By Your Side

By Your Side

It wasn’t such a long night for you and Jungkook. He helped you finish your homework before it got too late and he gave you a large amount of free time. Jungkook didn’t want to go back to his apartment because he felt the most fun with you.

You both sat in the middle of the room and just hung out and talk. It was nice to do especially after a hectic day. As you both talk to each other, Jungkook lays on his side and held his head up with his elbow resting on the floor. You have to admit, he looked really hot in the way he laid and it just made you feel hot inside.

“Are you ok?” Jungkook asked.

“Who me? … oh… haha yes I am! Why?”

“You’re turning red… and you’re heating up! Are you sick?”

“Nonononono I’m not! Don’t worry ^^.”

“Well you know what?”

“What?” You watched as Jungkook got off the ground and walked towards the front door where he slipped on his shoes and walked out. You were confused for a bit and just tilted your head at the closed door. a few minutes passed Jungkook comes back while holding something in which it covered the upper half of his body.

“Kookie what is this?” you asked. Jungkook walks over to the middle of the room again and drops the items on the floor. They were extra pillows and blankets as well as a portable mattress with sheets already over it and noticed that he is already in his pajamas.


“To make sure you’re not sick I’ll spend the night here!”

“What… Jungkook…”

“___ that is most certainly not what you call me ^^.”

“Sorry… Kookie… I really am okay I’m not sick ^^.”

“Well I still wanna make sure.” Jungkook starts to unfold the mattress and blankets and you moved to your bed. You sat there, watching as Jungkook prepares his bed and blankets.

“So are you gonna be going to sleep now?” you asked. Jungkook looks up at you and smiled. He laid himself on the mattress under the blanket leaving and entire side. Still looking at you, he moves the blanket over and pats on the empty side.

“I will if you sleep ehre” Jungkook said.

“Woah Kookie I can sleep here it’s fine really ^^.”

“But we won’t be able to sleep beside each other…”

“Haha Kookie it really is ok it’s already nice enough you’re spending the night here ^^.”

“So… are you not gonna sleep here?” you shook your head and smiled. “Then scoot over I’m gonna sleep there instead” Jungkook said. He gets out from under his covers and hopped on your bed while catching you as he lands.

“Ahhh Kookie!” you shouted.

“Now this is perfect. Goodnight ^^ sweet dreams! I’ll make sure not to let the bed bugs bite!” Jungkook said. You placed his arms around you and also locked you between his legs. The way he held you, you were facing his chest with your arms held in between his chest and yours. he wakes up a bit and pulls the covers over to give you both extra warmth for the night. His warm breath that blows on top of your head and his nice scent made him so manly. Overall, he fit perfectly.

The next morning it was a Saturday and it was a nice one. Jungkook woke up fist and cleaned up the mattress he set up the night before and tucked them away by the door. you soon woke up finding Jungkook wrapping the apron around his waist.

“Morning Kookie!” you called.

“Oh good morning! I hope you slept well ^^ I’ll make us breakfast! or… would you like to eat out instead?” asked Jungkook.

“Haha whichever one you prefer ^^” you said while still sitting on your bed. Jungkook nodded and went back to the kitchen.

Jungkook took out some flour, eggs, milk, butter and also set up the stove. He then took out the pan and set it on the stove where it can heat up for a bit while he mixed the other ingredients together. When he finished mixing the ingredients together he, waited a bit more for the pan to heat up and looked out the window.  You watched him again as he prepared the food but it he looked a bit worried after looking out the window.

“Kooki what is it?” you asked.

“I’ll be right back!” Jungkook took off his apron and threw it on the sink. He ran to the front door and slipped on his shoes.

“Kookie!” you called still from your bed, “Where are you going?!”

“It’s just that… mother is here and she can’t see me here!” Jungkook said as he rushed to put on his shoes.


“Sorry there’s no time to talk right now!” Jungkook finally slipped on his other shoe and opened the door. To his surprise, he mother stood before him.

“Oh eomma!” Jungkook said.

“Jungkook I let you go to Seoul and you end up living in a rooftop apartment are you this lazy to go out and find a nice house?” his mother said.

“Well I wanted to start cheap and it’s not bad!” You could see and hear their conversation from your bed and watched as his mother glared at him. Suddenly, her eyes laid on you.

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inspirit_melody96 #1
Chapter 4: Is this all?