By Your Side: Chapter 4

By Your Side

With the day starting you Jungkook to his first class and it turned out he was with you. Bu good thing he's in this class with you, calculus. Jungkook looked around to see what class it was and it came to his surprise that it was calculus. "Huh... well I'm happy now!" jungkook saiad.

"What? Why! This is a math class, who on earth is ever happy to be in a math class?" you said in surprise.

"Like i said, i passed this with a breeze. I'm just happy I'm able to help you more!" jungkook said smiling. You shook your head and walked over to your seat. You sat down then patted on the surface of the desk beside you to gesture Jungkook to sit beside you. As you tried to get his attention, you've noticed Jungkook being surrounded by a large number of girls.

"Oppa you're so cute! are you new here?" asked one.

"Are you taken oppa?" asked another.

"Oppa... can i call you oppa?" asked a few girls.

"Ladies ladies please..." said Jungkook backing them off. "I'm not all that special. Please treat me well. I'm Jungkook."

"Wooooowwww!!! Can i call you Kookie oppa?" asked a girl.

"No" Jungkook said straight up. he gently pushed the girls aside and made his way to you. "I'm sorry about that ___ I didn't know girls at your school go crazy like this!" 

"Oh.... haha yeah they're pretty crazy..." you replied.

"But why didn't you go crazy for me?" you looked at him with a stern face and then giggles.

"Because you alreayd know I like you, I already go crazy inside and i don't wanna show it."

"But someday i would like to see you go a bit nuts ^^" teased Jungkook and you back. You were both having a good time before class begins.

After school, the usual you have to head to the restaurant and work but Jungkook followed you almost everywhere. "So... where are we going?" Jungkook asked.

"Well you can go home^^ I have to go to work..." you replied.

"You work? Where at?"

"At Bangtan's. It's kinda attached to the school haha."

"I see. I'll walk with you!"

"You really don-" soon then Jungkook grabs you by the hand again and start walking towards your work place. You smiled as he held your hand and took you to work. He opens the door, allowing for you to walk in first. You bowed to your co-workers and then your boss. You noticed there were a lot of people and needed to get ready soon. "Thank you for walking me here" you said to Jungkook.

"It's not a problem! How long will you be working here today?"

"About 4-5 hours... maybe even more depending on how many people come..."

"I see... then I'll wait for you! Is that ok?"


"I want to wait for you here. Please let me!"

"Haha alright alright I'll give you a table and whatever you wanna have just tell me ^^."

"Got it!" You Jungkook to a table where it fits two people. He sits on the chair comfortably and relaxes himself as he looks at the menu. You told Jungkook tha toyu needed to get ready and he nodded. You went off to get ready in the back and came out with your notbeook in your hand and a pen in your hair. "Hello welcome to Bangtan's!" you said to the customer.

"Hey I've seen you before!" said SUga.


"Yeah you go to our school don't you Is your boyfriend here by any chance?" asked V.


"Yes... what's his name... jungbook?" asked Jimin.

"You mean Jungkook?"

"YES HIM!" said Rap Monster, "Is he here?"

"Uh yes... he's sitting at a table looking over a menu..."

"Alright thanks! By the way... what's your name?" asked J-hope.

"___... have a good time!" You then escorted the boys over to Jungkook then start working again. You would serve each customer or them to a table. At one point during your shift, you start to hear music and the restaurant goes quiet. Someone is rapping and the others were singing. You looked around to see who it could be but there were so many people it was a bit hard to figure it out until all heads turned to one spot, then your head followed.

"Jungkook?" you thought. As you get closer , you noticed Jungkook singing and rapping with the Bangtan Boys. you were surprised by his remarkable voice and you were just happy listening to iy.


"He does..." Jin spoke softly.

"He should be a part of your group!" said J-hope.

"Yeah hyung what do you say?" V asked towards Rap monster.

"YES OF COURSE! No wonder i felt like we were a little off beat. But now we found our balance!" Rap Monster said. He pulled up a chair and stood on it with a glass raised and a fark tapping it on the side. "Oh i guess i didn't need to call attention" he said as he looked around. "I would like to inform you all that we have gained our new member. Please lemme introduce you all to Jun Jungkook!"

the crowd clapped and so did you. You were happy for Jungkook, hoewver, he seemed a bit worried.

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inspirit_melody96 #1
Chapter 4: Is this all?