dark woods in her dreams.  Taking a deep breath, she slowly uncurls her hands from the fists she had made.  The tiny half moon marks in her palm attest to her very real reaction to the dream. 

                No… it wasn't a dream.  It was something else.  Events had been set into motion now and there was nothing she could do but brace herself, watch and wait.  And maybe, just maybe, be poised to alter what's to come.    

To be continued…


Author’s Note:  Story is finally starting to flush out a little (thank god), and I think I've made a decent attempt to draw people's interest.  As for the dreams at the end of each chapter, I'm keeping them vague and mysterious purposely – it'll all make sense in the coming chapter.  Just think of them a clues for what's to come.  Okay, happy reading everyone and don't forget to drop me a note on your thoughts. 

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winglinanon #1
Still checking updates every week. This is story is really memorable.
winglinanon #2
Admiring your perserverence! And there are always loyal readers who are equally stubborn! Hahahah :D THank you for the update, and the story is amazing. Loved the realisation between calvin and gui gui. But what was best was the strength between each mates and the emotions between each family!
Chapter 34: Hey Didi!

Happy New Year!
I'm sorry to hear 2018 was rough for you; I hope 2019 treats you better~

I know ChunElla is a must in your stories, but it's certainly VERY different to see GuiGui paired with someone...who's not Aaron, lol. If you think about it though, their personalities are quite similar irl.... So a very interesting match indeed~
I hope GuiGui can get home before there's a war between the packs.

Good job with the other pairs as well (and thanks for keeping this as rated "PG13," lol).

I'm interested to see more of Show and Selina's interaction, considering they just met (but no worries if you can't fit any in).

All in all, a great chapter!

Looking forward to more!
fairytaill #4
Chapter 34: Thank you for the chapter! I really appreciate how much you want to finish this story. I remember the last time you updated was about almost a year ago and I wondered if that hiatus was going to continue until you forgot about it and completely lost inspiration for the story (which I have experienced with multiple authors before).

Also, I'm sorry your year was rough. I can empathize with you on that, 2018 was truly was a horrible year. I had thought 2017 was bad enough and that 2018 would get better... 2018, to the best of my ability, would simply describe it as a dumpster truck of despair, anxiety, and horrible life choices. I may not know what has happened to you in last year or two but I hope that this year will get better (I mean it has to get better at some point). However, I do want to ask, are you okay?

As for the chapter, it had me blushing. HARD. Almost at every section I had to stop to process all the lovey-dovey situations. At the end of the chapter I had both hands on my cheeks and was grinning really hard. I starting to re-read you story again to remind me what is currently going on and I've been having lots of eureka! moments. There are lots of foreshadowing that I had previously over looked and reading the story again I felt rather foolish. I should've realized that Calvin was Emma's mate, especially since there had been clues. I had assumed that Ella would end up with Chun, but it's nice to know they are indeed mates. I didn't know how being a seer would interfere with the whole mate situation. I was thinking they might've been excluded due to their special status but It's nice to know they have someone meant for them.

Sorry, this is random but as I mentioned I had gone back to re-read this story. One thing that has always weighed down on my mind is: who tried to drown Emma at the lake? Is this going to play an important point in the story? Or it was just a minor plot point

Any ways, Thank you!!!
greenteafrap #5
Chapter 34: Welcome back! I love your stories and am happy you've continued this even though you had a really rough 2018. I hope 2019 will be for you a much better year :) fighting!
In this chapter tho i don't know which pairs i like more, all of them give me the feels :) didn't expect Guigui and Calvin but i think they deserve to be happy after everything they've been through.

Hope you're having a good day and its not too late to say happy new year! Right?
winglinanon #6
Chapter 33: Fabulous chapter and always loved the strong sense of family you invoke into your story. Happy New Year and wish you many blessings
Chapter 33: Welp, I certainly don't feel very sorry for those hyenas...

An awesome chapter; I'm glad we finally get an explanation for the dream(s)...

Calvin & Emma are such an unlikely pair, yet you make them work quite well in here.

Ah... Nylon Chen, I presume?

You shouldn't have to apologize for taking so long - life is life, and it's unpredictable. The fact that you've continued this story at all deserves a round of applause in itself. I sincerely hope you have a wonderful 2018, and I look forward to reading the finale!
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Phewwww~~ at least Emma & Calvin are still alive but they haven't gotten out of dangerous zone yet
Please anything or anyone helps them, it's so torturing I can't bear it anymore >.<
I hope Calvin will not do anything to Emma that would make him regrets later T_T

PS: There is no need for you to apologize, really!! .... on the other hand, us (readers) should be grateful that you are trying your best in updating this fanfic despise we have no idea what you have been through in your personal daily life.
We might look like strangers to each other ...... but have been following/knowing you through your fanfics all these years I at least could tell how committed you are. It might be hard but I hope you can have a good day while smiling ^^
fairytaill #9
Chapter 33: Thank you for updating first of all. I seriously love the way you write and wish I could incorporate such vivid detail and emotion as you.

Second, don't be sorry about how long it takes you to update. Life is so odd and frustrating, and I totally understand you when you say it's like a roller coaster. It's impossible to stay commitmented to just this story when there are so many things happening. I dont necessarily physically, sometimes mental changes are equally or far more draining than physical.
Of course I can't deny the fact that the intervals between chapter update frustrates me but it's not something I can't handle ( as a devoted fan and completionist)

I'm cheering you on, not just to finish the story but in life. You seem to have had a difficult year, not that I actually know what you're going through… but you seem like a person who is patient and responsible and reasonable (I'm saying this based on past conversations I've had with you and the fact you couldve abandon this story but you didn't) you'll make it out of what ever is happening.

I think I started to wander but to simplify, I'm cheering you on
(oh gosh I'm just awful at trying to be supportive…)
Chapter 32: OH GOD!! every time I read your fanfic I felt like I was lifted high in the air and unable to breath properly
My heart would go thum thum thum .... like sitting a in roller coaster which operating in its full speed
that I sometimes I need to hold back my breath and/or scream.
I hope Emma and Calvin are ok, why she did wait a little longer before jumping.
I really really wish that thing will not be ended as bad as Ella & Emma' visions T_T