By Your Side: Chapter Three

By Your Side

The next morning, you woke up with the side of your face laying on top of some papers that you were studying from with Jungkook. When your eyes slowly opened, you could see Jungkook’s peaceful face sleeping beside yours. “I guess he fell asleep too…” you thought. Slowly, you lift your head then looked out the window to see the sun shining so bright outside, making you smile at its beauty. You then looked over towards your clock which was about to alarm soon and instead of making it ring you quietly shut it off so Jungkook wouldn’t wake up so suddenly.

When the time to your alarm time, you looked over at Jungkook who was still sleeping so peacefully on your desk with the plates of food that he made for the both of you moved off to the side. “He’s so helpful” you thought and smiled while at it. Soon enough Jungkook woke up also and looked around.

“Hey this isn’t my apartment” he said while stretching from his seat.

“Oh you’re awake!” you said peaking out, “You should get ready for school! It’s almost time to go ^^.”

“Oh but I haven’t even gotten my uniform yet!”

“You don’t need a uniform for this school. You can wear whatever you’d like!”

“IN that case… come with me to my apartment when you’re finished getting ready? I’d like to show you my place since I’ve seen yours. it’s only neighborly!” you smiled at Jungkook’s request and nodded.

“Ne~… I’ll go” you said. You hurriedly went back to changing and fixing your hair. In a few minutes you packed your things and waited for Jungkook to get himself together. “Ready!” you said while holding your backpack.

“Got it! Uhm… I’ve always wanted to do this but… can I slip your shoes on for you?” he asked. You looked at him strangely and tilted your head.

“Uh I guess? Haha” you said with a giggle. Jungkook nodded and walked over by your door to take your shoes. He knelt down by the door and holds one of your shoes as he awaits for you. Your attention turned to him as he patiently waits on his knees and you hurried over to him. You stuck your foot out and Jungkook happily placed your shoes on you. He fixed the flaps and tied it perfectly. “Now come it’s your turn to see my place!” Jungkook says he holds his hand out. You stared at his hand again with confusion. Before you even made a decision, Jungkook grabs you by the hand and leads you to his apartment.

“When you come in please don’t bother to take off your shoes it’ll be a quick moment” Jungkook said before entering inside. You nodded and walked in as Jungkook opened his door.

“Wow” came your reaction. As you looked around, you see a chandelier set in the middle of the ceiling, a famous table with sleek chairs around it. His closet is so moder, something you haven’t ever seen in magazines or furniture stores. His bed was also nice, steel bed frame, white covers and black pillows. It all looked so grand!

“So what do you think?” Jungkook asked as he finished tying his tie.

“Your place is amazing! How do you afford all of this?!”

“Well one, I have a rich brother. He’s a CEO for kpop groups around ehre and he’s able to help me get these things. He knows mother doesn’t really give much to us even though she’s also quite rich. I mean not to boast or anything but my family is quite rich yet they don’t offer much choices for us…” said Jungkook as he looks down.

“Hey don’t be sad. Remember what you told me? some are more fortunate than others… you’re more fortunate than I am…”

“Please don’t say that. I don’t want you to think that. I want you to think of us as neighbors ^^.” Jungkook’s sweet smile made you blush and heat up inside. You thought to yourself that why is it every time he speaks, he smiles, the way he looks at you makes your heart beat so fast and deep. “Shall we get going?” Jungkook asked. You snapped back into your senses and nodded.

Jungkook first walked out and held the door open for you to walk out. He looked around as he felt the warmth of the sun relax on his face. When you looked up at him, just the way he looked as he took in the sun’s warmth made him look even more handsome, and it made your heart beat all over again.

Jungkook looked back down at you and looked at you. “Are you alright?” he asked.

“Oh… haha yeah…”

“I can feel your heart beating…” Jungkook said. Right at his sudden words, you blushed greatly and you covered your cheeks to try and hide the redness.

“Aww don’t do that” he said putting your hands down.”

“Wait why?”

“Because… it makes me more happy knowing your heart beats fast when I’m around.”

“Wait a minute how would you know that!” you said in a panick.

“Because when I’m around you, my heart beats the same way…” You blushed even more at his confession with his heart beating. Your heart started to beat faster and deeper than how it was earlier. You tried keeping in your excitement and so did Jungkook, you could tell by the way he walked with his hands in his packets and the way he says while he walks.

Soon then you both make it to school where as usual, Sandy waits for you in the front.

“Omo… is he new?” Sandy whispered in your ear.

“Haha yeah. This is Jungkook” you replied to Sandy. Sandy couldn’t get her eyes off of Jungkook and Jungkook just smiled

“Nice to meet you. I’m Jungkook” Jungkook said with a bow and Sandy bowed back respectfully.

“May we look at your classes?” you asked him and Jungkook gladly pulled out his schedule. Just then, 6 boys came up behind him.

“Oh dear… it’s the Bangtan Boys” said Sandy.

“Bangtan Boys?” Jungkook asked.

“Mhmm. Here at Bangtan University, they’re the sweetest guys and they’re pretty handsome. Every girl fangirls over them. I used to be like that till I saw Jason haha” Sandy finished.

“Oh well it looks like we have classes together” you said with a smile and gave the schedule back to Jungkook.

“Really! What periods?” he asked with much curiosity.

“All of them!” Just then…

“Hey… are you new here? I haven’t seen you around before” asked Rap Monster.

“Oh no! I’m new here today’s my first day” Jungkook said towards the Bangtan Boys.

“I see. I hope you enjoy the school. We’re the Bangtan Boys if you haven’t heard of us” said Rap Monster. “Lemme introduce them to you. This here is Jin hyung, he’s the quietest out of everyone here. This one is Jimin, most of the girls’ favorite. This is Suga, we gave him that name because he’s so light skinned. This is J-Hope, he brought a lot of hope for us back then when we were about to fall apart and he still does that now. This one is V, he’s very intelligent but he acts stupid…”

“Hey hyung that’s not nice” V interrupted.

“It’s the truth dude” said Suga.

“Well…s till..” said V.

“Anyway, and I’m Rap Monster, I’m the leader. It’s nice to meet you…”

“Jungkook. Jun Jungkook. It’s very nice to meet you all!” said Jungkook.

“Listen. We’re not only popular because of how we are but we’re also singers. Just haven’t been discovered yet” said Suga.

“Yeah. do you by chance sing, or dance… or rap?” asked Jimin.

“I’m not sure, I’ve never really sang anything before…” said Jungkook.

“Someday please sing for us” you said out of nowhere. Jungkook turns to face you and sees as you hold onto the hem of your shirt, it seemed like you were pleading for him to sing.

“I will someday… anything for you!” Jungkook said happily.

“Wow he already has a girlfriend!” said J-hope.

“Well…” Jungkook said while looking at you. “We just met yesterday and she’s already amazing. i believe she’s my only option” Jungkook said proudly.

“Haha so romantic. Anyway, see you around man!” Rap Monster said and walked in with the rest of the Bangtan Boys following him. Afterwards, the school bell rang to start the day.


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inspirit_melody96 #1
Chapter 4: Is this all?