The King's Enchanting Court

Stalkers, Fanboys and Romantics

The King’s Enchanting Court

The clock ticks by in slow seconds as Minseok sits at the kitchen counter, waiting for his insane best friend to FINALLY get dressed.

‘Best friend’


Believe me, Kim Minseok does recognize what such a status entails. His suffering his boundless and plentiful. He regrets all his life choices to be honest.

Especially all the hapless choices that involve and relate to Luhan.


 His Huntsman suit is well pressed, and stretched across his impressive if not small stature. There isn’t a hair out of place, his pretty cat eyes slanted in boredom, scrolling through his twitter account wondering how on earth Luhan can tweet every ten seconds but can't seem to get dressed already.

They are already nearly an hour late.

Or in Luhan’s mind, absolutely on time.

Minseok glances over to Kris, who has given up trying to get Luhan to get out of his room, the younger man now content with watching a replay of yesterday’s play off match, his suit only slightly ruffled but no longer bothering to even try to save his hair, having tugged at it a few times when Luhan unceremoniously kicked him out of his room insisting that it was impossible to rush perfection!!


Eating cereal in his sweats and watching Manchester United play Arsenal as far as Minseok is concerned doesn’t count as sculpting or personal grooming but that’s the excuse Luhan is using for the delay and as with all things related to Luhan, reason cannot be had with him.

Kris had showed up exactly on time, looking like a hero from a Disney princess movie, the only difference being rather than a cape and boots, he wore a well pressed dark formal black Burberry suit and shiny matching Oxfords and instead of glass slippers he came bearing a corsage that Luhan ended up in tears laughing on the floor at when he saw it.

Kris was only mildly embarrassed, even though Minseok had to agree with Luhan on that one.

A corsage? In 2017? Yeah. No.

Luhan thereafter dodged all of Kris’s questions as to why he wasn’t ready and would only insist that he needed ample preparation and then slammed his bedroom door in his boyfriend’s face. Minseok knew it was just to watch his match in peace. Kris had tried calling out to him a few times but eventually gave up and found solace in Sports Centre.

Jongin was sadly much the same.

He was currently sleeping quite contently on the couch opposite, no care or concern for his outfit or hair, having arrived forty minute or so earlier and informed that Sehun too was chasing perfection. In Sehun’s case however it was very much true.

The younger had spent the morning at the spa and then shopping and the last Minseok saw of him he was in a face mask and glaring down his closet.

At least Sehun had the decency to keep his chaos limited to his bedroom.

Jongdae had made a mess of the dining table, thankfully not with body fluids for a change, attempting to do some crazy dyeing to his hair that did not end well. Yixing forced to do some damage control, in the form of the release of body fluids actually.

To cheer him up, Yixing had insisted!

 Minseok had strayed them with water and chased them from the dining room promising to kill them both the next time he walked in on them in flagrante delicto.

Minseok had known that deciding to move in with Luhan, Sehun and Yixing was a bad idea but after Luhan’s incessant demands he really had no choice. The man was ing obsessive and unrelenting. He would have no peace at all if he didn't give in to Luhan’s demands.

So here he is.

Incurring many trials and tribulations.

 The house assigned to them thanks to Luhan’s family and their bottomless pockets,  was located on campus but just off the student housing block. It was a mammoth nine bedroom near mansion with its swimming pool and tennis court and all the other built in amenities, that rumours insist Luhan’s family had constructed just for him.

Wealth was no stranger to anyone attending their prestigious school. It was basically a dumping ground for the children of the wealthy but even by their standards it was kind of excessive.

Luhan had grown tired of shared accommodations, having outgrown his desire to be part of the “masses” and had decided on a return to the comforts of home. He also had some inane desire to be even closer to his friends and family and after that desire was crystallized,  it was basically impossible to get him to change his mind.

He thereafter mandated that Minseok  move in with him, a room prepared to match all of Minseok’s wants and desires, simply waiting for him.

It was definitely better than student housing, which was in and of itself quite nice.

Sehun didn’t have much choice in the matter either, his parents opting for a world trip and rather than leaving him unsupervised (even though he  was already unsupervised more often than not) at their family vacation home on the outskirts of the campus had been sent to live with Luhan.

 Yixing the only one that was willing, and well Jongdae, since they were a combo deal, though technically Jongdae was not an actual resident.

Yet he always seemed to be there anyway which is not surprising to anyone.

The experience so far has been exactly as you would expect, Minseok having attempted murder more than a few times, infinitely grateful that Kris is here now to help him with some of the craziness.

Like now.

Jongdae shirtless with his hand down Yixing’s pants as they cuddled on the single armchair.

“Knock it off Jongdae” Minseok hissed.

“This is a public place. Haven’t we discussed this already? Stop being gross!” Minseok scolds, sliding off the bar stool at the kitchen bar, walking over with his spray bottle.

It worked for disciplining cats didn’t it?

It was perfect for Jongdae too. He was basically a cat in heat anyway.

Before he can grumble, Minseok is spritzing water at him, Yixing just laughing as he disconnects their lips and shifting from underneath Jongdae so that his hand would be dislodged. He had the shame to look sheepish at least.

Jongdae on the other hand, not so much.

“You could just say you want to join Hyung. You don't have to ruin my fun!” Jongdae complains with a greasy wink, making Minseok roll his eyes hard.

“Never happening Jongdae” Minseok rejects clearly.

“Shouldn't you be getting yourself decent to go with Chanyeol anyway? He should be here soon” Minseok informs as Jongdae tries to get the water from his face, the information stopping him in his tracks.

“Ahh that’s right”.

He swiftly turns to Yixing.

“I have a date.”

“How dare you seduce me?” He condemns, dead serious.

Then proceeds to smack his boyfriend on the shoulder, and chastising him about leading him to sin, all with the most serious composure Minseok has seen.

Crazy people.

All round him.

Crazy crazy people.

“Sorry Love” Yixing dutifully apologizes, always going along with his boyfriend’s antics.

He then offers to help Jongdae finish getting dressed which Minseok sees right through, sending Jongdae on his way to find a shirt and his jacket and promising to get Yixing in order himself.

Jongdae of course complains about Yixing getting preferential treatment over him but is of course ignored by Minseok who drags Yixing to his feet and neatens him out himself, Yixing childlike and cute, very different from his concupiscent boyfriend. Until he winks at Minseok, dimples on display, Minseok flicking his forehead before sending him to find a tie and some shoes.

 Minseok is already tired and the night hadn't begun as yet.


Baekhyun however has the honour of breaking up the pity party, slamming the door open and announcing his “AMAZING PRESENCE”.

His words. Not Minseok’s.

“Dont start” Minseok immediately directs, really not in the mood for Baekhyun too.

“Why do you deny my AMAZINGNESS HYUNG?? WHY????” Baekhyun bemoans, theatrically clutching at his wounded heart apparently.

Minseok rolls his eyes again.

He is afraid it will be permanently lodged in the back of his skull due to the frequency of the action.

“Just shut up Byun” Minseok directs when he deemed a response necessary.

 Baekhyun does not like the reception he is receiving, if the grumbled response is any indication.

Thankfully Jongdae returns then, fully dressed finally, sporting a nicely patterned Gucci suit, his now faded brown locks styled nicely, managing to take Baekhyun’s attention, both exaggeratedly congratulating each other on being God’s gift to humanity and such, being their usual grating selves, which Minseok is happy to ignore until he hears Baekhyun mention Kyungsoo and his .

Oh hell no.

“You better be on your best behaviour today Byun Baekhyun! Kyungsoo is already pissed that he is forced to dance with you. Dont provoke him. I’m sure he will make you swallow your balls” Minseok warns sternly, worried about how this night will end to be honest.

Baekhyun of course only giggles.

“Ball swallowing” he repeats with a giggle.

“I’m a fan frankly”

“I certainly won’t mind on his balls” he says wistfully.

“Swallowing my own balls though”

“Not  really into that kind of self pleasure  but if my little hobbit likes that kind of  I am willing if he is” Baekhyun continues seemingly having given the matter of “balls ”  some serious consideration.

Baekhyun has never attempted to on his own balls but you live and you learn.

“And for the record I always swallow” Baekhyun chortles, face split into a proud grin.

I mean.

 It's just a fact and he thinks they should know that he is very pro-swallowing.

Everyone should be frankly.


When Jongdae interjects with an anecdote of the time he engaged in some and swallowing of his own, Minseok tunes them out, pretty much done with that conversation, wondering if he it is possible to bleach his ears.

Kris only gives a raised eyebrow before he too is smartly lifting the volume on the television, which is a perfectly apt response, if it had not inadvertently roused the sleeping baby.

Jongin, with a grumble and wiping sleep from his eyes, tries to sit, looking like baby bear himself.

“‘S he ready yet?” he slurs, still busy trying to get his eyes to focus, especially in light of the great big sleepy yawn leaving his lips.

Whenever Minseok has that fantasy of abandoning all of  his crazy friends in the woods for dead, Jongin was the only one he ever brought home with him.

Jongin was just too precious.


“Dont think so kiddo” Minseok answers as he walks over to the child on the couch, thankful for the television blocking out Jongdae’s and  Baekhyun’s cackling, Jongin adorably sleep dazed.

Minseok is in the midsts of patting Jongin back to sleep, a slow to his smooth fluffy hair as he remains sprawled over Minseok’s lap, blinking adorably up at him, when Sehun finally deems them worthy of his presence.

He comes cascading down the impressive stairwell like a drama chabeol (to be fair he sort of was), the deep rich dark grey of his well tailored Thom Browne suit matching the very metal tones of his newly dyed silvery grey hair, silky black shirt and thinly shaped tie nicely accentuated and clipped, shoes shiny and perfect, looking like he is out to kill or torture.

He probably is, all things considered.

Minseok can appreciate the kid’s style, if nothing else.

Jongin it seems is also so minded, sitting up quickly, taking a very long appreciative look at his friend, swallowing noisily, eyes immediately focused, Minseok rubbing at his back, finding the mild adoration cute.

Minseok isn't blind.

He knows something had been brewing there a while now but so far Jongin hadn't said anything and Minseok didn't wish to be presumptuous or nosy, so let him be.

Jongin will come to him when he is ready. He always does. Minseok will wait on him.

“You look amazing Sehun!” Jongin is quick to praise, his eyes bright and expressive, clearly taking it all in,  standing up to greet his “date”, ever mannerly.

Sehun however does not share his unwilling “date’s” mannerly disposition.

“Of course I do”


With a patented eye roll and a now characteristic scoff, straightening out the pressed lines of his suit, not deeming Jongin worthy a look.

This kid.

Minseok swears Sehun will regret  the unnecessary attitude someday.

Eventually he looks up, Jongin taking the comment in stride, accustomed to Sehun’s less than stellar deportment sometimes.

Snarky little bastard always so smug! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

“Wish I could say the same for you”

“Did you take that outfit out from a dumpster? OH MY GOD”

Sehun is clearly distressed, his eyes wide and face contouring rather uglily to be honest.



“What’s wrong with my outfit?” Jongin demands, looking down at his perfectly acceptable black well fitting slacks and wine coloured shirt, now disheveled admittedly, untucked from his pants, no tie or jacket, unable to find them.

“Everything” Sehun sighs mightily with a frustrated ‘woe is me’ hand to his forehead.

Ever dramatic their maknae.

“You CANNOT be seen in public with me dressed like THAT!” Sehun huffs, hands making it to his hips this time, whatever Jongin wants to say lost as he stares at the shape created by Sehun’s movement.

‘Don't go there. Just don't’

Oh Dear God.

“I don't think he looks bad” Minseok injects, giving Jongin a proper once over, seeing the need to defend their baby.

It's a rule after all.

Must protect Jongin! He is their Baby Bear.

Also the kid has this insane ability to look drop dead gorgeous in whatever he wears, not even looking under dressed, instead appearing artfully scuffed up, with the pants tight along his firm thighs, shoulders and chest broad in the strangely well fitting shirt, which matches delightfully with his sun-kissed skin and hair sleep tousled carelessly but somehow giving a y bed hair look.

“He doesn't look good enough to be seen with ME though” Sehun counters, blowing out a burst of air from his mouth as he stomps over to Jongin, grabbing his hand and tugging the confused child behind him.

“Sehun!” Jongin groans, but in the end follows along dutifully as Sehun mutters about ‘obscenely underdressed’ and ‘not good enough for me’.

Minseok watches them go with mild concern, wondering if he should rescue Jongin or not, but in the end deciding that it is not worth the effort of getting involved with the two, watching as Sehun all but drags Jongin up the flight of steps to his room.

His decision is confirmed when he hears a ruckus from Sehun’s room, Jongin yelling about Sehun undressing him or something along those lines and Sehun demanding that Jongin held still.

“Gonna go see what's happening?” Kris inquires, nodding his head in the direction of  the flight of steps that led to Sehun’s room and the clear squabble happening.

“Nope” Minseok answers with a shake of his head.

Kris nods in acceptance.

If Minseok thinks it's  fine, who is he to disagree?

“Is he gonna be out soon?” Kris questions again, clearly referring to his boyfriend.

“Shouldn't I be asking you that?” Minseok counters with a raised eyebrow.

“Do I ever know anything about him and his crazy thoughts?” Kris remarks with a low chuckle, voice laced with resignation.

“Point taken” Minseok accepts.

They sit in companionable silence, or well the two of them do, all around them however is surrounded with noise, Baekhyun cackling something or the other and some sort of commotion from upstairs from Sehun’s room, a pained groan from Jongin about Sehun pulling his hair in the mix.

Eventually Kris leaves his comfortable seat, taking the steps at a leisurely pace, heading to Luhan’s room. That little trip ends with some yelling from Luhan and Kris making his way down the steps with an annoyed expression, holding his forehead where Luhan apparently threw something at him.

He falls back onto the sofa next to Minseok with a sigh.

“Why did I ever decide dating him was a good idea?” Kris asks rhetorically, massaging his forehead with a grimace.

“Like I know” Minseok shrugs, seeing that as a good enough response.

Kris simply sighs in agreement.


Twenty minutes later, Sehun drags a reluctant Jongin down the steps, the child clearly unhappy with proceedings, but damn if he doesn't look good.

“I’m a genius I know” Sehun shamelessly boasts, analyzing Jongin with critical eyes, walking around him as he takes him in from every angle.

As close to perfection as possible.

‘I’m  a miracle worker clearly.’

Jongin is now in a sleek black designer suit, Thom Browne as well Minseok figures, since Sehun favours the brand.

It's complete with well fitting trousers that hugged his thighs, a form fitting jacket pulled across his wide chest, a crisp white shirt and a slim dark patterned tie to be knotted, his dark hair styled in some sort of coiff, and shiny dress shoes with matching socks (which he obviously hates), all matched with some sort of shiny lip gloss that made his lips look a million times fuller.

Chanyeol who had arrived in the intervening period definitely chokes at the sight of the younger man, Minseok whacking him on the back as he continues to be more interested in staring at Jongin, than well...saving his own life.

This is how a man should die Chanyeol thinks.

Breath taken away by an angel.

“I can't say he doesn't look better” Minseok is forced to acknowledge.

If Jongin was handsome before, he  is downright divine right now.

“Sorry Jonginnie” Minseok sympathizes, Jongin clearly not caring for the compliment after having been bullied by Sehun once again.

“You look stunning Jonginnie” Chanyeol fawns quite openly.

Jongin looks a little sheepish at the praise, never having gotten accustomed to compliments with his shy personality.

“You should be praising ME NOT HIM!” Sehun scoffs.

“You should have seen him before. He looked like a beggar” Sehun points out, lips twisting meanly.

“Hey!” Jongin complains, which Sehun of course ignores.

“Jonginnie is always gorgeous” Chanyeol insists instead, taking lovelorn steps over to Jongin, who looks positively flattered at Chanyeol’s  words, a little red dusting his cheeks.

“See Sehun?” Jongin turns to Sehun, wanting to use that to make the point that his outfit was sufficient if not excessive like Sehun’s choice for him.

“Like his opinion matters?” Sehun rolls his eyes.

Chanyeol has zero style or taste. Everyone knows THAT.

“Don't be mean Sehun” Jongin reprimands sharply, his amusement killed at the way Chanyeol face falls.

Sehun is shocked into silence.

Jongin doesn't often reprimand Sehun or lose his cool,  but when he does it  can be a little scary.Sehun hates when he is like that. Its when he knows he has crossed a line.


Sehun’s pride won't allow him to apologize or take back the words so he just huffs and looks away, ending the little tit for tat there.

“Thank you Chanyeollie hyung. You look really handsome too” Jongin compliments, reaching over to bro-fist Chanyeol’s chest, smiling at him.

Chanyeol is all dressed up in a sleek suit as well, hair styled for a change, looking quite sharp admittedly.

Chanyeol’s knees get weak at the compliment and the touch.

HOW IS HE REAL???????????

“He is drooling for god’s sake!” Sehun says, disgusted, the comment slipping past his lips before he can help himself.

“Gross” Sehun turns up his nose.

Chanyeol is so ing obvious, oh my ing god!

Sehun is kind of embarrassed for him. Jongin is never going to get that Chanyeol likes him, no matter how obvious Chanyeol is. It's kind of pitiful actually, but Sehun isn't compelled for some reason to feel sorry for Chanyeol.

It really is plain embarrassing, the way he fawns over Jongin.

What's so great about Jongin anyway? Or better yet, why does Chanyeol think he is allowed to be so greasy with Sehun’s slave???

These are questions that need immediate responses.

Sehun feels uncomfortable for some reason, so he just sneers.

Jongin ignores him in favour of letting Dumbo, also known as Chanyeol, fawn over him.

This is so disturbing.

Sehun is not pleased at being ignored!!

Stupid Jongin being mean to him and not appreciating his efforts to make him tolerable.

Before Chanyeol could be even more stupidly obvious about his perpetual hard on for Jongin, Sehun gets tired of the show and interjects, grabbing Jongin’s arm.

“You still didn't even thank me” Sehun chastises, as he turns on Jongin with a glare, not sure why he felt the burning desire to interrupt the two but just knowing that he had to, ignoring Chanyeol who rolls his eyes at Sehun’s pettiness.

And well Sehun did think he deserved some thanks for his amazing work.

Jongin is so ungrateful.

Angel, my . PFFFFF

“I made you into an ten at the very least! You are finally worthy of being seen with me” He continues, as arrogant as ever, turning Jongin to face him, Jongin’s expression a little firm, still unhappy with Sehun, which for some reason makes Sehun chest constrict a little.

His shirt is just too tight he tells himself.

Why should he give a if Jongin thinks less of him anyway?

This is so ing annoying.

“Whatever” Jongin dismisses, sensing clearly that this was an argument that is not worth having.

Sehun is a little mean but there usually isn't any real malice or any real intention to hurt. He is just bad at self expression Jongin reasons.  Albeit part of him knows he is just making excuses for Sehun, but that's the price he must pay for being dumb enough to find the rude menace attractive, and worse, adorable.

Crushes kill brain-cells and conviction he has realized.

Sehun unperturbed simply steps forward to knot the hanging tie, pressing his hands against Jongin’s chest and adjusting the suit lapels, Jongin barely hiding the blush that fans his cheeks.

Sehun smells so good and he looks so handsome, perfectly clear skin and sharp features softening as he unconsciously nibbles at his bottom lip in concentration, Jongin staring at him adoringly, the mild annoyance forgotten.

He is just so gorgeous. How could he not stare???

Everyone’s attention is forced elsewhere however when Luhan makes his presence known.


“Step aside es. Perfection has arrived!”

 Luhan bellows as he finally descends the steps, pushing Sehun into Jongin’s chest as he made his grand arrival, twirling around like a Princess, ignoring Sehun’s disgruntled ‘Hey!’ and Jongin’s stuttering at having the object of his affections pressed into him.

Chanyeol not happy with this development at all, lowkey sulking.

 Luhan true to his form looking the picture of handsome with his very clearly well tailored Armani deepest blue suit fitting to perfection, his doe eyes matched with soft, gently styled honey brown hair.

“What? No applause?” He complains, clearly not appreciating the silence.

“They are too uncultured for that hyung” Baekhyun laments.

“ers didn't even have the decency to tell me how ing y I look” Baekhyun chastises with a glare around the room.

“Language Byun Baekhyun” Minseok reprimands immediately.

Baekhyun smiles at him adoringly. Minseok glares at him, but shameless as ever he is unperturbed.

Baekhyun is appeased however by Jongdae insists quite vocally that he definitely told him that his was really able in those pants!

“Are you finally ready?” Minseok inquires instead, not interested in feeding Luhan’s already inflated ego or dealing with the rest of the crazies.

As it is Kris will inflate Luhan’s ego to exponential levels all on his own, his jaw already on the floor as he stands quickly, taking mammoth steps over to his gorgeous boyfriend, who bats his eyelashes at him in fake coyness that makes Minseok want to barf.

He all but throws himself at Kris, dragging him down for a gross kiss that could maybe  make Jongdae blush. Except he didn't blush just catcalls from over where he is perched on Yixing’s lap, for a change not groping him.

It’s out of respect for his date he would later claim.

Kim Jongdae takes loyalty very seriously!

“Well don't you look nice” Luhan hums in appreciation, acting as if he didn't see Kris more than hour ago when he showed up to take him to the dance at the time he was supposed to be dressed for, he too taking to straightening out Kris’s outfit, who is too busy making heart eyes at him, large hand pressed to Luhan’s back.

Pretty Luhan~

“Well not as good as me but that’s expected. ” Luhan adds as an afterthought, though he clearly is teasing.

“No one ever looks as good as me” he comments, as he continues to fuss over his boyfriend.

Kris does not deem him worthy of a verbal response, just nipping at his nose playfully.

“Wufan!” he almost squeals, the happiness radiating off him.

“Why is everyone so ing gross with all the fawning and gay ? Can't we just go to this dumb dance already?” Sehun snaps, arms folded over his chest as he looks at Kris and Luhan.

They are so ing disgusting.

“Oh Sehun!” Minseok scolds immediately, his practiced disappointed eyes landing on Sehun.

“Sorry” Sehun mumbles out of respect, rather than genuine chastisement.

Minseok still insists that Sehun is too young to curse.


“They are even grosser than Jongdae and Yixing hyung though” He defends.

Luhan’s dumb boyfriend is so whipped it's ing embarrassing.

Sehun lowkey-Wait- He high key hates them.

Why the does crazy Luhan get a marginally attractive boyfriend that will fawn over him and Sehun is stuck going to this stupid dance with Jongin of all people?!

This is all Suho and that dumb cardboard Princess’s fault!

Sehun is going to spit on them when he sees them. For real. He is. Maybe. Probably. Whatever.

Luhan flips him off.

“Don't be such a bitter hoe Sehunnie” Luhan singsongs.

Maybe Sehun should spit on Luhan too.

“You are lucky Jonginnie is too nice to kick your sorry to the curb and make you stay home alone and wallow in misery over the fact that the Captain of the Lame Brigade chose a cardboard cutout over you” Luhan says as he disengages from his boyfriend,  not even feeling bad about his scathing words.

Sehun needs to get as good as he gives. It's the only way balance is maintained.

“Go yourself!” Sehun hollers back, his face red from anger, Jongin biting back a giggle.

He never manages to bully Sehun, so has no choice but to take pleasure when other people manage to do it.

“I hope your dumb boyfriend breaks his and you die from blue balls!” Sehun hisses in anger, not one to take talk directed at him lightly.


“How dare you! Take that back right away!” Luhan is horrified.

How will he survive without ‘Yong’???

What a horrible thought! Yong must be protected at all cost, even from ill wishes.

Sehun is a monster!!!

Kris looks down at the family jewels reverently, silently saying a pray that he is protected from the evil that roams the earth in the form of Oh Sehun and for his jewels continued well being and superiority.

“Nooooooo” Sehun sticks his tongue at Luhan, quite enjoying Luhan’s horror stricken face.

Before Luhan can grab at him and provide the lamest disney princess version catfight in the history of kitten throwdowns, Minseok grabs him around the middle.

“Stop it both of you” Minseok heaves.

Just a regular day in this deranged household to be honest.

“Minseokkieeeee”  Luhan screeches as he turns into the smaller man’s arms, finally realizing that he had not hit on Minseok as yet.

Just one look at Luhan’s mischievous grin and Minseok is desperately trying to push him away.

“Why so y baby?” he purrs as he tries to plant a kiss on Minseok’s lips, who barely manages to avoid the unwanted affection.

“Get the fu- .. I mean get the hell off me” Minseok insists, pushing at Luhan’s chest, mindful of being a good example to the kids.

That ship as probably sailed already when he comes to Sehun but Jongin could still be saved.

He catches the two in his peripheral vision, Sehun sulking over Luhan’s words and Jongin at his back, their mild disagreement from earlier forgotten as Jongin takes over his usual task of comforting Sehun.

“Come collect your psychopath Kris” Minseok directs as he pushes Luhan in Kris’s direction, who honestly just takes his boyfriend around the waist, no contradiction offered.

“Leave Minseok hyung alone Luhan” Kris recites dutifully, his hand taking a firm grip on the smaller man.

“But he looks so good. I could just eat him up!” Luhan whines, giving Kris puppy eyes.


“Is that something you should say to your boyfriend?” Kris questions with netted eyebrows, not sure he will ever get accustomed to Luhan’s very acute lack of social etiquette.

Even if he feels that way, must he really say it?

“Who else should I say that too? How else would you know that I want to eat Baozi?” Luhan is confused.

If not Wufan who else should he tell about his desires?

“Forget it” Kris grumbles, heaving a sigh and pinching his nose as he looks to the ceiling.

Kris isn't a particularly religious man, but he thinks he would certainly need divine assistance to date Luhan and not kill them both.

Luhan just hums at him, reaching a hand out to soothe his eyebrows like he often does, leaning forward to kiss at his lips, Kris’s anger forgotten at the painfully cute action.

“Now let me go so I can squish Minseokkie!” Luhan says when he pulls way.

Kris just tightens his arms around him. Luhan stomps on his foot with a smile and escapes, and is soon snuggling into an exasperated Minseok’s neck as Kris hops around hissing in pain.

Sehun meanly snickers in the background.

“Dumb lamppost” he says in glee, Jongin shaking his head at Sehun, but can't help the smile tugging at his lips.

“Can we just go before I have to kill one of you jackasses?” Minseok finally heaves, not even trying to get Luhan off of him.

It's been a long night and he hasn't even been to the dance as yet.


He gets a few murmured responses with some disagreements yet. Baekhyun though is very excited to get going.

His time with Kyungsoo (and his ) clearly being cut into.

“Before you degenerates leave though, let's set up some ground rules” Minseok halts his corralling of his Crazies as he taken to calling them in his mind.

“Rules are lame Hyung!” Jongdae informs with a sneer.

“YOLO HYUNG. YOLO” He makes clear.

“You only die once too and I am quite happy to make it happen sooner that you might have anticipated” Minseok deadpans.

He isn't even kidding.

“As I was saying” He begins, daring any of them to interrupt.

Baekhyun looks like he would, but a glare shuts him up quite quickly.

“No. 1 Don't be yourselves” he declares firmly.

“No.2 Definitely do not do anything you think is a good idea”

He is beyond serious.

“No.3 If you think something will be fun DO NOT DO IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES”

They are going to this up and he is going to have the cause to kill them all.

“No. 4 Try not to get arrested Luhan”

Luhan has the audacity to grumble about it only being one time.


Minseok is NOT sharing a jail cell with him ever again in life.

“No. 5 Don't touch Kyungsoo’s Baekhyun. He will kill you and I am not even bothering to go to your funeral”

What the point then Hyung??? What??? His is the reason I live!”

Ever dramatic Byun Baekhyun.

“No. 6 No ing, groping or anything related at that dance Jongdae!”

‘That's not even possible Hyung’ Jongdae just snickers.

Until they get arrested for indecent exposure they won't stop.

Even then they might just in the police station to be frank.

“No.7 Be nice at the dance Sehunnie. Don't say mean things to the others”

That’s just asking him to stay home’ Chanyeol snickers.

Sehun may or may not have elbowed him the gut accidentally on purpose.

“And last but not least, have a good time Jonginnie. Come find hyung if you need anything”

Minseok coos the last one, turning cat eyes on his little one, who is caught in the middle of a yawn, smiling a little lopsided at Minseok.

“You  all blatantly play favourites” Sehun complains as he shoves at Jongin’s shoulder, who of course ends up grabbing on to Sehun for balance, pouting at the terror.

“When have we denied that though?” Luhan is confused.

It's a pretty known fact that Jongin is their favourite.

“Jongin is an angel. Of course he is our favourite” Chanyeol supports for obvious reasons.

He smiles at Jongin when it is said, but frowns when he realizes that Sehun and Jongin are busy poking each other  and bickering and not paying attention.

“If that’s all let's go. This disaster won't happen until you guys show up anyway”.



The car ride is a trial as expected.

Yes a car.


‘Style People. You have to have Style!’

Luhan had decided that they needed to show up in style and instead of walking over to the school’s rather grand auditorium like they could have very well done, he hired a limo for them. A large spacious limo.

That didn't mean that they didn't fight for preferred seating or that Minseok was spared from Luhan planting himself on his lap and messing with him whilst Kris  tried not to get mad at the sight.

…. Or to kill Chanyeol who decided to apologize again for not returning Kris’s supposed feelings, being all earnest and grating, Kris grounding out an ‘okay’ to end the discussion but was never going to be that lucky, Jongdae mischievously forwarding it along.

Baekhyun also regaling them with all his Kyungsoo plans, Minseok busy trying to dissuade him whilst Luhan of course encouraged him, only to remind him that Kyungsoo would probably kill him.

Sehun was quiet and distant.

Clearly strengthening himself to face Suho and his date and Jongin, as oblivious as he often was to life, was weirdly in tune to Sehun’s moods, sitting quietly beside him with Sehun’s hand in his.

They tumble messily out the car, expect Luhan who manages to do it with grace and fireworks.

Yeah. Fireworks.

He hired his own fireworks people to announce his presence.

Minseok offers no comment whatsoever.

Sehun stays a little longer inside but does eventually steel his heart and alter his expressions so that he manages to step out looking like an icy prince, Jongin sticking close by.

“Remember the rules!” Minseok reiterates one more time as they make their way inside.

He manages to convince Luhan to enter with Kris, who gives him a grateful smile and steps back to watch the others enter.

He feels like their parent sometimes.

What a ed up life.




Sehun sets his back rigid and squares his shoulder, any possible emotion falling from his face.

This is a performance and he will damn well do it impeccably.

Suho that er!

How is he supposed to face him and Joohyun today??? This is so ing annoying!

But he is already here and life must carry on.

He will make Suho regret it! He will!

Suho will never forget this day. He will regret all his life choices. His very EXISTENCE ON PLANET EARTH!!!!!!

He takes a deep breath as he grabs at Jongin’s wrist to stop his steps.

Sehun needs a perfect entrance, and that will take the right timing.

He says nothing when Jongin turns to him, instead just wordlessly smoothes out the  lapels of Jongin’s suit jacket  that he somehow manages to ruffle in the car and makes sure that everything is in  place, not noticing Jongin’s soft look aimed at him.

He thereafter does the same for himself, huffing out a breath as the others noisily make their way inside, Sehun catching himself in the glass of the outside walls, satisfied that he looks like every man’s wet dream and hopefully one man’s biggest regret.

Jongin waits patiently, letting Sehun do his thing.

Sehun does turn to him finally, face extremely rigid and well, downright frigid, as he steps to Jongin’s side, sliding his hand around Jongin’s bicep. If he is impressed by the sheer size of it he makes no comment, just blinks his eyes and steps in the direction of the foyer.

“Dont embarrass me” Sehun instructs coldly, his face not moving much, the dead eyes already in place.

Jongin knows it probably does not have any extra meaning but for some reason the words hurt.

He nods dumbly, just doing his part and trying to survive this night.

This was such a bad idea.


This place is so ing lame.

Sehun though, has no choice but to it up and make sure Suho knows he made the biggest mistake of his life.

He takes a breath and waits as Luhan makes his grand entrance, gliding down the steps like a ing beauty queen, all eyes on him as always, Sehun rolling his eyes at his dumb cousin and his hapless boyfriend, who Luhan abandoned at the top of the stairwell, basking in the attention, even fireworks going off in background.

That's probably a fire hazard actually.

Sehun glances around for the fire exit and the extinguishers as his grip tightens on Jongin’s arm, who is  of course too busy being staring at Luhan like all the other losers in the building.

Luhan is a tough act to follow admittedly.

Kris just quietly follows along behind him, not interested in the attention, though he does attractive quite a bit in any event, his good looks and social status, making him rather popular with the masses, having his own adoring public.

Minseok all but kicks Baekhyun down the flight of steps when he stops on the second step and pulled out a microphone from God’s knows where and announced to Kyungsoo and everyone else that he had arrived and had a date with Kyungsoo and his tonight.

Finally it was Sehun’s turn.

And yes, they had terrorized the entire school population to such a point that when their entourage arrived, everyone simply made themselves scarce to allow the resident crazies to have their way.

Fear has been a wonderful tool wielded with strength.

Also they all had various large scale fanclubs and through sheer intimidation provided by the adoring members of their fanclub, it was always made sure that they were permitted to be their insane selves.

It also helped that their parents were very wealth, Luhan’s parents being in the top five wealthiest in the country, and of course, the school’s very clear wish to just keep collecting cheques from their parents, having no real desire to get involved past that.

Everyone usually just staying out their way.

Which reminds Sehun, he has been failing in his fanclub duties.

He turns to the left and blows a kiss or two, even throwing in a wave for his admirers.

A guy let out a high pitch squeak and then promptly  fainted and someone’s nose spontaneously bled.


Sehun smirks.

‘Dunno who is more ridiculous. You or them’ Jongin scoffs softly.

Jongin however does spare a smile for the people with the camera pointed in his direction. That's just manners of course.He hears a thump and a wail but thinks nothing of it.

Sehun does not deem him worthy of a response.

He simply takes the last step forward, using the residual energy of his all kill a few seconds ago to inflate his ego and readies himself to kill Suho.

He pauses for dramatic effect at the very top, Luhan doing him a solid and making sure the music pauses and the lights all flash in his direction.He pulls out his haute couture best and trains dead eyes on the crowd, carefully searching for Suho, who he does not manage to find.

Maybe he died already?

Quite possible.

Anyone dumb enough to pass on Sehun’s divine existence probably isn't sensible enough to stay alive.

With slow steps and zero attention for his companion Sehun starts the graceful descent, his face only cracking from the rigid disinterest he has plastered on when Jongin nearly trips and curses beneath his breath.

“Idiot’ Sehun mumbles, but a small smile tugs at his lips at the sheepish way Jongin groans.

Sehun appreciates the attention, but Jongin not so much.

He thinks he has made his point though when there is a silence except for Baekhyun hollering for his to get down the steps already and Chanyeol making a racket cooing over Jongin.

His adoration public however is left speechless and enamoured and he hopes Suho is choking somewhere.


Jongin tugs him along after a few still second when Sehun had graciously posed for pictures, not appreciating all the ridiculous drama like fanfare and finally depositing Sehun and himself at a specially reserved table.

Why did I agree to this’ Jongin heaves.

He is regretting ALL his life choices.

Sehun does not respond, busy scanning the crowd for the former love of his teenage life, now the bastard that betrayed him.



“Baby Soo!” Baekhyun screeches when he spots Kyungsoo standing at the refreshments station, looking like he would rather be dead than at this event.

Which might actually be true.

Oh well

He doesn't walk away like Baekhyun expected.

He does however pick up a surprisingly sharp butter knife  (which should be weird but really isn't when it's a matter that involves Do Kyungsoo and Byun Baekhyun) and not so subtly points it in Baekhyun’s direction.

“Don't test me Byun” he says when Baekhyun comes bounding over like a deranged puppy.

The knife’s tip ends just beneath his chin but the of course just grins.



“Feel free to share all your other filthy fantasies with me Baby” Baekhyun beams.

Can this man get any more perfect?

He is a violent hobbit.

What else can Baekhyun possibly want in life????????

Baekhyun is clearly charmed and also vaguely ually aroused, forcing himself not to react to the massive amounts of blood flowing southwards at the glare in Kyungsoo’s eyes and the sharp cold edge of the knife kissing against his skin.

The kinds of things they could do together…….

All the kinks they could explore.

Baekhyun is going to ing die. He just knows it. He can't hardly wait.

“We can have a good time making them a reality” he winks.

Baekhyun wants so badly. OMG

Kyungsoo grounds the knife into his chin out of pure anger.

Why didn't he just kill himself instead of coming to this ing dance, Kyungsoo wonders for the millionth time since Baekhyun had arrived.

“I don't mind bloodplay either” Baekhyun purrs, his eyes slightly hooded as he tries to focus on anything but the building arousal.

“You are so ing disgusting” Kyungsoo hisses as he draws the knife away, trying to  take the very real temptation away.

It's so hard NOT to just kill him.


“Hey! I didnt kink shame you!” Baekhyun complains.


Because that is the most disturbing part of this exchange.


“Stay the away from me” Kyungsoo warns, arms crossed over his chest, glancing at the knife, contemplating if murdering Byun Baekhyun would really be that bad.

Frankly he would be doing the world a favour. He would be a hero. They would build a monument for him and award him a nobel peace prize probably.

Baekhyun is the kind that makes people lose faith in humanity.

He would be saving the world.

He’s pretty sure of that.

“No can do Baby” Baekhyun says as he nears.

“You’re my date. Remember?” Baekhyun grins as he reaches a hand out to touch Kyungsoo’s shoulder.

(Okay fine. His )

Of course Kyungsoo grabs his arm and has it wrapped  behind Baekhyun in a tight painful lock in a heartbeat.

Baekhyun moans.

“You really are a sick er” Kyungsoo bites out when Baekhyun grinds back against him.

“The things you do to me Baby” Baekhyun says dreamily.

He can feel that hard tiny body pressed close behind him and this is HEAVEN.

“I can't kill you until the last dance because of that stupid little pixie friend of yours, but I can still maim you, so leave me the alone” Kyungsoo grounds out, releasing Baekhyun and pushing him away, turning to glare at the onlookers, who smartly never interrupt.

“When you say maim, you mean like biting and branding right?”

“I could be into that” Baekhyun suggests shamelessly, that greasy smile never leaving his face.

“You know I’ll try anything with you” he continues with the same flirty suggestive tone.

 “I think you are the same” he says with a wink.

“You never pass up an opportunity to touch me either do you?” Baekhyun provokes in glee.

He isn't even lying. Kyungsoo can't fool him. He is always looking for some reason to hit Baekhyun. His baby is just too shy to admit he wants to his , so he turns to violence.

Isn't he just the absolute cutest?

Kyungsoo huffs but is forced to look away.

His hobbit can’t fool him.

Baekhyun beams.

“Just leave me alone” Kyungsoo groans before he kicks Baekhyun in the shin and all but runs away.

Baekhyun groans as he grabs at his throbbing shin, but that's okay.

He quite likes the chase.



Somehow Luhan had managed to get them a large ideally placed table reserved for their use. Minseok dared to ask how and that resulted in Luhan carrying on for ten minutes about his general supremacy and iron fisted rule of the school.

Kris however was much more succinct.

He reserved the table using his position on the organization committee, and the decision was unchallenged as no sane person wanted to associate with them anyway.

Except their fanclub members but they were hardly sane anyway.

Perhaps it was for the best all things considered.

Sehun is sitting statuesque, legs long and crossed in a classy poised manner, eyes dead and frigid as he stares into the crowd with put upon disinterest. Jongin beside him, trying to make an origami crane from a napkin as Chanyeol fawns over his crazy skills (in Chanyeol’s opinion anyway).

 Jongdae next to Chanyeol, babbling to Yixing, who actually looks quite asleep.

Luhan had disappeared somewhere, which worries Minseok intensely and Baekhyun is over on the other side trailing behind Kyungsoo like a puppy.

Minseok heaves a sigh.

“Why don't y'all dance or something?”

“How about we in the limo instead?” Jongdae counters excitedly.

“KIM JONGDAE!” Minseok grounds out instantly, turning displeased eyes on the man with kittenish smile.

“What?? I wasn't even talking to you!” Jongdae defends himself.

“I warned you and Yixing about that!” Minseok scowls immediately.

“That's why I wasn't talking to Xingie either” Jongdae clarifies for Minseok’s benefit, grin stretched across his lips.

“What?” Minseok is confused.

“Chanyeollie I’m bored! Let's go in the limo” Jongdae invites with a purr, turning his attention to the object of his invitation rather than responding to Minseok directly.

Chanyeol chokes on air from his surprise, Jongin pounding at his back in an effort to help him clear the passage and well, ……. not die.

“Are you for real?” Minseok responses in Chanyeol’s stead.

“You have nothing to say about this?” Minseok questions to Yixing, who just shrugs.

“He’s bored” comes his lazy response.

Clearly Yixing is a very open minded significant other, genuinely looking calm with the prospect of his boyfriend soliciting from someone else.

Minseok will never understand how a man can be that secure, but somehow Yixing is, yawning with disinterest.

“So what’d you say Yeollie?” Jongdae questions in earnest.

“Sorry Dae.  I dont think thats a good idea” Chanyeol  finally manages to get out with fake coolness.

His ears are on fire though, the invitation flattering but more so he is very interested in gauging Jongin’s reaction to Jongdae’s proposition, wondering if he would be lucky enough to spot even a small bit of disapproval or jealousy. 

“You’re ears are red Hyung” Jongin says with a laugh, finding Jongdae’s bluntness hilarious and entertaining, reaching out to tug on Chanyeol’s red ears.

 Jongdae is so shameless, winking at Jongin from the side.

Jongin is glad for the little liveliness at the table, Sehun basically ignoring his existence right now.

“You’re no fun Yeollie” Jongdae whines, making Chanyeol blush for real.

How can a person be so direct and forthright?

Just the suggestion, even if it was never going to happen makes Chanyeol feel shy.

“Maybe Yixing hyung can help you out?” Chanyeol directs instead, feeling only mildly uncomfortable, all things considered.

Jongdae gives his boyfriend a greasy look, but giggles when Yixing just scrunches his nose in his direction, the two sharing a quick little moment before Jongdae returns his attention to Chanyeol with a pout.

“But you’re my date!” Jongdae points out instead, climbing onto Chanyeol’s lap almost forcefully.

“I treat my dates right” he smirks.

Jongin is just laughing at the side, Minseok done with them all, especially when Yixing just chuckles, clearly amused at his boyfriend’s antics.

“He does” Yixing agrees with a laugh.

Chanyeol has no idea where to put his hands and it's hilarious.

“Dae” Yixing calls.

“You’re killing him” he comments when Chanyeol looks sort of blue in the face from his confusion, his hands hanging in the air, clearly confused as what is the right protocol in this situation.

Jongdae is his friend, but hell! His boyfriend is right there.

Yixing is chill as , but still, Chanyeol has seen him punch a guy’s teeth in for touching Jongdae, albeit the touch was decidedly unwanted from Jongdae’s perspective.

This is confusing as .

Jongdae barks a laugh but does nothing to remove himself from Chanyeol’s lap, instead just grabbing his hands and placing it on his hips, looking at him sweetly.

“Hey handsome” he flirts, shamelessly and Chanyeol gulps.

What is Jongdae doing OMFG????????

Jongdae gives Jongin a look, wondering if his little social experiment has produced any results, but all he sees is Jongin’s reddish face, hands over his mouth as he hides a giggle, amused at what he clearly thinks is Jongdae’s antics.

This may be problematic.


“Dae” Chanyeol groans, but relaxes when Jongdae runs a hand through his hair, petting at him.

By then Chanyeol has realized that Jongdae had no real interest in his claims but to help test the waters, the older man having asked him about his crush on Jongin the week prior.

At first he was thrown.

You never knew with Jongdae, but he had realized belatedly that Jongdae was just trying to gauge Jongin’s reaction, the older man not exactly promising to help him with Jongin, but did say  he would make sure Chanyeol had a good time and get some answers.

Jongin though.

He isn't jealous. Or he doesn't seem like he is. This is upsetting.

Chanyeol sulks.

Yixing, after stretching himself like a cat, simply reaches a hand out to pat Chanyeol’s shoulder.

Minseok by then has caught on a little, wondering what kind of mess that is all going to become, but chooses then to enter into a distracting conversation with Chanyeol, who thankfully cheers easily enough when Jongin also asks him about his latest song and pokes at his side when Jongdae does the same, both making him giggle.



Sehun freezes when he catches sight of Suho finally.

The older man is dressed sharply, clearly channelling the Kingsmen ( which Sehun knows he is obsessed with from his prior misguided days as an ‘admirer’).

 Any other day that sort of get up might have put Sehun in a pants dropping animalistic ual heat frankly, that dumb lameass nerd on Suho setting all parts of Sehun on ing fire.

Dont ask.

He has unique taste that's all.

Today all it does is piss him off.

Especially since the er looks delectable in large dorky glasses and a well fitting suit that gives off a clean cut nerd chic sort of appeal, radiant in his happiness.

Happiness that he has chosen to share with a cardboard Princess of all people. Joohyun, the embodiment of perfection in a white gown that hugs her body in all the right places, coupled with flawless skin and impeccable makeup and goddess type beauty that even Sehun has no choice but acknowledge.

Also in the interest of full disclosure, Sehun has been tempted by such beauty too, a small crush on the beauty during his freshman year. 

He hates her so ing much!

Why does she have to be so goddamn gorgeous???

She is almost as pretty as Sehun. How dare she????

Sehun hates pretty people, especially pretty girls with charitable hearts and kind smiles that he can’t hate for being snakes.


Makes her so much more annoying.

And Suho that deceitful disloyal treacherous er!!

 Sehun hates him the most.

Why does he have to look so good and be so ing happy to come to this ty dance with someone that is NOT Sehun?

Sehun was sure they had more than a few shared romantic moments.

 Did he imagine all of that? Suho wanted a piece of him. He was damn sure of it. The way he would look at him and smile in that dorky way of his and be so damn appealing, and speak to Sehun with such kindness and interest.

Was he just leading Sehun on? Getting some kick egotistical kick out of Sehun being so obsessed with him? Was he really such an ?

How could he betray Sehun so??

Men are not dogs, but disgusting vile backstabbing snakes.

Men are the worse thing that ever happened to this planet.


And of course Suho chose to add insult to injury, immediately beaming at Sehun when he caught Sehun’s eyes, Sehun’s glare well in place but seemingly going undetected as the er waves like a ing clown at Sehun, clearly excited to see  him.

Sehun glares even harder, refusing to look away.

He is a ing bastard.


Why does Sehun still find him so attractive?? His heart hurts and his stomach clenches, the attraction fighting with his wounded pride.

Sehun just looks at him and does nothing more.

Jongin by then has noticed Sehun’s little stare down, watching as Sehun sits more upright and rids himself of all warmth, a placid mannequin of untouched beauty and perfection.

Might as well be looking at artwork.

Jongin reaches a hand out to him but knows a touch would not likely be taken well, but still rests a placating hand on Sehun’s thigh that the younger surprisingly does not react to.

This touch turns into a grip when Suho bounds over enthusiastically to their table with Joohyun at his side, the young girl smiling awkwardly at them, clearly uneasy.

“Good night everyone” Suho says cheerfully, seemingly very happy to see them all.

He gets a few mumbled responses, though none from Jongin or Sehun.

Sehun too engulfed with anger at the salt being poured into his wounds to be civil and Jongin himself too worried about Sehun to do anything else but focus on him.

“Sehunnie!” Suho greets Sehun with special attention, staring right a him with a blinding smile, all the while he keeps his date in a warm protective grip, his arm resting at her tiny waist, not picking up on everyone’s discomfort, Joohyun’s too.

Everyone knows.


Sehun lifts an eyebrow.

“Good night” Sehun responds coldly, Suho’s expression falling at the tone of the greeting.

He coughs but it does nothing to alleviate the stifling awkwardness.

He looks kind of shocked at the cold response and Jongin thinks he is a special kind of .

He isn't obligated to return Sehun’s feelings but he should at least respect his hurt and not act as if doesn't know how uncomfortable this is for Sehun.

Jongin has never disliked Suho before, but he does in this moment.

He is sure Suho knows.

Sehun has been very obvious in his affections and Suho has reciprocated in the way he has lavished attention on him or at the very least, in the way he had never dissuaded him. 

What kind of behavior he is coming with, pretending he doesn't know that this is not okay, that Sehun does not want to see him happy with someone else?

Or is he really that dense not to have realised that Sehun was serious about him?

The .

Sehun has taste Jongin thinks as he forcefully laces his fingers with Sehun’s, unclenching the other’s tightly gripped fist to take hold of his hand in his grasp, refusing to let Sehun endure this alone.

Unrequited feelings are a .

He has a faint idea of it himself.


Minseok though, ever their saviour takes over.

“The place looks beautiful Joonmyeon. You all did a good job” Minseok comments as casually as possible, Sehun biting on his lips to stop himself from releasing likely scathing words, the others for once in a lifetime not making the situation worse with any comments, just observing quietly.

“It's all Joohyunnie’s doing! She was in charge of decorating. As you can see she has amazing taste!” Suho gushes happily, beaming at his date who wears a tight uncomfortable smile as she glances at Sehun sheepishly.

“Please don't” she mumbles quietly, her lips pulling into an awkward but still attractive smile, once again taking a sombre peek at Sehun before staring into the floor.

“She is too modest. She’s amazing I swear” Suho continues to praise, clearly not picking up on Joohyun’s tension, much too smitten apparently.

Jongin kind of wants to kick him in the nuts for doing this to both Sehun and Joohyun.

Sehun has stopped glaring, his eyes firmly planted on the suddenly interesting ground, Jongin glaring on his behalf instead.

How ing dumb is this guy???

“It does seem so” Minseok says amiably, trying to diffuse the tension gently , offering the pretty girl a small smile.

Suho agrees vehemently, not noticing his date easily escaping his hold, taking a modest step to the side, reaching down to grab his wrist in an attempt to bring this visit to an end.

Jongin hopes that Suho catches on this time. It's becoming harder and harder not to say something rude to him.

He is either the most vile or the most insensitive person to exist frankly.

Jongin bites his tongue and sits closer to Sehun, who has seemingly composed himself, his dead eyes set on Suho and Joohyun, the young girl refusing to meet his eyes.

Suho laughs at something that Minseok says and Jongin has to bite his tongue even harder.

Thankfully he is spared from any further endurance when Kris shows up and daftly steers Suho and Joohyun away to see to an urgent matter so as to bring an end to the uncomfortable situation, but not before Suho says a cheerful goodbye to them all, and of course a special mention to Sehun.

Jongin doesn't know who was more relieved.

Sehun or Joohyun.

“Thank that’s over” Jongdae says, also not very pleased at Suho’s clear indifference to Sehun’s feelings.

Their maknae is a monster, but he is theirs to protect and no one has the permission to hurt his feelings.

No one.

“You okay Sehunnie?” Minseok questions delicately, soft eyes on their maknae.

“Why wouldn't I be?” Sehun scoffs, firmly into his indifferent role play.

Minseok decides to leave it there not wishing to wound Sehun’s pride further, the child always very proud and self conscious, silently motioning for the others to do the same, wishing to protect Sehun’s dignity and not make the matter more trying than it already was. 

Jongin however is unable to let the matter go as easily, not when he can feel the tension in Sehun’s hand that is still trapped in his grasp nor when he can see the cracks in the perfect facade of disinterest, the unhappiness bubbling just beneath the impeccable mask if you were perceptive enough to see it.

“It’s his loss” Jongin says softly.

He doesn't know how else to comfort Sehun, whose eyes stare listlessly into the crowded dance floor.

It’s the truth though.

Suho doesn't know what he lost.

“I didn't ask” Sehun responds coldly.

Jongin doesn't say anymore but he doesn't let Sehun tug his hand out of his grasp either. After a tense second Sehun lets it be, both staring into the noisy view with different thoughts, but conjoined hands.



“Byun!” Kyungsoo says lowly, turning angrily on his would be tail.

“I swear to ing god that I will dislocate your jaw if you don't stop following me around!” Kyungsoo whisper screams into Baekhyun’s face.

“But you’re my date! I have to stay close” Baekhyun argues, seemingly truly believing in his words.

What is he supposed to do?

Actually leave Kyungsoo alone?

Thats crazy!

“You’re ing delusional” Kyungsoo responds hotly.

Baekhyun had been walking behind him quite noisily since he found him hiding behind the concierge station, Seungwan being perfect company until Baekhyun scared her off with his scary smile and grating personality.

Or alternatively Seungwan didn't want to be involved in all their heated as she would later claim as she related the story quite animatedly to Sooyoung.

Baekhyun grins.

“Aren't the best of us?” he comments amiably, beaming at Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo glares the fires of hell at him.

“By the way, your looks amazing in those pants. Insanely able. Sorry for not saying so earlier” Baekhyun comments quite unaffected by Kyungsoo’s downward spiral into rage induced manic aggression.

He is so unperturbed that he reaches behind the huffing hobbit to pat his tight little .

He doesn't even complain when Kyungsoo punches him in the gut.

No one even reacts as Baekhyun clutches at his stomach and Kyungsoo stomps away.


“I didn't tell you about how much I want to touch you yet!”

Somehow Baekhyun has the strength the hobble behind his adorable date.




“Jongin sunbae would you like to dance?”

Park Jimin questions shyly, his full cheeks dusted in red, eyes hopeful as he rings his tiny fingers together, looking the embodiment of adorable as he stands before their table in a well fitting suit that hugs his small but muscular body in all the right places.

Sehun rolls his eyes.

Where do Jongin pick up these kids?

The little thing would probably barely reach Sehun’s chest, looking like a fluffy cat with the dimpled smile and full cheeks.

Sehun hates cats.

He also hates most of the people Jongin talks to that are not him but that is neither here nor there.

The bigger issue however is why the are these kids so ing disrespectful?

Jongin is Sehun’s date.

Where the do they think they get the right to ask Sehun’s date to dance?

Sehun is minded to make the kid cry but at the same time, why bother?


This has been one of the worst nights of Sehun’s life. Making a kid cry, whilst probably fun will just take time and energy Sehun doesn't care to expend.

“Hmmmmmm” Jongin stalls.

If Jongin says yes he would have to leave Sehun alone.

Jongdae and Chanyeol are dancing and Yixing had said something about finding something to eat. Minseok had gone over to talk to Dongwoo and left them alone.

So far all Jongin had done was sit in silence with Sehun, who had rebuffed all his attempts at conversation, insistent on masquerading as some inhuman creation. Frankly Jongin is kind of bored and he doesn't see that changing anytime soon with Sehun hell bent on ignoring him.

Before he could answer properly though, Sehun shots him a sharp glare and then one for his friend.

“I would love to” Jongin  says sweetly.

Sehun’s glare intensifies, Jongin feeling it ripping into his skull.

“But maybe later?” Jongin apologies with a kind smile.

“Ok then”  the disappointment in Jimin’s disposition is palpable.

Jongin offers a few friendly words to placate the kid and watches him leave with a sigh, Jimin’s shoulders slumped and clearly disheartened despite Jongin’s attempts at comforting him.

Sehun kind of feels sorry for the kid.

Just a little bit.

He still prefers Jongin sitting beside him though, so as far as Sehun is concerned there are some necessary sacrifices.

Anyway, Sehun is doing Jongin a favour.

Dancing with anyone not Sehun would be a downgrade frankly. The kid is mildly attractive and has a decent but clearly not even close to Sehun’s peachy goodness. Sehun is just helping Jongin maintain some standards really.

“Do you want to dance Sehunnie?” Jongin asks hesitantly.

Might as well right?

It's better than sitting here being bored out of his mind.

“No” Sehun answers and is back to staring at where Suho is dancing happily with his date.

Jongin just sighs again.




“How come you’re so well behaved today?” Kris questions suspiciously.

“What?” Luhan responds as he plays with the small hairs at the back of his boyfriend’s head, perched quite comfortably on his lap in a quiet corner.

They had been dancing earlier, but Kris needed a bit of breather, not the best dancer to exist, only doing so to appease his boyfriend, who was in comparison an amazing dancer.

Now they had migrated to the deserted Student Council table, somewhat secluded so that they could make out happily, though such a thing only mattered to Kris, Luhan not opposed to very public displays of affection now that they were dating openly.

 To confirm his new very open position, Luhan had volunteered to  blow his boyfriend right on the dance floor, but Kris had declined his gracious offer (and also had to forcibly stop him from pulling his pants down and had to basically drag him out of  his kneeled position on the floor) in light of the fact that he was expected, due to his social position,  to have better conduct than that and he was decidedly opposed to having his s publicly exposed incidentally.

Also he was not interested in being arrested for public indecency .

Luhan was not very impressed with his decision admittedly.

He did  somehow manage to convince Luhan  to let the idea go and now here they were.

“You haven't gotten us kicked out as yet. I’m impressed” Kris comments, mildly proud of his boyfriend.

Given what he had expected from a night out with Luhan and the brats, this is actually pretty lowkey.

Baekhyun hasn't been castrated as yet ( him being punched and kicked is pretty run of the mill), Jongdae and Yixing haven’t ed on a table and Sehun hadn't gotten into a catfight with Joohyun or kicked Suho in the balls, so all things considered, it has been pretty quiet.

Kris is surprised and well, kind of paranoid.

There is no way they can be this well behaved can they?

Luhan laughs wholeheartedly.

“The night’s still young” he rejoins with a wicked smirk.

Kris should have known.

“What are you-” Whatever Kris intended to ask gets swallowed by Luhan’s lips.



When the did Jongin get so many friends?

Also Sehun’s back kind of hurts. Maintaining impeccable posture is insanely difficult, but Sehun is determined to be the embodiment of every tasteful man’s wet dream, the definition of grace, poise and beauty whilst being the most indifferent on earth.

Suho MUST ing regret!

He must look at Sehun and regret his entire life!!

Sadly that doesn't seem to be happening.

ing bastard is on the dance floor making a fool of himself with all his missteps, but having the time of his life, boyishly apologizing to his date who for some dumb reason seems charmed by her feet being mutilated.

Sehun is so mad he could die.

He wants to just punch Suho in the face and then stamp on his crotch!

But to do that he has to acknowledge that he is affected, that he feels something. That he has lost, that he feels hurt and betrayed and disappointed and honestly, he feels kind of insecure.

Why didn't Suho want him?

Wasn't he handsome enough? Or cute enough?

What was wrong with him that Suho choose Joohyun over him?

Sehun hates those thoughts the most!

So he does the only logical thing in the situation and distracts himself by  thinking mean things about all the losers that come over to greet Jongin, mentally giving all of them a grade with no one getting more than a five and that was at Sehun’s most generous, girls and boys alike suffering from Sehun’s judgemental stare or his icy glare, whatever mood they invoked.

Sehun honestly didn't even realize that Jongin was so popular till now.

He knew of course that Jongin had some kind of appeal with his looks, though not better than Sehun’s of course. Contrary to Luhan’s audacious claims, Sehun is  clearly the standard for perfection. Jongin is not  exactly bad even though his was ridiculously flat. Like non existent.

 Sehun however was just clearly miles better than him, but by non Sehun standards, Jongin was objectively attractive, so there was that.

Yet some how half the school had somehow managed to approach their table to either simply to give their greetings to Jongin or ask him to dance. Jongin some reason however seemed shy with all the attention and even more awkward when he turned down the very many numerous invitations to dance that came from almost every category of the school population.

Sehun is shocked though no one else seems to be.

Guess Jongin did indeed have many options.

Which naturally makes Sehun wonder why he attended with Sehun, but that thought is quickly answered.

He is Sehun’s slave obviously. Jongin belongs to him. He has to do whatever Sehun wants.

Matter solved.

Sehun goes back to glaring at Jongin’s admirers quite happy in his conclusions.



Kris knew  it was too good to last.

“I hope you know spiking the punch is the most cliche juvenile thing ever” Minseok says as he continues to scold Luhan for emptying two bottles of Vodka in the fruit punch.

Kris had caught him and dragged him straight to Minseok.

He is the only one that Luhan even pretends he listens to most of the time so Kris didn't bother to try.

He just stands by and watches Luhan whine to Minseok.

“It’s a classic” Luhan argues energetically.

Clearly he is not chastised, not that Kris really expected him to be either.

“It's like a rite of passage”

“It's on my bucket list” Luhan says as he checks his watch.

“You must have a really ty bucket list” Minseok deadpans.

Luhan glares at him.

“Take that back!” He insists.

Luhan’s bucket list is amazing ok.

Minseok lifts an eyebrow. Not happening.

He doesn't get to further the conversation however when Luhan suddenly bolts upwards and walks away, not saying a word.

Minseok and Kris share a look, Kris just shrugging, having no idea why Luhan just left.

It is made clear however when all the lights go off and the music stops. Before anyone can react, a huge spotlight is on Luhan, now standing in the middle of their very decadent ballroom,  arms upstretched as he grins at them.

“Goodnight subjects” Luhan says into a small microphone handed to him from someone near him.

“Welcome to my coronation” Luhan continues effortlessly whilst Kris and Minseok and maybe two hundred other people in the room gap at him.

Except Sehun.

‘He is such a ing show off’ Sehun scoffs.

Luhan thereafter proceeds to give a arrogant self indulgent speech as to his royal existence and everyone thereto being blessed to be in his presence.

Kris wishes he was flabbergasted but he really isn't.

The ing sheep just cheer for Luhan and his antics. Amazing.

Luhan has some how managed to make it onto the small stage as the masses cheer deafeningly for him, masses that include Jongdae and Jongin, both men making a racket from their table, cheering loudly for their “Liege”.

They are the reason Luhan is so insane, Kris is sure.

They are all enablers.

To make the point, no one is even surprised or concerned when Luhan is  accompanied by “Courtsmen” to the small stage where a large iron throne had been placed at some point whilst they were distracted.

Kris makes no exaggeration.

Somehow Luhan managed to get court attired attendants to led him the raised stage, these people so into the role that Kris is wondered if he is high and landed somehow in a medieval era drama set.

Even the Headmaster is in on the act, walking out in robes and a crown to complete Luhan’s coronation.

Kris is seeing this but can't believe it.

Not even when Luhan is declared “King” and a crown that looks forged from genuine gold and precious gems is placed upon his head and a matching cape is clasped to his shoulders, a ceptor being placed in his hand.

Some people even bow to him as he takes a seat on his throne and calls them all his ‘loyal subjects’ as he waves indulgently.

Minseok thankfully is just rolling his eyes. That makes Kris feel a little more sane, but just a little, given that no one else seems even a little  bit perturbed by this, not even Suho. He is just cheering for Luhan like everyone else.

Maybe Sehun is right. Mabe Luhan is some kind of supernatural being that hypnotizes people. There is no way else Kris can explain how so many usually sane right thinking people are so in love with him that they don't give a about all the crazy things he does.

They all allow him to have his will so easily, that it can only sorcery. 

Maybe Kris himself has been bewitched.

That  is the only explanation he can think  is even close to rational in these circumstances to explain why he is basically in love with a psychopath despite every warning sign going off his brain, foregoing the basic human instinct to run for the ing hills in the presence of such mental depravity.

Something is wrong with Kris clearly.

Bewitched by a supernatural entity.

Maybe Luhan is part veela?

Sounds plausible.

That would explain why Kris has lost his ing mind and is nearly obsessed with Luhan and his adorable cherub looks.

And insane personality.

Can't forget the scariest part, being attracted to Luhan as a person, crazy antics and all.

If it was just a he was after then that would be okay right? Men do dumb for , but this isn't even about the , as mind blowing as it is. He wants Luhan, crazy and all. He wants to just be with him, have a life with him, …….. Even more than that.

Kris has lost his ing mind.


Kris’s very important considerations are interrupted however when a handful of Luhan’s courtsmen surround him and Minseok and forcibly lead them to the stage to join Luhan.

Minseok grumbles something about killing Luhan but Kris is too dazed to even bother. Why fight the craziness? Is he even capable of it? He is enslaved isn't he?

Under some sort of unnatural magical spell.

“Let me introduce you, my loyal subjects to two very special people” Luhan speaks brightly when they make it to stage.

“Kim Minseok, my  beautiful consort”

Minseok scoffs and threatens to kick Luhan’s before one of Luhan’s bodyguard shushes him. Luhan just giggles into the microphone, unperturbed, having a small crown placed on Minseok’s head.

Minseok glares at Luhan but then his attention is turned to glaring at Chanyeol and Jongdae and Baekhyun who are catcalling and hollering at him about his new “Consort” status from their table. If a rude gesture was shown to them Minseok thinks it would have been totally justified in the circumstances.

Kris on the other hand is busy having a mental break down. 

Why the was Minseok the Consort????

That the equivalent to well, not the Queen, but Luhan’s partner/husband in this ed up context.

That should be him!!!

And yes, it does not escape his notice how  insane it is that his biggest concern in this situation is that Luhan had selected Minseok to his “Consort” instead of him.

Kris by now is self aware enough  to realize that he has to also be ing insane to be dating a lunatic like Luhan and go along with his crazy antics.

The protection of sanity has lost been lost.

That ship has sailed so best to carry on as they say.

Also it may be best not to commit murder when Luhan plants a wet kiss to Minseok’s cheek to the boundless cheers of his ‘subjects’ before Minseok manages to push him off and threatened to break every bone in Luhan’s bodyguard’s body before he even dares to move to stop him.

Minseok can be quite scary sometimes.

Luhan is going to be the cause of his death.


Kris almost sulks, but is interrupted when their new “King” saunters his way into Kris’s personal space, wrapping an arm over his shoulder and getting up onto his tiptoes to look Kris in the eyes.

“Don't sulk Love” Luhan says warmly, again not very affected by the fact that they are at his makeshift coronation or that the entire school is staring at him.

“Got a crown for you too” he says before he plants a hot and messy kiss on Kris’s lips, the taller man having to grab him around his waist ( cape and all) to keep them upright.

By the time Luhan pulls away Kris is somewhat dazed, Luhan’s tongue having thoroughly examined the crevices of his mouth and throat.

“And Kris Wu, my whipped ” Luhan says with a mischievous laugh and of course,  this declaration is met with endless support from Luhan’s adoring masses.

Kris is sure he hears Sehun cackling from his seat.

Can't get more whipped than that Lamp-post really’


That’s definitely Sehun.

Kris grabs for Luhan just as the older man starts laughing, clearly very amused at his description.

Luhan manages five steps before Kris manage to catch him, his bodyguards not intervening but maybe that has less to do with them respecting Kris’s relationship with Luhan and more to do with Minseok threatening violence as he glares.

“I’m going to kill you” Kris threatens as Luhan crashes into his chest.

Luhan giggles boyishly, face distorting horribly as it often does when he is genuinely amused.

It’s so ing cute, Kris wants to die.

“No you won't” he says as he lifts his head to blink soft doe eyes up at Kris, mesmerizing him as his hands snake around Kris’s shoulders and he pulls him down into a kiss laced with honey and wonder and  something that tastes like love.

Kris is definitely bewitched.

He doesn't even notice that Luhan has pushed him to sit on the throne, slipping easily onto his wide lap without even breaking the kiss.

“Will you Wufan?” Luhan asks with a grin against Kris’s lips, voice mesmerising in its playfulness.

He doesn't even blink when Luhan’s guard places a crown with the words “Luhan’s Whipped ” on his head, too busy making hypnotically induced googly eyes at Luhan, who unbeknownst to most, is doing the exact same thing, leaning in for a soft kiss.

“Shut up” Kris does manage to respond whilst Luhan kisses his nose, rubbing his cheek against his like a kitten.

What is Kris going to do with him?

They stay like that, nuzzling into each other on Luhan’s throne, the coronation and Luhan’s adoring subjects all but forgotten.

Minseok just sighs.

Crazy people everywhere.




Things have settled down some.

Kris and Luhan had eventually left the stage after Luhan ensured he basked in the glory of his domination and the adoration of his subjects, further beguiling the masses with words of praise, directed at himself mainly and a select few words of gratitude for his adoring public.

They were currently canoodling at the far end of the table, Luhan perched as he always seems to be these days on his idiot boyfriend’s lap, nuzzling into his throat, and giggling at whatever sweet nothings that Kris is whispering into his ear, being as gay and disgustingly adorable as possible. 

Its ing grating in Sehun’s opinion.

Everyone has returned to dancing on Luhan’s, or rather their ‘Majesty’s’ command, the dance floor once again overcrowded, Sehun not amused to see Suho chatting boyishly with his date and Kyungsoo a couple of tables away.

Minseok is at also at the end of the table, lecturing Baekhyun after Kyungsoo had stomped on his foot for trying to follow him into the washroom cubicle, Baekhyun insisting that he was just trying to help know.. his pants.

Yixing is off talking to some of his band friends and that just leaves him with Jongdae and Chanyeol who won't ing shut up and Jongin who keeps laughing at everything they say.

Can't they read Sehun’s mood?

He hates anything that looks remotely happy.

If he could ban everything related to human joy he would. He really ing would.

Despite his best efforts to ignore the rejects he has to sit with, he does listen in on their conversations, not seeing what's so damn funny that Jongin is falling over himself and Chanyeol laughing  at in that high pitched bubbly laughter of his.

Then again, Jongin is easily amused.

Shiny objects would probably keep him occupied for an entire day. The poor simple minded pabo. He’s a lost cause really.  He wouldn't even survive a day without Sehun to be honest.

That stupid little bear is so lucky he has me~

Sehun giggles a little himself at the thought, unnoticed by the others, who have all mainly taken to ignoring him after he has rebuffed most of their attempts at speaking to him, only opening his mouth to say a scathing comment or two when he couldn't resist the urge any further.

Sehun is of course rather pleased that they finally caught on that he had no interest in their lame annoying existence and doesn't want to speak to anyone.

Sehun does however take notice when Chanyeol speaks next.

“Would you like to dance Jonginnie?” Chanyeol asks somewhat shyly, Sehun not seeing his face, but the nervousness is apparent in his voice.

He is so ridiculous.

Sehun chuckles to himself.

“You’ll just break Jongin’s toes with your uncontrollable clumsiness and gigantic limbs” Sehun comments with a somewhat mean laugh.

He can't even imagine clumsy completely left footed Chanyeol dancing with Jongin, who is all grace and skill.

He nearly laughs at the thought but he resists, not out of respect but unwilling to break his disinterested facade, figuring the laughter would be much too interactive.

Chanyeol frowns.

He hadn't considered that.

What was I thinking?? OMG

I am so unworthy of Jongin’s perfection!!!

Jonginnie ~

Jongin is basically a prodigy when it comes to dancing whilst Chanyeol himself was all flailing limbs and zero coordination.

What if he does break Jongin’s toes??

“Would you stop  being such an ?” Jongin snaps, giving Sehun an annoyed look.

Sehun is really taking it too far in his opinion.

He doesn't mind being the target, accustomed to weathering Sehun’s moods, having had a lot of practice in their many years together but it's not always that way for other people. He understands that Sehun is having a hard time right now, that he is hurting in his own way, but that doesn't give him carte blanche to be such an , especially to Chanyeol. Words hurt, especially when Chanyeol is already insecure about how awkward he is with his height. Sehun knows that he is.

Sehun is just being an .

Sehun glares at him. This time Jongin doesn't back down, glaring right back at Sehun, eyes firm and intense, not letting him have his way this time.

Chanyeol gaps at the two having what seems to be a silent screaming match with their eyes, Jongdae looking on with keen interest as well.

“Whatever” Sehun sneers, breaking eye contact and looking away with as much arrogant disinterest as he could possibly manage.

Jongin huffs.

“You gonna be sticking around Jongdae hyung?” Jongin turns to Jongdae with the question, expectant.

“Yeah. I will be here for a while” Jongdae responds.


 “Stay with the for me” Jongin directs, pointing a thumb in Sehun’s direction as he stands.

“Come on Yeollie hyung. Let's go dance” Jongin says as he grabs onto Chanyeol’s wrist with a smile, tugging him upwards and then is soon dragging the taller man with him to the dance floor, refusing to give Sehun a second look.

Sehun rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, biting back the few choice words he would have for Jongin if the bastard had stuck around.

Jongin is such a ing pain in the sometimes.

Sehun was just joking around but of course saint Jongin had to be about it.

Sehun is always the monster.

How could I forget?


Sehun is going to add Jongin to his burn book and then he will regret!!

Or better yet, he is going to kick him in the shins and make him cry or maybe he will sneak into his dorm room and wake him up every half hour when he is trying to sleep. Jongin will hate that so much. It will be awesome. He deserves all the worse punishments for being such an uptight to Sehun in his time of sadness.

So many revenge plots swirl in his mind as he glares at Chanyeol and Jongin dance, not the most coordinated pair, but they both seem to enjoy it, which naturally only pisses Sehun off even more.

Sehun hates them both!!!

Jongin especially.

Slaves should know their ing place.


Why is he having fun with Chanyeol when he is supposed to be Sehun’s???


Sehun’s very diverse thoughts are however interrupted by Jongdae.

“You shouldn’t be like that you know” Jongdae comments in clear chastisement.

Sehun narrows his eyes at Jongdae.

“Like what?” he questions, genuinely uncertain as to why Jongdae is saying such words to him though he is instinctively on the defensive. Clearly this  isn't going to be positive words.

“Such an ” Jongdae doesn't bother to mince words.

“Whatever” Sehun grits out and turns away.

The conversation is finished for him, not interested in Jongdae’s condemnation of him.

“Do you really want this to be Jongin’s memory of this night?” Jongdae questions despite Sehun’s disinterested attitude.

He thinks these are words Sehun needs to hear.

“Do you think he deserves this?”

“You being an and ignoring him but being so ing selfish that you rather let him be bored to death than let him dance with anyone else?”Jongdae asks sternly, eyes on Sehun’s side profile.

“God forbid your best friend that turned down scores of people to come to this dance with your demanding should have the ing audacity to even attempt to have a decent time at it” Jongdae continues in clear chastisement, making sure the words are received loud and clear to his disinterested recipient.

“Don't do dumb that you will regret Sehunnie” Jongdae advises sincerely, tone softening considerably from the hard tint it had to it previously.

Jongdae really doesn't want the kid to regret later especially since it gets the feeling there will be a lot of it in time to come if Sehun doesn't get his act together.

“Especially not when it comes to Jongin of all people” he adds, hoping Sehun understands.

From his observations, Sehun has no idea what the he is doing and neither does Jongin. All they are going to do is make their own lives hard and distress other people. Jongdae hopes that this little chat provides some help because they certainly need it.

Sehun doesn't respond, refusing to even look at him.

He has heard him though and Jongdae hopes that’s enough.



Sehun is quiet.

Even more quiet than he was before.

Jongin is kind of worried actually.

Almost everyone is at their table now, Luhan  is still at the far end on his boyfriend’s lap, but this time he he is together with Minseok both chatting with Baekhyun and trying to help him with his recent injuries, rubbing at his arms for him.

Apparently he had another run in with Kyungsoo who had pushed him backwards, Baekhyun hurting his back, whining to the two (well three, since Kris was forced to listen too) about his ‘Hobbit’s’ apparent intolerance for his jokes and or touches, shovelling cake into his mouth grotesquely at the same time.

Jongdae is cuddled up against Yixing’s chest as they both eat cake as well, Jongdae making both Chanyeol and Yixing feed him like the spoilt kitten that he is, quite enjoying the dual attention that he is receiving.

“Let me try yours Nini” Jongdae says, opening his mouth for a bite of Jongin’s chocolate truffle cake.

Jongin acquises, leaning over Chanyeol to feed Jongdae some.

“It's good” he hums.

“Go get me one like that Yeollie” Jongdae directs.

“Why me?” Chanyeol complains, quite enjoying his night so far, Jongin and him having danced for a while before they eventually returned to their table to find gorgeous slices of cake waiting for them courtesy of Yixing, who had them brought over before he returned from chatting with his friends.

Jongin and cake.

Can this night get any better???

“You’re my date. Duh” Jongdae points out.

“Yixing is your boyfriend” Chanyeol counters.

“But you’re my date” Jongdae argues.

“Stop. I’ll get it” Yixing says with a laugh, pressing a kiss to Jongdae’s forehead as he stands, ignoring Jongdae’s ‘Hey’ at being displaced from his chest.

“Anyone else want anything?” Yixing offers, looking around at the table.

“Sehunnie?” he questions, noticing that Sehun didn't have any for himself.

Sehun doesn't respond.

“Get him a piece of the chocolate almond cheesecake. That’s his favourite. Thanks” Jongin answers in lieu of Sehun, who he is pretty sure is just refusing to answer out of spite.

 Yixing gives Sehun a look. Sehun doesn't say anything but Jongin nods at Yixing to confirm the request.

Jongin sighs.

He might as well try with the annoying brat again.

“Do you want some of mine?” Jongin  questions softly, voice tainted with apparent softness.

Again no response.

“Its chocolate truffle. You like that” Jongin tries again.

Sehun folds his arms and bites down on his teeth, setting his jaw  even more rigidly.


Sehun is still mad at him.


Jongin doesn't regret reprimanding him, but he doesn't really want the night to get any worse for Sehun. Mindful of Sehun’s situation, Jongin decides that he has to be the bigger person in the situation and make the attempt at a reconciliation.

The annoying brat.

‘You really know how to pick em’  Jongin muses to himself.

Jongin tries to feed him this time, holding the fork out to Sehun, wanting the stubborn brat to eat.

Jongin of course not noticing the sad way in which Chanyeol watches the exchange, the taller man feeling his stomach sink at the attention Jongin lavishes on Sehun.

“Come on” Jongin coaxes.

Sehun ever the stubborn bastard refuses to acknowledge Jongin’s existence much less budge.

“You haven't eaten all night” Jongin sighs, clearly frustrated, though he leaves his hand just there within Sehun’s sight and attention, silently imploring Sehun to eat.

He didn’t think Sehun even had dinner actually, the thought worrying him now that he had considered it.

Sehun was so annoying omfg

“You’ll be mad tomorrow when you realize how many great desserts you missed because you were being stubborn” Jongin provokes, poking Sehun at the side with his free hand.

Sehun flinches.

And giggles when Jongin pokes him again, this time in a sensitive spot, Sehun always ticklish and Jongin having long since memorized which spots to attack, smiling to himself at having forced Sehun to break the facade.

“Stop that” Sehun grumbles, unable to keep up his temper tantrum with Jongin poking him that way, taking advantage of his ticklish spots like he always does.


“Eat” Jongin prompts instead, a boyish smile tugging at his lips, finding Sehun’s whiny voice and forced giggles amusing.

“Thtttopp” Sehun’s lisp escaping his control as he tries to dodge Jongin’s probing fingers but more importantly, that persuasive smile.

“Not until you eat” Jongin bargains effectively, that amused smile never leaving his lips.

“Say ahhh” Jongin teases, eyes bright with amusement, hand relentless with its soft jabs into Sehun’s side.

“I hate you” Sehun makes clear or he tries to despite the unintentional giggles escaping his lips and the constant motion of dodging away from Jongin’s fingers, that are now outright tickling his side.

Jongin grins at him.


Sehun definitely hates him.

Sehun tries for a glare but finds himself weak in the face of Jongin’s boyish smile and magic fingers, surrendering quite pliantly, opening his mouth properly for Jongin to feed him, biting onto the fork to be brat, Jongin just smiling warmly at him, not minding his little revenge,  happy to have won the small battle of wills.

Sehun glares at him out of  spite, even as he munches on the sweet cake that seems like heaven to his tastebuds and his empty stomach, opening his mouth for more like a baby chick, Jongin laughing at him.

“Shut up and feed me” Sehun says with a roll of his eyes, but he can't hide the smile tugging stubbornly at his lips.

Jongin is quick to obey, continuing to feed Sehun even when Yixing returns with Sehun’s own cake.

Like a good slave, Sehun thinks.

 Sehun though, somehow feeling a little less annoyed more charmed than he will ever willing admit, even to himself.

Neither notice that Jongin’s hand had never left Sehun’s waist, now just holding him close as Jongin continues to feed him with that contended sort of smile.

Chanyeol though, he notices, his appetite suddenly lost.

Jongdae can only rub at his back gently in sympathy.



Before long it's the last dance medley of the evening or so the MC announced as he invited everyone to come up and dance.

Baekhyun had long bolted to go find Kyungsoo, having begrudgingly left him alone since their last encounter left him with a pulled muscle and pain in his back, Minseok yelling at him to not get killed, though he personally didn't have faith that Baekhyun would leave their ballroom in one piece.

Luhan had tugged his boyfriend onto the dancefloor, happily exclaiming that he had used his privilege and authority as the school’s newly crowned monarch to have a specially selected playlist designed for this event, the soulful voices of TVXQ already blurring through the speakers, as you would expect from the obsessed kpop fan.

Chanyeol takes a breath.

This is a big moment for him.

He wants to have this moment with Jongin and maybe if things go really really well he will finally get a chance to let Jongin know what he feels.

He isnt brave enough to confess exactly but he wants to let Jongin know what he feels in some way, to tell him how goddamn precious he is and how much Chanyeol loves having him as part of his life. One day, maybe he will be brave enough to confess but for now he rather start simply.

What the better way to do so that in these final glorious moments on the dancefloor with Jongin in his arms? 



This is a bad idea.

It really is.

Can he do this? Can he ask such a perfect angel to think of him as something more than a friend???

AM I EVEN WORTHY?????????????

Chanyeol feels like he is going to cry.

He does exactly that in less than happy circumstances as he watches his moment be stolen before his very eyes.

“Let’s dance” Sehun instructs blandly, his attention directed to Jongin.


Jongin had been watching the others on the dance floor and didn't hear what Sehun had said, though he sees him standing up for the first time that evening.

Sehun reaches a delicate hand towards Jongin to take hold of his wrist in lieu of answering immediately.

“Let’s dance” he repeats softly, Jongin barely hearing him.

Jongin to his credit only gaps at Sehun for a few seconds before he is hastily nodding.

“You sure?” Jongin questions however when he gets over the shock of Sehun actually asking him to dance, eyes darting between Sehun, the dance floor and Suho and Joohyun who are also on the dance floor.

He doesn't want Sehun to do something that makes him uncomfortable.

“Yeah” Sehun confirms, tugging softly on Jongin’s hand to get him to stand, Jongin  accepting the answer as is and is soon rising from his seat.

Sehun then slides his hand up to his forearm, wrapping Jongin’s arm in his gasp before he takes purposeful determined steps towards the dancefloor, their companions the furthest thing from his mind.

Jongdae sighs.

Chanyeol looks nearly heartbroken, watching the two walk away from the table with clear sadness and disappointment.

Jongdae doesn't know what to say in the situation. He suspected that the night would have similar ending since Sehun asked or well demanded that Jongin go to the dance with him.

What comfort can he give?

All he can do is be a good friend.

He wraps a hand around Chanyeol’s shoulder and presses his head against his, internally gratefully that Chanyeol wasn't crying or anything like that because he really won't have known how to deal with that situation.

“Let’s dance date” Jongdae says warmly, doing his best in the situation to cheer Chanyeol up.

Chanyeol looks at him with watery eyes and a weak smile.

“It's like that then?” Chanyeol says, eyes darting back to Jongin and Sehun now standing amongst the others on the dance floor.

Jongdae isn't sure what he means actually though he suspects he is alluding to the prospect of something deeper developing or already existing between their maknaes.

“Time will tell” Jongdae responds, not knowing what else to say.

Time sometimes is the only entity that ever knows, though he has his suspicions about the two given what he has seen transpired, choosing to give a vague response to spare Chanyeol any further pain.

“I guess” Chanyeol agrees, though he already knows how this will end.

And it's not in his favour.

“It’ll be okay Chanyeollie. I’ll be here” Jongdae promises a he nuzzles against Chanyeol’s arm in comforting gesture.

Chanyeol is grateful but the sadness is most prominent right then.

He doesn't know if it will be ‘okay’ but he will do his damn best to make it so.

“Let’s dance” he says eventually, forcing a smile onto his lips.

Jongdae smiles sadly at his fake enthusiasm but doesn't call him on it.

That’s how Chanyeol deals with hurt and Jongdae was going to help him get through this no matter what.

“Let’s” Jongdae agrees, up in a rush and eagerly tugging Chanyeol to the dancefloor with him, using all the positive energy he could muster.

Yixing watches them go with a small smile, having seen the entire exchange.

His boyfriend is an angel.

He loves him so ing much.

His smile gets even brighter when Jongdae yells ( well screeches more like it) for him and Minseok to join them.

“Dance with me?” Yixing grins boyishly, offering a hand to Minseok, who laughs.

“Sure” Minseok agrees with a warm smile of his own, joining the others on the dance floor.



The music has slowed considerably, the expectation clear.

Luhan has already ensnared  his boyfriend in a deadly grip, resembling an octopus with the way he latches himself onto him, his hands snaking around his boyfriend’s waist as he slowly sways to the gentle love song.

Jongin isn't sure what to do now though.

Does Sehun want to continue?

Does he want to sway to a slow love song in Jongin’s arms and not Suho’s as he probably had wished to do for months before this dance?

Jongin wants to be there for Sehun but there are just some things that don't sit well with him. He knows he is just a stand in for Suho, a tool to get under the man’s skin and on his nerves. He doesn't mind being Sehun’s pawn if it would help the brat feel better but the idea of Sehun envisioning someone else in this moment makes his tummy a little queasy.

He is just uncomfortable.

He doesn't get to think about it further however when Sehun steps closer to him, his small height advantage finally becoming apparent as he moves into Jongin’s personal space, Jongin especially tense, not knowing how to react.

Sehun again takes the opportunity for indecision away from him, taking hold of Jongin’s arms and guiding them to his waist, pressing them into place before he takes the final step towards Jongin, now chest to chest, and lifts his arms up and over Jongin’s shoulders, tangling them together there, his fingertips brushing the small hair’s at the base of Jongin’s neck.

Sehun doesn't say a word, doesn't meet Jongin’s eyes. He just starts moving slowly to the low beats and soulful longing voices surrounding them.

Jongin probably hasn't exhaled in the time they have started dancing this way, focusing entirely way too much on getting the leisurely uncomplicated steps right.

“Would you relax?” Sehun instructs, finally looking at Jongin, who is still kind of shocked that he is actually dancing with Sehun in this way, his hands tense where they hold onto Sehun’s slim waist, eyes looking at the way their feet barely move.

“Ahhmmm … yeah” Jongin stutters.

Sehun’s lips tug into a smile.

Jongin is kinda cute even if he is a total pabo.

“Why the do so many people think you are Casanova?” Sehun wonders out loud, really not getting why people think this idiot is a romantic God.

He cant even dance with a boy.


(If not endearing)

Jongin narrows his eyes and pinches Sehun’s waist softly. His little protest at the snarky comment, though it does have the effect of settling his nerves, feeling some of the tension drain from his body.

This is Sehun. His Sehun. It’s okay. It will always be okay with Sehun.

Sehun knocks his head against Jongin’s with a soft sigh, both relaxing  at the familiar actions, now naturally swaying to the music, Sehun feeling lighter than he has all evening, smile tugging at his lips as Jongin tightens his grip just that little bit, wanting more than anything to make this a good memory for Sehun.

#Np- EXO- What Is Love




The good feelings only last so long though, Sehun catching sight of Suho and his date, dancing intimately to the music a few feet away from them.

Sehun’s stomach churns.


He didn't regret.

In fact he looks downright gleeful. He is completely enamoured, barely sparing Sehun any special attention or any attention at all to be frank, all his care and concern reserved just for her. Even now they are both wrapped up in each other, both physically and emotionally.

Suho doesn't see anyone else but her.

Not Sehun. Not anyone else.

Just her.

Sehun has lost hasn't he?


Sehun though.

Sehun feels so many things that he isn't even sure what he is feeling exactly.

He wants to rip Suho’s balls out and stuff them forcibly down back his throat for leading him on and making him think he had a chance only to betray him in the end, only to make him feel insecure and unworthy.

He wants to kill Suho for embarrassing him!

Yet there is part of him that is weirdly and confusingly sort of accepting of the situation.

That part of him that whispers that somehow he will alright, that this is far from the end of the world for him, that strong resilient part of him that says, this ..… this isn't heartbreak.

And he isn't.

He really isn't close to as heartbroken about this as he should be, especially for someone that has been the love of his very young life so far.

Embarrassingly enough there is part of him that that kind of wants Suho to be happy with Joohyun. He may hate her out of principle in this moment but he knows deep down that she is a good person and he wants her to be happy, even if he can't be.

He isn't happy for them, but he does think he can one day wish that they be happy together.

That thought shocks Sehun really, not accustomed to such selfless feeling.

Then again he also, after having experienced everything this time, he doesn't know if he is genuinely  being selfless in the situation.

He really wants to make Suho cry and to maybe break a few of his bones for wounding his pride, but as he watches him dance with Joohyun, he isn't so sure he wants to be the one dancing with him, to be the one that is in his arms in this very moment. He is angry and embarrassed but somehow he isn't jealous nor does he have any real desire to stand in Joohyun’s place.

He finds that somehow that he doesn't mind being right where he is in this very moment

More than the idea of Suho and Joohyun being happy together, that feeling unnerves him the most.

“You alright?” Jongin whispers into his ear gently, no doubt having already seen Suho looking happy with his date, instantly worried that the sight has caused Sehun some heartache.

“Want to leave?” Jongin questions, stepping back to look into Sehun’s face, his eyes worried and eyebrows knitted.

“No” Sehun says as he shakes his head.

He feels weird and confused and just really really tired.

He shakes his thoughts away and burrows more into Jongin’s personal space, nuzzling his face into Jongin’s neck, closing his eyes as the scent of the older man, his vanilla body wash and something Sehun can't ever figure out, just associating it with Jongin in his mind, invades his nostrils, Sehun sighing into the heated skin.

Sometimes Sehun thinks it all smells like peace.

Its Sehun’s favourite scent strangely enough, not the many scents he personally chooses to wear. He sometimes nuzzles into Jongin whenever he is tired or sleepy or just frustrated just to take it in, to find that little bit of peace, like he does in this very moment.

Sehun inhales.

It’ll all be okay now.

He just knows it will be.

“Just hold me close and say nothing at all” Sehun says softly, closing his eyes and nuzzling into the warmth before him.

Something has changed.

Sehun doesn't know what just as yet, just that it has.

Somehow Sehun feels something akin to anticipation beneath his skin.

Jongin just tightens his grip once more and presses his lips comfortingly to Sehun’s temple, holding him close as they sway to the music, silently making a promise.

I’ll take care of you

Np# EXO- Angel



“I’m here to collect Baby” Baekhyun grins, bouncing on his feet, too excited to stand still.


“Not the last medley, it’s the last song” Kyungsoo argues, arms across his chest as he sits rigid on the chair, refusing to give in.

“Nahahhhh” Baekhyun contradicts, quite maturely in his opinion.

Then snaps his fingers.

Luhan’s voice is suddenly blaring on the speakers.

“Subjects, please allow me to tell you all something quite amazing about our dearest Do Kyungsoo” Luhan teases charmingly, Kyungsoo looking to the stage to spot Luhan beaming at him with a flashdrive in hand.

“” Kyungsoo groans but still refuses to move.

“To adequately assist you lovely people in understanding the many charms of our precious Kyungsoo, I have even prepared a powerpoint presentation” Luhan adds, eyes on Kyungsoo, ignoring all the booing he is receiving from the dance floor, even from his own friends for ruining the last medley  and the many romantic moments that were formulating thereto for his announcement.

“GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR” Kyungsoo screams, Luhan cackling into the microphone.

“ing fine” Kyungsoo hisses as he stands upwards, grabbing Baekhyun’s hand and dragging him to the dancefloor.

“Let’s ing dance” he instructs Baekhyun, throwing his hands over  the beaming Baekhyun’s shoulders, glaring at him and then Luhan, making sure Luhan has sight of him actually dancing.


“ It seems Kyungsoo ssi would like to dance instead, so we shall leave this for another day dear subjects” Luhan says with what seems like genuinely disappointment.


If Kyungsoo wasn't sure that there would be far reaching consequences  he would have ripped out all that pretty hair from the little pixie’s head.

“Please return to your previous activities” Luhan directs his masses

“And also remember that the best way to end any night is with a mindblowing or multiple s. So go forth and multiple and all that good stuff or well since most of you are gay as , maybe just around enthusiastically or something?? Whatever. I can only say that I shall certainly be ending my night with ‘Yong’ deep in-”

“Luhannnnnnnnnnnnnn” Kris is thankfully grabbing the microphone from Luhan just then, with Minseok cuing the music back on, both dragging a pouting Luhan from the stage.

Kyungsoo exhales.

How on earth did he get involved with these crazy ers?

His skin scrawls from where he is touching Baekhyun, who has surprisingly not touched him as yet.

Looking at him with some kind of shock actually.

“Would you just do it properly for ’s sake? I won't be doing this longer that I have to” Kyungsoo barks at Baekhyun, which thankfully knocks him out of his stupor, enthusiastically wrapping his arms around Kyungsoo’s waist, his hands dipping fast as soon as he fully takes note of the wonderful position he has found himself in.

Kyungsoo stamps on his foot without a second thought.

“Don't even ing think about it. Touch my and I will end you” Kyungsoo hisses but Baekhyun just smiles at him as he drags his hand back up to Kyungsoo’s waist, touching being abandoned for now.

Baekhyun bites back a grimace but just nods.


Oh well. It was worth a shot. He will have to return to that stellar course of action later it seems.

On to Plan B.

#Being a decent human being ( or that is what Minseok had suggested when he gave this lame advice) or some like that. Not his preferred alternative but Minseok had insisted that he try something new.

What’s the point of talking when there’s to be d?

No wonder Minseok is single. SMH.

Might as well try it now that he has been denied the touching option.

“We shouldn't have waited all night to do this” Baekhyun  begins as a conversation starter, though he does think it is quite a shame.

Not the most ideal date frankly but they are here now and that’s what matters he tells himself.

“You’re a terrible date, I hope you know” Baekhyun continues, his smile never leaving his lips.

God! Kyungsoo is so small in his arms.

Its ing adorable.

Baekhyun feels like he is going to throw up.


“This was not a date” Kyungsoo says with a roll of his eyes.

“Ahhhh don't be like that” Baekhyun complains, his hand tightening on Kyungsoo’s waist.

“I know you like me” Baekhyun asserts unperturbed,not taking Kyungsoo’s indifference to heart.

Kind of encouraged that Kyungsoo hasn't shafted him with a knife as yet to be honest.

“I see you smiling when you think no one will notice. You don't hate me as close to as much as you pretend you do” Baekhyun points out with some smugness, waiting to say these words to Kyungsoo for months.

He has never lasted long enough to Kyungsoo to get these words out.


Kyungsoo can't fool him.

He knows a smitten hobbit when he sees one.

“You’re ing delusional” Kyungsoo says refusing to meet Baekhyun’s searching eyes.

“Why won't you just admit it Baby Soo?” Baekhyun questions.

“You think I’m cute” Baekhyun sing-songs in glee, moving them to the music a bit more.

“In your dreams” Kyungsoo scoffs, wondering if Luhan has chosen the longest ing song on the planet for this dance.

“I mean, I do have lots of dreams about you” Baekhyun agrees.

“Some I will not mention to spare your delicate sensibilities and well, my spine” he attempts  to joke with a wink.

Kyungsoo gives him a deadpan look.

“It's okay if you laugh” Baekhyun says, this time a little disappointed.

He really did think he would get a smile for that one.

Kyungsoo loves violence and breaking his bones.

Kyungsoo loves nothing more than some good old fashion with Baekhyun and frankly he should admit that!!

Or so Baekhyun thinks anyway.

“No one will think less of you if you just admit that you find me tolerable” Baekhyun says with some frustration.

“You sure?” Kyungsoo provokes.

Baekhyun frowns.

He is going to make use of this time.

“You don't have to be such an to me all the time you know” Baekhyun explodes a little, their slow movements stopping as Kyungsoo glares at him.

“I’m an to you? Me??” Kyungsoo questions roughly, his temper provoked.

“You ing stalk me and ually harass me every single time you ing see me!” Kyungsoo hisses, glaring fully at Baekhyun now.

Baekhyun gulps.


“I won't call it stalking or ual harassment... exactly” Baekhyun rejoins a little more delicately having had a second to calm down, and doing some quick recalculating, figuring he has contributed in some small way to the tense nature of their relationship.

Only in a small way though.

“What then would you call it then?” Kyungsoo demands.

“Misguided attempts at flirting?” Baekhyun suggests with what he hopes is a charming grin.

Kyungsoo scoffs, but before he can get a word in Baekhyun continues.

“Sometimes I just want to talk to you. Have your attention or something like that” Baekhyun confesses with as much sincerity he can muster.

Minseok better be right about this! OMFG

Being sincere and honest is ing hard.

Can’t he just grab Kyungsoo’s and invite him to somewhere? That's so much easier than this gay soul bearing .

He feels kind of queasy too.

He is pretty sure Kyungsoo will like him a whole lot less if he barfs all over him.

Kyungsoo is a er clearly but he doubts those kinks include barf or he hopes it doesn't. Baekhyun doesn't think he can get behind barf. #DealBreaker

“I think you would like me too if you give me a chance” Baekhyun continues with courage.

Baekhyun doesn't see how on earth Kyungsoo could genuinely NOT want to his and well maybe marry him and have two kids whilst they are at it.

Maybe they could renew their vows yearly and go to a new honeymoon destination ever so often and in really interesting places and have the most amazing stories to tell the grandkids.

Clearly Baekhyun has given this  A LOT of thought.

Especially the ing in interesting place and the honeymoons.

A beach has definitely been in his contemplation.

Kyungsoo really should just get with the programme already so they could start their epic lives together, starting of course with the ing.

That’s very important.

They should get on that immediately.

Like tonight.


“I grow on people. I’m infectious” Baekhyun says with soft laugh.


He is.

He is super charming and well, clingy as . Eventually everyone gets accustomed to him. Kyungsoo won't know how to live without him soon enough.

“Like an STD infectious?” Kyungsoo responds meanly.

Baekhyun pinches his waist.

“What the is wrong with you?” Kyungsoo responds hotly, Baekhyun glares at him.

“Don't be mean!” Baekhyun chastises, feeling more than a little disheartened than he would usually ever admit.

He is listening to Minseok. He is putting the jokes aside and trying to approach Kyungsoo sincerely despite how hard this ‘feelings’ is.

Least the hobbit could do is take him seriously.

It’s kind of funny but mainly just kind of hurtful too, even if it's hard to admit that it is. He doesn't want to be something disgusting to Kyungsoo. He really does think that Kyungsoo would have a great time with him if he ever just took the chance.

“We are having a good moment and you are ruining it” Baekhyun all but whines, finding himself pouting at Kyungsoo, yet his eyes are firm.

“I haven't done anything inappropriate have I?” Baekhyun points out, the “to deserve such treatment” left unsaid.

“Don't try to guilt trip me” Kyungsoo grumbles, looking away.

“The fact that you even feel guilty should let you know that you have the hots for me”

 “Just saying” Baekhyun chuckles.

Kyungsoo glares.


Baekhyun grins at him as Kyungsoo looks away from him, grumbling something unintelligible under his breathe, Baekhyun soaking up his little victory, celebrating by stepping just that little bit closer into Kyungsoo’s personal space, so far the action going unnoticed.

‘He sooooooooooooooooo loves me’ Baekhyun gloats to himself.

“This is nice by the way” Baekhyun hums as he throws caution to the wind and tries to snuggle into Kyungsoo, who  predictably stiffens at the contact.

“Relax” Baekhyun hums out, the teasing apparent in his voice but the effect is altogether much more soothing than greasy, a small miracle to be frank.

Baekhyun is definitely thinking some more than indecent things.

“I won't bite” He winks.

“I mean unless you want me too of course” he can't help but throw in with a lecherous look, Kyungsoo huffing out a breath but bites back the likely scathing response.

Baekhyun is in freaking heaven!

“You’re the one that is physically violent between us anyway” Baekhyun laughs, alluding to the fact that the closeness really doesn't provide much detriment to Kyungsoo.

Its Baekhyun taking the risk frankly.

His crotch is definitely in the path of Kyungsoo’s knees right then and one ill placed comment and he could very well be tasting his balls in his throat if past interactions are anything to go by.

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes but does not contradict him.

It's not a lie, Kyungsoo begrudgingly admits to himself.

“You’re judo skills are amazing by the way” Baekhyun compliments just  then.

“I learnt Hapkido in school but my skills aren't even close to your jiujitsu. It’s impressive” Baekhyun continues to compliment,  having wanting to do so for a long time now.

Kyungsoo sighs, body relaxing a little.

Baekhyun has to subdue the glee bubbling inside him.

He is going to have Kyungsoo eating out the palm of his hand in no time.

No one can resist Byun Baekhyun after all.

“Thanks I guess” Kyungsoo mumbles, trying to look unaffected but a very very slight redness in the apple of his cheeks gives him away.

“Don't you have any compliments for me?” Baekhyun teases, unable to help his basic nature.

Kyungsoo stops the barely there movements and stares at him for a few seconds before he sighs again, stepping back into motion with Baekhyun, who is having a mental breakdown.

Being normal is so ing hard but so far it's working really well.

Why does Kyungsoo like such vanilla too??

Can't they move on to touching part of the night?

Kyungsoo’s is like right there OMFG

The urge to touch is sooooooooooooo strong.

“Well you aren't dead yet so maybe you aren't completely vile” Kyungsoo begrudgingly says.

“Awwwww Kyungsoo” Baekhyun blushes.

Then leans down to kiss Kyungsoo’s cheek, but is stopped by a firm hand to his forehead.

“Don't push it. I can still kill you”

“You ruined the moment again” Baekhyun complains, but the smile on his lips can't leave.

Kyungsoo is not amused, Baekhyun laughs.

“We should make use of all these good feelings and like go in the bathroom” Baekhyun chooses to suggest then, mindful of the song coming to an end, his time with Kyungsoo also nearly at an end.

His decent human being can only happen in small doses sadly.

He is physically compelled to proposition Kyungsoo. It's not even his fault. His body revolts against him and he has this intense desire to see him angry and glaring.

It ssoooooooooooooooo ing hot.

“Never going to happen Byun. NEVER EVER GOING TO HAPPEN” Kyungsoo impresses upon his dance partner, also mindful of the last notes in the air.

“Never say never Baby” Baekhyun hums suggestively, throwing in a playful grin for the effect just as Kyungsoo dislodges himself from his grasp.

Baekhyun doesn't stop him, even though he really wanted to. It's hard to let him out of his arms then, a twisting sort of discomfort tingling his stomach at the loss.

He just has one more thing to say to Kyungsoo though.

“I’m going to grab your now”

“Please don't kill me”

Baekhyun says  it all in a rush before he reaches down to grab Kyungsoo’s .

ing perfect!

Kyungsoo of course yells in his face as he punches him in the gut and then kicks his shins.

Baekhyun is still deliriously happy when Kyungsoo jabs at his stomach and he is falling onto the floor in a heap of pained grunts and boundless joy.

“You are so ing annoying oh my ing god!” Kyungsoo curses at him, huffing in annoyance, landing on last somewhat mild kick to his ribs before he is stomping off in a fuming mess of raging hobbit.

Baekhyun is left on the floor, clutching at his stomach, exhaling in pained groans, grinning happily to himself.

So ing worth it.

Baekhyun is still grinning like a drugged up psychopath when Minseok shows up a few minutes later to survey the damage.

“You okay?” he worries as he tries to help Baekhyun up.

Baekhyun coughs violently.

His ribs ing hurt, needing Minseok to help lift him upwards and onto shaky legs.

“I’m great” Baekhyun answers, still with the creepy grin.

“No you aren't. I’m pretty sure your ribs are at least bruised” Minseok points out as he tries to look at the damage, handing Baekhyun over to Chanyeol who came over to help.

Baekhyun in still happily floating in the clouds.

“I’m in heaven Hyung” Baekhyun mumbles in his glee.

And also because he can't really form words properly right now, grabbing at his side, leaning his body against Chanyeol.

“He sooooooooo ing wants me” Baekhyun declares confidently.

“Poor bastard is in love with me” Baekhyun boast, grinning like the deranged psychopath that he was.

“Did he hit you in the head too?” Chanyeol asks, clearly worried.


“Only my stomach”

“But he definitely had an effect on my and probably my heart, but definitely my ” Baekhyun answers with a dazed sort of honesty coated in nonsense.

His usual mental state after any run in with Kyungsoo to be honest.

“We’ll be ing soon enough” Baekhyun declares.

“He’s thirsty for me, the stubborn little hobbit. He just likes to play hard to get” Baekhyun insists to Minseok and Chanyeol who both look at him like he’s crazy.

He is.

That doesn't mean Kyungsoo isn't desperate for him!

‘Poor Bastard is soooooooooo gonna fall in love with me.What can you do when you are just so ing appealing and lovable Byun Baekhyun?’ Baekhyun thinks to himself.

This is like the best day of Baekhyun’s life.

Best dance ever!!

Baekhyun of course just laughs manically ( which is mainly pained coughs)  to himself, enjoying his own self praise and delusional conclusions as he looks at the direction Kyungsoo  had stormed off into.

Crazy. Confirmed.

Minseok doesn't even bother to argue with him, already calling the doctor they keep on standby, making sure to set up another psyche evaluation.



The little gift Kyungsoo had pulled from his suit pocket is sitting on Kyungsoo’s bedside table as he sits on his bed, ready to go to sleep.

His anger had eventually faded, hence the reason why the little trinket hadn't made it to the bin when he pulled it out and realized it was from Baekhyun.

He picks it up now.

Its nothing extravagant.

A red coloured origami fish, accompanied with a childish little candy and a note.

 A red fish.

A determined love.

Kyungsoo dislodges the note and finally gives it a read, his temper cooled enough that he doesn't want to destroy everything associated with Byun Baekhyun, at least in this very moment.

Not as sweet as me but what can you do? Think of me and smile. We’ll be together for a long time”

Kyungsoo sighs.

That's what he is afraid of.

He still unwraps the candy and pops it into his mouth, depositing the note and the fish on his bedside table, before he snuggles into the warm covers.

If he does indeed smile into the darkness, no one needs to know.





Minseok screeches, desperately shutting his eyes.


“We waited till after the dance to ”

“I thought you would be proud”

Jongdae argues from his very perch on the countertop with his equally boyfriend buried deep inside him, Yixing’s nicely sculpted proudly displayed.

“You know what?”

“I don't ing care”

“I’m moving out”

Minseok turns right around and heads straight for him room, packing a suitcase before anyone can even attempt to stop him.

this .

Jongdae well, Jongdae  just shrugs.

What can you do but enjoy the moment?

He therefore very loudly instructs his boyfriend that he expects Yixing to make him scream.

They had been trying to be considerate and keeping the noise to a minimum.hat's not necessary now though.  Everyone’s already up  already aren't they? After Minseok made so much noise with his screeching, acting as if this was the first time he had walked in on Jongdae and Yixing ing on the kitchen counters.

Minseok is such a prude.

Jongdae is going to find him a girlfriend.

After he finishes up here of course.  A man has to have priorities.

Yixing as always is quite happy to meet his  boyfriend’s request, having him screaming long into the night.


A/N: Well, this is a monster. What can I say? I haven't written fanfic in a very long time and this AU in even longer, so please bear with me. Hopefully it’s not too awkward or inconsistent. Everyone got a feature since it’s been so long. Feel free to envision your own selected song for the final dance scenes that you feel fits the  mood. 

Till next time :)

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Chapter 10: i just love seho. and for sehun to faint just by the guardian's touch is so adorable. ?
thursday #2
Chapter 19: An update! I'm sorry it took me so long to see it!!! You definitely still have the knack of writing! This madness as well as your other stories got me through so many stupidly difficult times. Your imagination has always brought me delight.
Chapter 18: Poor Minnie
Chapter 18: im hurting for chanyeol ;;
thursday #5
Chapter 17: Delightful, madcap, and I see your shift in ships, lol. :)
teufelchen_netty #6
Chapter 17: Baek is such a weirdo
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 16: Poor jonginnie
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 11: These two are so cute dumb xd
teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 9: Poor kris, he must be confused