A tragic memory

Silently loving a mafia prince

Quote: “Pain happens to everyone. To grow up, to fulfill your potential, to develop into what God wants you to be--this process takes support. No one succeeds alone.”~ Clay Aiken

Yuri P.O.V

“Let go of me!” I hissed trying to seem calm though in reality I was really scared

“Shut up!” he said annoyed “Start walking towards the black car that is parked across that street “Don’t bother trying to fight me because this time I am not going to go easy on you. You tricked me once but I am not stupid to let you make a fool out of me twice!”

“No worried there is no need for me to do that, you are doing it really well already!” I said mocking him

“I that you find that funny!” he said annoyed then he slapped me really had making me fall on the cold ground but I didn’t mind because all I wanted was for him to let go of me .As I was on the ground I quickly took   my shoes off and then I threw it in his face than I got up and ran barefoot back towards the club where Minho was.

“GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BRAT!” I heard him shout sounding really pissed off. He started to run after me and thanks to the fact that he was quite a runner he managed to catch up with me easily. *slap* I felt his cold palm brushing violently on my cheek.


Minho P.O.V

*where is that girl?* I wondered as I looked for her trough the club but there was no sight of her so I went to search her at the bathroom.

“Yuri-ah, are you there?” I called her because I couldn’t simply enter in the women’s bathroom. No answer came so I figured out she probably was not there. Since I couldn’t find her I thought that I should call her and ask her where she is. Because there was too much noise inside I thought that there would be better if I would go outside, so I headed towards the backdoor.

*I guess that I don’t have to call Yuri after all!* I thought while looking in disbelieve at the sight in front of me.

“Let go of me!” said Yuri as she fought to escape from that freak’s grip.”Fine you asked for it!” said Yuri then she bitted the guy

“AHH. This time you’re dead!” said the man angry then he grabbed Yuri and wanted to punch her but I didn’t let that happen

“Get off her!”I said angry as I dragged him away. I threw him towards the cold, rough cement wall then I started to punch him.


Yuri P.O.V

Of course he wasn’t the type to simply stay. He fought back and threw Minho a punch in the stomach. Surprisingly Minho didn’t seem to affected instead he looked like he was used to it but more surprising then this was what I was about to witness. He tried to punch Minho again but this time he dodged his punch and at the same time pushed him making him fall on the ground. Then Minho jumped on him and started to punch him with a lot of force until he started to bleed

“Stop it; you’re going to kill him!” I shouted horrified because Minho seemed to have lost all his control “Stop it!” I repeated as I used all my strength to drag Minho of him” Let’s get out of here!”


Jessica P.O.V

“ACHOO!” sneezed Key for the 100th time making me feel guilty

“Hyung, maybe you should ask noona to make you a warm porridge. It seems that you caught a cold!” advised Taemin as he was sitting on the couch looking at some cartoons. Upon hearing the word porridge Key’s hardened.

“ I am not hungry. I think I’ll go to take some fresh air. Maybe it will help me feel better!” said Key then he got out of the apartment not even bothering to wear his jacket

“Did I say something wrong?” asked Taemin clueless but I didn’t get to answer because I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. It was a text message from Jonghyun. He was asking me to bring him a glass with orange juice. I went to the kitchen and poured  some juice in a glass then I went to bring it to Jonghyun.


Jonghyun P.O.V

Jessica entered in my room carrying the glass with juice. To be honest I wasn’t really thirsty, all I wanted was to see her, to find out if she was ok because when I told her to get out of the room she seems somehow scared and worried at the same time.

“Thanks…I was really thirsty!” I lied “About earlier…I am sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad it’s just that…just…never mind, all I hope is that you’re fine!”

**I am not upset…it was my fault. I shouldn’t have forced you to eat it!**

“You look tired…I am sorry for making you worry for me.”

**No…it doesn’t matter. I am glad that you are fine .Seeing you healthy is all that matters!** wrote Jessica, her statement sending a warm electric wave in my heart which caused it to pound faster

“Hey, do you want to watch a movie with me? “ I said trying to seem like I was not insanely happy because of what she just said “I am really bored! Sitting in bed ! No wonder Minho would sneak out behind the doctor’s back when he was in hospital!”  I said without thinking too much. I only realized what I had done once I saw a sad expression on Jessica’s face

*Great job Jonghyun! Way to go, you are really going to make her love you more by remembering her about the guy she likes!*

“Could you go in the kitchen to bring some snacks? I’ll pick the movie!” I said then I started to look through my movie list from my laptop


Jessica P.O.V

As soon as Jonghyun talked about Minho a big knot formed in my stomach. Unlike other times when I would be worried if he was not at home now, I was actually relieved that he didn’t show up.

*Stop…I must stop thinking like this! I have no right to be so selfish!**


Jonghyun P.O.V

“How about “200 pounds beauty” ? Is it alright with you to watch this?” I asked Jessica as soon as she entered in the room carrying a plate with fruits and a few packages with chips. She simply nodded then she sat on the floor near my bed ready to watch the movie.

*Ke…ke she is so innocent!*

“What do you think you’re doing? I hope you were not thinking about sitting there?” I asked making Jessica to be really confused “ You’re going to catch a really bad cold if you stay there for two hours. Come here!” I said pointing towards the empty space that was near me

**You want me to sit there, in your bed, near you?**

“Duh!” I said coolly “ Uh, come on, stop having that expression on your face, as if I would eat you up! I thought I already told you, that you are not my type from the first moment we met!” I lied because I really wanted Jessica to sit with me so that I would feel closer with her

** Then maybe you should watch this movie with Yuri!** wrote Jessica on a piece of paper that she threw it in my face looking really pissed off then she wanted to leave. Luckily I was smart enough to stop her just in time

“Yeah…where are you going? Get back here! This is an order!” I said but Jessica didn’t bother to listen to me so I had to use my secret ace “If you don’t get back I’m going to tell Key about Jjong!” I threatened this time successfully managing to capture Jessica’s attention. She returned reluctantly and sat on the bed waiting for me to get the movie going.

*What’s with that attitude, that’s something that I’ve never seen so far! She acted just like a jealous girlfriend…No, it does not make sense because Jessica is in love with my brother!*


Jessica P.O.V

*** 1 hour and a half later***

“I hate carrots!” said one of the characters from the movie ( I know that’s probably not in the movie) making me remember about Jonghyun’s bad reaction to carrots from earlier and  the way Key reacted when he saw the carrots

**You are just like him! You hate carrots too! Why do you dislike so much the carrots?** I asked Jonghyun hoping that he won’t get mad at me again

“ They are orange and have a horrible taste! Only rabbits like it!” said Jonghyun obviously lying

**Liar! I hate broccoli to yet I never reacted like this! Tell me the truth!**

“That’s the truth!” said Jonghyun stubbornly

**That’s not the truth! I already know that you are lying because Key told me that there is a real reason for it!**

“Key told you?” asked Jonghyun looking really upset as he stopped the movie. After seeing Jonghyun’s troubled expression a feeling of regret overwhelmed me, so I expressed my feelings in the only way I could. I hugged him, again, for the second time that day! Tears started wall up in my eyes but I refused cry so behind Jonghyun’s back I tried to wipe them away with my sleeve but Jonghyun didn’t fail to notice. “Yeah, don’t cry!” said Jonghyun loudly but then his tone softened “Sorry…sorry for acting like this again…I didn’t mean to  act like this…just that for me is a touchy subject!” said Jonghyun softly then he stopped  for a moment seeming like he was debating what to do next “I think I should tell you after all, since this is the only way for you to be able to understand me!” said Jonghyun getting ready to explain me his reasons for acting like that but I stopped him by placing a finger on his lips


Jonghyun P.O.V

**No…don’t! If it hurts you that much then I don’t want you to tell me! I …I don’t want to see you suffering!**  wrote Jessica once again managing to make my heart skip a beat for a moment because of her genuine care for me

“No…I want to!” I said then I opened one of the doors of my soul that I always preferred to keep locked from anyone…even from myself because once opened it always left a bitter taste.


“Do you think mom will like this?” I asked my family’s driver showing him the card that I had made at kindergarten together with my teacher for mother’s day

“Sure kiddo! I’m sure she’ll love it!” said the chauffer then he ruffled my hair gently

“Drive faster!” I said to him because I was really eager to get home as fast as possible

“Stay calm kiddo, mom’s going to be there even if you get a few minutes later! If I drive to fast I might get into an accident and you could end up in hospital! And you know what happens then? I’ll have to write my will because you’re father while kill me if you get hurt!” said the chauffer then he continued to drive in the same monotonous rhythm

After a ten minutes ride that for me seemed like a year I finally got home. I quickly opened the car’s door and ran to the house. As I got to the door I was welcomed by a terrifying view. The door was all wrecked, in the living room were lying dead some of dad’s men. Scared I started to call my mom. I ran worried to the kitchen where I knew she was supposed to be because she used to wait me there every day with a bowl of warm food. As I got in the kitchen I froze: my mother was lying on the ground in a bath of blood and carrots. She was cutting carrots when she was surprised by one of my father’s enemies who barged into the room and shoot her. She didn’t even get the chance to defend herself she simply feel on the ground, dragging after her the bowl of carrots .The bowl cracked and all the carrots scattered on the ground, all over her blood that was flowing from her body.

End of flashback

“So basically it started all from there!”


Jessica P.O.V

*I could have never imagined, not in a million years, that Jonghyun had so deep scars in his heart. No wonder he dislikes carrots! *

** I am sorry for forcing you eat them…I must have brought you really bad memories. I am really sorry…I didn’t mean to!**

“It’s fine, you didn’t know! I shouldn’t have acted like that either…it’s just I…I don’t know it simply happens without me wanting to!” explained Jonghyun looking apologetic

**I understand…that’s your way of protecting yourself. When being confronted with a scary event everyone finds a different way to defend, some shut themselves in, others like you develop some kind of phobia! It’s like a shield meant to keep all the potential enemies away.**

“Wow…you sound like some kind of an expert! Like you would have gone through something similar yourself!” pointed out Jonghyun


Jessica P.O.V

**That’s because I am similar to you.  You know…I wasn’t always mute. In the past I was normal…just like you!**


A/N: This is the ongest chapter so far.So here is the explenation for Jonghyun's phobia...I know I kind of pushed the limits (that doesn't probably happen in reality). Anyway, from Jessica's last note to Jonghyun you have found out that Jessica wasn't mute since she was born. In the next chapter You will find out more about Jessica's past (the reason why she's mute now) and there will be more Minyul!



  1. Yuri can't have kids
  2. Yuri can pick locks easily and she also knows some defense techniques
  3. Yuri is running away from someone
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Chapter 44: Im glad that jessica forguve jonghyun.
And i live that minho and yuri really love each other. ^^

I wish they will be safe from kris.
lovekpop0515 #2
Please update soon! Thanks!
Chapter 44: OMG!! yuri nightmare kris take them..
don't worry girls.. you're super heroes come to safe you..
Chapter 44: What a great story! Hope you will update soon, so you want to make exo fanfic? Can you make jessica is the heroine one?
jjongliette #5
Chapter 9: hahaha Key eomma lets makeover Sica :D

I love this story so much :3
Chapter 43: please be back together jongsica. >.<
you're both suffering.

yuri did a nice job. it's the right thing to do. ^^
Chapter 43: Jessica know everything..
thanks to Yuri and Minho's dad..
update soon..
can't wait what jessica plan to do next..
klaudaxminyul #8
Chapter 42: awsome i love your story x