By Your Side

By Your Side

Jungkook stood with the boys still hugging him and watched as you pleaded for the landlord to give you one more week for you to pay for your rent. He couldn’t just stand and watch and pushed the guys off of him. “Here I’ll pay for her rent!” Jungkook insisted.

“But Kookie it’s ok…” you replied.

“No it’s not! I need you to stay here, I need to see you… how much does she have to pay?”

“500,000 won” the landlord said.

“Wait here…” Jungkook said to both you and the landlord. He ran back to his apartment and came back with his wallet. He opened it and pulled out a bunch of cash you wish you had in in your wallet or jar of money. “Here… here’s 100,000 won to pay for next month…” Jungkook said handing the landlord money.

“Sir you’re so rich, why would you live on a rooftop apartment when you can buy your own house?” asked the landlord.

“Because I wanna make sure that when I get one ___ lives with me” replied Jungkook. The boys in the back were giggling and they were all giggity inside. You blushed again at Jungkook’s words in which your cheeks blushed a brighter red than before. You felt even more hot inside and you were actually starting to sweat a bit.

“Well then you have a good reason on your hands! You sweet child… you and miss ___ look very cute together. I hope you al stay together for a long time ^^” the landlord said and happily walks away. Jungkook closed the door after she left and looked at you.

“What?” asked Jungkook.

“Did you… did you really mean that?” you asked.

“Of course! I can’t say what I can’t mean, especially towards you!” Jungkook happily replied. Your blushing face blushed more! He smiles at your red cheeks and grabs you in for a hug. The other boys were still so giggity that some were rolling on the floor. You looked over at them and raised an eyebrow as Rap Monster rolled on the floor, J-hope kicking the air, V doing his wavy hand dance, Jin squishing his cheeks, Jimin tightly hugging Suga while shrieking like little girls.

“Is this another reason why girls like you so much?” you asked them.

“I don’t know but yo! Y’all are cute! I dig that!” Rap Monster said while on the floor.

“Hey ___ I need you to answer me…” Jungkook asked. He places his hands on both of your cheeks and made you look up. His deep, sparkling brown eyes captured your attention again. The warmth he brings upon your cheeks were perfect and the way he was so close to you made you feel his heart pounding at the same rhythm as yours. “Can I be your boyfriend?” he asked.

You let out a smile and placed your hands above his. You looked at him and soon he was deeply falling for your beautiful eyes that you could feel him melting. “Yes Kookie I’ll be your girlfriend” you replied sweetly. Jungkook soon jumped around in joy and went back to hold the other guys again.

“GUYS GUYS!! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!! ___ IS MY GIRLFRIEND!” Jungkook shouted in excitement. J-hope, Jimin, and V ran over to you and started hugging and jumping with you while Jin, Suga, and Rap Monster jumped all over Jungkook while ruffling his hair and pinching his cheeks.

“Alright alright! New celebration! So we got Jungkook joining the Bangtan Boys, we got our maknae dating the lovely ___, what more can we do!” said Rap Monster.

“It’s such a great day!” exclaimed Jimin.

“Let’s celebrate” Jin said quietly.

“Let’s just hang out here?” you asked.

“Oh! Hang on guys I got a call!” J-hope said.

“Is it your dad?” Rap Monster asked anxiously.

“Yep! Now SHHHH! Yeoboseyo?... Ne appa…. Ne… yes we found our maknae… ne… right now?... just a little bit… but how long will it take?... ok ok ok… yes we’ll be on our way… oh can we bring a girl also? Nope not a singer… no dad… no she’s a normal girl… yes I promise… ok bye!” J-hope hung up the phone and looked at everyone. “So father said that we need to head over to BigHit Entertainment and meet with him…” finished Rap Monster.

“So…. Now we can debut?” asked Suga.

“Wait… debut? I thought this is all just for fun?” asked Jungkook.

“Nope! We’ve tried out before and they took us in. we just needed to find one more member that we think will be suited with our group and we found you” said Jimin.

“So now we gotta head over there and tell J-hope’s dad that we found our last member” said Rap Monster.

“Wait wait wait I can’t do this!” Jungkook said.

“Kookie I think this will be a great opportunity for you! I’m sure you’ll have more fun being a singer than being a CEO. Don’t you think?” you said.

“But mother won’t accept this and might take me out of it on her own…” said Jungkook.

“Oh… yeah she has to sign your contract huh…” said V.

“I’ll help! Lemme call Sandy!” you said. You grabbed your phone and dialed Sandy’s number. When she picked up you quickly told her to come over and dress like an elder.

“What! What is it?!” Sandy came in out of breath.

“Who is that?” asked Suga.

“Is that your grandma?” Jin asked.

“What?! NO! I’m Sandy! ___ told me to come over quickly and to be dressed like this!” replied Sandy.

“And your outfit is perfect!” you said clasping your hands together.

“Wait exactly what am I doing?” asked Sandy.


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inspirit_melody96 #1
Chapter 4: Is this all?