By Your Side

By Your Side
"So you’re leaving me?” you asked.
“I’m afraid I have to…” replied Jungkook.
“So you’re choosing that instead of me?”
“Look it’s not that I’m picking sides-“
“What do you mean?! Clearly you’re picking sides here because you chose over a music business over me!”
“Shhhh… I just don’t see the point in dating anyone when the manager doesn’t let me out to see you… ___ I’m really sorry…”
“So we’re done? Are you for sure on this? Is this what you want?”
“No of course not! ___ I love you so much it hurts that I even have to hear this and it hurts me more to see you getting upset over it. I told you I wasn’t going to hurt you anymore but I guess I can’t say things I don’t mean. You mean the world to me-“
“Just stop! I guess we’re done Jungkook…”
“I don’t want it to be that way. Please blame the manager…”
“There’s no one to blame but yourself. It was a policy and you’re just sticking to it… Jungkook I understand. I’m not hurt.
“Don’t lie to me!”
“I’m not hurt Jungkook. Like I said I understand… just leave…” You turned your body where your back faced Jungkook. You could hear him sniffling behind you, making you sniffle too. Your eyes began to water all over again and so were Jungkook’s. The pain in his heart made him feel terrible inside. You could feel the bed moving as he gets up and fixes the blanket beside you. The noise coming from his shoes as he steps out of your hospital room broke your heart entirely. It really was goodbye for the both of you.
The next morning when everyone woke up, you were still awake, still crying, and your entire pillow is wet.
“Yo I’m on the ground how did that happen?” Suga asked as he was rubbing head.
“Whose ever shoulder I slept on was very comfortable…” said Jimin.
“Idiot that was my lap!” V said pushing Jimin off of him.
“Anyway… are you up ___?” J-hope called over to you. Your sniffles were so obvious that J-hope became very concerned.
“___ why are you crying did Jungkook come?” J-hope asked. You still laid on your bed the same way when Jungkook left, clutching onto the blanket and your other hand under your head. “Oh poor ___...” J-hope said rubbing your back. As J-hope tried to reassure you, more tears flowed out of your eyes than ever.
“I don’t think that was a smart move” said Rap Monster.
“Yeah I didn’t think so either…” said J-hope. soon Jin climbs into your hospital bed and laid beside you. His hands were rubbing your back and telling you to hush and calm down. “Jungkook told you didn’t he…” said Jin. You nodded while wiping your eyes.
“See J-hope it’s all your fault!” said V.
“What?! Me!! I tried talking to my dad he’s always turning us down! plus I didn’t make that stupid policy!” J-hope yelled then crossing arms at the end.
“Hey hey now it’s nobody’s fault” Rap Monster said.
“Yeah so pipe it V!” said J-hope.
“Aye man it’s true!” said V.
“Here try to give your dad a call now…” Jin said while holding you and rocking you from side to side.
“Fine but if he doesn’t answer we’re gonna do something else” said J-hope.
“Which is?” asked Suga.
“I don’t know think of comething!” J-hope pulled out his phone and dialed his father’s number then placed it on his ear. Everyone watched as J-hope paced around the room waiting for his father to answer the phone.
“Well?” asked Rap Monster.
“He’s not answering…” said J-hope. the members threw their hands up and sighed while leaning back against whatever they stood close to.
“That’s just great….” Said V.
“Poor Jungkook he never wanted to do this anyway…” said Jimin.
“The fight Jungkook had with manager yesterday was pretty bad. I never thought a guy would fight that hard for a girl but I guess a policy is a policy…” said J-hope.
“Don’t worry ___... we’ll make sure you two aren’t over completely…” said Jin rubbing your shoulders.
“Thanks guys…” you side wiping your eyes.
“No need to thank us!” said Rap Monster.
“It’s more like we’re thanking you” said Suga.
“For opening our eyes to what love really looks like” said Jin.
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inspirit_melody96 #1
Chapter 4: Is this all?