Dear Diary...


Being the single maknae it's hard to watch your unnies have fun with their oppas while you stay at your dorm by yourself. It all changes after a quick rehearsal with your unnies and you meet a strange boy with deep brown eyes, luscious lips and the most charming personality. You get close with him quick until it all turns around when and ex comes in the picture and someone else steals your heart. Between you and Kyungsoo, it'ss all that you see is what you think is the turth, but the absolute truth lies in a notebook.




"Dear Diary...

...I'll make sure I'll love her, I'll make sure

I'll cherish her, I'll make sure I won't leave her, not now not ever...

~ Do Kyungsoo"


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Chapter 10: Ohh no Kyungsoo! D: knowing L.Joe doesn't really love her is killing him. Damn you L.Joe!!
Chapter 3: This is already too cute! Kyungsoo is so squishy x3