XiuChen: Thief

AU drabble dump

Drabble 11: Thief

Jongdae shivered and began to run as the rain began to fall harder. Lightning flashed in the sky, and the road was illuminated for a brief moment before the world fell into darkness again. Baekhyun gasped for breath and choked as he tripped over a large branch, only to pull himself up and keep running.

Finally, a small light came into view. Jongdae forced himself to keep moving until he dragged himself up on to the porch and pounded on the door.

“Is that you, Jongdae?”

“Yes, please let me in!”

The door opened, and Jongdae fell inside. “Xiumin…”

“You’re bleeding. Come on, let’s get you changed and dry.”

“No—wait.” Jongdae pulled out a slightly dampened cloth back from beneath his cloak. “I got the food.”

“Did you have to steal?”

Jongdae gave Xiumin a level stare. “What do you think?”

Xiumin pursed his lips and looked away.

Their silent argument was broken off by Chanyeol coming into the entryway. “Jongdae, hurry up and get dry. You’re soaked to the bone.”

Jongdae the food into Xiumin’s hands and hurried down the hallway.

Later, after they’d eaten, Jongdae snuck into Xiumin’s room and curled up under the warm covers. Xiumin threw a gentle arm over his waist and pulled him closer, curling around Jongdae to try and keep him warm.

“Are you still mad at me?”

“I’m not mad, I’m worried that you’ll get caught,” Xiumin whispered softly. “And if you get caught, where will we be? We barely get enough money as it is, and Chanyeol is going away to join the palace guard soon. He’ll need his own money to live inside the city.”

“The others all work.”

“I can’t live off of their money forever.”

“What do you mean? You take care of the house, and in return, we take care of you. It’s as simple as that, Xiumin.”

“You have to steal so that you can feed my extra mouth.”

“We’d never think of kicking you out,” Jongdae said firmly.

Xiumin sighed heavily next to him, but let the matter drop. “Sleep well, Jongdae.”

“You too, Xiumin.”

The room fell quiet, save for the soft breaths of the couple snuggling on their small bed.

a/n:I realize that there wasn't much context for this drabble, but hopefully it still makes sense? Leave a comment below if you get confused. Also, please comment to let me know your reaction in general! Thanks for reading, and upvote and subscribe if you're enjoying the series so far.

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2440 streak #1
Chapter 45: was this ever turned into a full on fic? the backstory and just the plot from here is already very interesting... i love it! would've loved if it was longer...

and as i reach the end, thank you for all the beautiful drabbles! they were all so lovely to read :)
2440 streak #2
Chapter 36: i was intending to finish all the drabbles i was interested in before commenting but this was adorable imo... pups getting used to transforming to their human forms with their guardians fawning over them? at the same time prospecting, idk a future with all of them together??? couldn't resist!
RyuWatanabe #3
Chapter 35: It should be secreet meeting suhan...lol..just joking...still love this...
RyuWatanabe #4
And not to mention your writing is beautiful. ( I think I have mentiooned it so many times and I guess you have heard it a lot...lol) thank you for suhan...I love both masked and uptown downtown
RyuWatanabe #5
Chapter 46: Suhan and more suhan...why the only now I found them hidden in here...lol
RyuWatanabe #6
Chapter 4: I just wanna tell wow...I dunno whether it conclude everything or not...lol
aarushic_18 #7
Chapter 46: I reaaaaaally like this au!
Chapter 46: I'm going to say this so I wont regret it later
Ok, there I said it /crying ugly fat crocodile tears/

I search for the 1st part when I see the title contains 'pt.2' bc i guess there must be pt.1 if there is pt.2, so i go there before i open this and I already fall in love with pt.1 with all the angst ;; and I anticipate the next part will be something lovely like probably suhan make up or smt, but....../sobs/
Well, this is lovely in angsty way(?? Umm....)

I just.... I love this, I love suhan, I .... What should I do ;;
I love you, thank you <3
Chapter 45: please make it into a full fic autor-nim.........TT
i'm begging you
i'm craving for more suho and kris, krisho fells.....