By Your Side

By Your Side
Night fell and there was still no sign of Jungkook. The rest of the boys fell asleep together on the side where some sat on the chairs and leaned against each other. Suga however decided to sleep beside you. He laid beside you while you still sat, hugging you knees and while waiting for Jungkook.
“Goodnight you guys…” you said softly. It made you jumped when you heard them all reply.
“Goodnight ___” said everyone and went back to sleep.
“Oh… awkward…” you thought.
Again, those seconds turned to minutes then turning into hours. You didn’t know if you could wait for Jungkook much longer since it was almost 3 in the morning. You thought about him so much that’s all you were ever worried about. You looked out into the night sky where the city was peaceful and the boys were also sleeping peacefully until that peace was disturbed by a small noise. Your hospital door opens slowly, expecting it be your doctor but instead it was Jungkook. Your eyes lit up but your heart still sank.
“Hey ___ I heard what happened… are you alright? I’m sorry I took so long… what is this dude doing lying beside you that’s my spot!” Jungkook said.
“Kookie… is there something I should know?” you asked.
“No… why do you think that?”
“You weren’t here to take me to school, I didn’t see you last night after work, you weren’t on skype, and-“ Jungkook soon silence you with a kiss and you liked it. You felt like you haven’t kissed him in the longest time and you were happy since it felt like it was your first kiss all over again. That single peck turned into deeper kisses. During your make out session, Jungkook climbs over you and then pushes Suga off the bed, stealing the spot. The large thump of Suga’s drop made you both jump but luckily Suga didn’t wake up.
“Alright now I’m even more satisfied” Jungkook said, “and I’m sorry I didn’t come this morning or last night, I got really busy and the manager wanted me for some things you know?”
“I see… like what?”
“Uhh…. Well… he uh… he had me go around to promote Bangtansonyeondan, and uh… he made me wash his car… and…”
“Really? Wash his car?”
“Uh…. Uhuh?”
“Jungkook why do you sound like you’re hiding something…”
“Me? pshhh…. I’m not….”
“Promise?” There soon came a long pause between you and Jungkook. You stared at him with worried eyes and looked at his sweating face. You knew he was hiding something as you could feel him getting hotter, his face starting to sweat, and the way he’s constantly gulping. “Kookie?” you called.
“Look ___ whatever happens I’ll always be by your side…”
“Wait a minute what is going on?”
“Jagiya… I don’t think you should know right now…”
“Exactly… why not?” Jungkook sighed and then looks at you. He wipes off his sweat and pulled the covers over you and Jungkook. He held his arms out and placed it around you and as he laid in, you laid in with him also. Just like a few nights before, he holds you tightly with his arms and legs wrapped around you. Instead of  looking at his eyes closed, your eyes met with his. Jungkook’s expression showed love and worry. As you tried to decipher his worrisome thought it was impossible.
The space between you and Jungkook kept getting closer and closer as his forehead touches yours and the tip of his nose touching the bridge of yours. “Kookie…” you whispered.
“Just let me do this while I can. I know you still have so many questions, but I don’t have the answers to them yet. so please just bear this with me…”
“But Kookie…”
“___ I’m sorry… I really love you…”
“Kookie I wanna know what’s going on all of a sudden. You were always here for me until today. You came late for me today, for both school and when I ended up ehre. You sent the boys to give me gifts I feel like you’re trying to say goodbye…”
“No no! please that’s not my intention! I just wanted to present you those gifts because I haven’t given you much since I debuted with the guys…”
“I’m being serious. There is something I need to know isn’t there?”
“Maybe but right now is not the right time… jagiya let’s go to sleep…” Jungkook quickly closes his eyes hoping that you wouldn’t ask any more questions. You furrowed your brow and just kept looking at Jungkook as he breathes heavily with warm air coming out of him. With your hang, you brought our your pointer finger and poked his frontel, making his eyes open.
“Kookie I wanna know…” Jungkook sighed and looked down.
“Jagiya… you’re my everything you know that right?”
“Yes?” Jungkook huffed in a large amount of air then let out a long sigh.
“What really happened was that… yesterday when I kissed you good bye, manager told me not to do that anymore. He told me I can’t go out to see you anymore, which is why I sent the guys out this morning to give you those gifts. Last night when I tried to sneek out and pick you up after work the manager caught me so I couldn’t move on. When I told him I needed to see you this morning, he wouldn’t let me out also. The whole day he’s been preventing me from going out to see you until he heard that you fainted and let me out. But this might be the last time…”
“Let me finish… apparently there’s this policy that most stars must follow and I’ve been trying to get a hold of J-hope’s dad to talk about this but he never has the time… I even asked J-hope to talk to him for me but J-hope said the same thing… his father doesn’t always have the time…”
“Kookie wait what’s the policy?”
“I can’t date you anymore…”
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inspirit_melody96 #1
Chapter 4: Is this all?