Stranger In My Eyes



            At last after a five hours of painful orientation film, it finally ended, I sighed with relief. I walked stiffly and back aches, I will never go in an orientation again. I’m quite pleased that I missed the first orientation because I’m pretty sure I’ll doze off on the first five minutes. My stomach growl in protest and Misaki looked at me. We both giggled and Haku looked at us like we were crazy.


            “I think we should eat first.” I declared and the rest nodded. We walked outside the main building and tried to locate where the cafeteria is by looking at a huge school map, the ones you’ll see at the mall.

            “It’s right there.” said Haku pointing at the other direction.


             We reached the cafeteria and we set ourselves on a table on the far corner. Misaki and I always searched for the far corner whenever we were at a cafeteria or any other food place, we like eating in peace without hearing the other people’s drama.


             Misaki and I ordered a huge serving of ramen while Haku settled on a full meal.


            “So, you haven’t told me yet what course you’re taking.” Haku said digging on his food.

            “We’re both taking pre-med course.” I replied and Misaki nodded.

            “Wow.” he whistled.

            “What about you?” Misaki asked.

            “Mechanical Engineering.” he said through a mouthful or rice.

            “You want to fix cars?” asked Misaki a little shocked.

            “Of course not!” Haku said indignantly and I tried not laugh.

            “Sorry Haku but that’s Saki’s perspective the first time she learned that course.” I laughed.

            Misaki glared at me and I held up my hand. “That’s the truth.”

            “Saki, can I call you Saki too?” asked Haku and Misaki nodded a little enthusiastically. “Mechanical Engineering is a branch of engineering that encompasses the generation and application of heat and mechanical power and the design, production, and use of machines and tools.”


            Misaki held up her hand and pinched her nose. “Hemorrhage.”


            Haku laughed so hard he almost choked on his food. Misaki patted him on the back and I tried to suppress my laughter.


            “In short, they deal with machines. Okay Saki?” Misaki nodded and Haku gives me the thumbs up.


            Misaki kept asking Haku weird questions and our lunch ended up with full of laughter and arguments.


            We parted ways with Haku around three pm. Misaki and I walked, me towing my bike along, around town killing for time and she kept bombarding me with questions. She wanted to know how I met Haku.


            “Saki for the hundredth time, it was an accident.” I said patiently.

            “It’s a lucky accident then.” she concluded. “He’s so cute!”


            I can see where this is going to end. I’m going to end up listening to her about how cute Haku is until she grew tired.


            “I know.” I replied. “You adore him.”

            “Is it that obvious?” she asked touching her face like as if it’s written there.

            “Oh Saki.” I said hugging her tightly. “You’re really crazy.”


            Misaki stuck her tongue out at me. “You’re a freak.”

            “I know, you never forget to remind me.” I laughed.


            We reached the subway station where we will part ways.


            “Make sure you won’t be late for tomorrow okay?” Misaki said as she bought her ticket.

            “I won’t.” I promised and gave her a peck on the cheek.


            Misaki got on her train and I traced my way back to the center of the town. I walked slowly taking my time, still towing my bike.


            I sighed and looked back at the train station missing Saki’s weirdness. She’s pretty much my only friend and I love her like my real sister. She cheers me up when I’m down and my world seems like a constant silence without her.


I reached a colorful shop, a large blinking sign glowing in the night saying Otaku diner and I’m greeted by a beautiful girl.


            “Tehru-chan!” greeted Mikai.

            “Hi.” I said parking my bike in a corner. “Is manager Hina already here?”


              Mikai nodded and I went inside. Otaku diner is well known restaurant owned by a man who love anime that’s why the food served were named after famous anime terms or characters. This is where I went everyday at seven o’clock pm, this is where I work.

               You might say that I’m a working student and that’s true, but I’m not doing this because I’m financially disabled. I am a daughter of a rich businessman and my father is out there somewhere. I don’t live with him anymore because he was busy with his work and he’s not here in Japan. I became independent the day I graduated senior high school. He gives money every month straight on my personal bank account and he call once in a while. I rent an apartment because I don’t want to live in our big lonely house. My father and I grew distant with each other since, the accident. I guess I like this in a way because I have my own decisions.


          I am in this musing when our manager taps me on the back. “Tehru you’re spacing out again.”

            “Gomen-ne, Hana-san.” I smiled and hurried myself to the changing room.


            I really liked our uniform because it’s a Lolita dress of a maid and I love the way I look when I’m wearing it. I felt like an anime character. The diner is already packed and I set myself to work going from table to table, asking for the customers order.


            Mikai tapped me on the shoulder as she passed and said, “Working hard, Tehru-chan? The animal will be pleased.”


            I smiled at her and nodded. I guess I didn’t mention why I’m working even though I have my father to support me from food to my school tuition fees. It is because of the animal shelter at the other side of town. I love animals and I applied to work there, to help take care of them but I got rejected because I’m still a high school student when I applied. That’s why I decided to work here and give my proceeds to the shelter. Part of my salary goes there and the rest is mine for emergency.


            The diner still have one hour before it closes and that’s when I met him. He entered the diner without paying much attention to where he’s going and sat down on a nearby table. He's wearing faded jeans and black shirt and a bored expression. There was no one around to take his other but me so I approached. The moment he laid his eyes on me, I froze.


            He’s handsome, not cute like Haku but handsome. He was looking at me straight in the eye and he frowned, maybe he saw a zit on my face, I don’t know. He frowned at me like he knows me from somewhere and I’m pretty sure I look like an idiot staring at him.


            He composed himself and cleared his throat, “Miss?”

            I jumped on my feet and squeaked, “H-hai?”

            “Can I order now?” he asked stubbornly.

            “Yes, sir. What would you like?” as I riffled on my order pad.

            “Coke and ramen.” he said without even bothering to look at the menu. He must be from this place but I’m pretty sure it’s the first time I saw him came here.

            “That’s my lunch to day.” I blurted out stupidly.


            He looked at me as if to say, so? I turned my back on him and put the order on the counter and asked Mikai to deliver the food. She nodded at me without asking questions.


            That night as I lie on my bed I can’t stop thinking about that guy and how I stupidly approached him. There was something weird about him and I can’t put a finger on it. I sighed and rolled on my side allowing the silence to bring me sleep.  



Authors note:

             Whew! 2nd chapter the story. ^^ The story is starting to build up and here you'll see some of Tehru's personal issues. >:]


            Comments and Subscribe is appriciated!! :))


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monsterME #1
kyaa ! babes :) ur the best !
koizumi-kumiko #2
this story is sooooo soooo soooo cool!! :)) thumbs up! ^^, oh yeah!
EsmerGE #3
I looovved this ending. It couldnt had ended any other way. Great job :)
EsmerGE #4
Omg!! Omg!! Update Update Update!!. Can't wait what happens next.
epik_perfection #5
dayummm chapter 33 is guud :DD
Thank you for all your comments~~!! >:) Find out what happens next.. ♥♥ daisuki desu..
EsmerGE #7
Tehru No! Plz don't give up, he loves you
epik_perfection #8
:DD updated on a saturday!^^
EsmerGE #9
Hello, I love your stories! Everytime I read an update I can't wait for the next. Thumbs up from me. Saliutations from Houston. :)
epik_perfection #10
wow! u sure r in an updating mood today :DD