By Your Side

By Your Side
Final chapter:
Several months later you got over Jungkook but not completely. You went back to school regularly and did your homework on a daily basis. After of what happened, you told manager and ever since then he’s been giving you a high salary than the rest of the of the staff that worked at Bangtan’s.
“Thanks manager!” you said.
“It’s not a problem. I was told that you deserve it and I agree!” replied the manager.
“Huh? Who told you?”
“Uhhhh… no one get home safely now!” said the manager and went into his office. You raised an eyebrow at him then took the money he gave you and walked out.
By this time it was already winter and it was snowing. You grabbed your large coat on your way out and zipped it out once you started walking home. You clutched onto your bag and your envelope full of money as you cut through the cold weather.
It took you longer than expected to get home since it was freezing cold and the snow hindered your pace but at least you made it home. When you got up to the top where that tiny apartment of yours that contained so many memories that you wanted to keep, was lit up and looked like there were people inside. Your first thought is you were being robbed. You quickly rushed inside and slammed the door open to see what was going on.
“Oh it’s just you guys…” you said.
“Yep… anyway we hope you don’t mind us setting up for Christmas…” said J-hope.
“Actually we hope you don’t mind if we spend Christmas with you here in this tiny apartment…” said Rap Monster.
“Wait what?”
“Well the entertainment gave us a full month break to spend Christmas and New Year’s with our families…” said Jimin.
“But we knew you would be here all alone so we wanted to come and celebrate this Christmas with you” said V.
“Awwwww thanks guys” you said sincerely. J-hope goes up to you to take your jacket off and placed it on the coat rack along with their jackets.
Jimin brought out the Christmas tree box and pulled out the Christmas tree. “Assembly is required?” said Jimin, “But the box shows a completely put together tree!”
“Idiot it says assembly required on the side” pointed V. Jimin glared at V and V glared back.
Rap Monster gathered the stockings with the help of Suga and placed a string of stockings alongside the edge of the ceiling. There were stocking for everyone and it looked like they were just made.
“There… one for me, Suga, Jin, J-hope, Jimin, v, and….” Said Rap Monster.
“Is Jungkook gonna spend Christmas with us?” asked Suga, “oops…” he said as he turned to you.
“no it’s ok if you mention him I don’t mind…” you said with a smile.
“Well still I’m sorry haha” chuckled Suga.
“Aye but watch what you say bro” said J-hope.
“Got it” said Suga.  Suga and Rap Monster continued to put up the stockings and placed you  stocking in the middle of the group’s stocking. After placing the stocking’s up, Rap Monster brought in a giant reef and hung it in the middle beside the window.
The reef was bundantly full of all of these Christmas ornaments that really did make it truly feel like Christmas. You smiled at it’s beautiful green color and ll of the decorations around it. “This is one heavy reef” said Rap Monster.
“I told you, you should have ordered a lighter one!” said Suga.
“Oh c’mon don’t fight now!” said J-hope.
“Hey hey at least it looks good that’s all that matters right?” said V while helping Jimin assemble the Christmas tree.
Jin was in the kitchen baking something that smelled over delicious. You walked over to the kitchen and watched as he baked Korean Christmas cookies and other Christmas delicacies. Jin looked over at you as he placed the cookies in the oven and moved on with making the dinner. “Jin do you need help?” you asked him.
“Sure” Jin said happily. You sliced some vegetables and pounded some meat while Jin barbequed the other meat and prepared the rice.
“Hey Jin… you know what iu’ve noticed lately?” you asked.
“Yes?” replied Jin.
“My rent was always paid before I could even pay them…”
“Yeah… like I would go down and pay the landlord but every time I go down to talk to her or give her the money she would say it’s already paid…”
“That’s strange… sounds like someone’s paying for you rent…”
“Yeah it does!” shouted J-hope, “I’m not the one whose paying for it if you ask me…”
“I’m not either” said Rap Monster.
“Neither am I” said Jimin.
“Or me” said V.
“Don’t even look at me” said Suga.
“Then who else would pay for my rent? Jungkook wouldn’t he’s not here…” you replied with a sigh.
“Listen, let’s not talk about Jungkook while we’re here ok? Let’s all be happy and only talk about things that could only make us happy alright?” requested J-hope. you nodded and went back to slicing vegetables and pounding the meat.
J-hope went on to putting up the Christmas scent to give it a more Christmas feel. He’s also come back in and out of the apartment placing presents on the side later to put under the tree. It looked like there were so many that it he had to put some on your bed, on the table, and somewhat in your closet.
The food was finished, other decorations were finished and everyone was just waiting for the tree. Jimin and V were taking a longer time than expected putting all of the ornaments together on the tree but there were so many that Rap Monster, Suga, and J-hope got in to help them out.  Placing ornaments here and there, the tree was really looking like a Christmas tree.
You were happy with everyone coming into your apartment and putting Christmas decorations together. you were grateful for Jin making food, Rap Monster and Suga for putting up stockings and the reef, Jimin and V putting the tree together and J-hope being somewhat of a help. After the last ornament was placed on the tree it was time to place the angel on top. The tree was so tall you didn’t know how one of them could put it on top while the chairs were occupied by the presents.
“Hey ___ you put it on the tree” Jimin said handing you the angel. You looked at him with large eyes but took the angel anyway. As you stepped forward towards the tree, you were lifted up and placed on the shoulder as you placed the angel on the tree.
“Mmmm more to the left” said J-hope.
“J-hope it’s all tilted now! Little bit on the right” said Rap Monster.
“OK now it’s extremely crooked” said J-hope.
“Errr…. Just a 5.67 degree angle to the left then it will be perfectly straight” said V.
“How did you…”
“See if my calculations were correct, I envisioned a semi circle and the angel being the line that represented the angle in which it is tilting. Now according to my calculations since it seemed like the angel is tilting at an 84.33 angle, 5.67 seems to be an appropriate angle in which the angel should be tilted for it to be perfectly straight” said V.
“My head hurts” said Jimin.
“Just tilt it” said V, “… aaaannnndddd there! That’s perfect!” V said.
“It looks perfect said a voice. You looked on your right to the other boys standing there.
“Wait… Rap Monster… Suga… Jin… jimjin… J-hope… V… whose holding me?!” you said surprised.
“Jagiya it’s me…” Jungkook said as he poked you on the leg. You were in total shock seeing Jungkook holding you as you placed the angel on the tree.
“Kookie…” you said looking at him.
“Did you miss me?” Jungkook placed you down and hugged you tightly. You were still so shocked you didn’t know if you were to hug him back or just stand there. “Awww no hug for Kookie?”
“Jungkook what are you doing here?! I thought you can’t see me anymore!” you said on the verge of tears.
“Looks like my dad and J-hope got to talk to Mr. Jung about changing that policy. I told the guys I wanna celebrate Christmas with them here and they agreed to do so…”
“Wait then how come I didn’t see you?”
“I was hiding in your closet while they were all setting the decorations up. I was about to help out until you busted in thinking this was some sort of a robbery…”
“Oh… well-“
“and if this answers most of your questions, I asked your manager to pay you more and he agreed that you deserve, I’ve also been the one paying your rent because I didn’t want you to worry and I was afraid you might leave…”
“And I wanna ask you something... now that the policy changed… are we completely over?” there was a long pause between you and Jungkook as you looked at him and he looked you sincerely.
His deep drown eyes that looked at you from when he first introduced himself, that same heartbeat you felt when he slept beside, that same warmth he had given you when he’s close to you, made you fall in love all over again. You looked at him and bit your lip. “Jungkook…”
“I guess it’s a yes huh…”
“No… it’s just another chapter…” you replied.
“Yo I’m gonna cry” said Rap Monster.
“You’re gonna cyr? I’m already crying!” said Suga.
“That was just plainly beautiful” Jin said holding his hands together.
“I suggest you both kiss now” Jimin said Happily. V walks over to you and Jungkook and takes both yours and Jungkook’s hand together.
“By the power invested in me, I pronounce you, girlfriend and boyfriend! Jungkook you may now kiss your girlfriend” V said smiling.
“Dork…” said J-hope.
Jungkook laughed at V and then looks out you. Once his eyes set on you, you jumped on him with your arms over his shoulders and your lips locked on his. His arms wrapped around your waste and his kisses taking over yours. it felt new… it felt like a new relationship with him and you were happy he came back.
“Thank you for coming back Kookie… I missed you so much…” you said sincerely.
“I have to, remember? I’m always by your side…”
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inspirit_melody96 #1
Chapter 4: Is this all?