The Love With Boundaries Chapter 14

The Love With Boundaries [Incomplete/Discontinued]

^Tiffany's house^


Tiffany was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling deep in thoughts. She didn't manage to apologize to Siwon at all although she tried to. She had cooled down after lunch time. Should I go to his house and apologize? I mean would I bother him since it is dark already? What if Yuri is there? Or even worse, what if she gets the wrong idea? Oh... I'm at loss! Maybe I could apologize to Yuri too. Wait, no way! I'm not the one in the wrong, she is! I won't apologize to her because of that! Tiffany thought to herself frustrated.

Perhaps I should just drop Siwon a message. But it's so insincere. A call should be fine. But I might be distracted while talking to him and mess up. I could apologize to him tomorrow but I might only get to see him in working hours as he now has a girlfriend. Plus, there are others around during work hours. I guess I only have one option- going to his house and apologize... 

Tiffany went to change and took a cab to Siwon's house. She walked around his doorstep, still pondering if she should knock or not. She stopped for a moment and continued walking.

"Geez, make up your mind already!" Tiffany scolded herself. 

Finally she stops in front of Siwon's door. She was about to knock but she pauses her hand.

"What if he is asleep?" Tiffany asks herself. 

She sighed and crossed her arms, leaning against the door. What should I do? She thought to herself. Suddenly the door opened and she fell. However, Siwon was quick enough to catch her in his arms. Tiffany was shocked, she didn't expect this to happen. She stared at Siwon's eyes and he stared at hers. She is so beautiful... Siwon thought to himself. He was rooted to the ground, not knowing what he should do now at this moment. 

"Um, thank you?" Tiffany managed to speak. 

"Oh..." Siwon immediately puts Tiffany down. 

It was a very awkward moment. 

"I just heard sounds outside so I opened the door. I didn't know you were there, sorry." Siwon apologized closing the door.

"No... It's... Not your fault. I... I shouldn't have been standing there." Tiffany tries to look away but she was helplessly attracted to Siwon. 

"Why were you out there? At night, in the cold?" Siwon asked, he can't take his eyes off Tiffany.

"Oh..." Tiffany recalls the reason she is here.

"I just came to apologize..." 

"Well if it is the incident during lunch, I understand."

"No! I mean yes, I'm sorry for that too but I also want to say sorry for um... Shouting... At you?" Tiffany tries to look for the right word but it was to no avail.

"It's alright. You were in a bad mood, right?"

Tiffany just smiles awkwardly. 

"Why don't you take a seat? I'll go get us some wine." Siwon offered.

"Oh, no, it's ok."

Siwon had already disappeared into the kitchen by then so Tiffany went to sit at the sofa. In a minute, Siwon appeared with two wine glasses in his hands and a famous wine. He set the glasses down and unscrews the cork of the wine bottle with a corkscrew. He pours wine into Tiffany's glass and his own glass. He takes two of the glasses and hands one of them to her.

"Cheers," Siwon held up his glass. 

Tiffany hesitated for awhile,


They drank a sip of wine before putting them down. 

"Aren't you worried?" Tiffany asks abruptly.

Siwon looks at her,


"Yul," Tiffany swirls her wine, not taking a look at Siwon.

Siwon snaps into reality. He forgotten that he already has a girlfriend.

"Well... I don't know..." Siwon admits. 

"You don't know?" Tiffany frowns at Siwon.

Siwon nods and drinks up the whole glass of wine and pours more. Tiffany wished that she didn't say that. She was just starting to enjoy his company. She didn't want this to end quickly but... what choice did she have? He belonged to another.

"What if Yul sees us together, here, in your house?" Tiffany asks. 

She didn't mean to say that but she can't back out now since she started the topic.

"Maybe she would be able to trust me. Be able to listen to my explaination." 

Tiffany has the urge to cry. If only he didn't belonged to anyone... She gulps down the whole glass and refills it.

"What about you?" Siwon asks.

Tiffany looks at Siwon. 

"Kris." He says.

Tiffany shook her head,

"I don't really bother." 

She drinks down another glass and pours more. Siwon looks at her, he feels regretful for asking Yuri to be his girlfriend that day, he wished he didn't say anything to her. 

"Well... Since you don't want to talk about it, let's just drink." 

Siwon finishes his wine and pours more into both his own and Tiffany's glass. They knocked their glasses gently and finishes the wine in it. They kept drinking and drinking, hoping to escape from all the regret, guilt and unhappiness.

"I think I got to go home now," Tiffany said, almost fully drunk.

"Please, stay. Drink more with me." Siwon was starting to get drunk too, but not as drunk as Tiffany.

"I'm going back now!" Tiffany stands up wobbly.

Siwon holds on the Tiffany's hand.

"Please stay here and drink with me." He begged.

"Why should I? Go look for Yul!" Tears started to appear at the corner of her eyes.

"No, I don't like her. Your the one I like!" Siwon blurted.

He pulled Tiffany to the sofa and was on top of her. Siwon leans closer to Tiffany. He was about to kiss her when Tiffany suddenly snaps.

"I'm not going to betray Yul..." Tiffany pushes Siwon away.

She stood up. She was about to walk away when Siwon said something that makes her stop in her tracks.

"Are we going to continue on with this mistake?"

Siwon walks towards Tiffany. He holds onto both of her hands.

"We both have the same feeling for each other, so why are you hiding it?" Siwon was getting closer to Tiffany. 

Both of them leaned closer to each other. Tiffany yearned so long to be this close with Siwon, she always wanted to be with him and be together as an item... However, she must not hurt Yul again.

"I'm sorry," Tiffany escapes from Siwon and runs out of his house, slamming the door.

Siwon didn't try to stop her, instead she let her go. He just slams his fist against the wall in anger. 

"WHY DID I DO THAT!?" Siwon shouts as a tear fell.


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Chapter 28: sifany~ ^^
Chapter 28: Krisyul moment more please..
yuelingg88 #3
Chapter 28: Yeyy !!! Update soon... :)
virus13 #4
Chapter 27: krisyul..^^
greenteaaa #5
Chapter 27: Sifanyyyyy
UQ_Jewelry #6
Chapter 27: sifany too hehe
yuelingg88 #7
Chapter 27: yeheyy!! more krisyul moments plese hehehehe and update soon... :)
kwonyuri1205 #8
Chapter 27: Yaay!! Krisyul.. please update soon..
Chapter 26: Finally you update.Please add some krisyul moment.