Krisho/Exo-m: Play II

AU drabble dump

a/n: Sequel to C. 20 titled "Play Krisho/Exo-M". Prepare your hearts for krisho and small children and overall cuteness.

Drabble 30: Play Part II (Krisho/Exo-M)

To Yifan’s surprise, Junmyeon had arrived earlier than he had to the shelter, and was already on duty. He was crouched in the shadows in his wolf form, patiently watching over the five wolf pups that they had been assigned to. It had been three months since they had come to the shelter and the pups were growing fast under the nurturing care of the orphanage. Right now, the pups were all playing around in their wolf forms, but they were also able to change into their human forms as well.


Junmyeon whipped his head around, his lips pulled back in a snarl, but he relaxed when he saw that it was only Yifan calling out to him. Junmyeon got to his feet and gracefully padded over to stand by Yifan’s side. There was a faint popping noise, and then Junmyeon was standing in his human form, smiling warmly up at Yifan.

“I was about to have the kids turn into the human forms and play in the field some more. It’ll help them get used to their human forms.”

“Alright, that sounds good to me.” Yifan yelped in surprise when something warm and fuzzy hit his ankles and he nearly toppled over. He flinched in surprise, and then fell forwards when four more fuzzy objects pelted into his ankles and knocked his feet out from beneath him.

He braced himself for the impact against the hard ground, but was surprise when he got a face full of soft cloth instead. “…Huh?”

“I’m so sorry!” Junmyeon squeaked in mortification and tried to roll out from beneath Yifan. “Are you ok?”

Yifan groaned in pain when Junmyeon successfully yanked his torso out from beneath Yifan’s face, and let Yifan faceplant in the dirt. “Ah! I’m sorry!” Junmyeon yelped, and Yifan could practically see Junmyeon fluttering around in panic as he lay on the ground. At last, he raised his face and shot a one-eyed glare at the suspiciously innocent-faced wolf pups watching him from behind Junmyeon. “I’m fine,” he mumbled. When Junmyeon didn’t stop panicking, he repeated himself again in a little louder tone. “I’m fine, Junmyeon. See? Just fine.” Yifan smiled and pointed at his face, and Junmyeon relaxed when he realized that Yifan was indeed unharmed.

“Oh thank goodness,” Junmyeon sighed. Then, he rounded on the five wolf pups looking innocently up at him. “You five have to be careful! Yifan could have been hurt!”

Judging from the mischievous smirk on Jongdae and Luhan’s faces, Yifan could tell that this wouldn’t be the last time something like this was going to happen. He had to give it to them—they were a smart bunch of wolves, and they had easily picked up on Junmyeon and Yifan’s slightly awkward affection for each other after spending so much time with them for the past few months.

“Alright kids. Why don’t you five turn into your human forms and we can play some more games together?” Yifan brushed the dust off of the front of his pants and then walked over to crouch by the five pups. “Do you all remember how to turn shift?”

There was a uncertain whine from Luhan, and then a faint popping noise sounded and in Luhan’s place stood a small boy of about five years of age. Junmyeon instantly scooped him up in his arms and cooed at him, lightly tapping his nose. Yifan couldn’t stop the soft warmth that bloomed in his chest when he saw Junmyeon smiling down at Luhan, but then his attention was drawn back to the pups when Minseok and Tao both quickly transformed.

Jongdae was the last one left, and he looked upset as he curled on himself and let out a distressed whine. Yifan reached out and ran a soothing hand over his fur. “Don’t get upset baby. It’s ok, it takes a long time to get used to it. Remember, think to that special part of your brain that seems just out of reach, like a cloud in the sky. You might have to reach a little to catch it…”

A few seconds later and Jongdae had transformed from a small, trembling wolf pup into a human boy with a kittenish smile and big brown eyes. In an instant, Yifan scooped Jongdae up into his arms and lifting the smiling boy into the air. “You did it! Great job!”

He failed to notice Junmyeon watching the two of them with a fond expression on his face.

a/n: Sorry about the ending, I just need to stop here and study for my test tomorrow ahaha. This is for Julia aka. laughingvirus on this site/lj WHO ATTACKED ME WITH WOLF PUPPY PICTURES AND MADE ME WANT TO WRITE THIS. Sorry it's short, but I hope you guys enjoyed! Comments are much loved. Series is still on hiatus for the time being.

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2454 streak #1
Chapter 45: was this ever turned into a full on fic? the backstory and just the plot from here is already very interesting... i love it! would've loved if it was longer...

and as i reach the end, thank you for all the beautiful drabbles! they were all so lovely to read :)
2454 streak #2
Chapter 36: i was intending to finish all the drabbles i was interested in before commenting but this was adorable imo... pups getting used to transforming to their human forms with their guardians fawning over them? at the same time prospecting, idk a future with all of them together??? couldn't resist!
RyuWatanabe #3
Chapter 35: It should be secreet meeting joking...still love this...
RyuWatanabe #4
And not to mention your writing is beautiful. ( I think I have mentiooned it so many times and I guess you have heard it a thank you for suhan...I love both masked and uptown downtown
RyuWatanabe #5
Chapter 46: Suhan and more suhan...why the only now I found them hidden in
RyuWatanabe #6
Chapter 4: I just wanna tell wow...I dunno whether it conclude everything or
aarushic_18 #7
Chapter 46: I reaaaaaally like this au!
Chapter 46: I'm going to say this so I wont regret it later
Ok, there I said it /crying ugly fat crocodile tears/

I search for the 1st part when I see the title contains 'pt.2' bc i guess there must be pt.1 if there is pt.2, so i go there before i open this and I already fall in love with pt.1 with all the angst ;; and I anticipate the next part will be something lovely like probably suhan make up or smt, but....../sobs/
Well, this is lovely in angsty way(?? Umm....)

I just.... I love this, I love suhan, I .... What should I do ;;
I love you, thank you <3
Chapter 45: please make it into a full fic autor-nim.........TT
i'm begging you
i'm craving for more suho and kris, krisho fells.....