By Your Side

By Your Side
“Kookie I love you too…” you replied sincerely. Jungkook smiles and hugs you one more time.
“Listen… I need to head back now. I’m sorry…” he said.
“It’s totally fine. I’ll always be looking forward to see you soon ^^.” Jungkook smiles once more and gives you a kiss on the lips. Your first kiss with him lit up a spark. His lips were as warm as his hugs, were full, and also felt perfect upon yours. after the first peck, Jungkook couldn’t resist and went in for more. The small pecks turned into long, deep kisses that were so passionate it was impossible to let go.
After a small make out section, you pulled away and looked at Jungkook in the eyes. “Don’t you have to go? Haha.”
“I see someone doesn’t wanna have me around longer…”
“It’s not that I don’t want your manager to be angry with you is all ^^.”
“Caring as always. Lemme drive you home first. Do you by chance have a skype?”
“Yeah I do. Why?”
“I wanna be able to see you tonight longer and possibly help you with your homework like always ^^.”
“I see haha alright when you get back to the dorm just call me ^^.”
Jungkook nodded and let go of you. He walks back to his car to turn it on and opened the passenger door for you to get in. you did so and got comfortable before buckling your seatbelt. When the car you were thinking. “I’m so lucky to be dating a kpop star… what if I became famous too… but that’s impossible… what if Jungkook and I aren’t together anymore… what if it all suddenly falls apart… wait… his mother how will she handle this?” you thought. Your silence made Jungkook worry.
“Jagiya are you ok?” he asked while keeping his eyes on the road.
“Most definitely. Just very tired ^^” you lied.
“I see… don’t worry you’ll be home soon and we shall skype soon!” Jungkook said.
Eventually you reached your home and Jungkook escorts you to your apartment where everything was left untouched. You unlocked the door and went in then followed by Jungkook.
“It’s so nice to come back to this…” Jungkook said looking around.
“Yeah haha. Thanks again Kookie ^^.”
“It’s not a problem!” Jungkook takes off his shoes and jumps on your bed. He pulls the covers over him and laid his head on your pillow as you walk around to clean up a bit.
“As always your bed is so comfortable” Jungkook said snuggling in your bed.
“Well what can I say? Haha.”
“My bed at the dorm feels so empty.”
“How come?”
“Because I don’t have you to hug… I wanna spend the night here!”
“But wouldn’t you get in trouble by your manager?”
“I don’t think so. I mean who would know?”
The usual night occurs with Jungkook tutoring you and making you dinner. At the end of the day, it seemed like back when he used to live next door with you, where he would just come over and hang out in your place during the day and night. When everything was finished, you changed into your pajamas then waked to your bed where you laid your head on the pillow and took all of the blanket.
“Jagiya you’re supposed to share!” Jungkook said as he climbs into bed with you. He takes over the other side and pulls the cover over himself and then wrestles you in bed a little before he tightly holds you like before.
“I miss this so much” you said.
“You have no idea how long I wanted to do this again…” replied Jungkook and fell asleep with you.
The next morning you woke up to no Jungkook. You were expecting him to be making breakfast but the room felt like he left. To be sure you looked out to see if his car was there and it wasn’t. you sighed at his disappearance and headed back to the kitchen where you started a normal day all over again.
Going into the kitchen you walked over to your refridgerator where a ntoe was placed on the surface.
“Mianhae jagiya… I had to leave early before they go out looking for me. I couldn’t leave you without making breakfast so I hope you enjoy these pancakes. When you eat them warm them up for a minute and then it should be good ^^. Have a wonderful day my love, I’m looking forward to seeing you soon! ~ Jungkook.” The simple note already made your day.
You took the pancakes out of the fridge and heat them up in the microwave for a minute and began eating it. When finished you happily got ready for school again and as you were about to walk out of your apartment you noticed a figure standing before your door.
You were afraid to approach it but you had to. The silhouette of the figure was similar to the silhouette of Jungkook’s mother. You deeply hoped it would just be your friend Sandy. Standing before the door you couldn’t take another step forward and instead walked back to your bed.
“Open the door!” shouted that familiar voice. Your eyes widened and  realized that it wasn’t Sandy.
“C-coming!” you shouted back. shaking, almost completely terrified to open the door you had to before the one waiting on the other side yelled again.
“Stupid girl what has taken you so long!” shouted Jungkook’s mother.
“I apologize-“
“Where’s Jungkook huh?! Are you holding him in this dreadful place again?!”
“No he isn’t here…”
“Speaking to me so informal… how dare you!”
“My apologies-“
“I knew I never should have sent Jungkook here! Where is he?!”
“At the entertainment ma’am…”
“What? YOU’RE TELLING ME HE’S IN THE MUSIC BUSINESS?!” you slightly nodded and Jungkook’s mother stormed out.
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inspirit_melody96 #1
Chapter 4: Is this all?