By Your Side

By Your Side
Mr. Jun took you into his car and drove you to school. With much surprise you already felt so comfortable with him. Let alone he reminds you of your own father, a kind, gentle hearted man with a strong appearance. You watched as he drove you to school, the smile on his face made him look more than just a father, but a leader whose rich and would help others rather than keeping it for himself.
You though to yourself and wondered why he had left Jungkook’s mother. As much as you wanted as you feel like you couldn’t, afraid that he might not answer or he might actually start lecturing.
“Why so quiet? Am I making things awkward?” Mr. Jun started.
“No not at all…”
“Well what are you thinking about?”
“It’s nothing… dad ^^”
“I don’t think so. You can’t lie to me you know you can tell me anything…”
“No it’s fine. I feel like my question would be too personal so it’s alright ^^.”
“Ask me anyway! I don’t mind.”
“Uh well… I was just wondering… why did you and Jungkook’s mom split up?”
“Oh… haha I haven’t talked about that in a while! You see…. Back when we were married we were already having problems mainly because of her personality. she knew I’m rich and she knew I’m the type that would give but she didn’t like that. Each day she would tell me to save my money and never give it to charity or other places that would need it. Then we had Kinjung, Jungkook’s hyung, and from there she took over. She raised him of course but she wouldn’t let me get near him or look at him. After a few years came Jungkook and treated him the same way. I left her when they were younger and I requested that I rais both of my sons and she won’t let me. when I divorced her, she took more than half of my money, which is fine because I can earn more. I married her because I loved her, I left her for the sake of happiness…”
Mr. Jun’s story almost made you cry. Who would have known that Jungkook had such a hard time with his mother. In the beginning when he mentioned that his mother never let them have any choice he wasn’t kidding, she never let him have any choices about anything. It upset you so much you could hear your heart cracking. “I guess some people really are just more fortunate than others…” you thought.
“Jungkook must have told how his life was like with his mother. I could have said more but it’s mostly Jungkook’s story he should tell. But please I hope you know you’re more fortunate than us.”
“I feel like you’re more fortunate than me honestly…”
“You may think that because of how much money we have. But that’s all we have is money. You’re more fortunate than us because you have a loving family, you’re growing up happy, and you have people that surround you with support and so much love. With Yaena, she never let us have any of those…” Again his words were sad but powerful. You start to think back at how grateful you are with your family and how much you’re growing to love them too.
You eventually reached school where Mr. Jun parked on the parking lot and you to the administration office where he pulled out a car and presented it to the person at the front desk. The lady at the front desk looked over at his card and nodded then started typing on her computer.
“It’s been fun talking to you. I hope we meet again. Please promise me that you’ll keep my Kookie happy and that you’ll be by his side like how he is on yours. trust me, he wouldn’t leave you for anyone else.” Mr jun starts walking away back to his car and then drove off. You still stood in the administration office until the lady at the front desk has told you that it was fifth period and time that you go to class. You bowed and went to class straight away.
As usual, after school would be work time and headed over to Bangtan’s to do your shift. Customers were coming in and out and that day was just hectic. The manager had told you that ever since Bangtansonyeondan had debuted it’s been quite the famous restaurant on the street.
“Yeah ___ they were all wondering if we named this restaurant  after the boys” chuckled oyur manager.
“That would have been a great story!” you replied.
“You know this place is named after my nephew Kim Namjoon…”
“Kim Namjoon? Has he seen this place before?”
“Yes! He’s been here very many times and it always makes me so happy to see him working so hard in school as well just seeing him happy. He finally gets to accomplish his dreams and it just makes me even more proud of him!”
“What’s his dream?”
“He’s a rapper now for Bangtansonyeondan, the group your boyfriend is a part of. The leader. You know? Rap Monster? Such a silly name but it suits him!”
“Kim Namjoon is Rap Monster and Rap Monster is your nephew?!”
“Yeah I thought you would have known! Alright now get back to work ^^.”
You did as the manager told you to do. With all of the hectic people going around in the restaurant it made your shift surprisingly fast. Left and right people would request for more kimchi or for some of the famous Bangtan bibimbap that the top chef had created. In fact there were very many requests for those and you were starting to get tired of seeing that as you walk around holding it.
Shift over and it was time to go home. You walked out hoping to see Jungkook waiting for you again but he wasn’t there. You looked around to see if he was coming anytime soon but wasn’t. you shrugged your shoulders and started walking home.
Once you got home you quickly pulled up your laptop and logged onto skype to see if he would be on… he wasn’t. you shut off your laptop in disappointment and it made you lose your appetite. So, you just went to bed but didn’t sleep.
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inspirit_melody96 #1
Chapter 4: Is this all?